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Topic: Random Chat (Read 503904 times)

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1125

I was in a bus this morning when the bus suddenly stopped, then I heard someone outside shouted "Put the gun down! " So I looked out the bus window and saw a cop pointing his gun and he was aiming 12inches away from my head. :eyes: My reaction was "Oh sh* t!!" and I dashed away to the front seats. Then another cop got into the bus and said, "Okay everybody hands up" and then he said,  "We need everyone to get off the bus, one person at a time. " When I got off bus, there was another cop pointing at the bus with his automatic rifle. almost felt as if I was in an action movie except that the cop with his automatic rifle was real. :eyes:  :whistle:

Holy crap. Glad you're alright. :up:

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1127
On Thanksgiving the boy and I went to get some sweets from a convenience store after dinner. On the way back I was the lead car in a line headed down a two-way highway when a city cruiser came pushing up thru the line of 4 or 5 cars behind me. My first thought was I was talking with my son & hadn't realized my speed or something but as a couple cars passed on the opposite side it became apparent he was pushing both sides of the road to the shoulders. I came to a stop quick as possible just before a side road to the right and the officer pulled just ahead and stopped as another cruiser joined from where he had came (the direction of town). No sooner did they setup side by side in the middle of the highway I saw blue lights top the hill ahead of us as two more cruisers were trailing an SUV coming at us. I believe from line to line a state hwy is 18 feet and this came to a head in the lane directly next to us. The officers adjusted their makeshift road block as the SUV approached. The driver had favored the opposing shoulder to get around some cars and the officer used a drop-off, the guy wasn't coming out of, off that side of the road to help corral him. When they set and the driver slowed the officers exited their cruisers, guns drawn, and order the man to stop. The driver seemed like he thought about it then chose to try and bust thru the blockade. The officer didn't take too kindly to attempting to run over him and put three round in the hood of the vehicle before diving onto the hood of his cruiser to get out of the way if the SUV continued... It takes you a second to realize that's what's going on. I remember watching this unfold out of my side window in disbelief before the thought occurred that if the cops are shooting at him what's the chances he shoots back now less than 18 feet away and directly across from us. The thought prompted as the SUV came to a not so graceful but slow rolling stop almost where the officer had been standing and the other two cruisers joined the blockade. I told the boy to get down, which he did faster than he's ever complied, and I eased on down the road that was to the right to put some distance between us. As we left I notice the other two cruisers had apparently already tangled up with him up the hwy somewhere as one was pretty banged up.

I had to explain this all to my son of course. Not knowing why or the outcome at the time I explained that we didn't know what had happened but the police was responsible for public safety and had chosen to stop that man there rather than letting him make it into town on a holiday where he could of ended up hurting or killing a family. He took the explanation and seemed to get the logic. Later we found out the driver of the SUV was drunk or on whatever and had run several cars off the road before tangling up with the first two cruisers. The cop that fired his weapon was the luckiest SOB on the planet because he stopped an SUV with a .45cal pistol. There's no way to be sure if that was his intent or if he was actually aiming for the driver but other than getting roughed up a bit during the cuffing process the news reported the driver was unharmed.

A Thanksgiving to remember for sure.      

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1128
@ensbb3 Good thing the driver wasn't armed and shot back at the police, you never know which direction the bullets might fly. :whistle: I bet you must've been somewhat shocked when you heard the cop's gunshots were louder than the sound of 4th of July fireworks? :eyes: 

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1129
Glad I had a way out... I can't imagine if I were trapped on a bus. :insane:

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1130

Glad I had a way out... I can't imagine if I were trapped on a bus. :insane:

LoL, I can't imagine if a gun exploded on a bus. People screaming and panicking inside a crowded's a total chaos :eyes:

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1131
I can't imagine if a gun exploded on a bus.

Hopefully you will never find out what it's like,
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.


Re: Random Chat

Reply #1132
Hopefully you will never find out what it's like,

Yes hopefully it'll never happen when I'm on the bus.

Well, the other day a woman got on the bus and said, "Bus driver, can I get a courtesy ride? " The bus driver said, "Oh...okay." About 5 min later the woman got off the bus and said, "Thank you bus driver, I love you! " Then she grabbed the bus driver on the head and kissed his cheeks. :eyes: So this passenger sitting in front of me turned around and looked at me with his eyes wide opened as if he has just seen a ghost :lol: :whistle:

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1133
lol, you have weird things on buses and trams everywhere :P

Last month there was this woman checking her make-up in a little pocket mirror (whatever you call those things in English). Normally you keep the mirror steady and turn your head, or keep your head steady and move the mirror. But this woman was moving them in tandem, seemingly getting frustrated that she couldn't manage to look at anything other than one part of her face.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1135
Right, that's it. I guess I'd rather call it a powder box. :P

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1136

lol, you have weird things on buses and trams everywhere :P

Last month there was this woman checking her make-up in a little pocket mirror (whatever you call those things in English). Normally you keep the mirror steady and turn your head, or keep your head steady and move the mirror. But this woman was moving them in tandem, seemingly getting frustrated that she couldn't manage to look at anything other than one part of her face.

:lol:  Either that, or she was trying to look at that one spot on her face from different angles.  :D

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1137
Went to a dental appointment today, just to find out that my dentist was off sick. What a waste my time to go there. just to come back home again.
If only someone would invent something so that they could let me know beforehand.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1138
They don't just send an e-mail in this day and age?

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1139
They don't just send an e-mail in this day and age?

Not here they don't. Not that I would give them an email address if they did.
They will send a text message (an appointment reminder), if you own a mobile though. So they're not completely unaware of technology.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1140

Went to a dental appointment today, just to find out that my dentist was off sick. What a waste my time to go there. just to come back home again.

Yah, your time and effort wasted.  :mad: Was the entire clinic closed? If there was an assistant or receptionist working I'm surprised your dentist didn't call and ask his receptionist to cancel all his appointments for that day.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1141
Was the entire clinic closed? If there was an assistant or receptionist working I'm surprised your dentist didn't call and ask his receptionist to cancel all his appointments for that day.

Oh the clinic was open, plenty receptionists in the place too. Conversation went something like:-
# Did no one call you?
# No!
#Someone should have called you.
# You think!!!
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1142
Went to the Doctor's surgery this morning,

Made an appointment for next week

Forgot all about it when I got home - time, date and so on

Got a call from the receptionist who apologised but she had to change the time of the appointment

She gave me the new time

I wrote it down


Re: Random Chat

Reply #1143
I wrote it down

Will you remember where you put it next week though.  >:D
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1144

Was the entire clinic closed? If there was an assistant or receptionist working I'm surprised your dentist didn't call and ask his receptionist to cancel all his appointments for that day.

Oh the clinic was open, plenty receptionists in the place too. Conversation went something like:-
# Did no one call you?
# No!
#Someone should have called you.
# You think!!!

If they have a policy of charging patients for last minute cancellations, I'd say he owes you a freebie...
You are the result of 3.8 billion years of evolutionary success.
Act like it!

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1145
If they have a policy of charging patients for last minute cancellations, I'd say he owes you a freebie...

We have an NHS here, we don't pay for appointments, only for treatment. Used to be with a private dentist though and if the same had happened there, then that subject may have just propped up in conversation.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1146

They don't just send an e-mail in this day and age?

Not here they don't. Not that I would give them an email address if they did.
They will send a text message (an appointment reminder), if you own a mobile though. So they're not completely unaware of technology.

If you have call them to let them know you can't  keep your appointment, they should show the same courtesy and call you if they won't  be there. That changes someone's entire day. I mean, that's time I could of spent sleeping. If it was me.  :P

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1147
If you have call them to let them know you can't  keep your appointment, they should show the same courtesy and call you if they won't  be there.

Exactly! I'll  give them the benefit of the doubt and tell myself they must have been too busy this once.

I mean, that's time I could of spent sleeping. If it was me.   :P

:)) I try to make appointments for the afternoon  and not early morning ones. Just in case I sleep in.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1148

If they have a policy of charging patients for last minute cancellations, I'd say he owes you a freebie...

We have an NHS here, we don't pay for appointments, only for treatment. Used to be with a private dentist though and if the same had happened there, then that subject may have just propped up in conversation.

Ah, forgot you have that "horrible", "evil", "freedom destroying" socialized medicine...
You are the result of 3.8 billion years of evolutionary success.
Act like it!

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1149
Ah, forgot you have that "horrible", "evil", "freedom destroying" socialized medicine...

:)) That's one way to describe it I suppose. There's some politicians here that may just agree with you.  :o
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.