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Topic: What's Going on in the Americas? (Read 276352 times)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #250

Have you any idea what hoi polloi means?

In this case, it means he thinks he's gooder than us common folk.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!


Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #251
Actually Mike, 'hoi polloi'  is  the  'Common People',  the masses, the herd, the rabble, the riffraff. 

The 'hoity-toity' is what I believe you defined -- the upper class, the superior sect, the rich, the successful.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #252

Actually Mike, 'hoi polloi'  is  the  'Common People',  the masses, the herd, the rabble, the riffraff. 

The 'hoity-toity' is what I believe you defined -- the upper class, the superior sect, the rich, the successful.

I called it about right. The ol' boy's looking down his patrician nose at us common folk, thinks he's better than you'nme.  Some of that comes from being a Royalist-- the higher up the nobility food-chain you are, the more likely you are to think that the "hoi polloi" is a lower branch of human from your station.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #253
Actually, my original point was that "hoi polloi" means "the common people".
"The hoi polloi" is a tautology.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #254
Must say there are times mjsmsprt40 when you and your pal Smiley have lost the plot with that amusing stuff about me being a monarchist and hoity toity. I say that as you both come from a land that is constantly boasting about everything. The greatest country the greatest army (groan) the greatest freedom (another groan) and some of the politicians who shout that arrogant nationalistic ranting stuff out along with an emotional audience that will hoot and holler is more nearer the truth than then stuff about me!

However I do try to keep my traditional sense of hope that one day the stranglehold of the two dumb parties the Republicans and Democrats will be broken and the country can get back to looking after it's people instead of looking arrogant and hypocritical. A decent people who have been conned. Because you are not a monarchy does not mean that a Republic is somehow automatically better democracy as the truth shows something else. And anyway on a lesser not because someone is a Monarchist means they are automatically on the same level as the person on the throne is rather pathetic I am sorry to say!  :lol:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #255
Did anyone know RJ recently visited to preach his vitriol in the USA...... 

Yep, he had a few sweet choice words for our NYC friends, who, to say the least, found him a tad bit 'different'.

[VIDEO][/VIDEO] ..........

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #256
Republicans and Democrats

And for some reason Labour and Conservative are so much better and let's throw in the SNP for good measure :p
Yep, he had a few sweet choice words for our NYC friends, who, to say the least, found him a tad bit 'different'.

He never told us he was that young when he visited. So I contacted a doctor friend of mine and we took his phonebooth back to 1869 to investigate. There was slight mishap and the cars in the video came with us. Even with that mistake on our part (really mine since I was  :drunk: at the time, indeed am now) we were able to confirm through DNA testing that it was indeed Howie.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #257
We need a separate topic entitled People in DnD Who Bother Me.
Rj has opinions that I don't agree with, but that's true of a number of posters.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #258

We need a separate topic entitled People in DnD Who Bother Me.
Rj has opinions that I don't agree with, but that's true of a number of posters.

What's stopping you? I can't promise the thread would live long--- a thread with a title like that promises to have the kind of trouble that gets it dumped-- but if it can be kept reasonably clean maybe-- just maybe...
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #260

We need a separate topic entitled People in DnD Who Bother Me.
Rj has opinions that I don't agree with, but that's true of a number of posters.

What's stopping you? I can't promise the thread would live long--- a thread with a title like that promises to have the kind of trouble that gets it dumped-- but if it can be kept reasonably clean maybe-- just maybe...

Well, I have no interest in setting that up. It was just me being loopy in response to yet one more "attack" on Rj.

I don't agree that it wouldn't last long. It would start with a few goofy entries and then migrate to discussions of Putin, religion, food and toads. Consider that this thread is "What's Going on in the Americas?" Capishe?

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #261
[Move][glow=black,2,300]NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH ........................ NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH ........................ NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH ........................ NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH ........................ NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH ........................ NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... NEWS FLASH .......................... [/glow][/Move]

     It's been reported, but yet to be confirmed, that RJHOWIE has made a startling New Year's Resolution to change his sometimes black heart into a more gentle & homely vessel of good will & joy for all (even Americans)!!


   If this be true, let's all get behind RJ, & wish him all the best in this Wonderful New Year!   

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #262
Oh for the love of Mike -Smiley trying to show how reasonable he is and i am some kind of gnome. This coming from a man who supports Irish terrorists and the same group are very left wing and Marxist leaning! Gives me a laugh when others scurrilously ignore that side of things.  II used to say there were decent and sensible ex-colonists (and still exist) but it is the way the country is run and the guff it comes out with. After all it bleats about being the world leader on democracy, rights, freedoms yet practises something else. Builds an imperial empire even though it is nearly financially broke, rabbits about sovereignty of nations then creates a war with the ones that do not succumb either the the "way of life" or commercial side.

That there are people here who cannot differentiate between a system and individuals shows yet another blank in ex-colonist education. If as a country you were to stop shouting about how great and above board whilst doing something else in contrast. It is so easy to blast the corrupt system because of the in-you-face policies that are distant from the self claims! One doesn't have to make them up. Try not to be a military bully and cut the military, keep out of the internal affairs of places you don't like, do something about the corporates that president Eisenhower (a blinking Republican too!) and you know what, I would have no basis for the easy pot-shots! Instead be more internal as there are large numbers of the citizenry who are suffering no matter how much you stick a flag up their noses.

Withdrawing the interference will not probably work in our lifetimes but the day will come when the decent suffer even more so over the water when things collapse. You can shout all you like about me because the facts are in your face. In my life i can disagree with those in my circle but we don't come out with that blabber lie the Irish-American, terror man mentality. I will even pay gis fare to Edinburgh or N. Korea.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #264
I know him. He was the captain of the biggest BB Company in the whole of Glasgow north of the River Clyde some 50 odd companies and was interviewed on the BBC radio for his in-depth voluntary leadership in a challenging district etc. At one stage there was even suggestion of a documentary. In addition he became a magistrate for his community service and flown to an intercity conference to do 3 workshops. His company was so attractive that youths came from a distance to take part and families had him dedicating kids and doing funerals, etc.  Thanks for letting me be reminded of him Smiley  and a pity it contradicts your stance. Oh and he was also once praised by a priest would you believe and he is an Orangeman to boot! He also had more RC boys in his work than any other in the city. Hhm, must get to know him again.

Interesting that you spent time searching and only find positives........ :( eh?
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #266
Interesting that you spent time searching and only find positives.

Not nearly as interesting as how much time you spend watching the telly absorbing porcupines. Watch out, they're distracting you. They want you to believe these things are 'our' problems alone. Don't fall for it as so many do here. Your country's obsession with the state of our union is unhealthy for your own well-being. They mock you. They tell you want you want and that you are smart to believe it. But you're not. They tell you it's horrible so you don't think they do it. They tell you we are weak for it, but they can do nothing to stop it. They tell you we are so different, but we're not. As dawn breaks and policies change in reaction to what is learned, like they have so many times before here and there, I fear you will have missed this chance to learn from those happenings.

As we look into the past we don't just see how it was but forever how it could be...

As you hold on to the vestiges of your imperial regime remember your pride also came at a cost to others. 'You' tried to make the world in your own image but now can't stand what you see in the mirror. While you look away, afraid of what you might see, 'they' cover the mirror with an idealistic painting that gives no hint of the truth. And when you look back you can almost forget how that pride almost destroyed us all. Not because 'you' felt it but because 'you' resented others that did too.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #268
I know him.

But what is that dreadful city behind him? I daresay our architecture is  89.519637 percent cooler. Not to worry, I'll phone the construction companies to come up there and level the place in order to build it fresh. You won't have to pose in front of such drab and energy inefficient buildings ever again. :yes: You're welcome.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #269
 :cheers: Thx.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #270
And from a country where cities go bankrupt?  A poor level of trying to dig.

Must say ensbb3 that you and Sanguinemoon are well matched but hardly middle of the road reasonables! There are others here who are intelligent, watch televisio,n given links and so on and the fact that you try to isolate me shows how stretched you are in grey cells and sense. If unable to answer direct challenges you resort to the attempts to isolate. I am trying to avoid looking at you as thick and unable to cope with any negatives about the US imperial empite because that is what it is without having to look after the vassal States admin-wise!

Then the additional guff about our days of Empire which we eventually gave upo but you lot have got yourselves hooked up to trillions in debt to try and show that your empire will be more brilliant than any previous one. Why you wanted to go in that direction is something else. Soldiers everywhere in hundreds of camps that you cannot really afford, war creating for the benefit of the Pentagon and it's military corporate pals. If you got rid of this global paranoia the American population (especially tens of millions) vould have a Health Service and a far better internal situation but nope you are hell bent on wanting to control the world instead.

At the same time there are those over the water I have a personal regard for and not politically motivated and perhaps not touched by the state of the place financially or indeed politically but there are far too many who are ina country that constantly propagates arrogance and misuse the natural loyalty of the people. Such attitudes are not so much "patriotic" but fervent nationalism hiding behind a word that the general population accepts. Call me what you like but the trouble is that your political masters (corporates and the Hill alliance) misuse large numbers of decent and sensible Americans and just unfortunate that you two especially have automatically departed from that sensible consensus. Although the democrats are not that A1 the Republican mindset is something else and produces a laugh to the world.

All sensible ex-colonists have a good new year and the others in the "we are the greatest" mindset please thank the Chinese Communists for keeping you afloat!  ??? :lol:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #271
Eight bankrupt cities out of about 20,000. That's eight too many, though.

You seem to enjoy such things.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #272
Smiley tried to cut the ol'boy some slack (asking us to give RJ a break), RJ responded by heaping more abuse on America and Americans every chance he gets. Hmmmm....
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #273
You try so hard, rj. It's cute at times.

And from a country where cities go bankrupt?

America big. Many cities. Many different circumstance.

watch televisio,n given links and so on and the fact that you try to isolate me shows how stretched you are in grey cells and sense.

Your paranoia has produced an imaginary friend?

imperial empite


Why you wanted to go in that direction is something else.

Actually in a general sense the US didn't. All those contradictory argument of the US not wanting to get involved in European affairs you make are the problem. They had no choice in the end. The European continent ripped its self apart, twice. 

At the same time there are those over the water I have a personal regard for and not politically motivated and perhaps not touched by the state of the place financially or indeed politically

So you like the people that you were bitching about weren't voting now? You realize if those you've imagined got involved it would be a good thing, right?

Chinese Communists for keeping you afloat!

What's wrong with the Chinese now? Oh, right. They aren't from Glasgow.

Keep laughing chuckles. I'm sure your schools there are adequate, one can only theorize as to the problem.


I'm aware of the problems here. Big numbers confuse you so I won't bother with much on the national debt. When you gain new information you remind me of my dog when he catches an old rabbit anyway. Rarely gets a hold of one and so elated when he does he thrashes at it with no idea what to do with it. Suffice it to say our economy is big. The bankruptcy thing gets played at home too. It's not that realistic, they just never wanna cut the military budget. How easily you and many here (in the US) get pulled along with that is interesting. And other than you've heard the US owes China money you have no idea why. Been awhile since I've checked the numbers but the total annual intake was a trillion or so dollars more than the US owes China last time I checked. Boosting their economy has been a part of policy for over a decade. Otherwise most debt is owed internally and other than holding in surplus cannot be repaid. (They can always spend money sitting around, so meh.)

Social issues abound, here is no different. And health care is a bigger problem than throwing money at it. Pharmaceutical regulation is needed. *Prepares for a laughable use of that* My state used to have good health care but got federally screwed. Regardless, plenty of worthwhile concerns as with there and other places, you've just yet to describe one accurately. I'm not happy with it all but I live in a society so cope.

If ever I become as bitter as you I hope someone tells me. It's adorable at times but you're in the way of progress. But I am glad your rantings are so fool-hearty.  

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #274
Typical when unable to answer a point is to go waffling on in some alternative plant. Considering the US is so anti-Red in it's history and also recently send a fleet down to the China Sea to intimidate maybe you should rethink why you suitably ignored that. Considering how much you are in hock to the dictatorial Communist regime makes your patter laughable. They just need to call in the debt and you are finished so keep sooking in with them whatever you do.

You are priceless.
"Quit you like men:be strong"