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Topic: What's Going on in the Americas? (Read 276249 times)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #500
The fact that your oppositors are so bad should not make you think that religion can be achievied trhough philosophy and rational thinking Ersi.
True religion will be given from above and received when the person has clear enough mind and pure enough heart. Sincere philosophy is a process of purification.

Most people don't like to have clear mind or pure heart. Rather, they seek to legitimise the impurities they have. Religion becomes twisted totally out of joint among the irreligious. Horrible to think what Sang would do if he were nominally religious. Westboro Baptist Church is somewhere in his neighbourhood, if I'm not mistaken. That's how religion works in America.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #501
I just now read an article on them. They see the discontent over Trump and Clinton as their big chance and they might be right if they can get the word out.
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #502
[Westboro Baptist Church] see the discontent over Trump and Clinton as their big chance and they might be right if they can get the word out.
Whose big chance? A big chance for Westboro Baptist Church? In what sense? Are they running for president?

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #503
I meant that for Howie's comment on the Libertarian Party. 
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #504
kind of puzzled with your word ersi as thought I had given a reasonable news item?

"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #505
Westboro Baptist Church is somewhere in his neighbourhood, if I'm not mistaken
Lol, no. And Europeans complain that an American might mistake. say the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Google informs me that Westboro Baptist church is a little under 1,300 miles (2029 km) from here.  Else where in the world, Europeans are feeling superior to Americans because we might misidentify their countries while forgetting one one those nations is the size of one of our states :left:

You're the closest we have to a radical in this thread that we have on queer issues. All I said was that the bible possibly doesn't say what you think it does. I also noted that by the American constitution that whole argument is is irrelevant.

Oh yeah, I also noted the queers were not even agitating about the stupid bathroom and that it was certain nutty sects of Christianity and the GOP that invented this whole "issue" and the LGBT just wanted to be left alone. What kind of person even sits around all day thinking of idiotic, spiteful laws like this anyway to address no-issues like this. They're the ones with mental problems.
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #506
Westboro Baptist Church is somewhere in his neighbourhood, if I'm not mistaken
Lol, no. And Europeans complain that an American might mistake. say the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Google informs me that Westboro Baptist church is a little under 1,300 miles (2029 km) from here.  Else where in the world, Europeans are feeling superior to Americans because we might misidentify their countries while forgetting one one those nations is the size of one of our states :left:
I don't know in what state you are. I don't mix up American states. I assumed you were somewhere South, but I was mistaken. I even explicitly allowed myself the chance to be mistaken.

You're the closest we have to a radical in this thread that we have on queer issues.
In what way am I radical? Is it radical to identify queerhood for what it is?

All I said was that the bible possibly doesn't say what you think it does.
This despite the fact that I have read it, even looked into some scholarly textual criticism, and you haven't? Frenzie here has commendably read it. There are some fat boring books we simply must read, if we are to consider ourselves civilised.

Oh yeah, I also noted the queers were not even agitating about the stupid bathroom and that it was certain nutty sects of Christianity and the GOP that invented this whole "issue" and the LGBT just wanted to be left alone. What kind of person even sits around all day thinking of idiotic, spiteful laws like this anyway to address no-issues like this. They're the ones with mental problems.
I agree that your GOP occasionally displays mental problems. I find nothing good to say about a party that sets Trump as their presidential candidate. But the whole LGBT(Q etc.) movement is also pathological, officially so not too long ago. Political issues surrounding them cannot be isolated.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #507
don't know in what state you are. I don't mix up American states. I assumed you were somewhere South, but I was mistaken. I even explicitly allowed myself the chance to be mistaken.
Nope, Las Vegas. Don't be so defensive, bro. On my part, I thought it was common knowledge in these forums so maybe I was mistaken. (in fact, Kansas is quit far from the South as well)

This despite the fact that I have read it, even looked into some scholarly textual criticism, and you haven't? Frenzie here has commendably read it.
I read it a couple times myself and took my catechisms. I made one mistake on the context meat and milk, but for the rest I was correct. I didn't bother offering the full rebuttal because this thread is about what's happening in the Americas. It's not about the Bible. The Bible itself has been argued over by people with more knowledge of it than both of us put together. Different equally knowledgable scholars read the bible in the original Greek and came to different conclusions. As far as the Hebrew OT, the oldest very partial copies are from 600 BC and that's recent by biblical standards. More complete is the Nash Papyrus containing the Decalogue and Deuteronomy. You think it hasn't been altered the thousands of years prior to that? So a debate on the Bible might be interesting, but it's a different thread.

In what way am I radical? Is it radical to identify queerhood for what it is?
Because you're blathering about how oppressive queers supposedly are. I understand you're talking about Europe, but in the US being the GOP's punching bag is really old.

The snake symbol originated in with the American revolution. Unfortunately, the GOP decided to tread on him intentionally and are crying because they got bit. So now with the ridiculous "bathroom bills" they're throwing rocks at him and will cry when they're in the hospital getting treated for snakebite again. And will even be surprised when that happens.  I think it was Einstein that said doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results is the definition of insanity. That's what's happening between the GOP and LGBT in America.

One the "bathroom bills", once again transpeople have being with the restroom they feel comfortable this whole time without causing problems. Most of the time, people didn't even know they were in the restroom with one. I think the reason pervs might try to dress like women to hide in the women's restroom because the GOP and some sects of Christianity gave the idea in the first place like the insane morons they are.
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #508
don't know in what state you are. I don't mix up American states. I assumed you were somewhere South, but I was mistaken. I even explicitly allowed myself the chance to be mistaken.
Nope, Las Vegas. Don't be so defensive, bro. On my part, I thought it was common knowledge in these forums so maybe I was mistaken. (in fact, Kansas is quit far from the South as well)
We haven't had much direct interaction, so I tend to mix up your location with the guy from Mississippi. I hope I can internalise your location for good now.

I made one mistake on the context meat and milk, but for the rest I was correct.
No. Any claim that those homosexuality passages are either wrongly translated or that we don't know what they are saying is outright false. Jews never had any doubts what they are about.

I didn't bother offering the full rebuttal because this thread is about what's happening in the Americas. It's not about the Bible.
Don't be shy. If you have a full rebuttal, let's have it. On my part, I have been through similar debates before, so it would be interesting to see if the arguments have evolved anywhere.

The Bible itself has been argued over by people with more knowledge of it than both of us put together. Different equally knowledgable scholars read the bible in the original Greek and came to different conclusions.
Not those passages. Only gay lobby disputes them, but gay lobby demonstrably does not have much knowledge on the issue. In fact, precious little in the entire text of the Bible is disputed or dubious, compared to any other ancient text.

As far as the Hebrew OT, the oldest very partial copies are from 600 BC and that's recent by biblical standards. More complete is the Nash Papyrus containing the Decalogue and Deuteronomy. You think it hasn't been altered the thousands of years prior to that?
What specifically did they change so that we should be uncertain about the specific passages? And what proof do you have that something has been changed?

In what way am I radical? Is it radical to identify queerhood for what it is?
Because you're blathering about how oppressive queers supposedly are.
Actually I listed some facts, instead of blathering. I'll back it up as soon as you back up things yourself.
So now with the ridiculous "bathroom bills" they're throwing rocks at him and will cry when they're in the hospital getting treated for snakebite again. And will even be surprised when that happens.  I think it was Einstein that said doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results is the definition of insanity. That's what's happening between the GOP and LGBT in America.
GOP stupidly doesn't understand that the game is over. But this doesn't change the nature of the gay lobby. And everybody who is speaking up against the gay lobby is not GOP.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #509
Perhaps it's time to define what's "gay lobby" (and where).
Over here, it's requiring public schools to drop Mother's and Father's Days celebrations - because they are embarrassing. :eyes:

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #510
Lobby is that which pushes through laws favourable to themselves. Over here, gay lobby pushed through a "cohabitation law" which is basically a duplication of marriage law minus some family-related regulations. In some other European countries, marriage law itself was changed to specifically suit the gay lobby. And in parts of Europe, the gay lobby either demands the removal of "heteronormativity" or they try their best to teach "alternative family models" in schools and kindergartens.


Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #511
Of the religious right lobby that dwarfs the "gay lobby?"
the gay lobby either demands the removal of "heteronormativity" or they try their best to teach "alternative family models" in schools and kindergartens.
In other words, understand not all families are the same. A few percentage of kids might have same-sex parents and understand how to deal with it. Oh and the kids in those arrangements shouldn't be bullied because of it. Oh the horror :cry: This is not oppression by any reasonable stretch of the imagination.
marriage law itself was changed to specifically suit the gay lobby.
In America the solution was obvious except to the religious right. I mentioned the constitution, but there was also the idiocy of being married in one state, cross state lines and no longer being considered married (which is problematic for a variety of legal reasons.)

Many people confuse the religious rite of marriage with civil marriage (which is legal marriage) The two have little to do with each other. For instance,  there were churches in America that performed the religious rite before equal marriage became the law of the land, but it had no legal standing. Actual legal marriage only requires a judge and some witnesses. In Kentucky, the infamous Kim Davis attempted to block legal marriage for LGBT in her county based on religious convictions, the fact that the Bible speaks far more about her multiple divorces, adultery and remarriages than it does about homosexuality not withstanding. She was in the wrong the reasons I mentioned. She doesn't want them married in her church, fine and her pastor can deny granting an LGBT couple the ceremony. Wants to prevent people from their equal protection under the law as guaranteed by the constitution via denying legal marriage that has nothing to do with her church, not so much.

In America what you're talking about was called civil unions. The problem with that was also crossing state lines in that states didn't have to recognize them. But neither civil unions type arrangements nor marriage oppress those that are offended by them. I do think clergy should be able to refuse to marriage the same-sex couple but a judge, as civil servant of ALL the people, should not be able to.
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #512
Of the religious right lobby that dwarfs the "gay lobby?"
There is no religious right in Europe. Gay lobby is operating free of any obstacle. In America, religious right is at least putting up a semblance of a fight.

the gay lobby either demands the removal of "heteronormativity" or they try their best to teach "alternative family models" in schools and kindergartens.
In other words, understand not all families are the same. A few percentage of kids might have same-sex parents and understand how to deal with it. Oh and the kids in those arrangements shouldn't be bullied because of it. Oh the horror :cry: This is not oppression by any reasonable stretch of the imagination.
Ever considered it from the children's point of view? You know, they are supposed to learn in biology how kids are born, that everybody has a mother and father, biologically. Then comes the civil science or whatever you call it. Oh, I forgot, the civil science topics get already covered in kindergarten, so by the time it gets to biology the child is already a mess, even when originally from a decent home.

marriage law itself was changed to specifically suit the gay lobby.
In America the solution was obvious except to the religious right. I mentioned the constitution, but there was also the idiocy of being married in one state, cross state lines and no longer being considered married (which is problematic for a variety of legal reasons.)
It would be a problem, if gay marriage were a marriage, but it isn't, so trust me, there's no problem. If you say gay marriage is marriage, now that's a problem. Because it's something nobody has yet proven.

Gay lobby only has law on their side. They don't have anything else, such as rational argument or biology. That's why it's a lobby, pure and simple.

In America what you're talking about was called civil unions. The problem with that was also crossing state lines in that states didn't have to recognize them.
So, now you call them civil unions. There should be no problem, as long as you don't mix them up with marriage.

But neither civil unions type arrangements nor marriage oppress those that are offended by them. I do think clergy should be able to refuse to marriage the same-sex couple but a judge, as civil servant of ALL the people, should not be able to.
But here you are doing it again, mixing up what should not be mixed up.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #513
In America, religious right is at least putting up a semblance of a fight.
A bully hits you so you hit him back. Who's the one putting up a fight?
Ever considered it from the children's point of view? You know, they are supposed to learn in biology how kids are born, that everybody has a mother and father, biologically
Wow is this getting silly. Sally being raised by Sue and Mary does not interfere with biology class. Grasp at straws much?
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #514
So, now you call them civil unions. There should be no problem, as long as you don't mix them up with marriage.
No. The idea of civil unions was thought up as an alternative to calling marriage. But there would be no requirement to recognize "civil unions" at the Federal level nor across state lines. Further, it was questionable what a "civil union" was even supposed to be, ie would it have really granted equal protection under the law. Another huge problem was also that the wording of the state amendments would have also outlawed "civil unions" not to mention deny protections for many heterosexual couples.
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #515
Ever considered it from the children's point of view? You know, they are supposed to learn in biology how kids are born, that everybody has a mother and father, biologically
Wow is this getting silly. Sally being raised by Sue and Mary does not interfere with biology class. Grasp at straws much?
Not just biology class, but biology itself. There is no Sally born of Sue and Mary. You are presenting an impossibility as if it were a reality.

This is what I mean when I say that the gay lobby don't have rational argument and biology on their side. They don't have reality on their side, but we are instituting laws based on their nonsense.

The idea of civil unions was thought up as an alternative to calling marriage. But there would be no requirement to recognize "civil unions" at the Federal level nor across state lines.
So? Where's the problem? The problem only arises if you want to insist that the thought-up civil union is as good as marriage even though it's not. You are not even attempting to show how they are the same or why they should be the same.

Further, it was questionable what a "civil union" was even supposed to be, ie would it have really granted equal protection under the law.
Equal to what? And why should it be equal?

In Germany (and Estonia, because we copy most of our recent laws from Germany) it presents formal legal difficulties to call same-sex union a marriage, because marriage is defined in a law called Family law, which is part of a huge and intricate framework (used to be called "civil codex" over here). Redefining marriage there would logically collapse the entire legal framework built to support families. Hence Germany (and Estonia) instituted additional laws called "cohabitation law" which gave a chance for same-sex couples under a different name, duplicating a bunch of regulations about marriage. If you don't understand or acknowledge how and why marriage and family are related, you are not competent to issue statements on this topic.

American legal system is different of course. It's easy to see how it's not even a system, on the SCOTUS level or any other level. It doesn't try to be, so it's okay.

Another huge problem was also that the wording of the state amendments would have also outlawed "civil unions" not to mention deny protections for many heterosexual couples.
What specific protections would be denied and why would that be a problem? Why should civil unions be the same as marriage? I know that the gay lobby insists that they are, but they have not given any reason. I hoped you would bring some clarity here.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #516
ersi, the vanguard of the "sexual revolution" doesn't use logic or persuasion: They use brute force. Which, nowadays, means "lawfare" and regulatory destruction of society's laws…
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #517
Not just biology class, but biology itself. There is no Sally born of Sue and Mary. You are presenting an impossibility as if it were a reality.
This is beyond silly. By the time biology is even taught, the students already know this. There are a number of ways Sue and Mary could be raising a child together. And it doesn't even necessarily mean one had sex with a man, although one might have (possibly one's a little sexually fluid, or she was attempting to have sex with a man before realized it wasn't for her keeping in mind to get pregnant a women just needs to lay their and doesn't even have to enjoy what's happening...) Or the child might have been adopted. You're presenting situations as impossibilities when their are multiple ways it could have happened (and does...)
Equal to what? And why should it be equal?
To remain in compliance with the constitution, which is the supreme law of the United States. No state, county or city law may violate the constitution. This is also why some state gun control laws where struck down by Federal courts, having gone so far that they violate the second amendment. At times, both the American Left and Right get upset by Federal court rulings but the constitution is how we keep order and preserve freedom in the US. In these cases, the constitution clearly states all people have equal protection under the law (google up protections offered by marriage in the US) and that the right to bear arms shall not be infringed. Get it yet? All people in the US are guaranteed the same protections and rights regardless of the issue and where they live.
Hence Germany (and Estonia) instituted additional laws called "cohabitation law" which gave a chance for same-sex couples under a different name, duplicating a bunch of regulations about marriage
If all the rights and protections are duplicated, I don't see a problem.
You are not even attempting to show how they are the same or why they should be the same.
Of course not. Everyone is supposed to be subject to the same rules. Nor am I attempting argue in favor of civil unions.
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #518
Not just biology class, but biology itself. There is no Sally born of Sue and Mary. You are presenting an impossibility as if it were a reality.
This is beyond silly. By the time biology is even taught, the students already know this. There are a number of ways Sue and Mary could be raising a child together. And it doesn't even necessarily mean one had sex with a man, although one might have (possibly one's a little sexually fluid, or she was attempting to have sex with a man before realized it wasn't for her keeping in mind to get pregnant a women just needs to lay their and doesn't even have to enjoy what's happening...) Or the child might have been adopted. You're presenting situations as impossibilities when their are multiple ways it could have happened (and does...)
Such a long non-answer. You did not even begin to tell how a Sally could be born of Sue and Mary. But I knew you wouldn't. You cannot, because it's a biological impossibility. You can talk about everything else, but not about the point.

Equal to what? And why should it be equal?
To remain in compliance with the constitution, which is the supreme law of the United States. No state, county or city law may violate the constitution.
Doesn't your constitution lay out specific conditions in what respect people should be equal and other conditions when not? Like with freedom - it doesn't mean everybody is free to do anything and everything. Also equality does not mean equality in every respect. There is a difference between Congress and President, and the difference is there for a reason. There are also differences between parents and children, teachers and students, etc. Same with conditions to marriage.

You cannot marry just anybody, if marriage is to have a meaning. You can marry anybody, if you actually don't care about marriage or its meaning. Gay lobby doesn't care about marriage, this has been clear all along.

If all the rights and protections are duplicated, I don't see a problem.
But all the rights cannot be duplicated, if rationality matters. Same-sex couples cannot have the same rights as biological parents, because same-sex couples can never be biological parents.  And what's the point of duplicating laws anyway? If you think all must be duplicated, then you don't have a point.

You are not even attempting to show how they are the same or why they should be the same.
Of course not. Everyone is supposed to be subject to the same rules. Nor am I attempting argue in favor of civil unions.
This is the sad part with the gay lobby. They never had a rational case to make, but they get to influence laws, despite the impossibility and obvious damage that they are doing.

Rationality out of the window is a pretty serious damage, I would say. Since to you rationality doesn't matter, it's a bit odd that you don't swallow up GOP toilet laws without complaining. Is it because GOP is doing it? Or is it because the toilet laws are somehow unequal? Do you have unisex all-age toilets over there so that it would be properly equal? Did you have them since the beginning of the constitution that says everybody must be equal? If not, why not? If some, then why only some? Maybe because the constitution actually doesn't equate indiscriminately?

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #519
In what rational case is there against equal marriage. It doesn't harm you. I pointed how that it's not the same as religious marriage, so clergy aren't being harmed by it. There's the "think of the children" argument. The studies conclude the children are fine. All it boiled down to was that people's precious little religious feelings were hurt. Are you saying it's rational to keep inventing new and redundant laws just because somebody's feelings are hurt. That's the moral equivalent of making new laws just for the sake of PC, just for the Right instead of the Left. 
You did not even begin to tell how a Sally could be born of Sue and Mary. But I knew you wouldn't.
Have you never heard of artificial insemination? Do I have to spoon feed you everything? I want to be able assume a base level of knowledge beyond what I already knew in about the fifth grade. This is even a common procedure for heterosexual couples. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think Estonia is a primitive country that's unable to do this.
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #520
(I can't imagine a case of artificial inovulation - yet.)
Equality isn't equal to everybody.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #521
In what rational case is there against equal marriage.
"Equal marriage" may enter the sphere of rational dicussion as soon as you define it. But rest assured, as soon as you attempt to define it you will see that it doesn't exist.

There's the "think of the children" argument. The studies conclude the children are fine. All it boiled down to was that people's precious little religious feelings were hurt.
Can you point to one such study? I'd be interested in seeing their definition of "fine".

Are you saying it's rational to keep inventing new and redundant laws just because somebody's feelings are hurt. That's the moral equivalent of making new laws just for the sake of PC, just for the Right instead of the Left. 
Of course reaction for the sake of being reactionary is irrational. Just like it's irrational to be destructive for the sake of being destructive.

Traditional marriage is not just traditional, it also reflects biological reality. To overlook this reality is irrational and destructive.
You did not even begin to tell how a Sally could be born of Sue and Mary. But I knew you wouldn't.
Have you never heard of artificial insemination? Do I have to spoon feed you everything?
I have heard of many things artificial. Are you saying artificial is as good as natural? Or that both are okay and should be equal because the constitution says so?

Anyway, even with artificial insemination, Sue (or Mary, whichever you had in mind) will not become Sally's father. But you knew that. (I'm supposing here that you know what "father" means, but maybe I will have to spoonfeed it to you.)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #522
Can you point to one such study? I'd be interested in seeing their definition of "fine".
Oh, there are lots of them. Let's take one at random .


It has been suggested that children with same-sex attracted parents score well in psychosocial aspects of their health, however questions remain about the impact of stigma on these children. Research to date has focused on lesbian parents and has been limited by small sample sizes. This study aims to describe the physical, mental and social wellbeing of Australian children with same-sex attracted parents, and the impact that stigma has on them.

A cross-sectional survey, the Australian Study of Child Health in Same-Sex Families, was distributed in 2012 to a convenience sample of 390 parents from Australia who self-identified as same-sex attracted and had children aged 0-17 years. Parent-reported, multidimensional measures of child health and wellbeing and the relationship to perceived stigma were measured.

315 parents completed the survey (completion rate = 81%) representing 500 children. 80% of children had a female index parent while 18% had a male index parent. Children in same-sex parent families had higher scores on measures of general behavior, general health and family cohesion compared to population normative data (β = 2.93, 95% CI = 0.35 to 5.52, P = .03; β = 5.60, 95% CI = 2.69 to 8.52, P = <.001; and β = 6.01, 95% CI = 2.84 to 9.17, P = <.001 respectively). There were no significant differences between the two groups for all other scale scores. Physical activity, mental health, and family cohesion were all negatively associated with increased stigma (β = -3.03, 95% CI = -5.86 to -0.21, P = .04; β = -10.45, 95% CI = -18.48 to -2.42, P = .01; and β = -9.82, 95% CI = -17.86 to -1.78, P = .02 respectively) and the presence of emotional symptoms was positively associated with increased stigma (β =0.94, 95% CI = 0.08 to 1.81, P = .03).

Australian children with same-sex attracted parents score higher than population samples on a number of parent-reported measures of child health. Perceived stigma is negatively associated with mental health. Through improved awareness of stigma these findings play an important role in health policy, improving child health outcomes.

Need another just to be sure?

Claims that children need both a mother and father presume that women and men parent differently in ways crucial to development but generally rely on studies that conflate gender with other family structure variables. We analyze findings from studies with designs that mitigate these problems by comparing 2-parent families with same or different sex coparents and single-mother with single-father families. Strengths typically associated with married mother-father families appear to the same extent in families with 2 mothers and potentially in those with 2 fathers. Average differences favor women over men, but parenting skills are not dichotomous or exclusive. The gender of parents correlates in novel ways with parent-child relationships but has minor significance for children's psychological adjustment and social success.

So when you're silly enough to say Mary or Sue will not become Sally's father, rest assured to she doesn't need to be. That is unless you went one of the women to undergo gender reassignment surgery. In which case, I guess we have to be asinine enough to argue about which restroom s/he's supposed to use.  :rolleyes:

“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #523
Watched a passing news item on the Libertarian Party. I know they only get 1% and it was curious they are in fact the only third party in every election area. The item also mentioned a poll saying that  - can't recall the actual figure but was over 40% of people would like more than a two party choice.
Yes, several of the debates took place in my neck of the woods Biloxi, MS, to be specific.
Gary Johnson received the nomination (again, as he was the nominee in 2012).

I voted for him in 2012, and shall be doing so again. My conscience was clear in 2012, and shall be so once again in 2016. Johnson is leaps and bounds better than the two crooks and buffoons that have taken over the Demlopub/Republicrat parties.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #524
Also, @ersi , WBC is a good distance away from me. They are located in Kansas, so thankfully the Arkansians, Oklahomians, and Missourians can deal with their rubbish.

We have enough nutters* in this state to deal with already, without dealing with those asshats.

*= For instance, the American Family Association which is located in Tupelo, MS, (Elvis Presley's hometown) and is roughly an hour away from where I live.