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Topic: My Opera Backup (Read 21528 times)

My Opera Backup

As most of you know, I'm currently running a Python script with the intent of backing up all of the My Opera forums, or at least about as close to it as possible.

I already shared a few hundred thousand posts using My Opera itself, but obviously that would be self-defeating. I considered torrents. They have many advantages, not least of which is that the more popular they are the faster they (ought to) go. But it would be more likely to be a constant drain on my Internet volume, which is currently limited to a minuscule 100GB. (I can make do with it, and I don't want to pay more.) I don't think the ISPs here understand that even buying a game on Steam these days might use up 100GB within a half hour.

Anyway, the best solution seems to be sharing it all on Wuala. Downloading all the files should be easy through the Opera Links panel, or some equivalent extension on another browser. Sharing it from this very server is also an option, but in the unlikely case that there's a lot of interest I figure it's better to have it elsewhere.

Download backup files from Wuala

I won't share too much until I've done a data integrity check and some pruning. These initial files are mostly to (hopefully) get someone interested in processing the available data in some way. To that end, I penned down a few suggestions.

Some technical information: 3,331,270 items, totalling 4.7 GB.

Re: My Opera Backup

Reply #1

Re: My Opera Backup

Reply #2
The compressed .tar.lz files each contain up to 100,000 individual files (as you would have seen had you checked the link :P). This will make for a total of probably about 200 files.

This may not be the final compression format. Like I said, this is just an initial seed sufficient for development of further processing scripts.

Re: My Opera Backup

Reply #3

Re: My Opera Backup

Reply #4
I might take you up on that, but not until March. I'll probably share the vast majority of what I've collected using Wuala sooner than that.

Btw, I forgot to mention this earlier, but the 3.3 million actual posts represent the first 10 million comment IDs. After comment ID 3.2 million or so, only one in ten are actual comments.

Re: My Opera Backup

Reply #5
I prepared the first 15 million comments* for sharing. The total size is  639.5MB. I won't upload them yet because I'm really close to the stupid bandwidth limit, and instead of something semi-reasonable like 1Mbit they drop you to an archaic 64kbit if you go over. Is saving the €7.50/month unlimited bandwidth worth it? Well, it does add up to a day trip or two so I'd like to think it does…

* Actually 3.2 + 1.2 million minus private and deleted comments.

Re: My Opera Backup

Reply #6

Re: My Opera Backup

Reply #7
Sure, but they'd at least let me use up to 2TB or so… I doubt I'd come anywhere near that. ;)
I get capped at 10 megabits for being online too much. And still only during the evening and night.

Heck, that'd be a lot better than 64kbps. At 50Mbit you can burn through a 100GB limit in minutes if you're not careful. Watch a few YouTube vids in 1080p (you don't even need anywhere near 50Mbit for that) and you've reached it already. I'm hoping they'll at least up the limit to 150GB or 200GB or so before I'll crack and shell out the money for unlimited, because this is severely cutting into my downloading new Linux distros and the like.

Re: My Opera Backup

Reply #8
I've started the upload. It'll probably be finished in an hour or so.

Re: My Opera Backup

Reply #10
It is for now.

Re: My Opera Backup

Reply #11
STNG, I opened a different topic where I share my own backups of My Opera:


"As most of you know, I'm currently running a Python script with the intent of backing up all of the My Opera forums, or at least about as close to it as possible."

Do you backing up data (that's linked with a forum posts) from*  and external images?

Would you mind sharing yours here or there?

Yes of course. But i didn't finished yet.

Re: My Opera Backup

Reply #12
Interesting, how much stuff have Yahoo!, Google et al. cashed? I'm using a Yahoo! cashe for a blog (which has been partially deleted by the user), and it - for now - holds quite an outdated (however comprehensive) version of what that blog used to look like.

Re: My Opera Backup

Reply #13
Do you backing up data (that's linked with a forum posts) from*  and external images?

Unfortunately no. I haven't had the time to write such a thing. However, I think most of that should be available on the mirror of the forums. But mine will be (slightly) more complete.

Interesting, how much stuff have Yahoo!, Google et al. cashed? I'm using a Yahoo! cashe for a blog (which has been partially deleted by the user), and it - for now - holds quite an outdated (however comprehensive) version of what that blog used to look like.

In time those caches will be deleted, or at least become inaccessible from the outside.

Re: My Opera Backup

Reply #15
Quote from: My Opera
The My Opera forums are being replaced by our new forums. Starting February 26th, the My Opera forums will be in read-only mode. On March 3rd, they will be removed along with the rest of My Opera.

This means I should be able to grab a complete My Opera archive after all.

Re: My Opera Backup

Reply #17
Grabbing a complete archive will probably take at least two days.

Re: My Opera Backup

Reply #18
Sorta backup:
Quote from: What do you think will happen to the US in the next 25 years?
I think it possible that within 25 years, we will trade our freedoms one by one to a "benevolent" government that promises to take care of us, feeding housing and medicating us. We will trade the ability to move about at will for the supposed security of having everything we bring examined and having our persons prodded and probed in every way imaginable. We will trade the ability to communicate freely for a bogus security that scans every email, text, phone call and letter, with PC (that's "Political Correctness" editors cleansing our missives of any "impure" words.

We will wake up one day wondering what happened to "The Land of the Free, and the Home of the Brave" as we bend our backs to the loads placed on us by our masters.

Unless something serious changes between now and then. But, looking at how willingly people trade freedom for security, I fear the wake-up may be too little too late.

Don't worry though. If you have nothing to hide you shouldn't be worried, right? Right????

Re: My Opera Backup

Reply #19
The last upload goes to 14,999,999 while the last post (up to some minutes ago) is 15,163,152. In other words probably less than 17,000 messages by the deadline of which many will be spam. (Posting was already slow, and after announcement has slowed further.)

Will the script be updated to the final call?

Re: My Opera Backup

Reply #20
I've been running the script occasionally to grab some more comments since I shared the first "15" million comments. I'll share the remainder sometime after My Opera closes.

Re: My Opera Backup

Reply #21
I'll probably put the remainder online by this weekend. Possibly earlier if I find the time.

Re: My Opera Backup

Reply #22
I'll probably put the remainder online by this weekend. Possibly earlier if I find the time.

Why? what for? you never explained me why you do such an effort with such an useless thing.
A matter of attitude.

Re: My Opera Backup

Reply #23
It didn't take any more effort on my end to collect all posts than it would have to collect just mine. I'll be converting some of them to blogposts because they contain information I consider useful. Others are, like jax said, essentially link dumps. Besides which, I wanted to learn Python.

Re: My Opera Backup

Reply #24
The last file is now online.