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Topic: What's Going on in the Americas? (Read 276565 times)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #425
NATO should be simply done away with. The original excuse for it was the old Eastern Block which is long history so now new pointless excuses are conjured up to keep it.  Britain I know allocates the 2% ratio but America has to dish out a massive sum and Europe is not going to fall in line so the creation of false pssibilities is used to justify the military corporate industry of you-knw-where. Just think what could be done internally with that big bill.

And OakdaleFTL can you give a proper basis for wanting to stick with Israel on everything even allowing for Jewish control of finance and media in your country??
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #426
Or one take on this: The United States is riding Europe's superpower coattails
I like it and agree with most of it. But…

When Americans think about global influence, they tend to calculate only military power. Yet in world politics, nonmilitary instruments are often more effective. And Europe is the world’s preeminent civilian superpower.
I obviously agree that Europe's power is primarily in matters more important than military nonsense, but surely that is not how Americans think, Trump's words without much meaning notwithstanding?

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #427
Unfortunately it is NOT just the military it is big business and in that area as well as the military it thinks it rides supreme on some wonky idea. Most people over there are basically decent people however have been very cleverly brained and those that really run and influence things have misused the millions of decent people and usurping the  system. Europe is nothing much to boast of either as it happens. It is in a financial mess and hasn't had the books cleared for 20 years. If you tried running your business like that you would be finished. The Euro has messed up for years and no sign of any improvement.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #429
Can you detail a little more on that matter/

There was something on our news about a State that decided that public toilets should be restricted to people who were physically of one sex or another and anyone who felt they were mentally something else should get lost but the Federal government has stepped in.  There was a school here which felt that should be the norm so if you were a boy but felt like a girl (uhh) you should use the girls toilets and so on. One mother who had s son at primary school felt that he should be treated as a girl as he too felt like a lassie. Seems that at 5 at home he wears pinafores, etc. Damn daft the whole thing and the world is getting worse. Anyway it gives me something to mutter about until dear Southern laddie you tell us more.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #430
(When I see a boy that feels like a girl, I treat him like... a boy that feels like a girl. :left: )

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #431
Can you detail a little more on that matter/

There was something on our news about a State that decided that public toilets should be restricted to people who were physically of one sex or another and anyone who felt they were mentally something else should get lost but the Federal government has stepped in.  There was a school here which felt that should be the norm so if you were a boy but felt like a girl (uhh) you should use the girls toilets and so on. One mother who had s son at primary school felt that he should be treated as a girl as he too felt like a lassie. Seems that at 5 at home he wears pinafores, etc. Damn daft the whole thing and the world is getting worse. Anyway it gives me something to mutter about until dear Southern laddie you tell us more.
Cleveland has two high schools/Jr. Highs for a town of 12,000. While not entirely unheard of throughout the state, considering the population, apparently upon further investigation, the Dept' of Justice found that Cleveland High School/Jr. High both are historically and remains historically, White. The figures reveal that CHS makeup is 60% White and 40% Black.

East Side High School/Jr. High, on the other hand (the other high school and jr. high) are both historically Black, with the makeup being 99% Black for both. EHS is apparently known as "the school across the railroad tracks".

The DOJ order calls for the immediate closure of both EHS and EJH and for both to be consolidated with Cleveland High School and Jr. High.

So while it is a sensationalist headline, it is not fully it's 1960's counterparts, as CHS has been integrated since 1972 (the last year for schools to comply with the Brown v Board of Education desegregation ruling). More or less, it's just tidying up some aspects of it all.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #432
I miss a historically Red High School.  :eyes:

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #433
Ah, right colonel.

Personally I have not taken anything bad into that explanation and different traditions can become like that betwixt the two schools.  When I was a boy of 11 like everyone in the last term of Primary School (5-11) you used to sit a test and if you got an S1, S2, S3 you went to a Senior Secondary School (11 - 17) and ranged up to 6th form, languages, etc. If you got a J1, J2, J3 you went to a Junior Secondary and a plain education with no languages, etc and had to leave at 15. It was all scrapped and Secondary schools all became Comprehensive and that was that. Anyway I was also one of 6 pupils who attended a special class in the headmaster's room on Fridays to sit a test eventually for a private school  and no payment. I passed it but preferred to be with my other exam pupils going to the local Senior Secondary as O had passed that one. What that indicates in a very simple and harmless way is a local thing and tradition in it's own way. Thanks you for the info.

On the other matter of toilets i think it is frankly a load of balderdash that if say some boy feels feminine he should be allowed into say a girls toilet, locker room, showers that is damn nonsense. All this nonsense about how a person thinks they are is stupid. If he still has a male tackle then he goes into a damn male toilet. Girls are entitled to privacy and modesty as a damn right.  If I was a female and it happened I would phone to get a damn ambulance for the git.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #434
Guess what though? Many people of been using the restroom and even locker rooms this whole time without even knowing it. Here you have Republicans inventing an issue, again. Yeah, those moronic GOP laws will have men with male genitalia into women's rest rooms and this fact doesn't even occur the Republican law makers pandering to fearful little Christian fundies who seem to afraid of their own shadow (little and figurative.) It would also have some very and feminine women in the men's washroom.

These are not simply males and females that "feel like" the opposite sex. A friend at work tried to set me up with a transwomen a few months ago. I would have never known if I wasn't told. 
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal


Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #435
Here you have Republicans inventing an issue,
Republicans and Democrats wrote laws before the Obama administration said "boys will be girls and girls will be boys, if they say so" and -oh, BTW- the constitution has been interpreted to mean that there is no right to privacy…
Not! (I'm sure you agree with this "reasoning".
I'm, likewise, sure Roe v. Wade will be overturned post-haste…!

Sang, you just want what you want. Nobody else matters, to you!
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #437
"Forgive them, Father..."

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #438
Oakdalre, spare us. There was no issue at all on how goes into which restroom.
BTW- the constitution has been interpreted to mean that there is no right to privacy...
Eh? You do you restroom stalls have doors on the them, right? But speaking of privacy, how do the Republicans intend to enforce that  transwomen with vaginas go into the men's room and transmen with penises go into the women's restroom? The answer is they don't because all these laws are a republican invention to pander to the religious right.  How this plays out will similar to the gay marriage issue, including Republicans doing more to cause transpeople to be in the "wrong" restroom then LGBT activists do. (Maybe LGBT groups have moles inside the GOP, AFA etc to cause them to invent laws like this because the end result of such stupidity can only be defeat?)
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #439
Of course, only the "feelings" of the mentally deranged need to be protected… What could go wrong?
I know this is a personal question, but I'll ask it anyway: At what age was your first homosexual experience? And how old was your "playmate"?
I don't expect you to answer… I'm sorry I thought to ask. (If you had a brain, you'd know why I did. If you are honest with yourself, you'd understand…) But you seem to find any and all forms of perversity worthy of protection; whereas any and all forms of commonly accepted morality are reprehensible - to you.

Do you think the "letter" sent out by a bureaucrat referencing Title IX, Title VII and the VAWA is rational? Really??
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #440
Of course, only the "feelings" of the mentally deranged need to be protected... What could go wrong?
Explaining why we meed laws like this to protect the feelings of the religious right. The man in that link, of course, was cisgender man who didn't wear women's clothes and that sick fuck deserves what he gets.
Do you think the "letter" sent out by a bureaucrat referencing Title IX, Title VII and the VAWA is rational? Really??
Don't know, haven't seen it not being as political as you seem to think I am. But what I do are the people these laws are aimed against. I'm also pretty sure I know why the "family" associations needs a new issue to get solicit donations and the GOP politicians are playing along for votes and money. I'm disappointed in you if you didn't at least see that possibility.
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #441
Maybe the future is just an area with individual washrooms regardless. A whole lot of trans just the unisex individual washrooms if it's available anyway. They just want to go in, do what they have to do and leave like everybody else and don't need laws that have the effect inciting fear and bigotry. Did you know bashing of LGBT people in Russia increased after that country passed the "gay propaganda" laws? Anti-LGBT laws are irresponsible and lead to violence.
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #442
It's all about "grooming," Sang. Only now it's society that's being "groomed"…
(Of course, that's been going on since the '50s, dontcha know? Perhaps earlier?)

But maybe the "plan" is just to confuse everybody:)
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #443
No the queer lobby gets too over the damn top. There are separate toilets for good reason and if you have physically male bits then it is their toilet you go to. Why should women have to feel embarrassed because one minority think they are special and in turn ignore others - like females for example? Queers are covered like the rest of the normals by law but act as if their 2 or 3% were the specials. Handy making a passing reference to rights issues in Russia  from a country across the pond that does not always do well with the rights of it's own people for so-called security reasons and so on. Personally I do not have any time for queerdom but wish them no persecution or violence.  I cannot stand thins like Communism but don't want to ban it or physically attack the stance. And even in Russia there are queer clubs in cities but they do have strict laws on the matter of children and good luck to them on that issue. It is almost pointless today being in any passing majority as you do not count and I still hold my personal statement from a year or two ago saying 'tyranny of the minorities.'
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #444
Well, there are people that believe.....I'm definitely not one of the....people that believe that over 99% of Americans rights are less important than the .003% of the American population that Obama's errant directive is aimed at.

Imagine having to explain to a little 6 year old girl why her being forcibly molested in a Unisex Toilet is a necessary evil, because little prepubescent boys, who like to dress up as girls, need to feel all warm & cuddly, & not being able to pee & poo in the little girls room makes them feel so, so bad. 

I'm sure she would say, well ok, it hurts so bad what they did, but because it's for the better good, it won't hurt so much anymore.

Riiiiiiight! I think not.

BTW......over 80% of the prepubescent boys who think someone cruelly assigned them the wrong gender, when they pass the age of puberty, over 80% of those cherubs don't feel that way anymore, & are happy being boys as birth intended them to be.

Placating to their confused fantasies & childish decisions, like Obama wants them to be, isn't the solution.

Not having a little girls room to pee & poo in, or dresses to prance around in, won't crush them irreversibly.  Love, caring, & proper parental & adult guidance can see them through their gender confusion &  'troubled times'.

It's about time clear thinking adults stand up to the "FAG BRIGADE"  & the LGBT suckwits, & not let them use America's children as their political football!

     In times of universal deceit, telling the honest truth is a revolutionary act.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #445
No the queer lobby gets too over the damn top.
The "queer lobby" didn't even start this. Just at random the religious lobby decided transpeople were a threat in the washroom, even as they just went to the unisex one. We disagreed over the term "homophobia" before, but a lot of people seem genuinely afraid of queers.
Imagine having to explain to a little 6 year old girl why her being forcibly molested in a Unisex Toilet
The unisex rooms are for one person or a parent assisting a very small child. Get it? One person or that parent enters and locks the door.

Yes, I know you mean multiple person restrooms. But if you people will calm down and take a breath, you'll see the problem has already been solved with a row of individual washrooms and it doesn't matter who goes in. Many establishments already have effectively have this, even if the sign says "men" or "Women" because the restrooms only hold one person anyway. The person enters and locks the door.  Oh, some perv might be hiding in one because that sign has been taken down? As if a man couldn't easily slip in their regardless of the sign now.

Remember in the gun control thread when you said criminals don't obey "gun-free" zone signs. What makes you think a rapist obeys the "Women" sign and doesn't take his "gun" in there anyway? I saw a number of horror stories of men sexually assaulting women and children in the restroom. The problem is they went dressed as men and did it, no cross dressing required. "Criminals don't obey the law," Remember? It's not that hard to slip in on a business's off-peak hours and wait.

This flips the question on its head. By not embracing the unisex, single washrooms are you the ones endangering women and children?  The LGBT don't want anyone harmed and many of us have been victims of violence ourselves, so we do understand safety. 64 percent of transgendered people experience assault in their lifetimes. And yet people think the LGBT haven't already considered the safety issue?

Now the other side of the safety issue. For the second time in one post, we didn't start this. The "family" groups invented this whole issue to get more donations, since the donations must flow. However, it's preposterous for a transwomen with a vagina to be put a risk by being forced to used the mens room and be at risk. A pre-operative transexual is also at risk in the men's room. So instead of focusing on the negatives, let's work on the solution. Help us increase everyone's public safety
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #446
Yes, I know you mean multiple person restrooms. But if you people will calm down and take a breath, you'll see the problem has already been solved with a row of individual washrooms and it doesn't matter who goes in.
No. The problem will be solved, if everybody begins building washrooms the way you suggest, but there's no reason why that should be the only way. Other than you maybe legislate it this way.

And queer lobby is a harsh reality in Europe. Very harsh reality that infiltrates toilets, clothing rooms, schools and kindergartens, etc. Not to mention same-sex marriage legislation. Surely you understand you need a lobby to push for specific legislation in your favour.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #447
No, ersi, he doesn't understand that his fantasies are what he requires everyone else to accommodate.
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #448
Everybody has it's share of suffering in life. But there are categories of people that think their kind of suffering is special and so they deserve special protection. And damn the rest.
Oh... you mean extreme suffering[1]? Well, I suppose there are already laws about it, that apply to everybody equally.
e. g. violence

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #449
The problem will be solved, if everybody begins building washrooms the way you suggest, but there's no reason why that should be the only way.
At what point did I say it was the only way? What's your idea to keep everyone safe? At no point did I say to legislate it like this, either. Who's legislating?  Oh yes, the people that need to invent a moral panic to keep their donations coming. Transpeople tend to use the single occupancy room regardless, if it's available. If not, you on't even know you're in the restroom with one. Another reality, the successful retailers such as Wal-Mart and Target remodel their stores regularly. In the remodel, just do the restrooms as single occupancy. Done. No legislation required. Maybe Wal-Mart decides to keep their restrooms as is, with one single occupancy;  maybe Target decides to do all their's all single occupancy. Fine. No problem, except the ones you invent.

About the LGBT being "harsh." The religious lobby got legislation passed amendments against us, we fought back and now they're crying like any other defeated bully. Don't like that same sex-same marriage is legal in all 50 states? Guess what? If the religious lobby didn't pass constitutional amendments against it for no apparent reason other than to line their pockets, it never would happened or would have taken another generation or two at least. In the US, much of what's done against the LGBT is/was illegal on constitutional grounds  (equal protection under the law.) But same-sex couples getting married neither picks the religious pockets or breaks their nose. It merely hurts their feelings. They just need to lick their wounds and get over themselves. Maybe they should stand in the crying corner and let those feelings out. But just because they're feelings are hurt, it doesn't mean for them to try to bully us or that we have to stand for it. Need a tissue?
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal