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Topic: What's Going on in the Americas? (Read 276435 times)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1350
What happens when the mandates fail to have any noticeable effect?
The effect of mandates is different from the effect of masks and vaccines. The latter is what you originally asked. The former: People either follow mandates or not, for various reasons, political or social, which has nothing directly to do with the medical effect of masks and vaccines. So, are you more interested in medical or sociopolitical studies? I know, it's neither.

Obviously you had to sneak in your political partisan conspiracies. You just cannot live without them.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1351
But not recently (that I know of).
It's happening again right now, which is exactly why the regulations are being or have been reinstated. I believe the panic piece by US president Biden even mentioned it?

What happens when the mandates fail to have any noticeable effect?
I suspect the breakdown of Newtonian physics causing microbial organisms to magically appear would have worse side effects than that.   :alien:

Unless you meant something like people aren't wearing masks, keeping their social contacts a bit lower, etc. even though they're supposed to, which is a different question.

Not really. Are you assuming a nebulous fog of covid persisting, roaming about in the open air and sunshine?
The only thing you know about these people is that they didn't get rid of the mask. You have no idea if they've been "roaming about" or if they just didn't want to bother taking it off only to have to put it right back on again.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1352
Can't help yourself, ersi, can you? :) Something in your schooling, I suspect, precludes an honest curiosity... Oh, well.
People either follow mandates or not, for various reasons, political or social, which has nothing directly to do with the medical effect of masks and vaccines.
It's important, though.
But the need for more and better studies is not obviated by your attitude, dude.
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1353
Today's news:
OMT chairman Jaap van Dissel is very concerned about the Omikron variant. In a technical briefing in the House of Representatives, Van Dissel stated that he expects the number of hospital admissions, which is now slowly declining, to probably rise again in January.

"We all get despondent about the coronavirus thing," Van Dissel stated, but the Omikron variant "is a serious thing." He cited a study from the United Kingdom showing that two pricks from AstraZeneca and Pfizer hardly help anymore to prevent infection from the Omikron variant. A third shot would raise vaccine efficacy again to 80 percent.

But that's probably not enough to stop a sizeable wave. A British modeling study cited by Van Dissel showed that the Omikron variant can lead to more hospitalizations than hospitals can handle. Translated to the Dutch situation, this would amount to over a hundred ICU admissions per day, Van Dissel calculated. At the height of this wave there were over fifty and already many hospitals have to cancel cardiac and cancer operations.

The OMT will meet again on Friday to see what needs to be done to slow down the Omikron variant. The RIVM estimates that it will be dominant in the Netherlands by the turn of the year.

Translated with (free version)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1354
You have no idea
I know my neighborhood and a good many of its inhabitants. At any rate, riding alone for half an hour or more wearing a mask is more fetish than prophylactic, no?
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1355
[OMT chairman Jaap van Dissel] cited a study from the United Kingdom showing that two pricks from AstraZeneca and Pfizer hardly help anymore to prevent infection from the Omikron variant.
Did he -or the UK study- cite a serious risk of severe symptomatic covid known to be Omicron? If the variant remains mildly symptom-inducing, the effects upon hospital systems is minimal.
(The vaccines were never meant to "prevent infection"... That's not how vaccines work!)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1356
In the meantime, in Brazil, vaccination rates are high, Omicron hasn't arrived killing (yet), and ordinary flu has raised worryingly. Omicron is a concern, but not the only one.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1357
ordinary flu has raised worryingly
I hadn't seen that reported... Can you point me to your source(s)? After two years of absence, that would be very worrying indeed!
Do you know more than this? Particularly the figures post-covid... 2020-2021.
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1359
But the need for more and better studies is not obviated by your attitude, dude.
Studies for a different policy? What is missing in the studies available thus far?

Here's what we know, as a minimum: It's a flu. Depending on the specific risk group, flu can be deadly or pass through you almost without effect. The particular thing called Covid 19 comes in more dense waves than the ordinary flu, so it's appropriate to take it more seriously than usual. Ordinary flu is handled by means of recurring vaccination campaigns, is it not? It still keeps recurring every year, yet no one has said the measures are ineffective (and should be abandoned or whatever it is you want to suggest).

What more studies do you want? Clearly, medical studies are not enoigh for you. It was instantly clear that your agenda is Q.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1360
I couldn't find a source in English.
That's okay. Vivaldi's translate works well enough. Not to sound ghoulish, but I do hope the figures show an either/or pattern. That is, where Sars-CoV-2 is prevalent influenza is scarce-to-non existent, and vice versa...
I hope the influenza vaccines are available. (As noted, flu is very dangerous for pregnant women and their children, before and after birth.)

I don't have an agenda, ersi. And your presumptive assignation of the silly "Q-anon" variety to me is laughable.
Here's what we know, as a minimum: It's a flu virus.
SARS-CoV-2 is a corona virus, as is the common cold. Influenza is a whole-nother animal. SARS-CoV-2 is not a variant of flu...
Recall its original moniker: "novel"? The term has a technical meaning.
(One of the reasons the origin of the strain matters... If it is engineered, it would be nice to have the particulars about that, no? To date no originating host in the non-human fauna of Wuhan has been identified. Is that -in itself- a "conspiracy theory"?)
Ordinary flu is handled by means of recurring vaccination campaigns, is it not?
The vaccines for influenza are always a guess, A or B? And their effectiveness is near 50%...when we guess right. So, yes, further studies are still needed -- even if SARS-CoV-2's dominant strain mutates to even something less dangerous than influenza! Not knowing its genesis
 is more than just a scientific puzzle: Learning to prevent its spread will depend on which hosts created, incubated, and passed it along to humans,,, And that might give us a heads-up about what lies down the road.
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1361
As I suspected, you have a sufficient exposure to the medical studies. So you have no actual complaints.

Neither do I. This century, I have been afflicted by flu just once. So I have no complaints with regard to flu or "corona" or whatever they call it these days. Evidently my immune system or hygiene practices are good enough. I could whine about the govt's pandemic policies a lot,[1] but I do not have any better policies to suggest, just more consistency and less corruption to the current ones. You, as has been evident from the beginning, have nothing better to suggest either. Your calling for more studies is just a silly diversion.

Keep your antidote handy.

They have demonstrated criminal incompetence over here, e.g. allowed the entire national vaccine storage to go sour in time of crisis (Note that the newspiece says that the fridge failure affected doses that were marked for donation to Africa, but this was a first attempt at minimisation by the relevant authorities. It soon turned out that the location contained the entire national vaccine storage, all of it was affected, and the national vaccine program was disrupted as they had to buy in new doses.)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1362
As I suspected, you have a sufficient exposure to the medical studies. So you have no actual complaints.
I have an abiding interest in SARS-CoV-2 and its variants. Likewise, in the actual effectiveness of the various vaccines (...not just relative numbers...), masking and social distancing. "Sounds reasonable" doesn't much reassure me. We have almost two years of data -don't we?- to plumb, and we should have numerous randomized controlled trials (RCTs). (Regarding masking, if RCTs show the practice to be little more than a placebo then creating a false sense of security may be quite harmful in some circumstances.)
I too only had a serious case of flu once: I was working at the time in a county hospital's Xray Dept. as a file clerk, who doubled as a porter... Whatever the ER doc prescribed, along with a few days' rest, did the trick. I've never had a flu shot.
They have demonstrated criminal incompetence over here
I've heard of a few such cases here; one, intensional! (Smaller number of doses, though.) Are you familiar with what New York's Governor Cuomo did, early on?

Regarding "antidotes" I've pretty much stopped drinking, even occasionally. I of course have had two doses of the Moderna vaccine, and am waiting to hear from my doctor if a booster is warranted. (I'd want a serum antibody test first; and some straight talk about Omicron's brief history with the vaccines, whether or not to mix-n-match... Things like that. Plus a sober -pun intended!- consideration of the state of my health, post-stroke.)

Did you catch my mention of the Stanford conjecture? (That the Omicron variant -with its large number of mutations- likely originated in an untreated AIDS patient? I can find the write-up, if you';re interested.) If that's so, countries like mine need to redouble our efforts to treat AIDS in Africa....
(Imagine that: Humane and self-serving interests served by the same action!)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1363
"Sounds reasonable" doesn't much reassure me.
"Sounds reasonable" is not the government policy in this case, nor is it the recommendation of the experts.

We have almost two years of data -don't we?- to plumb, and we should have numerous randomized controlled trials (RCTs). (Regarding masking, if RCTs show the practice to be little more than a placebo then creating a false sense of security may be quite harmful in some circumstances.)
What "false sense of security" are you talking about? How about the false sense of security in the assumption that no policies are needed - particularly when done by Democrats? What is your stance? Should the policies be more intense, less intense, or not there at all? (Yeah, I know: More studies and less government until Republicans get back in power, then no further studies needed and all policies are fine when Republicans do them.)

For all practical purposes, this covid or corona is like any other contagious air-borne viral disease. What do we do with those? Masks and vaccines, that's what. Ask anyone in the medical profession. Or, better don't ask because some of them in USA lie for partisan reasons. Rather observe what they do in their clinics; there's no room for lies in that way. They wear masks and desinfect hands after contact with each patient. But you are old enough to have already observed doctors and nurses, so you should have no questions left on this point.

Masks work against contagious air-borne diseases. Everybody knows this much. Since viruses occasionally get past the masks (particularly past the masks that people do not wear), your conclusion is that masks do not work?! More studies needed?!

Are you familiar with what New York's Governor Cuomo did, early on?
So what did he do? I know what he resigned due to.

According to my recollection, early on in the pandemic, NYC was very badly affected - obviously, because it is a very densely populated city. Fox News commentators said that this was because masks or policies regarding masks didn't work. But, as we know from observing actual doctors, masks definitely work. So, perhaps NYC was very badly affected because the mask policy was at first introduced hesitantly, many people do not follow it, and even if they did follow it, close contact in a densely populated city keeps doing its thing, contagious air-borne disease as it is.

What do you say? Suspend all policies until more studies come about? If you want study-based policies, how can these arise unless you try policies first and then study them? You cannot first have studies and later policies based on the studies, because there can be no studies relevant to the policies when nobody has yet tried any policies!

Did you catch my mention of the Stanford conjecture? (That the Omicron variant -with its large number of mutations- likely originated in an untreated AIDS patient? I can find the write-up, if you';re interested.) If that's so, countries like mine need to redouble our efforts to treat AIDS in Africa....
So, AIDS is worth treating. Is covid worth prophylactics?

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1364
Did he -or the UK study- cite a serious risk of severe symptomatic covid known to be Omicron? If the variant remains mildly symptom-inducing, the effects upon hospital systems is minimal.
You're probably well aware (or should be from a quick search before asking the question) that vaccination is currently said to be about 70% preventative against hospitalization by omicron. And none (?) of them have died. But if you're hospitalized, that still means you're going to be in there for weeks taking away a lot of capacity for a very long time.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1365
No, but wearing a mask is very convenient, especially when between two locations. And they are surprisingly comfortable, at least in the local climates (it might be different in hot and humid climates).

When this is done, I might still wear facemasks. Nor because of having any disease or the worry of getting one, but because it keeps face nice and warm in spring and autumn, and in moderately cold winter days.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1366
[Much partisan blather...] Masks work against contagious air-borne diseases. Everybody knows this much. [More partisan blather...]
The "Everybody knows" version of science...
as we know from observing actual doctors, masks definitely work
Still a fan of "Cargo Cult" science, that is. Hey, if it works for you... :)

What did Cuomo do?
A directive early in the pandemic to free up hospital space by forcing nursing homes to accept recovering COVID-19 patients was ultimately reversed but was blamed by advocates for spreading the virus and contributing to deaths.

After the administration refused to release data and answer questions about the policy for nine months, AP obtained records this year showing more than 9,000 recovering coronavirus patients in New York state were released from hospitals into nursing homes under the order, more than 40% higher than what the state health department previously disclosed.

You pose the question in an odd fashion: "So, AIDS is worth treating. Is covid worth prophylactics?" The short answer is Yes, if they work...

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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1367
Update to the update: Newsom's "order" isn't really and order; it's merely guidance. And it's not really his...
According to KUSI News (San Diego):
This new masking alleged order is NOT being issued by the Governor, it is only being issued in a memo by Tomas J. Aragon, M.D., the State Public Health Officer & Director of the California Department of Public Health, an unelected state bureaucrat directed by Newsom.

It is being touted by Dr. Mark Ghaly, Secretary of Health for the state of California like it is a government order, but in fact it is a mere memo entitled “Guidance for the use of Masks.” The word “order” is not used anywhere in the memo, instead it claims it is a “requirement” without citing any particular authority.

And from AP News:
California is exempting San Francisco from a rule that takes effect Wednesday requiring all people to wear masks indoors in a bid to contain a troubling rise in new coronavirus cases.

San Francisco will continue to allow fully vaccinated people to remove their masks in gyms and workplaces while its overall masking mandate remains in effect, the city Department of Public Health announced.

“It’s a recognition of all of the thought and care that San Francisco residents have been putting into staying as safe as possible,” said Dr. Susan Philip, San Francisco’s health officer.

About 86% of eligible San Francisco residents have received at least one vaccine dose, according to the public health department.

San Francisco businesses were relieved that the city can continue permitting fully vaccinated people to go maskless in some indoor locations.
Of course.

So: Sound and fury signifying nothing...

Good news: NIH study finds strong T-cell immunity in both vaccinated and those with natural immunity against Omicron variant, per Dr. Makary of Johns Hopkins. Also, Omicron infections tend to remain in the throat and sinuses, rather than progressing to the lungs. Thus hospitalization isn't necessary...
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)


Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1368
The "Everybody knows" version of science...
I haven't gone to the science at all. Science is hard stuff, far over your head. There's reason to resort to it if the everyday experience is not sufficient. In this case everyday experience is more than sufficient.

What did Cuomo do?
A directive early in the pandemic to free up hospital space by forcing nursing homes to accept recovering COVID-19 patients was ultimately reversed but was blamed by advocates for spreading the virus and contributing to deaths.

After the administration refused to release data and answer questions about the policy for nine months, AP obtained records this year showing more than 9,000 recovering coronavirus patients in New York state were released from hospitals into nursing homes under the order, more than 40% higher than what the state health department previously disclosed.
Similar decisions were also made elsewhere in the world, where hospital space is lacking, with the same results. They needed space to host the patients, this part makes it understandable, but of course the patients are the source of spread of the contagion so the situation must be managed carefully....

You pose the question in an odd fashion: "So, AIDS is worth treating. Is covid worth prophylactics?" The short answer is Yes, if they work...
Will you finally get to a single example that masks or vaccines don't work? (No, you won't.)

Full disclosure: I am reluctant to wear a mask myself. On my trajectories I rarely meet people. I have been to the office maybe ten times over the past two years. Masks are of course mandatory on workplace. I am unaffected by the disease myself. I have attended a funeral of a covid victim and also a party that was later rumoured to have got somebody the virus, still unaffected myself. I carry some masks in my pocket and put them on e.g. in shopping centres and wherever they are mandatory - mostly the masks are just given at the door, so there's no reason to refuse. I don't want to wear a mask because I am neither a patient or a doctor, and masks are extremely uncomfortable for me.

But masks work for the limited purpose that they are meant to work. You have not even begun to hint towards any kind of example or argument, scientific or otherwise, that they do not work.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1369
Similar decisions were also made elsewhere in the world, where hospital space is lacking, with the same results.
That's the point: Hospital space was not lacking.
Critics have long argued there were many other places those patients could have been sent, including New York City’s Jacob Javits Convention Center, which had been set up as a makeshift hospital, and the USS Comfort military hospital ship. The state contends those facilities were not suitable substitutes for the care of nursing homes.
For "not suitable" read "One was supported by a philanthropic evangelical; the ship was sent by Donald Trump!"
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1370
Similar decisions were also made elsewhere in the world, where hospital space is lacking, with the same results.
That's the point: Hospital space was not lacking.
How is that the point? Never seen a guvner mess up before? The more interesting point would be: Was there something in it for him personally, which could have biased him towards the decision? If not, then he made a stupid blunder, not an immoral evil act. Stupid blunders are common and generally uninteresting.

Moreover, note that this does not even begin to make a point about that masks don't work or any of the pandemic policies do not work.

For "not suitable" read "One was supported by a philanthropic evangelical; the ship was sent by Donald Trump!"
Yup, this is your main mode of operation: Partisan blather. Despite your earlier claims, you really do not care about science at all, nor do you care about whether some policy works. It's all about Democrats bad and evil, which is eminently uninteresting and serves no purpose, to be honest.

But good you let it out into the daylight finally. I like honesty.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1371
Was there something in it for him personally, which could have biased him towards the decision?
Well, he did get a $5m+ book deal... (Unfortunately -for him- he's expected to give the money back!)
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1372
If you say so; more specifically, if you say extreme social distancing is what works... But how long can this practice be maintained?

What is "extreme social distancing"? I consider 20 feet to be pretty comfortable, but that depends on the locale.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1373
Similar decisions were also made elsewhere in the world, where hospital space is lacking, with the same results. They needed space to host the patients, this part makes it understandable, but of course the patients are the source of spread of the contagion so the situation must be managed carefully....
Space has never been that big an issue (here), space with sufficient equipment not necessarily that big an issue either, lack of manpower on the other hand…

E.g., during the height of the pandemic around April 2020 several large hotels were turned into hospital hotels to deal with both isolation and overflow in one fell swoop.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1374
Our govt over here dealt with the shortage of hospital personnel and need for isolation of contagion by means of down-prioritising all other issues, i.e. by means of refusing to acknowledge that any other medical condition exists besides covid. If you do not have covid symptoms, then you are not ambulance-worthy and not admissible to a hospital. Okay, maybe if you have an actual axe in your head or knife in your back, the ambulance may pick you up.

(I am not exaggerating either. I have elderly relatives whose only chance of getting medical attention these last years has been to frame things in terms of covid. It took me a bit too long to figure it out.)