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DnD Central / Re: What's Your Favorite U.S. Supreme Court decision?
Last post by OakdaleFTL -
This one, restoring Trump to presidential candidacy in Colorado, may yet take the cake for being the worst SCOTUS decision ever.
By "worst" you -of course- mean contrary to your presumption of guilt of Trump. You have lots of company holding that opinion. (Although not very good company!)

I liked your section:
Also, SCOTUS deployed some technicalities in taking Trump's absolute immunity argument for consideration in order to delay the documents investigation case. Thus SCOTUS aims to ensure that Trump not only remains on the ballot as an insurrectionist, but also as the thief and distributor of state secrets, an asset of foreign powers.
Specially the "some technicalities".... :) You seem always able to ignore "technicalities" — such as due process, constitutional rights and rules of evidence — for your preferred outcome of trials: You're still a Soviet at heart, ersi!

And like many Europeans you simply wish the U.S. ill: If it's bad for the U.S,, you're for it!

Have you actually followed the case you mention? (Why would you, of course: "The man is guilty! Find the crime..."! Dictat.)
But the U.S. has not been defeated, yet! :)

BTW: Have you an opinion on the NYC trial? I'll bet you have a lot in common with Cohen... :)
DnD Central / Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Last post by ersi -
Trump attempted a campaign video. Did not go well.

Trump Posts, Then Takes Down, Video Online With Headlines About a ‘Unified Reich’ - The New York Times

I saw the video. Its bold points (all of them):

What happens after Donald Trump wins?
- The economy blooms
- The border is closed and the largest deportation in history is underway
- No more wars as we focus on home
- Law and order is restored
- The American dream is back and the best is yet to come
Make America Great Again!
These were all in bold and in caps in the video, and also spoken in audio. Normal campaign promises. American voters have no issue with those. The issue that NYT raised was instead that, in the video, which was designed as if newspaper headlines, the blurred newspaper main text (the "fine print") spelled out "the creation of Unified Reich". Trump evidently concurred it does not look good for him, so he took the video down.

And the presidential race continues. Cheers!
DnD Central / Re: what's going on in france
Last post by ersi -
Macron will stop Ukraine war, Gaza war, and Sudan crisis for the time of Olympic Games, despite the opinion of the warring parties. And he will take a dip in the river with the mayor of Paris when the games open.

Regardless of what happens on the Seine with the opening ceremony, Macron said he would still swim in the river, which he promised would be clean enough for the Olympics.

Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo has also promised to swim in the Seine, despite sewer problems that have cancelled or delayed pre-Olympic events.

In a month, I will visit Paris and check out the bedbugs situation.
DnD Central / Re: DnD entropy
Last post by jax -
I'll reply to that in 16 days and change.


17 days and change.

Last post: 2021-11-17, 09:51:25
This post: 2021-12-03, 19:07:12
Old interval: 15 days, 8 hours, 18 minutes and 55 seconds
This interval: 16 days, 9 hours, 15 minutes and 47 seconds

Previous delta: 19 hours, 23 minutes and 10 seconds.
This delta: 1 day, 56 minutes and 52 seconds.

Last post: 2024-04-26, 11:39:27
This post: 2024-05-15 05:56:29
Old interval: 16 days, 9 hours, 15 minutes and 47 seconds
This interval: 18 days, 18 hours, 17 minutes and 0 seconds

Previous delta: 1 day, 56 minutes and 52 seconds.
This delta:2 days, 9 hours, 1 minute and 13 second.

Fifth time in this thread.
Otter Browser Forum / RIP Otter?
Last post by DaveH -
As it's now been well over two years since any new version of Otter has appeared, release or weekly, can I safely assume that this project is now dead, and forget about it?
It's very sad, but especially as I believe that Windows XP support is now dropped anyway, my hope of something to replace Opera 12 on my legcacy system is no more.

The Lounge / Re: Game: Forum Chess
Last post by ersi -
My chess has become so good that I can play higher levels now in the chess game that comes with Pocketbook ereader. The game is mechanistic, i.e. if you play consistently the same moves, the game's response never changes.

I found that up to level 6 it is possible to beat the game in 12 moves as follows:

1. e4 e5
2. Nf3 Nc6
3. Bc4 Nf6
4. d3 d5
5. exd5 Nxd5
6. Bg5 Be7
7. Bxe7 Ndxe7
8. Ng5 O-O
9. Qh5 Bf5
10. Bxf7+ Kh8
11. Be6 Bxe6
12. Qxh7#

The fastest sequence to beat level 7 of Pocketbook ereader chess game is probably the following:

1. e4 d5
2. Bb5+ c6
3. Ba4 dxe4
4. Nc3 Nf6
5. d3 exd3
6. cxd3 Bf5
7. Bc2 e5
8. Bg5 h6
9. Bxf6 gxf6
10. Qh5 Bxd3
11. O-O-O e4
12. Nxe4 Qd5
13. Nxf6+ Kd8
14. Rxd3 Qxd3
15. Bxd3 Nd7
16. Qf3 Nxf6
17. Qxf6+ Kc7
18. Qxh8 Re8
19. Nf3 b6
20. Qf6 Re7
21. Re1 Rd7
22. Bf5 Rd5
23. Qxf7+ Kd6
24. Qxf8+ Kc7
25. Qg7+ Rd7
26. Qxd7+ Kb8
27. Re8#

Looking forward to discovering how to beat level 8.