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Topic: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia (Read 108213 times)

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #275
Putin's meddling has made it clear to the Ukrainians that their future lies with Europe, not with Russia. Ukraine is the heimat, so to speak, of the Eastern Slavs. Even before this conflict Ukraine's future laid with Europe, the "not with Russia" part lies squarely with the actions of the Russian government.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #276
America has done much in the world to create so much destabilisation and the rise of terrrism - heavens, it has even helped arm terror fiends.

Speaking of terrrism, ......
Britain is facing fresh allegations of complicity in the killings of terrorism suspects by Kenyan death squads.

The claims come from members of Kenyan intelligence and special police units who say they carry out extrajudicial killings. They also say they have received training and intelligence from Britain’s military and other officials as part of their counter-terrorism efforts.

The members of these death squads say they have not turned whistleblowers because they believe the killings are wrong, but because they believe Kenya has little choice in the face of vicious Islamist insurgency.

The claims come in an al-Jazeera investigation programme to be broadcast on Monday.

One of those interviewed claimed Britain knew of the killings the Kenyan death squads carried out: “Once they give us the information, they know what they have told us it is ABCD: ‘Mr Jack’ is involved in ‘such and such’ a kind of activity. Tomorrow he’s no longer there. We have worked. Definitely the report that you gave us has been ‘worked on’.”

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #277
No-one can beat the good ole US of A when it comes to terror junkies. Afghanistan come to mind as one very big example and others elsewhere. Neither can the USA stop stuff being quietly supplied in Syria that it is all in safe hands.

We have had one school in London where the number of would-be Jihadist idiots was in double figures and we are still getting them from the religion of the child molester.As much as i have enjoyed living here I am glad I will not be here later in this century because it will be a hell hole the way they are breeding.

Anyway on this thread I watched a column of US military vehicles processing along streets and what do you know, people were out with anti-US posters, etc objecting. NATO led by the wrld dictatorship is rattling noisily but it is being stupid and pried up by utterly stupid media stuff that rattles out as well. After WW2 the States used the aftermath as an excuse to spread a corporate backed  military and other commercialism in the world. Mind you in pursuing this daft world policeman thinking is a bit like it's city policing. When you think of all the young men killed over those decades for the real controllers of the USA it is disgusting that they have been lost not for any indepth principles but the monied davancement of the rich and powerful. It is a crying shame how those ordinary people have been fooled. Shuffle the armour as you like but for a change you have someone who will not be intimidated by the No 1 hypocrisy cormer.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #278
After WW2 the States used the aftermath as an excuse to spread a corporate backed  military and other commercialism in the world.

What in Allah's name is a corporate backed military? And terror junkies?

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #279
Back to Putin and others.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #280
Just shows that my consideration for intelligent ex-colonists has been a tad too generous. hhhm, maybe the government's concern over there is the inbuilt growing up mind-setting hypocrisy? Goodness imagine me missing the obvious!  As for me having a thingy about US bashing (it is so easy) and we get repeated same stuff about Putin. You need boy to get out more. At least i have new hiking boots and can get the fresh air!

When it comes to colonialism you just have to take a studied not of US jingoism and corporate/military empirical machinations to see the most example in history in the imperial corner. Tell you what new Southerner, try starting a global Commomwealth like someone else did and see what happens.  :P
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #281

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #282
tt92, anyone who's worked as an editor knows what RJ means: That he is incapable of coherent thought! He talks to himself (…no harm in that; I do it myself — hmm. Perhaps there is… :) ) His disability to write using the tools of a grammar school education tells us much about how he comes by most of his opinions.
And yet he got a "certificate" in secondary school for his -what? (He doesn't say.) We pat kids on the head when they parrot our nostrums, don't we? :)

But perhaps he will claim a Medieval education! (Punctuation -even including space between the letters of printed words- was seldom used, back then.) If he makes the claim, I'll have to deflate it: He has little of what the trivium and quadrivium should have instilled in even the dullest of students!

I'd add, I do fear for the U.K., since Scotland has become an anchor to it — in modern times: The seas of what we have recently called geopolitics are not only affected by tides; they are at risk to typhoons and tsunamis!
If Howie is representative, there is little hope the kingdom will survive…

Of course, the idea that Howie is representative is ludicrous. :) He is (like me, I should add!) a crank! :)
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #283
Kind of amusing coming from a Yank Oakdale as your own government has been concerned about education for some time. My opinions are direct but seemingly too direct for softy you and the brain damaged clown from Aussie land, tt92. He does try to be haughty and perhaps just as well as he is incapable of doing anything in a debate or passing argument. Has anyone actually followed that mouthy numpty the down under Prime Minister? Just shows who can get to the top in that society so can expect idiocy here!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #284
Could the media and political anti-Russian proganda get any more juvenile?

Greece's Prime Minstrel asks to visit Russia and is give the go ahead as he wanted to speak to President Putin. The economic shambles of Greece was NOT raised but the >London times along with other papers came out with the utterly ridiculous stuff that Russia was dividing Europe!  The Kremlin did NOT ask the PM to come but as usual anything for a stupid dig is the norm. And anyway Europe does not have to be divided from outside it has already in that state internally.Years and still in a mess.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #286
And the point is?
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #287
The usual Putin bashing.
This time it's not about Russian toilets at the Olympics but about Putin's wealth.

With an estimated net worth somewhere between $40 and $70 billion dollars,...

Between $40 and $70 billion? That's a very speculative estimate to say the least. :)
However when it comes to bashing , there are no limits: "Bill Browder, CEO of Hermitage Capital Management, estimates Putin’s net worth at $200 billion."

The Russian president stole billions from his country’s ...

Now we know who was thieving Russia. It weren't the oligarchs with excellent contacts to the West but the by then unknown Putin. :D

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #288
A guy has to put away a little something for retirement.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #289
Yea that's very true jimbro and as there are 40% of Congress and 60% of Senators millionaires they are in the front.

The constant Russa bashing is infantile stuff. I just came across a news item that says the "incident" in Swedish waters was not Russian at all. We get this other guff about occasional Russian planes flying down the English Channel and I would remind that area is international waters. Odd how the US goes on especially about flights near borders when they have been doing that for decades themselves. Now we have the US ratcheting up the Ukraine situation militarily so maybe someone should tell the White House Ukraine is NOT in NATO. And anyway NATO is a thing from the past and simply used by America to get digs at Russia as they are frustrated they cannot control like other countries. The BBC the other night did an hour long programme on queers in the Russian Federation and made hay out of it. Yet just another attempt at bashing Russia but why did they not have a look at some African countries or Islam ones where you can be automatically jailed or executed for being queer. It is all as subtle as hit on the head with a hammer and so infantile. Well tough luck America you will never absorb Russia into your imperial corporate world so just keep starting wars somewhere else and maintain your tradtion since WW2.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #290
Well said. I will never forgive America for starting WW2.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #291
"The constant (**********) bashing is infantile stuff."
Fill the blank with the nation of your choice.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #292
Australia and Aborigines treatment comes to mind and the mouthings from someone who doesn't want to say where his originality is from.....
"Quit you like men:be strong"


Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #294
Well that is due to non-Scots being infantile so a suitable comment.Just nodded to my wall picture of Nicholas 2nd which reminds me what happens when you are too easy or not up to things.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #295
Well that is due to non-Scots being infantile so a suitable comment.Just nodded to my wall picture of Nicholas 2nd...

...and Rasputin...


We love near royalty and actual royalty.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #296
Rasputin wasn't a Royal and yep you find many ex-colonists have a fancy about Royals. Mind you Rasputin would have fitted in well with many US Republican Party people. The US President complimented the Russian oRoyal before World War one (!). Yep it can be a strange world at times.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #297
Mind you Rasputin would have fitted in well with many US Republican Party people.

Only you to think such an aberration...  :lol:

Rasputin represents the opposite of any and every American.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #298
Oh for goodness sake. Even someone stuck in a desperate financial mess like Portugal should be able to think properly! Rasputin was a danger, had greyc ell problems and caused misery. In generality terms the American Republicans can be allotted some interesting labels. They are hooped up nationalists (hidden behind the word 'patriotic'), cause misery, ignore the poor for being un-aAmerican, cause wars, deaths and control freaks. Yeah, Rasputin could fit in there nicely!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #299
In generality terms the American Republicans can be allotted some interesting labels. They are hooped up nationalists (hidden behind the word 'patriotic'), cause misery, ignore the poor for being un-aAmerican, cause wars, deaths and control freaks. Yeah, Rasputin could fit in there nicely!

Rasputin was a mysterious character, really hard to kill, a mystic monk and simply took over half of Russian female nobility by way of an extreme animal sexuality and magnetism. Really an American Republican indeed...
A matter of attitude.