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Topic: Random Chat (Read 503898 times)

Re: Random Chat

Reply #500

Although, I did have one cat...declawed per norm...who got out into that "big bad world" and ended up becoming the dominant cat of the neighborhood (according to the friend I left him to who let him get out)..

The cats in that neighbourhood must have been a right bunch of <ahem!> pussy's.

>groan<... ::)
You are the result of 3.8 billion years of evolutionary success.
Act like it!

Re: Random Chat

Reply #501

What do you expect for free?
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #502

I can't have a cat. Owl trumps cat. Lost two cats before I decided to quit feeding it.

I can't decide if you're serious or making that up  ensbb3. Worryingly I think your serious.
Buy mice for owls, not kittens.

Sadly that's for real. Normally I'd shoot predators that threatened my animals... most birds of prey are protected tho. Owls are pretty anyway, but this one is huge. The field mice must just be a snack.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #503
Recipe for Owl Soup

Put a prepared owl in a big pot with a granite boulder.
Boil the pot for several hours.
When the stone gets soft, throw away the owl and eat the stone.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #504
I can't have a cat. Owl trumps cat. Lost two cats before I decided to quit feeding it.

You're only familiar with meneer de Uil's dark side. When he's not killing cats, he reads the Fable Times to little children:

Re: Random Chat

Reply #505
Normally I'd shoot predators that threatened my animals... most birds of prey are protected tho

They are indeed, for good reason mostly.
Owls are pretty anyway,

Couldn't agree more, I love Owls.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #506

I can't have a cat. Owl trumps cat. Lost two cats before I decided to quit feeding it.

You're only familiar with meneer de Uil's dark side. When he's not killing cats, he reads the Fable Times to little children:

Wow. That's kinda freaky when you don't understand what he's saying. Twitchy little thing. Lol.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #507
According to Wikipedia there's a British dub called The Daily Fable, but I can't seem to find any videos of that.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #508

Although, I did have one cat...declawed per norm...who got out into that "big bad world" and ended up becoming the dominant cat of the neighborhood (according to the friend I left him to who let him get out)..

The cats in that neighbourhood must have been a right bunch of <ahem!> pussy's.

>groan<... ::)

Joke's on you; I'd have paid for you NOT to make that pun...

On an quasi-related note; think you're having a bad day?

Took my buddy Clint in for his regular shots and a long overdue dental visit to the vet. By the end of it, not only is he short a few teeth, but turns out he has developed diabetes to boot.

Some days it just doesn't pay to get scooped up, stuffed in a carrier, poked, prodded, injected, knocked out, operated on and wake up to a future of regular injections and soft food...

But I'm sure Luxor's missus will do just fine when it's his time for all that...hehehe...
You are the result of 3.8 billion years of evolutionary success.
Act like it!

Re: Random Chat

Reply #509
Took my buddy Clint in for his regular shots and a long overdue dental visit to the vet. By the end of it, not only is he short a few teeth, but turns out he has developed diabetes to boot.

Poor Clint. Is he going to be put on a special diet now that he's diabetic?

Some days it just doesn't pay to get scooped up, stuffed in a carrier, poked, prodded, injected, knocked out, operated on and wake up to a future of regular injections and soft food...

At least he doesn't get the bill.

But I'm sure Luxor's missus will do just fine when it's his time for all that...hehehe..

:))  Though I saw that line coming a mile off.
I draw the line at getting stuffed in a carrier by the way.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #510

Took my buddy Clint in for his regular shots and a long overdue dental visit to the vet. By the end of it, not only is he short a few teeth, but turns out he has developed diabetes to boot.

Poor Clint. Is he going to be put on a special diet now that he's diabetic?

Well, combined with his oral situation and the diabetes, his evening treat of canned food will become his regular meal twice a day now. Apparently the dry food is high carb and thus bad for the diabetes.

Some days it just doesn't pay to get scooped up, stuffed in a carrier, poked, prodded, injected, knocked out, operated on and wake up to a future of regular injections and soft food...

At least he doesn't get the bill.

Yeah...little over $500, what a deadbeat. Free room, board and medical care. Had no idea cats were socialists...hehehe...

But I'm sure Luxor's missus will do just fine when it's his time for all that...hehehe..

:))  Though I saw that line coming a mile off.
I draw the line at getting stuffed in a carrier by the way.

Hey...whatever floats your boat, just so long as I'm spared the details...;)
You are the result of 3.8 billion years of evolutionary success.
Act like it!

Re: Random Chat

Reply #511
Apparently the dry food is high carb and thus bad for the diabetes.

That's interesting to know,especially as Bailey mostly gets dried food all the time.

Yeah...little over $500, what a deadbeat.

It's a lot to find when you're not expecting it. But what can you do, all part of ownership I  guess.
Had no idea cats were socialists...hehehe...

Thought that would have been obvious with their manner. It's all me, me, me, with them.
Hey...whatever floats your boat, just so long as I'm spared the details.

What goes on in the boudoir stays in the boudoir.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #512

Apparently the dry food is high carb and thus bad for the diabetes.

That's interesting to know,especially as Bailey mostly gets dried food all the time.

This is a handy little article that covers feline diabetes and what to look for.
I've had cats on dry food for ages so it's really not an issue per se, but once they've developed diabetes, it is something to think about.

Had no idea cats were socialists...hehehe...

Thought that would have been obvious with their manner. It's all me, me, me, with them.

I had always thought of them as more imperialist. Or deistic (you know, "humans feed me, clean up after me, shower me with adoration. I must be god!).

Interesting little side note; apparently eau de vet's office is NOT Nixie's scent of choice.
Even after a year of living here, she still has to give a sniff-verification of anyone she encounters. So when Clint got home yesterday, he apparently failed the sniff test and is now the recipient of much hissing and growling when he gets too close. Otherwise, he is scrutinized from across the room (just to make sure he doesn't do anything shifty, I suppose).

And just when she seemed to be warming up to him...>sigh<...
You are the result of 3.8 billion years of evolutionary success.
Act like it!

Re: Random Chat

Reply #513
I've had cats on dry food for ages so it's really not an issue per se, but once they've developed diabetes, it is something to think about.

Bailey has been on dry food since he arrived here, though he gets a small amount of wet food around midday each day as a treat.

I had always thought of them as more imperialist. Or deistic (you know, "humans feed me, clean up after me, shower me with adoration. I must be god!).

You could have a point, that does seem to sum up a certain furry thing around here. 

Interesting little side note; apparently eau de vet's office is NOT Nixie's scent of choice.
Even after a year of living here, she still has to give a sniff-verification of anyone she encounters. So when Clint got home yesterday, he apparently failed the sniff test and is now the recipient of much hissing and growling when he gets too close. Otherwise, he is scrutinized from across the room (just to make sure he doesn't do anything shifty, I suppose).

Well vets usually mean prodding of things in a rather undignified manner, so no doubt vet aroma is not one of their favourite things.
Quite understandable really.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #514
Happy St Patrick's day to those of you who celebrate Guinness.

My favourite headline of the day. Irish banned from St Patrick's Day
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #516
All tongue in cheek, but it amused me when I saw it.
My favourite line was:-
My customers want a couple of pints of the black stuff with wonky shamrocks in the froth before switching to something drinkable.

Brave souls, I wouldn't even have a mouthful of it let alone 2 pints worth. Absolutely vile stuff as far as I'm concerned.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #517

My favourite line was:-
My customers want a couple of pints of the black stuff with wonky shamrocks in the froth before switching to something drinkable.

Brave souls, I wouldn't even have a mouthful of it let alone 2 pints worth. Absolutely vile stuff as far as I'm concerned.

:yuck: I agree.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #518
I agree.

Were you like me and had to taste it before you came to that conclusion, or was the look of it enough for you?
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #519

My favourite line was:-
My customers want a couple of pints of the black stuff with wonky shamrocks in the froth before switching to something drinkable.

Brave souls, I wouldn't even have a mouthful of it let alone 2 pints worth. Absolutely vile stuff as far as I'm concerned.

:yuck: I agree.

"The black stuff"?

Well, Clint had his first glucose check since his diagnosis. Blood sugar a little low, so dropping him to 1 unit of insulin twice a day. Fingers crossed...(say; didn't there used to be a fingers crossed emoticon??)...
You are the result of 3.8 billion years of evolutionary success.
Act like it!

Re: Random Chat

Reply #520
"The black stuff"?

A common term for Guinness.

Well, Clint had his first glucose check since his diagnosis. Blood sugar a little low, so dropping him to 1 unit of insulin twice a day.

Something that has to be kept an eye on. How often do you have to check that?

Fingers crossed...(say; didn't there used to be a fingers crossed emoticon??)...

I don't remember one to be honest, mind you I don't remember a lot of things so no surprise there.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.


Re: Random Chat

Reply #522
How does one check a cat's blood sugar? Do you have to take them to the vet every time?

Good question I'd like to know that myself.
I don't suppose it's like with a human where you can prick the end of a thumb to do it.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #523

How does one check a cat's blood sugar? Do you have to take them to the vet every time?

Good question I'd like to know that myself.
I don't suppose it's like with a human where you can prick the end of a thumb to do it.

That's where it's throwing me off. Several NY firefighters spoke at my school post 9/11.  They told us that a lot of search and rescue dogs lost their lives due to the hot metal burning the pad off their feet. End result of that is they put shoes on them. This leads me to believe that any kind of cut/puncture could be a doorway for infection. I think of the way they use the pot. The yard is a breeding ground for parasites as would be the liter box. I'm just curious and you know what happens to the cat.... lol

Re: Random Chat

Reply #524
I'm just curious and you know what happens to the cat.... lol

Yes I do.
I can't imagine a cat will be happy with wherever a needle is used to be honest, In fact I would be very wary of attempting it on a certain moggy that's close by.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.