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Topic: Tripe about Ukraine (Read 247149 times)

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #150
The more generic mierenneuker (Dutch for ant fucker, i.e. nitpicker) might do too. :sherlock:

Edit: having read the second article, I realize that's exactly the same principle as flueknipper.

Edit 2: in French it's also a fly fucker.

PS A less crude Dutch term is muggenzifter (mosquito sifter).

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #151
In german it's Haarspalter ( hair splitter ) or, Krümelkacker ( crumb crapper? ) :right:

( cue Josh freaking out about us being off topic :left: )

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #152
Josh may not be around, so in his behalf, stay on topic.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #154
I am becoming concerned about developments. As you undoubtedly know, Crimea is campaigning to become part of Russia, breaking away from the rest of Ukraine. I have little doubt that if successful, Crimea will owe a lot of its "freedom" to the efforts of Putin and his friends. Wait until Putin tries to collect what's owed. Then that's when the trouble really begins.

Because, as we all know, Crimea never pays.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #155

I am becoming concerned about developments. As you undoubtedly know, Crimea is campaigning to become part of Russia, breaking away from the rest of Ukraine. I have little doubt that if successful, Crimea will owe a lot of its "freedom" to the efforts of Putin and his friends. Wait until Putin tries to collect what's owed. Then that's when the trouble really begins.

Because, as we all know, Crimea never pays.

We are a generous lot, here at DnD.
We will pretend you didn't say that.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #156
Thanks to Germany, half of Ukraine is going to be Russian.

The funny part are two: that half of Ukraine always was Russian and that Americans can do nothing.
Ukraine, with its ballistic nuclear missiles, aren't exactly what American bravery uses to "fight".
A matter of attitude.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #157

I am becoming concerned about developments. As you undoubtedly know, Crimea is campaigning to become part of Russia, breaking away from the rest of Ukraine. I have little doubt that if successful, Crimea will owe a lot of its "freedom" to the efforts of Putin and his friends. Wait until Putin tries to collect what's owed. Then that's when the trouble really begins.

Because, as we all know, Crimea never pays.

So now.....

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #158
The two facedness of the USA on Ukraine and Crimea is unbelievable.

It was okay for Kosovo to break away from a constituent part of Serbia. And what about Czechoslovakia. That was okay too and South Sudan. It has all been a reidiculous media and White House mayhem creating a second Cold War attempt. Trouble is that the ex-colonies get the hump because they like to control anywhere they want in the world by economic management or war and often both. They cannot do that with the Russian Federation so tough one boys! Although Kosovo was a Serbian Province because it had eventually an Albanian majority di the US or it's poodles get bitchy? Nope it didn't so the West is very selective of it's principles. It was okay for Kosovo but not for Crimea. If it wasn't for wars Americans would never know geography.

And the hypocrisy by the White House on the Ukrainian consitution, rights and freedoms is hogwash. A minority around Kiev started this fiasco. Have we heard a word from the champion about rights and freedoms about the neo-Nazis in government? Nope.  The Kiev rump which ignore their own constitution also overturned a properly elected President. He isn't an angel but he was elected. The Kiev mob as I said took Russian out as an official language and ignored the large ethnic population ion the east and southeast.  The chased President had agreed to his powers being limited a change back to a previous constitution and so on but the West supports a crowd of bandits and thugs who are illegal. However compare that to the Crimea. They still have a parliament and elected Prime Minister. They have said that minorities will be respected including the Tartars. They have also said they would make the Tartar dialect a second official language whereas Kiev did the opposite on Russian.. Just shows the big difference and the hypocrisy here in the west. Many on this form are aware of this hence skirting around.

If Kiev keeps going the way it is they will be kissing goodbye to another chunk of the country and it is once again their fault.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #159

It was okay for Kosovo to break away from a constituent part of Serbia. And what about Czechoslovakia.

Czechoslovakia is the wrong example. The secession took place in compliance of both parts.
Kosovo on the other hand is a fine example for a secession without mutual compliance.

The parliament of the Autonomic Republic of Crimea has declared its independence from Ukraine with reference to settled case laws at the United Nations International Court Of Justice. (ACCORDANCE  WITH  INTERNATIONAL  LAW OF THE UNILATERAL DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE IN RESPECT OF KOSOVO)
You can download the document as PDF from here.

Most of you probably heard about Bank Stress Tests as a result of the global financial crisis.
The events in Ukraine are a nice Stress Test for our 'Free Western Media'. It fails the test miserably.
We can condense the result of the test in three words: bias, hypocrisy and double standards.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #160
A minority around Kiev started...
O'k, you didn't get my explanation.
Now - if "a minority" did all this --- where hrucking was THE MAJORITY? When you don't get simple things, bro... ALL HRUCKING THINGS are made by hrucking minorities!.. Including (but not limited to) tech.progress, revolutions, and the evolution ("the majority" always dies failing to survive - while tiny minorities survive and make the species adapt).

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #161
In any actual terms, no MAJORITY ever exists (apart from voting or other stats lists) -- hardly an idea can be imagined to UNITE ACTIVELY ANY REAL MAJORITY - ACTIVELY being a NECESSARY term with the meaning that no Uncle Sam/Yanuk/Whoever came to "unite" them - AS IF.  Being gathered by a shepherd does never count. Ever.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #163

O'k, you didn't get my explanation.
Now - if "a minority" did all this --- where hrucking was THE MAJORITY?

Where? At the Ukrainian presidential election, 2010 and don't tell me it was a fraud.
Furthermore it was only a matter of months up to the next elections...

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #166
Quote from: Frenzie on 2014-03-12, 04:49:42Yanuk?Yes.
Quote from: krake on 2014-03-12, 04:55:27Where? At the Ukrainian presidential election, 2010 and don't tell me it was a fraud.I don't know!..
There were notions, nobody knows how justified.

There were notions, nobody knows how justified.

Nor do any of the millions who surf the Internet know what nobody else surfing the Internet knows. Bravo, Josh!


Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #168
There is to be a referendum in the Crimea - there are two questions, one which amounts to do you want Crimea to be part of Russia now and the second effectively do you want the Crimea to be part of Russia later.

The rational for this interpretation comes from the Moscow Times, an English Language paper in Moscow.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #169

The rational for this interpretation comes from the Moscow Times, an English Language paper in Moscow.

Moscow Times is own by the Finnish publishing group Sanoma. Furthermore it has an alliance with the  International Herald Tribune.
The newspaper is known for its critical positions towards the current Russian government.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #170
Bit slow there string. The Crimea referendum has been on the go for more than the other day or two.

Let me remind you all again. The Kiev "government" in claiming that Crimea is acting illegally and backed up by the West is utterly ridiculous as a stance. The Kiev mob took over illegally and the violence by the ne-Nazis. Crimea on the other hand does have an elected government so the international hypocrisy is pathetic.  America, time after time, has interfered with, disrupted countries then destroyed them when it suited.  Often using the claptrap of looking after their interests. Well in a sens ethey were - commercial and corporate ones. However it cannot do it with the Russian Federation so goes bonkers and the West as usual goes along with it. Kosovo WAS a province of Serbia and the constant flow of Albanians into it for decades made a difference. They were in the majority so that was okay then wasn't it? The absurdity that the majority in Crimea cannot do what they want is ridiculous.

Whern I said that the Kievillegal set up distanced itself from the east and south east of Ukraine you all suitably ignored that and the banning of Russian as an offical laguage across the country. So  much for inclusion. On the other hand the elected government in Crimea has stated it will make the Tartar laguage a second state language and you all just ignore what you don't want to hear. Russia is doing what America always claims in looking after it's interests and rightly too the way things are going in Kiev.

The propaganda knows no bounds and is Goebbells like in it's ridiculousness!  The latest statements from Kiev is that there are 80,000 Russian troops in Crimea. Clatrap yet again and absurd claims of tanks and other stuff. They even include naval ships that in all probability are what was the small Ukraine navy. One exaggeration after another. Subtle ignoring of the Nazis in the Kiev corner and one standing for President. In the East growing unhappiness of what was done in Kiev without any thought of including them if they wanted and here we gt codswallop on the words "democracy", "rights" and "legimate." Now a Kiev Ogliagarch has been dumped in an eastern province by the Kiev rump much to the unhappiness of the locals. Kiev is putting up thenheat by saying it is recuriting the National Guard. All over the top stuff and pathetics in the West and here on this forum just trait along with the mince.

If Ukraine is so keen on keeping it'self together why did the West virtually encourage the rbele fanatics that fought in the Kiev streets? Why too has the aired conversation between the EEC chief and the Estonian foreign minister been ignored? Obama that fool, Kerry and Cameron have all been silence on that. The German Chancellor who was being a bit more reluctantly had obviously been leaned on regarding sanctions and stuff. However her country will suffer much in return and she knows it. Just shows what knowing and doing really means. With the track record of the Kiev lot and their Nazi allies how you keep a nation together is one big problem. Crimea will go by free and democratic ways and the West and the apologists here will go on about how terrible it is. The Kiev mob and the West is so damnably stupi in creating a distance right from the start with the rest of Ukraine where much of the industry is and will be their losss and their fault.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #171
"America, time after time, has interfered with, disrupted countries then destroyed them when it suited."
Do you have a list of the destroyed countries? You do mean destroyed, don't you?
"With the track record of the Kiev lot and their Nazi allies how you keep a nation together is one big problem."
Why, you send in the evil dictator, Vlad Putin.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #172
Did anyone else notice the similarities between what's playing out between Russia, Crimea etc. and the way the US annexed Texas and what's now the west coast states?