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In the Long Term Is Multiculturalism Divisive or Unifying to Society & the National Identity?

Gimmie a freekin' beer, I'd rather get wasted than strain me brain!
Topic: Multiculturalism vs. Cultural Assimilation & National Identity -- (Read 12441 times)

Re: Multiculturalism vs. Cultural Assimilation & National Identity --

Reply #25
I went blind of a second after seeing that barcode flag :insane:

Re: Multiculturalism vs. Cultural Assimilation & National Identity --

Reply #27
Well now our government wants to limit the cost of Welfare right into the next parliament. It wants to make the cap some £23,000 which tells you something about the damn cost of such. This includes rent assistance and all the other benefits and a great number of the non-indigenous are amongst those getting such good treatment financially. Small wonder the legions want to come here. As for the outgoing leader of the EEC yakking about us wanting to control immigration I think someone should show the clown a map. We are an island and already overcrowded. Mind you he is a failure anyway so can be ignored.  We are getting increased separated communities here and towns and cities becoming unsettled like no other previous immigration.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Multiculturalism vs. Cultural Assimilation & National Identity --

Reply #28
Stripes, the more the better!  :left:

Yep, a barcode seems adequate... to Chinese :)
Triangles. Pyramids never go out of style.

Never, that's the masonry symbol Americans have at the dollar bill, Texas airport, NSA flag and everywhere - a triangle/pyramid with an eye.

I suggest an huge phallic symbol that expresses clearly to the rest of the world what we think about them.
Besides, it's an ancient thing, present at so many old cultures, that shows our disdain for newcomers.... :)
A matter of attitude.

Re: Multiculturalism vs. Cultural Assimilation & National Identity --

Reply #29

I suggest an huge phallic symbol that expresses clearly to the rest of the world what we think about them.
Besides, it's an ancient thing, present at so many old cultures, that shows our disdain for newcomers.... :)

The world's biggest dick ( I'm sure it was at some point :right: )

Re: Multiculturalism vs. Cultural Assimilation & National Identity --

Reply #30
Well, this is turning difficult to get ourselves a common identity....
Better each one to remain with it's own. :)
A matter of attitude.

Re: Multiculturalism vs. Cultural Assimilation & National Identity --

Reply #31
Never, that's the masonry symbol Americans have at the dollar bill, Texas airport, NSA flag and everywhere - a triangle/pyramid with an eye.

We can leave out the Sauron eye. :P

Re: Multiculturalism vs. Cultural Assimilation & National Identity --

Reply #32
We can leave out the Sauron eye.  :P

Indeed, Big Brother's eye being so much more adequate to current times.

Anyway, there's no countries anymore so national identity is nothing but a remembrance of the past when men were men. Maybe it will reborn again, I believe in miracles. :)

We all are refugees in what used to be our own countries. Nothing but that.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Multiculturalism vs. Cultural Assimilation & National Identity --

Reply #33
When Obama comes to his end, hopefully then the United States of America will return to a position of American National Might & Pride ........... back from the depths of Obama's Message of Flaccid National Cowardice!

Re: Multiculturalism vs. Cultural Assimilation & National Identity --

Reply #34
You are so wrong there Belfrager. The Freemasons were up to their necks in the American Revolution many of the early pioneers like Davy Cricket, Bowie etc were in the "Craft." Members ina lodge in Boston were deeply involved in the Boston Tea Party and that is why we see Masonic symbols on the banknote and in occasional places. For the run-of-the-mill mindset it will pass on by so you fit that stereotype well. Goodness the Pope who died after 6 weeks had his secretary a cardinal who was a member of the rogue Rome P2 Masonic lodge along with corrupt people including the head of the fraud police, etc.  A former member involved in the Vatican Bank corruption was hanged under Blackfriars Bridge on London's River Thames. Beside his body little items associated with Masonic procedures. So right from the start Masons were involved in controlling over the pond and we get neat excuses here as if just a coincidence. Yeah right!

Tut, tut, SmileyFaze for a terrorist what a clash of morality you have. During all the historical time up until modern times where you have zombied across the world creating wars, corruption, takeovers and all in the name of pride and patriotism. Comic stuff that GW created much of the financial disaster but suitably overlooked because wild fanatics oin what you call patriotism is nothing more than blatant and in your face strident nationalism which you blame others for! Due to the high number of headbanger political prehistorics living in the country the only way to conclude your mess up of the world and arrogant interference is a financial collapse. Not something to wish on anyone but your massive mental health industry is useless!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Multiculturalism vs. Cultural Assimilation & National Identity --

Reply #35
I guess the French see what Multiculturalism got them ..... Islamism = Death .... just the tip of the iceburg (or sand hill).

Placate those Islamist scum, & they'll take every opportunity toward total domination.

Re: Multiculturalism vs. Cultural Assimilation & National Identity --

Reply #36
The Charlie Hebdo massacre shows the failure of multiculturalism.

All three killers - two at Charlie Hebdo and the other at the Jewish shop - were French-born Algerian and Senegalese Muslims who did not assimilate into French society.

Would you or anyone else like you ask to have French culture explained to you?

No. Nevertheless, it is impossible to define.

Just as it is impossible to define American culture.

Yet you know it when you see it.

You recognize cultures without needing a definition (ex: needing to be TOLD what to think).

If you cannot fit in without a definition given to you on a piece of paper you should fuck off back to Algeria, Senegal or wherever.

Fit in, or begone. 

Make a goddam effort to fit in.

Don't bring Iran, Lebanon, Syria,  Algeria, Senegal,  Afghanistan, Iran to Paris or America.

If we want to see exotic people with exotic beliefs and habits, we will get on a plane and travel.

Don't really want to see exotic people and exotic beliefs on the street and on the bus, in the restaurant, or on the airplane.

If you are not interested in fitting in, I am certainly not interested in accommodating you...........period!

Re: Multiculturalism vs. Cultural Assimilation & National Identity --

Reply #37
During all the historical time up until modern times where you have zombied across the world creating wars, corruption, takeovers and all in the name of pride and patriotism.

How completely unlike the Brits. They remained a small island nation, and certainly didn't have a situation in which the sun never set on their empire. Nope. Not at all.

Re: Multiculturalism vs. Cultural Assimilation & National Identity --

Reply #38
We don't want foreigners to come in to our Country feeling they have some sort of right to just settle in wherever they want, & create a piece of their former country within our Country, under their own set of rules & laws, & under their own control.

Ultimately, assimilation is inevitable, usually generationally, but not always. The worst case of unwillingness to assimilate that I'm aware of came with the entry of Europeans into North America. They simply wouldn't embrace Indian culture as their own.

I grew up in an area of Detroit that was largely Polish. Many of the older people were straight from Poland, barely spoke English and adhered to the customs...religion, language and food... of Poland. Their children and their children's children blended into a more "American" cultural mode. Eventually, they lost the Polish language. Due to cultural proximity my family became Polishized...potatoes, sauerkraut, and kielbasa.

Jak się masz?
Dobje, pan.

I picked that up but little else, although I still like kielbasa.

Some groups resist assimilation, the Romani, for example. The Russian shamans.

In the U.S. today the large Hispanic community is having a major impact. Mexican restaurants are everywhere. Sadly, anti-Hispanic groups in Arizona, Texas and California have sprung up in reaction to the influx of Mexicans.

Personally, I'm looking forward to seeing Scotland become more Pakistani than at present.

Re: Multiculturalism vs. Cultural Assimilation & National Identity --

Reply #39
Dear De Valera, oops sorry, Sanguinemoon. A wee island that produced the biggest empire in history. Your empire is based on global greed and misuse of countries, military invasions and cock-ups so hardly an innocent with your record.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Multiculturalism vs. Cultural Assimilation & National Identity --

Reply #40
I second Jaybro's motion to send all Arabs to Glasgow.  :cheers:

Re: Multiculturalism vs. Cultural Assimilation & National Identity --

Reply #41
Have you no pity?

Re: Multiculturalism vs. Cultural Assimilation & National Identity --

Reply #42
Poor Arabs.

Re: Multiculturalism vs. Cultural Assimilation & National Identity --

Reply #43
Yep all amusing and made me smile especially that brain dead from Australia and I still am curious about where his ancestors came from, hhhm.

Anyway for more serious matters (which automatically puts tt92 aside as he cannot answer but just fall back on the swipes. Multiculturism does not work and instead we get a modern aparheid and down in england where so many places have become such and not comfortable to live in says a lot.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Multiculturalism vs. Cultural Assimilation & National Identity --

Reply #44
Your empire is based on global greed and misuse of countries, military invasions and cock-ups so hardly an innocent with your record.

Again, how very unlike the British...

Re: Multiculturalism vs. Cultural Assimilation & National Identity --

Reply #45
Sang. do you know enough history to -mostly- absolve everyone…? (If you don't, you don't know enough history.) But you can learn…

(Of course, if you're going to take -e.g., Howie– seriously: I don''t know what to tell you.)

There are some ignorant promoters of lost empire who -for some reason, and for no part of their own- like to say: "Hooray for Us! (Whoever the heck we are…)" These are not serious people.
Those who'd promote them are, likewise, not serious.

RJ, what— wait! What? :)
When you don't know the creed of you're conquerors  — well, you'll be too old to much care.

How about the kids you care about…?
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Multiculturalism vs. Cultural Assimilation & National Identity --

Reply #46
Hard to deny your history and actions  then Sanguinemoon, eh?  :)
"Quit you like men:be strong"