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Topic: What's Going on in Europe (Read 282559 times)

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #1225
Russia's Little Big (of Skibidi fame) was announced for Eurovision, but now corona cancelled it.


Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #1226
Wait, Russia is entering with something gay/trans/whatever?

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #1227
It's the whatever, not the former things.

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #1230
The CPB[1] director says it's "practically unavoidable" that there'll be a recession.[2] But besides how worrisome that sounds, the definition of a recession is simply that the economy shrinks for two quarters straight. So it's mostly up to what happens after those two quarters whether the practical effects will actually line up with what we mean by the word.

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #1232
Der Spiegel writes some odd stuff sometimes.
Rutte’s most important adviser in the corona crisis -- Jaap van Dissel, Director of the Center for Infection Control at the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and Environment -- holds views on the disease similar to his prime minister. Van Dissel explains that the virus must not be allowed to spread freely, otherwise the health system would be overwhelmed. And that herd immunity is not the goal. But he says it could become a weapon in the fight against the epidemic.

The RIVM holds views similar to Rutte? Oh yes, because as we all know Rutte has studied epidemiology and his favorite hobby is modeling SARS. What an odd way to phrase it.

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #1234
Solidarity with all my European friends both DnD and IRL. We shall beat this terrible virus at some point. :cheers:  Best song to express it imo is:

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #1235
Belgium is currently the worst hit country in relative terms. Are those Brussels politicians slowest to comprehend that there is a corona pandemic about as serious as Spanish flu a century ago?

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #1236
What I don't understand is the Pope's position allowing churches to be closed. Churches can't never be closed since churches are the last spiritual refuge for those facing death. It always has been like that.
Life is not only about statistics and prophylactic measures. It's very strange the Vatican to be the first to deny the possibility and hope for a miracle.
A matter of attitude.

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #1237
Our brains are being controlled and increasing frustrations some folk are too frightened to admit on.
"Quit you like men:be strong"


Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #1238
Belgium is currently the worst hit country in relative terms. Are those Brussels politicians slowest to comprehend that there is a corona pandemic about as serious as Spanish flu a century ago?
Belgium and the Netherlands are basically doing the same, which I'd say argues for the opposite conclusion since the Dutch restrictions are slightly less severe. But don't worry, Belgium will stop counting all nursing home deaths as COVID-19 in the stats, since only 2.8% of those is confirmed and the rest is merely suspicious. From now on they'll only count the "over death rate" to prevent it looking higher than elsewhere to people abroad, because that's closer to what everybody else is doing.
Because this is damaging our country's image, the health ministers have asked for the number of deaths to be counted differently from now on. Because compared to other countries, the ministers argue, we count more deaths because of our different way of counting.

Until yesterday, most deaths in residential care centres were linked to the coronavirus, even if they were not tested for corona. This is not possible, because there are too few tests available in our country. But now the deaths from residential care centres will no longer automatically be included in the corona statistics.

Translated with (free version)

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #1240
By time I get tired unable to get a haircut get access to routine places and so on I will know fully what boredom is for a single person like me (!).
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #1241
Seems like a good time to lose yourself in a train sim.

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #1242
I hear Euro Truck Simulator 2 has surged in popularity over the past month or so. Can't find a source.

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #1243
Yeah just as well I am into rail sims and building something really big but you have to limit that or go bonkers. Fed up but oh well could be married!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #1244
My son has been trying to get me to play Stellaris with him for weeks. I haven't been in the mood for gaming much either. Would be the perfect time, just meh.

For what it's worth our embarrassment of a Governor plans to reopen the State by end of the month. You're welcome to come visit. We'll get that haircut together.

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #1246
Well of all the railway simulators I am glad discovered Trainz years ago (base in Australia). You can move from train to train and son and easier to build as well. The tramway system here in Glsgow was sadly closed in 1962 but with 140 miles was the largest once outside London and I built that as a first trial thing. As I have visited Ulster for years I more recently over two years off and on built Northern Ireland Railways (worst in Britain for decline) and still State owned. Have not been doing the cross border line so eventually the Enterprise Express that runs from Belfast over the Border to Dublin can be run. Routinely folk here do routes on mainland Britain but I decided as holidayed in Uslter and took a uniformed boys camps there for years time it got a place!

I have a bus pass ensbb3 and a rail pass I buy every year but don't think either will get to where you suggest.......!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #1247
From now on they'll only count the "over death rate" to prevent it looking higher than elsewhere to people abroad, because that's closer to what everybody else is doing.
The day after I posted that, the scientists in charge said that they are the very best and most honest counters and they don't give a damn what anybody thinks. :)

Het levert een vertekend beeld op, want in de meeste landen worden vermoede gevallen helemaal niet meegerekend. België staat dus vooral „op de eerste plaats qua transparantie”, aldus viroloog Steven Van Gucht van het Nationaal Crisiscentrum deze week. De voorlopige cijfers van oversterfte, het aantal mensen dat overleed in vergelijking met de normale verwachting, lijken te bevestigen dat het land het in werkelijkheid niet slechter doet dan andere landen.


Maar wetenschappers zijn vooralsnog niet van plan om hun manier van tellen aan te passen. Viroloog Van Gucht is er in Het Nieuwsblad duidelijk over: „Van de scheefgetrokken internationale ranking trekken we ons – cru gezegd – best geen fluit aan.” Deze manier van tellen is volgens hem de beste om snel eventuele problemen te signaleren en dan te kunnen bijsturen.

It gives a distorted picture, because in most countries suspected cases are not taken into account at all. Belgium is therefore "first and foremost in terms of transparency", according to virologist Steven Van Gucht of the National Crisis Centre this week. The preliminary figures of mortality, the number of people who died compared to normal expectations, seem to confirm that the country is not in fact doing worse than other countries.


But scientists are not planning to change their way of counting for the time being. Virologist Van Gucht is clear about in Het Nieuwsblad : "From the skewed international ranking we don't care - crudely put - about a whistle. According to him, this way of counting is the best way to quickly identify any problems and then make adjustments.

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #1248
Germany Seeks EU Sanctions for 2015 Cyberattack on Its Parliament

Chancellor Angela Merkel has said there is hard evidence that Russia was behind the 2015 cyber intrusion on the German parliament.

Russian hacker in question has also been indicted for interfering in the 2016 U.S. election


Estonia, which suffered a major cyberattack in 2007 that breached government, bank and corporate websites, has been particularly active in discussions about cybersecurity with EU countries and at the United Nations. The country will support Germany's bid for sanctions, said Heli Tiirma-Klaar, Estonia's ambassador-at-large for cyber diplomacy.
Good that finally somebody is acknowledging that Russian hacker corps exist, even though this was well known all along where I live. As usual, too little too late and possibly the wrong measures altogether. All the way until annexation of Crimea Merkel preferred hankypanky with Putin.

By the way, this is my first post from BSD on Thinkpad X60. Good keyboard. Okay console (with working mouse!), but not as UTF8-happy as I hoped.

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #1249
As you no doubt have a thing about Russia ersi I would say you are easily conned. One of the top spy places is the good ole US of A.  Goodness they even shot down a Yankee air-force plane spying inside the place years ago! Putin is a very clever and intelligent bloke hence his popularity over there whist the US just gets stuck with corporate controlled Presidents. Anyway as far as "Europe" is concerned I am glad that my country is now going out of that joke called the EU!

Oh will add this as nearly forgot. We even got a brilliant king centuries ago who did well here and appears as my symbol on his horse (!).
"Quit you like men:be strong"