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Topic: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia (Read 113383 times)

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #75
Well an awful lot of people in the world don't know much directly about your two-faced country but they get effected by it. Either by not accepting you so get threatened and worse. You cause more wars than Russia does and Putin has danced circles round you which frustrates because Putin's Russia is too big for you to coerce or do down. So do try to move on yourself as you have worse problems. Military budget, warmongering, tens of millions of poor,  political system that is not working and run by the money barons.You bleat across the world tt92 as a country while at home poverty, crime, misuse of the Constitution, people having to even fight for decency and those rights on paper get  done. Haha, you are an unconscious comedian my debater!  It makes a nice change for a country not to just accept your dominance which has damaged so much of the planet. And Putin is not alone and does well with China and South American which only adds to the chagrin against him.

So I am just as entitled to support who I damn well like whether some ex-colonist in a country that is a mess internally. This is an international forum although in most forums even in my hobby interests the Yanks come on as if they are the only people in the world. It is sad therefore that if you are a bright man you have been drawn into that corner! Finally, if America doesn't like some place or some leader then you know he is worth a space and Putin is doing well in his.  :yes:  :sing:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #76
Wipe that foam off the corner of your mouth.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #77
You always come up with nonsense  because you are lost and unable to take it. It is kind of standard practice for those who are not clever enough to deal with a matter. Your country as a political place is a damn disaster. The Hill has thousands of lobby fanatics controlling your system which is heavily weighted by multi-millionaires on the Hill anyway. You are incapable of sorting the trillions in debt problem. So insecure you must have military bases all over the world (even though you cannot afford them). Mind you it keeps a lot of those from the lower rungs of society in a job. And get sulky if there are places that don't admire you in view of the massive hypocrisy not only in world policy and control but internally.  Oh and throw in the pawnbroker situation where you owe so much to your enemy - Communist China of all places! Ha, ha, brilliant! Your country has long supported dictatorships and is still doing it today as we debate and you have the nerve to moan at me respecting Putin? Ha ha, brilliant again.

I will admit this - I would compliment you on being consistent even if a child mind set! It would take more than a smug ex-colonist to make me foam indeed I would admit it happens but only when I drink my favourite soft drink (often mentioned in forums), Irn Bru. Thanks for the unintended laugh and I do trust when older the grey cells will mushroom more helpfully.  :P  :yes: !
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #78
Howie, the Brits lost in 1783 and we held them off again in the War of 1812. Between then and now, Britain lost its empire. And most of Ireland broke free of British rule :yes:. That's what this is really about, isn't it? The tide of history washes in and out. Nations rise and fall. The US is subject to the same forces of history. There's no need to hate America forever for it. There's even less need to turn to Putin, the ex-Soviet KGB spymaster, a man that can't trusted as far as you can throw him with the power of your mind alone just because he reminds of the old Russian Czars or something.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #79

Howie, the Brits lost in 1783 and we held them off again in the War of 1812. Between then and now, Britain lost its empire. And most of Ireland broke free of British rule :yes:. That's what this is really about, isn't it? The tide of history washes in and out. Nations rise and fall. The US is subject to the same forces of history. There's no need to hate America forever for it. There's even less need to turn to Putin, the ex-Soviet KGB spymaster, a man that can't trusted as far as you can throw him with the power of your mind alone just because he reminds of the old Russian Czars or something.

/Inb4 Mr. Howie blathers on about "But the Empire transformed into the Commonwealth", and "Rabble rabble, 'Murica international affairs/bankers, the Jewish lobby, rabble rabble"

In other words,


Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #80

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #81
Trouble is that you lot do not like to have your arrogant stance in the world channelled hence the avoiding by avoiding things. Your country is saddled with tens of millions of poor, a million losing homes every year, overflowing jails, inbuilt racism against blacks, an equally arroant police force modelled on the brownshirts of the Reich, Throw in a legislature dominated by millionaires an over the top and not needed military expense, trillions in debt and a republic rather than a democracy.

Yes, I do smile at the guff you and  tt92 float about because you were educated in a country where the education system is having problems so i don't want to detract from you too much. After all living in a land of nutjobs it is s easy to morph into one there. Justas well you have a big mental health system making pots of money out of the poor unfortuantes many of who started like yourselves. Oh, so sad........ :sing:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #82
[glow=black,2,300]Putin looks magnificent in Blood Red![/glow]


Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #83

[glow=black,2,300]Putin looks magnificent in Blood Red![/glow]

Leme remind you:
1. The only 'clear' evidences that Putin is to blame for the downed M17 are such tasteful propaganda cartoons.
2. Apart from that, compared to the master of drones, Putin looks like an innocent child.
If we take also into consideration the blood Obama's antecessor has on his hands then Putin must be considered an angel.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #84
SmileyFaze you do sensible fellow countrymen no favours with your daft neo-con brain dead stuff. Considering all the wars your nation has created, people bloodied, you do have some nerve. I am grateful to know that you do not reflect all of them but only the gung ho and red neck mentality that makes many of your countrymen  shake their heads. Like those arrogant women who dish out that stuff at the White House press meetings you don't live in the real world. For me on my two visits over there years ago, Imet many sensible people and thank goodnes your lot were somewhere else.  Now you think you can beat an investigation without any information of sense?  :faint:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #85

Trouble is that you lot do not like to have your arrogant stance in the world channelled hence the avoiding by avoiding things. Your country is saddled with tens of millions of poor, a million losing homes every year, overflowing jails, inbuilt racism against blacks, an equally arroant police force modelled on the brownshirts of the Reich, Throw in a legislature dominated by millionaires an over the top and not needed military expense, trillions in debt and a republic rather than a democracy.

Yes, I do smile at the guff you and  tt92 float about because you were educated in a country where the education system is having problems so i don't want to detract from you too much. After all living in a land of nutjobs it is s easy to morph into one there. Justas well you have a big mental health system making pots of money out of the poor unfortuantes many of who started like yourselves. Oh, so sad........ :sing:

I love the thought of rj talking about education."Fifth grade: the best three years of his life!"

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #86
Still incapable of debate. Instead you try to be funny due to being incapable. Considering the state American education is in and the government is worried you had better sort out the land of nutjobs before pointing elsewhere. People that keep falling back on facing anything they cannot contest will fall into trying to be funny in the hope someone will join them and think that is justification.

Nice try though just a pity you fall into the knuckle-dragging corner instead. Considering the mes you lot have made in the world to please your corporate rulers, Russia/Putin  looks like an angel. It's a wonder what passes as a legislature is not centred in Hollywood. One thing I will accord to you is you do well for what we would call a Primary School pupil (Elementary over there?) so congratulations.  :up:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #87
Considering the state American education is in and the government is worried you had better sort out the land of nutjobs before pointing elsewhere.

American scores in Geography tests have little do with knowing evil when they see it.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #88

[glow=black,2,300]Putin looks magnificent in Blood Red![/glow]

But now how's Vlad gonna get that blood out of his suit in time for the wedding ceremony to Howie?  Oxiclean might work on the white shirt, but is liable to discolor the black jacket. :(

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #89

Oxiclean might work on the white shirt, but is liable to discolor the black jacket. :(

While Oxiclean might work, Oxymorons will continue posting that cartoon in absence of better arguments.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #90
Well you have just made an ass of yourself with that comment Sanguinemoon. Especially when you consider some of the evil being done to your own people by an arrogant government spying on you and contradicting what the country is meant to stand for. You are so, so, naive it is at the point of ludicrous. You are becoming the Senator McCain of the Forum
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #91
Especially when you consider some of the evil being done to your own people by an arrogant government spying on you and contradicting what the country is meant to stand for.

I assure you that I have plenty of criticism for our government about that. Just make sure you're not so anti-American that you overlook your own government's spying.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #92
Especially when you consider some of the evil being done to your own people by an arrogant government spying on you........

Ain't that so cute ---- now the caldron is calling the kettle black! 

There isn't a country on the planet (if there is one I'm sure you will be happy to point that out, in detail, & with supporting documentation as you always do ) there isn't a country on the planet that doesn't "spy" on it's citizens & others within it's own borders. The 'evil' you speak of, the 'spying' in America on Americans by it's government,  is only made available to the world media because it's taking place in a free & open society, & not in some arrogant country which limits the scope of free speech & transparency to it's own citizens, & also harshly limits reporting of such issues -- if permitting reports at all.

So, feel free to draw your own meaninglessly unique, self-important, anti-American conclusions as you always do.    

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #93
We already know what all counties do but the top of the pile is the panicky and security over the top US of A. Millions of your own folk spied on re their phones, computer contacts and everything in between.For a country that sneers at Russia you should look at your own idea of "democracy" first as it leaves a lot to be desired.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #94
Ain't that so cute ---- now the caldron is calling the kettle black!
Isn't he just adorable? :love: I remember even years before this NSA scandals emerged the epic surveillance in the UK

Millions of your own folk spied on re their phones, computer contacts and everything in between

Better check to see what your own government is doing. For the respective sizes of the countries, yours is most likely doing it worse.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #95
Quote from: Sanguinemoon
Better check to see what your own government is doing. For the respective sizes of the countries, yours is most likely doing it worse.

Nope - we do it better !   :angel: :D

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #96
You really do border on the verge of silliness sometimes Sanguinemoon. We know every country does spying but to say that our lot are worse than yours is so utterly laughable. No-one has as many spy organisations as you nor spends so much public proportionally as you. Goodness, manage you going away from your country being No 1 in everything! You have more internal spying lots than Nazi Germany had or the old USSR (oh, and the USSR is gone just in case you didn't know). Indeed it was completely laughable that a year or so ago the poor old USA was complaining  to China that it was spying via the Internet on them from a military high rise. How imbecilic that one is as you are doing th exact same thing. I doubt if any country can beat you on this one so happy to concede that No 1.  All in the nature of "defence, or "security" or "American interests."

It took your country an awful long time to get where it presently is but Russia is doing it quicker in all spheres. For all the guff you lot dish out at Russia you only avoid any close looks at your own failings on democracy the rights of people and the way they are treated. A so-called democracy that runs a million strong military it cannot afford to control the world in it's image, ruled by Wall Street, tens of millions of poor locally and rights being misused you lot have a nerve to talk about Putin.  The popularity of Putin compared to your own president is something else for a republic that always bums about itself. I can give you one assurance and that is sanctions and stupidity will not take Russia out of the global situation indeed far from it.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #97
The popularity of Putin

... will be even bigger when he gets the entire Ukraine under the passivity of Europe and USA.
Novorussya isn't it?
A matter of attitude.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #98
And Ukraine thinks that is the way to go. Considering their attitude during WW2 they have been still stuck in the nationalist past of yesteryear. The mess your land is in could do with someone better than it has.
"Quit you like men:be strong"