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Topic: Forum clock (Read 6090 times)

Forum clock

Is it just me, or is the forum clock slightly offset?

Re: Forum clock

Reply #1
Let me see....

edit: Yep the time-stamp is 6 minutes ahead of my real time.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Forum clock

Reply #3

Is it just me, or is the forum clock slightly offset?

Nice quoting... different from Opera.

Sorry, I like to test formatting...  :)
And insert hyperlinks... Wikipedia

Do we have always to insert the captcha at every post?
A matter of attitude.

Re: Forum clock

Reply #4
Oh, that's because you're a new user. It's an anti-spam measure. I'll disable that for now but I might have to reinstall the whole forum regardless. Or use another one. For now it's not going very well, that much is obvious.

Re: Forum clock

Reply #5

Again, congratulations on a job--though still in progress--a job well done.

I think that a captcha on sign-on a good security measure, but on each & every post, it becomes a bit excessive. If there is say a 20 minute inactivity from your last post, that would make sense,  but each & every post when there's regular activity since the last captcha would seem a bit of a pain. 

Then again, if it must be that way though I guess one could get used to it just as long as the captcha isn't one of those types that are insensitive to, & alienate those with, slight sight impairments.

Re: Forum clock

Reply #6
I'm not a fan of CAPTCHAs, but spam is a serious issue. Unfortunately spambots are better at solving them than humans, making them virtually useless (unless I customized it with a custom blackletter font or something, but some humans might have trouble with that too.)

I believe the option to ask questions is more user-friendly and for now hopefully sufficient against spammers. Specifically questions that can't be easily found with autocomplete on Google. But I'll give it more thought or ask for more input on that matter if I decide this is viable. :)

Re: Forum clock

Reply #7
This is something that can't be done now because this is brand new and you haven't appointed moderators yet, but one possibility is to have the first couple of posts go through a moderator before posting. It's a bit of a pain, but-- after the first few posts, a member becomes a known member of the community and his posts don't have to be checked before posting anymore. It inserts a human (the moderator) between the newbie's post and the forum, so a spam post never makes it to the board and the spammer goes elsewhere.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!


Re: Forum clock

Reply #8
I'll just use my wristwatch. :)

Re: Forum clock

Reply #9
Well now, I do declare, getting used this new forum, and trying to figure out how SF has already reached 197 posts is quite like the time I drank that Peyote Tea by accident.  :trollface:   :left: :right:

Re: Forum clock

Reply #11

Well now, I do declare, getting used this new forum, and trying to figure out how SF has already reached 197 posts is quite like the time I drank that Peyote Tea by accident.  :trollface:   :left: :right:

     [glow=red,2,300] SmileyFaze[/glow]     

Was playin' with iMacro fer FireFox....teehee

Re: Forum clock

Reply #12
Sometimes it happens, and today it happened again: without me changing anything in my account profile, time display is offset by 1 hour - forwards or backwards, randomly. Can anyone else confirm that? Frenzie, do you know what happened?
FYI, there are no summer timezone changes taking place around here these days.

Re: Forum clock

Reply #13
It's possible that I changed the "central" offset on purpose or accidentally. Unless you truly mean that it's varying by the page load?

Re: Forum clock

Reply #14
No, it's not by page load.