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Topic: Today's Bad News (Read 138770 times)

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #1
In what can only be bad news for the Tea Party hard liners who have been holding up immigration reform, a group of shamans in Peru has predicted that reform will pass in 2014. Here is the report, as published on December 31, 2013, in (See Shamans in Peru predict that US will approve immigration reform in 2014):

"In a colorful ceremony in Peru's capital, Lima, the self-proclaimed master Juan Osco, along with other shamans, performed on Monday [a] series of rituals to predict next year's major events. The shamans whistled, chanted, and rubbed the posters of the leaders, including US President Barack Obama, with Andean spirit totems, crucifixes, and even a snake. They predicted the approval of US immigration reform in 2014."
It's hard to place this prediction, but who knows. Maybe the shamans know more than our pundits know.

OOPS! The shamans were wrong. There was no 2013 apocalypse. We'll have to wait to see what 2014 brings, or 2016 when Chris Christie defeats Hillary Clinton  :o.

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #2
The US will approve immigration reform? What does that mean? It reminds me of the oracle of Delphi: "If you cross the river, a great empire will be destroyed."

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #3

The US will approve immigration reform? What does that mean? It reminds me of the oracle of Delphi: "If you cross the river, a great empire will be destroyed."

The oracle does not predict anything. The oracle only intermediates a required message.

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #4
Eventually, immigration reform will happen in some form, but only after the 2014 congressional elections. At the moment, the Speaker of the House, Republican John Boehner, is immersed in problems from the far right Tea Party faction.

Probably the biggest problem is what to do about the millions of Hispanic immigrants who came...and stayed, 11,000,000 of them, and that's only part of a much larger number of Hispanics living here. Without Hispanic support, how will the national Republican ticket fare? Not well.
While the 2016 presidential election is a full three years away many of the high profile Republican contenders are enmeshed in the immigration reform debate, and if Republicans demonstrate strong leadership on passing comprehensive immigration reform with a path to citizenship possible candidates such as Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush and Paul Ryan could get strong support from Latino voters.  However if Rubio, Bush or Ryan distance themselves from the immigration bill and House Republicans defeat the measure none of the GOP candidates stands to improve on the historic Romney 2012 defeat among Latinos.

Without the Hispanic vote the Republicans can kiss the presidency goodbye.

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #5
My state has, in it's infinite and never-ending wisdom, has basically chosen to put "In God We Trust" into the state seal.

We've been a state since 1817; why add it now? *smdh*

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #6

My state has, in it's infinite and never-ending wisdom, has basically chosen to put "In God We Trust" into the state seal.

We've been a state since 1817; why add it now? *smdh*

As a reminder?

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #7

My state has, in it's infinite and never-ending wisdom, has basically chosen to put "In God We Trust" into the state seal.

We've been a state since 1817; why add it now? *smdh*

As a reminder?

Fact of the matter is, we are a secular republic. No need in all of this garbage.
Sure, we have a Christian majority in this state, but we are not a Christian state; something that lot seem to forget/refuse to acknowledge.

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #8
Talk about bad news. I hope our friends there aren't experiencing the terrible flooding seen in some areas.

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #11

Wow! That's terrible.

Something less catastrophic than the above post but has left some automobile enthusiasts heavy hearted....

Understandable, but this has left me lighthearted!

I wish I cared one way or the other.
No I don't.
I don't know anyone, in any age-group, who has heard him perform.


Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #12

Wow! That's terrible.

Something less catastrophic than the above post but has left some automobile enthusiasts heavy hearted....

Understandable, but this has left me lighthearted!

Must be a boring life when you have everything. Lol

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #13
Had to loan a relative $120 yesterday.

Problem is, I've only just met/known this relative for two weeks. She said the problem was health-related, and she did prove to me that she does in fact have a serious health issue.

Not sure if I will get that $120 back as promised, or if I will have to eat the loss.  :(

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #14

Had to loan a relative $120 yesterday.

Problem is, I've only just met/known this relative for two weeks. She said the problem was health-related, and she did prove to me that she does in fact have a serious health issue.

Not sure if I will get that $120 back as promised, or if I will have to eat the loss.  :(
Under similar circumstances, I give what I can afford to lose without regret, and consider it lost.

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #15

Had to loan a relative $120 yesterday.

Problem is, I've only just met/known this relative for two weeks. She said the problem was health-related, and she did prove to me that she does in fact have a serious health issue.

Not sure if I will get that $120 back as promised, or if I will have to eat the loss.  :(
Under similar circumstances, I give what I can afford to lose without regret, and consider it lost.

Great minds think alike then, but the last question does come into my head, from time to time, as I have always been extremely frugal with cash.

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #16

Had to loan a relative $120 yesterday.

Problem is, I've only just met/known this relative for two weeks. She said the problem was health-related, and she did prove to me that she does in fact have a serious health issue.

Not sure if I will get that $120 back as promised, or if I will have to eat the loss.  :(

Been there, done that, wasn't a relative but a close friend. Didn't care much if I get it back, if it helped her it's money well spent.

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #17

Had to loan a relative $120 yesterday.

Problem is, I've only just met/known this relative for two weeks. She said the problem was health-related, and she did prove to me that she does in fact have a serious health issue.

Not sure if I will get that $120 back as promised, or if I will have to eat the loss.  :(

Been there, done that, wasn't a relative but a close friend. Didn't care much if I get it back, if it helped her it's money well spent.

Obviously yes; however, having only known this relative for 2 1/2 weeks, I am trying to be careful to not get played, as I have asked around about said relative, and she has been known to lie.

I do hope it helped her, but one cannot be sure...

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #19

Had to loan a relative $120 yesterday.

Problem is, I've only just met/known this relative for two weeks. She said the problem was health-related, and she did prove to me that she does in fact have a serious health issue.

Not sure if I will get that $120 back as promised, or if I will have to eat the loss.  :(

To follow up on this post, I received said amount back yesterday evening. Said relative now has my full confidence, which is a relief to me.

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #20
I'm not sure if this is good news or bad news, but it is news.

"MOSCOW (AP) — A trade ban on lacy lingerie has Russian consumers and their neighbors with their knickers in a twist.

The ban will outlaw any underwear containing less than 6 percent cotton from being imported, made, or sold in Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. And it has struck a chord in societies where La Perla and Victoria's Secret are panty paradises compared to Soviet-era cotton underwear, which was often about as flattering and shapely as drapery.

On Sunday, 30 women protesters in Kazakhstan were arrested and thrown into police vans while wearing lace underwear on their heads and shouting "Freedom to panties!" "

Re: Today's Bad News

Reply #21
Actually, this is yesterday's bad news.

A US State Department official's audio message was captured by somebody when she uttered "fuck the EU."

She may end up in diplomatic ca-ca land.

I'm a naive guy looking into something that I little understand. I just don't know why we have to poke our big noses into everybody's business like some gigantic Pinocchio.