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Topic: God Save the Governor! (Read 14170 times)

Re: God Save the Governor!

Reply #25
The people reding this must have rested brains.

I have LISTED publicly known differences with the corner that Luxor comes from and instead of answering them comes out with this rather childish ignorance. In a way it shows that I am in the right direction as what I have listed IS well known in general politics and hard facts of life. Instead this contributor cannot give an answer and is like I am afraid many who march n thos Nationalist parades. Indeed at an election near where I live I stopped to talk with 2 SNP people at the gate and I was not nasty but raised these veritable directions and you know what folks I got no answer. Trying to slag me off as some fool talking nonsense is of course stupid and immature so why not try and meet the negatives I have stated? Apart from not getting crowds to watch the daft parades and virtually nobody on pavements the majority of votes no matter the seats won by Nats are to be shown to be 3 non-Nationalist parties. That someone comes on here and acts so silly and immature does that corner no good. I AM a strong Unionist and I do have an SNP friend known to me for decades. He is intelligent but he would be sighing over the immature stuff from Luxor. I list actual things but they get ignored and the immature slagging a bit immature.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: God Save the Governor!

Reply #26
Blah, blah, blah. Go down to your lodge Howie, you might find some fool daft enough to listen to your ranting.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: God Save the Governor!

Reply #27
MAJORITY of voters would now back Scottish independence, according to a landmark new poll carried out for the Scot Goes Pop blog and backed by The National.


Re: God Save the Governor!

Reply #28
For goodness sake you are so easily wanting to be fooled krake. The "National" newspaper is a Nationalist junk and has a national circulation of around 8,000 so let that sink in. In more wider and non bias reviews the independence corner is not going over 45%

As for you Luxor if you were a bit more in the usage of grey cells you would realise that you are not doing yourself any good. Unable to deal with the police, health, education issues and general readership failing to see that you cannot answer direct and important issues. By the way folks the latest police news is that it may have to reduce numbers. So unable to deal with big serious issues Luxor is like those head-shaking trolls in the parades. Oh and another item for the Brigadoon Luxor minds - Scotland would not have the minimum requirement financially to be in the EU separately. He can ridcule all he likes and make it obvious that in NOT answering the serious things raised he instead dips down to slagging but he uses ignorance rather than answering.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: God Save the Governor!

Reply #29
Governor Reeves appears not to have the former Governor’s fondness for meddling with other country’s affairs. Thank goodness that 8 year run is over. We have enough problems of our own to deal with.

That being said, the following is superior to God Save the Queen and it’s really no debate.


Re: God Save the Governor!

Reply #30
He can ridcule all he likes
I will happily ridicule the ridiculous, which is all that your ranting is.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: God Save the Governor!

Reply #31
In more wider and non bias reviews the independence corner is not going over 45%
I've also checked YouGov.
Scottish independence: Yes leads as Remainers increasingly back splitting with UK
It could become much worse for the Unionists if the Brexit will have also a negative impact after the transision period will end next year (01.01.2021).

Re: God Save the Governor!

Reply #32
You are talking nonsense and totally ignoring what I said about that Nationalist nonsense paper circulation. Indeed you are very restricted in surveys on independence.

Meanwhile the idiocy from Luxor who labels me shows utter stupidity even though I tried to be reasonable with factual news truths. Unable to answer my direct news items he instead labels but not showing any positive intelligence. I have not made up those news items. And by the way Scotland does not have a financial level to be considered for the EU. Apart from skipping my honest news items I would add that. Instead of answering the faults in education, health,police shambles he calls me names. Would add another item to my list and that is Scotland's economy is more strongly linked to the UK NOT the EU. In calling me names instead of answering the public charges that ARE known about he sinks down to slagging off my Order. It is bad enough he is incapable of dealing with what readers I will say are hard public facts but getting a support from the daftness of. That rubbish from someone supporting him is rubbish.  Answer the well known public malfunctions instead of rubbishing me. Not able to do so is because they cannot be answered by Nat emotionals as too factual and negative.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: God Save the Governor!

Reply #33
I've told you before that all you do is parrot tory press releases. Now beat it.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: God Save the Governor!

Reply #34
I've also checked YouGov.
Scottish independence: Yes leads as Remainers increasingly back splitting with UK
It could become much worse for the Unionists if the Brexit will have also a negative impact after the transision period will end next year (01.01.2021).

Interesting chart (though it took some parsing). 

However, I don't think that changes the fundamentals much.

The events in England last 4 years, and probably the 4 years to come, have fired up Scottish desire to leave the United Kingdom. However, the practicalities go in the opposite direction. 

Most Scots want to be in the EU, with a large minority that doesn't want to. Ditto, in 2014, for the UK. This chart gives a good indication how that is subdivided. 

That notwithstanding, an independent Scotland would want to be in the EU. (Norway has in effect vetoed the UK from joining EFTA, they would not do so for Scotland, possibly not rump-UK either; but EFTA is not a likely or winning scenario.)

In 2014 the EU officially gave Scotland a cold shoulder, and EU member Spain is not keen on separatism. But faced with a fait accompli, Scotland would certainly join. And practically speaking it would be easy. 

In 2019+ the EU would welcome Scotland as an EU member, but that would cause an even more serious Ireland/Northern Ireland border situation with the Rump-UK. Given the headache with the Irish border, the issues with a new Hadrian border would be enough to deter Scots from going all Mel Gibson and rejoin the EU. 

Re: God Save the Governor!

Reply #35
I am afraid that Luxor is showing much ignorance and because one is against independence one is simply repeating Tory newspapers. I am neither making up the negatives on Health, police, Education. Even the Chief Constable has come out publicly on the negatives and police decline and possible staff loss.  At no time did I expound an arrogance and lie and Luxor knows fine well that the issues I have raised ARE factual as well as coming up on television discussions. So if you are not Nationalist one is to shut up and not be answered? Would it not be more mature if he was to answer what are direct as well as big public issues. He is unable to be decent and answer the negatives and I was also 100% correct informing of the ex-deputy SNP leader who condemned those big Nationalist marches as pointless. Considering I have a long community and public situation all he had to do was answer each of those subjects but nope I get ignorance and nastiness. He is NOT doing his side any good by his arrogance and silly wrong description of me.

So readers the SNP lot garbing on about referendums he is doing a great job at being unable to deal with the wide public news.  Scotland does not want another so not long after the last one and in practical terms the SNP led by that woman cannot answer those issues and rabbit on about the referendum guff. Nasty immaturity gets one nowhere and neither do thos edaft marches that DO NOT attract people to watch apart from the odd passing person or two. Factual as well!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: God Save the Governor!

Reply #36
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: God Save the Governor!

Reply #37
He can yawn all he likes folks as he CANNOT answer the list of failings.

Hard truth for general people who are using the grey cells is that the SNP IS failing on health, police, education, majority of Scots economy based with the UK, our financial base would not give us a place in the EU! and even that the chief of police has come out warning of the problems his force has mean damn all to the mindsets of the Luxors of Scotland. What we get are rants about independence referendum nonsense NOT the failing policies. If I was to lower myself to his incapacity I would be insulting myself and the majority of Scots who do not want independence. Not surprised that the SNP failing as it does gets terrible publicity on the past leader and First Minister going to court on sex offences Scottish Government Treasure having to resign due to contacts with  16 year old schoolboy and a MP jailed for money offences. Pity they cannot concentrate on the important things I listed!

Don't mind Luxor being immature as only backs up my honest and very public failings of the Nationalist and even Luxor ignores the former leader I mentioned who condemns the way the party if acting and those daft parades!  :lol:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: God Save the Governor!

Reply #38
daft parades
An Orange man knows all about daft parades. What a riddy.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: God Save the Governor!

Reply #39
You are showing a definitive intelligence absence by ignoring the former deputy leader of YOUR wNP who publicly stated in the media that your Under One Banner Parades were negative and pointless! Haha, unable to answer direct political messes and  even that and grasp at Nationalist attitudes to the OO. So yoiu will be blaming that organisation for the inabilities rather than being honest. Also unable to answer direct political challenge messes which includes the chief constable! The inefficiency in SNP policies on those issues are not something you want to blame on Tory press when they have been broadcast on the media as well. You can call me all you like and all you are doing is slag off because you lot are failing in those very main things I have raised. Don't know if you are a sensible basic person but you are I am afraid showing daftness and inability.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: God Save the Governor!

Reply #40
Daftness and inability are your specialities dear boy.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: God Save the Governor!

Reply #41
Am I the only one that got distracted by rj's use of bold? :proud:

Re: God Save the Governor!

Reply #43
Silly nonsense answers from you ensbb3  and a degree the colonel as well.

I HAVE stated the publicly known detraction from Scottish nationalism and that clown attitude from Luxor should not be compared as something literate and proper. That has NOT been answered and instead his situation is immature and no point. They are important subjects and not handled by the SNP nor him. Has he answered what the former deputy party leader has said? nope. Satire is one thing but wandering behind ignorant stupidity is something else.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: God Save the Governor!

Reply #44

Re: God Save the Governor!

Reply #45
Well hello. Rejoining the forum seems to be trending. :)

Re: God Save the Governor!

Reply #47
ignorant stupidity is something else.
Ignorant stupidity sums up yoons very well.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: God Save the Governor!

Reply #48
That was excessively kind of you Luxor making that unfortunate corner you have.

Unable to answer a list of publicly discussed issues on television, newspapers, etc or that 3 very active SNP people have been listed in negative and suggested illegality. Acting arrogantly and body-swerving and the odd mind coming on here as negative as you kind of shows why the site declined over a time. I have not lied nor made up anything and that you continue the arrogance and ignorance is obvious. Failure to answer and get anyone on here just going along with that stupid and ill-educated stance is sad. Pathetic is a suitable concise answer.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: God Save the Governor!

Reply #49


[glow=green,2,300]The Sinn Fein Party[/glow]  could form parts of governments in both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland for the first time in history.

[glow=orange,2,300]Tiocfaidh ár lá[/glow]
     In times of universal deceit, telling the honest truth is a revolutionary act.