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Topic: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood? (Read 79740 times)

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #25
They're only having a war over there where they cut people's heads off--- much safer than the sea between Scotland and Ireland, eh?

I have to disagree on the grounds that Howie's own countrymen will rein in his anti-americanism, thus making the sea safe.

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #26
Oh, I enjoy it mjsmsprt40 i can asure you and hope you are enjoying the fun. The more modern thinking people in Southern Ireland are not exactly falling over themselves to love Smile's terrorists. In fact the modern Irish dropped a claim on Ulster from their Constitution so tells you Neanderthals something. The SF and PIRA are the same thing and it is very funny that a rightist Republican minded historical hangover supports a bunch of murderers wh are almost Marxist in policy. Doesn't do the Irish-American image much good that one so get back to playing Lego boy.

As for that so-called Caliphate it does need feet on the ground and Turkey has an army of over 500,000 for a start. Time America got it's allies in the ME to do some marching. Well that is when the same allies are not supplying terror groups themselves.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #27

As for that so-called Caliphate it does need feet on the ground and Turkey has an army of over 500,000 for a start. Time America got it's allies in the ME to do some marching. Well that is when the same allies are not supplying terror groups themselves.
Complicated, isn't it. Turkey can't decide whom to support, ISIS, Kurds, assorted jihadists, or....lemme see... .

We need to send Joe Biden in with a sword.
While looking for a Biden graphic I ran into a site that showed the heads of Catholics who refused to convert. Surely these ISIS assholes aren't the worst people in history, but they'll do in the present time. It sickened me.

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the INFECTED neighbourhood?

Reply #28

I was just listening to a discussion on the radio yesterday pertaining to [glow=green,2,300]ISIS[/glow], & one of the guests suggested that[glow=green,2,300] ISIS [/glow]might get groups of 'suicide' minded followers to self-infect themselves with Ebola, then return to their 'homelands'...... he was being mostly suggestive of Britain  & the USA, but they have many origins ...... return to their 'homelands' & begin the, as he termed it, the [glow=black,2,300]'Viral Jihad'.[/glow]

From what I've heard lately, these returning jihadists wouldn't have any problems blending back into their communities.

I'm not aware of any country disallowing returning jihadists (that's if they even know who they are), & even if they were found out after the fact, the horses would have all bolted out of the barn by then.

Are these Islamic Terrorists that sick!!??   ---- And more importantly, how can they be stopped??

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #29
I would wait a wee bit jimbro before sending in Biden. Wait until he gets his speeches right then a bit of training and who knows.

As for the Turks the problem with them is that although have a big military they basically have little time for the Kurds and their is a face to face and often physical mayhem between the two inside Turkey.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #30
The Gift that keeps on Giving!

God help us if the sniper's aim on Obama rings true!   This is what we'd get!   Never a dull moment, I have to say that for him!


Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #31
Hhhm. Trouble is Smiley that your lot are as bad when one thinks bad to Bush senior produced a numpty dopehead as his Vice-President so it seems to be a standard. Poor you lot!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #32

Hhhm. Trouble is Smiley that your lot are as bad when one thinks bad to Bush senior produced a numpty dopehead as his Vice-President so it seems to be a standard. Poor you lot!

:cry: for us! Boo-hoo.

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #33
Local struggles in Syria’s northeast

Quote from: WP
In the case of Syria, the master narrative is that the conflict pits Sunni Muslims ­– whether those desiring liberal governance like the Syrian National Council or those championing religious rule like the Islamic State – against a government controlled by one particular religious minority, the Alawites. If this master narrative was operating on the ground, we would expect to see all Sunni Muslim groups fighting together against the Alawite government (and, potentially, its allies in the country’s other minority groups).

The cracks in the master narrative are manifest. For one thing, the Islamic State has come into conflict with virtually all of the largely Sunni Muslim groups fighting the Syrian government, including the Free Syrian Army and the al-Qaeda affiliated Jabhat al-Nusra. In addition, there can be little question of the endogenous character of events in Syria’s northeast. The Islamic State itself emerged from elements of rebel groups fighting the Syrian government and groups coming from abroad. Neither the identities of, nor the alliances between groups fighting the government, could have been imagined before the beginning of the uprising, as none of them existed in Syria until fighting commenced.

Also emergent in the conflict are several new actors formed in response to weakened state control over much of the northeast. First, the most powerful Kurdish party, the Democratic Union Party (PYD) has set up its own army, the People’s Protection Units (YPG). The Syrian government withdrew from most of the Kurdish areas of the country in July 2012, which allowed the PYD to control the territory. Members of the other principal non-Arab ethnic group in the northeast, Syriac Christians, have set up a security organization called Sutoro. Far smaller than the Kurdish forces ­– unsurprising given the relatively smaller size of the Syriac population and its lack of a political apparatus equivalent to the PYD ­– Sutoro coordinates its activity closely with the PYD.

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #34
The Calif was wounded, so they say.
Who's going to be the Calif in the place of the Calif...

That's a joke for those that knows Belgian BD....
A matter of attitude.

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #36
I don't know why people like seaton are on here unless he is a loner. His mouthings are sprinkled with absurdities, foul language and distaste if you dare to have an opposite stance than him.  In the past I have complimented modern Ireland for it's progress and modernity and that includes politically. It no longer lives in the past unlike seaon and smiley. However that does not mean one should ignore those Irish freaks who kill, maim and destroy. So they are scum and they live on the Emerald Isle so are Irish scum. If the terrorist pals of Smiley were Scots they would be Scots scum and the same applies to America or wherever. However the arrogant and self smug seaton mind cannot distinguish between sense and reality. He for one is so full of his own "intelligence and the moody picture emphasises his reality.

Can I also say mjsmsprt40 that I have never encoraged violence nor supported such but Smiley does and they are products of across the water but there is a massive head shrinker busines there so help is not far away. Thankfully the vast majority of the people in Southern Ireland are a far greater people than the terror support on this forum. Co-operation between Gt Britain and Ireland has never been better or closer but the 2 head bangers here try to manipulate my views to the level of stupidity. Wherever terrorists come from they are scum and I have always complimented Dublin on it's modern attitude. Do feel sorry for you Chicago man because they live on your side and there are a lot like them!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the INFECTED neighbourhood?

Reply #37
Quote from: SmileyFaze
  how can they be stopped??

they  can be stopped only if there are  vacciness for Hypocrisy-retarded .  :wizard:

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #38

[glow=black,2,300]Walmart to sell halal meat[/glow]   

Quote from:      The Miami Student    

Upon the request of Muslim students at Miami University, Walmart recently made the decision to provide halal-certified meat at the
Oxford location.

Store manager Elijah Woodard made a formal announcement on Oct. 21 that the store would be accomodating these requests.

“I appreciated the students bringing this interest to our attention,” Woodard said. “I am pleased to announce that we have set a halal meat section in the store.”

According to Woodard, the order for the halal meat was made immediately and would only take a few days for the first shipment to arrive.

In Arabic, the word “halal” means permissible. Halal meat is meat that has been slaughtered according to Islamic law, as laid out in the Qu’ran. This particular type of slaughter is called dhabiha and requires that an animal’s throat be slit swiftly with a sharp blade to ensure as little pain and suffering as possible. While this is being done, the person with the blade says a prayer to Allah, or at the very least invokes the name of Allah to bless the animal and give thanks for the food.

According to visiting assistant professor Tareq Hasan Khan, there has never been a location in Oxford that sold this type of meat.

“For halal meat, we needed to drive from Oxford to Cincinnati, around 40 miles one way, almost every week,” Khan said. “This long drive is very tiresome and takes about two hours only to go to Cincinnati and return back.”

Between Khan and members of the Muslim Student Association (MSA), efforts were made to convince Walmart to provide the Halal meat. Many students reached out directly to the management at Walmart. In addition, a petition was passed around on the Internet. The petition acquired nearly 50 signatures and was directed at all Oxford grocers including MOON co-op and Kroger. Thus far, Walmart is the only provider who has responded to the requests of the Muslim students.

“It is already hard to live in the United States as a Muslim, sophomore Rami Abu-Attiyeh said. “I would like to see halal food offered to students making it more convenient for them to have more options when it comes to eating at Miami University.”

According to Khan, the number of Muslim students and staff who come to Oxford to attend Miami University increases every year. Many of these people also have families with children to provide for, which is hard to do when meat is so unavailable. For Muslim students living on campus, many have found it to be increasingly difficult to find halal options.

Senior Saara Khalid said that as a Muslim, it is hard to find halal options on campus, especially for those students who do not wish to be vegetarians.

In addition, students requested specific brands of halal meat to be provided in Oxford grocery stores.

“Since the Halal chicken and meat has to be certified, we strongly recommend the local stores to sell chicken products from Crescent Foods and beef products from Midamar,” Khan said.

Both of these brands are popular choices among the Muslim community.

Sophomore Trevor Snyder was more than happy to sign the petition that would make life easier for Muslim students on Miami’s campus.

“I signed because buying food should be convenient for everyone,” Snyder said.

What do you think? 

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #40
Halal Options

i have seen some enough shits about that thing-ies  .

in islam everything is halal .

just set everything in " urgent case " .

then every foods , every acts ( even Criminalities )  , and everything is halal .

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #43
China offers to help Iraq defeat Sunni extremists

Quote from: Financial Times
China has offered to help Iraq defeat Sunni extremists with support for air strikes, according to Ibrahim Jafari, Iraq’s foreign minister. Wang Yi, Mr Jafari’s Chinese counterpart, made the offer to help defeat the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, known as Isis, when the two men met in New York at September’s UN antiterrorism meeting, Mr Jafari said.

Any Chinese assistance would be outside the US-led coalition. “[Mr Wang] said, our policy does not allow us to get involved in the international coalition,” Mr Jafari told the Financial Times in Tehran, where he was attending an anti-extremism conference this week. “I welcomed this initiative. I told him . . . we are ready to deal with the coalition and also co-operate with countries outside this coalition.”

China’s official policy is of non-interference in other countries’ internal affairs. Although it does sell weapons to many other countries since abandoning the Maoist goal of “exporting revolution” decades ago China has avoided direct military involvement beyond its borders.
Growing economic and strategic interests have tested that policy. China’s navy began escorting ship convoys around the Horn of Africa after Somali piracy threatened oil and ore cargoes. Last year for the first time it contributed troops to a UN peacekeeping operation in Mali. A battalion of 700 Chinese troops is now joining UN Peacekeepers in South Sudan, with a mandate to guard Chinese-invested oilfields there.

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #44
Well, that sure is interesting.

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #45
And understandable.

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #46
Smiley ass long as it is not a side door to replacing routine meat. And the way Muslims deal with the slaughterhouse is disgusting and scurrilous. :mad:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #47

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #49
Why it should be replaced by side door long smiley ass in the first place perhaps. It's all a little perplexing.