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Topic: start page choice and newtab ?? (Read 4218 times)

start page choice and newtab ??

hello alls,

i would like to use "ever" à specific page instead of the speed-dial ... i went to "prefernces" and i choised start with "homepage"

then it works well a first sight, when openning otter... but if i open a new tab, the speed dial do come back in place of the home page...

i went into about:config, to see if there was an option about it, but nothing

a solution... ??? an omition from the team ??

thanks a lot

Re: start page choice and newtab ??

Reply #1
well, well, i went back to opera 12.17 to see its behavior

and really suprisingly, the opera behavior is the same than otterbro...

but i do remember that before to "accept" the idea that speed-dial could have some utility... i was using the homepage for any tabs (i was not using the speed dial(simply))

then may they've finish to change this behavior and not allowed to use the homepage for anytabs...

it's why i was sure to be abble to use it know... (i was having no use of speed-dial for many years)

well, it's possible in Otterbro to desactive (about;config) the start page... but it gives only a blank page for a new tab... not the homepage

see ya

Re: start page choice and newtab ??

Reply #2
If all you want is that your chosen home page be loaded by default on every single new tab you open, is there anything preventing you from using the Home button instead of the New Tab button?

Re: start page choice and newtab ??

Reply #3
well, it's a possibility beastie, but, the homepage button do not open a new tab, and vice-versa, the new tab do not gives acces to the home page
and it's not exactly what i have in mind (that could please me ;) )

Re: start page choice and newtab ??

Reply #4
If I remember right, old Opera did not have this kind of new-tab option either, at least I cannot find it in my Opera 11. However, what you could do was to reconfigure the new-tab action to include Go to page. As follows
Code: [Select]
t ctrl="New page, 1 & Go to page, """

How (and if) it works in Otter's JSON, I have unfortunately no idea. To me JSON is incomprehensible and unmanageable due to its multiline, indented and bracketed structure

Compared to INI, JSON is upside down. In INI you first define the keybind, then describe what it is supposed to do. In JSON you first define the action, and then which keybind is supposed to perform it.

And I do not see any example or evidence in JSON that one keybind can do multiple actions in sequence. Somebody please prove me wrong.

Re: start page choice and newtab ??

Reply #5
@ersi You can, but it's not really implemented in the GUI yet (unless I'm missing something). A basic example that opens a new tab and goes to home page looks like this:

Code: [Select]
"action": "RunMacro",
"shortcuts": [
"parameters": {"actions": ["NewTab", "GoToHomePage"]}

Nevertheless, in the GUI that's actually the topmost suggestion if you click add a new shortcut, namely "Run Arbitrary List of Actions (RunMacro)".

If you try an "Arbitrary List of Actions" in the addressbar or something you just get a "CustomMenu" entry, and at a glance I don't see anything in the code that suggests macro handling has been implemented there.

Re: start page choice and newtab ??

Reply #6
Ah, so this is what Emdek meant when he spoke about implementing macros. So it is there, sort of. (Sorry, when I think of Opera, I can only think in terms of INI and how simple and instantly usable it used to be. Opera was insta-ready for it.)

Figure it out, Quetzal, and your new tabs will be able to load the home page.


Re: start page choice and newtab ??

Reply #7
@Frenzie What do you think, is it possible to have an equivalent for my "Edit link" menu item in Otter?
Code: [Select]
Item, "Edit link" = "Copy link, -2, "urlinfo", , "Go to page" & Delay, 200 & Go to page & Delay, 200 & Paste"
Look how wonderful Opera's configuration was. Everything in one line, and it makes perfect sense, because you really want your little edit to be one seamless thing, to speak as one sentence in one breath. JSON is hopeless with its unnecessary linebreaks, indentation, several types of brackets, and deadweight words like "action" and "parameters". It has no common-sense semantics.

Re: start page choice and newtab ??

Reply #8
waouh, guys... i would never thought about that kind of options...

in another way, i went into the file otter,conf
i found there somes options about the startpage... i tried to had something as Startpage=HomePage (which got an adress upper(in the same file)
but nothing really pertinent has happened

i'm gonna try to make this shortcut

and promise Ersi, i really been suprised to not find this behavior... i was relying onto
and more strange, in Otter, if you desactive the startpage, there only an oddy "blank_page" that appears... nothing else... ???
it may be what i was doing since Opera become "free in use (version8.5)" (desactivation of speed-dial) then the homepage was triggered as default...

Re: start page choice and newtab ??

Reply #10
What do you think, is it possible to have an equivalent for my "Edit link" menu item in Otter?
Anyway, I don't know if each part of that is implemented in Otter but it if is then I think it should be possible. What's the -2 urlinfo stuff about?

Re: start page choice and newtab ??

Reply #11
the new tab do not gives acces to the home page
Forget about the New Tab button. Use the Home button instead, every time you want a new tab.

the homepage button do not open a new tab
It does exactly that here using the default configuration. To demonstrate this:
1. Start with a new profile.
2. go to Tools > Preferences
  2.1. Set the Home page
  2.2. Set Startup behavior to Show home page
3. Add a Go to Home Page button to the Tab Bar toolbar just before ---spacer--- and remove the New Tab button

Now every time you start Otter, the home page is loaded. And every time you click the Go to Home Page button, the home page is loaded in a new tab.

Isn't that the result you're looking for?

Re: start page choice and newtab ??

Reply #12

Indeed, this is the default behaviour! I guess it depends on the Browser/OpenLinksInNewTab setting in about:config. When "yes", the home page button opens in new tab.

Also, it is possible to replace the new tab button with the home page button, and to rebind new tab keybind to go to home page.