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Topic: What's Going on in Russia? (Read 23307 times)

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #27
The Sochi photos are misleading. Shame on you! You cherry picked photos of the Olympic village after the games. In the city proper things are much better.

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Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #28
Sochi is conveniently placed between Russian-controlled Abkhazia and Russian-controlled Crimea, a few hours drive from either.

Geography is a bit different. Sochi ends directly at Russian-Abkazian border. Border itself is a small river, Abkhazia is on one riverside, Adler district of Sochi is on another riverside. So, one can see Abkhazia from house in Sochi :).

Distance from Sochi to Simferopol (capital of Crimea) is ~500km.

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #30
Only plays in the US of A is says. When it comes to principles and rights and all that stuff you don;t have to look at some other country. Indeed start with the way the State of Michigan is run! Heavens you volunteered to return there!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #32
Tried it as well jimbro. Guess i am going to be unlucky oh this one.  :(
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #33
Too bad. It's a funny clip. If it's not on Youtube, it may not work.

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #34
Not the ones I wanted, but give a look.



Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #35
Russian Black Sea spy ship Лиман collided with the freight ship Youzarsif-H (an apparently Lebanese ship under the flag of Togo, just departed from Romania). The Russian spy ship was cut below the waterline and sank

The incident occurred 40 km NW of Bosphorus (i.e. closest to Turkey). Nobody died.

Nobody died

Reply #36
My condolences, ersi. No Russians died.  :P

Re: Nobody died

Reply #37
My condolences, ersi. No Russians died.  :P
The funny part is that the other ship was carrying cattle. No harm to that ship, its crew or cargo. Wouldn't a military ship be more durable?

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #38
The funny part is that the other ship was carrying cattle.
Professional reporting terminology can be even more funny. :lol:

If it belongs to to the good guys (NATO) then it's spelled "reconnaissance ship".
If it belongs to the bad guys (Russia) then it's spelled "spy ship".

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #39
If it's sunk by a collision with a cow-carrier, how can it be called a "Major Power" ship? :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)


Reply #40
Perhaps carrying cows take more power than carrying [Russian] soldiers.  :cow:

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #41
In America, Mueller says this about Russia. I think he merely caught up with Finnish news. Yle in 2015

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #42
We all are Russian infiltrated agents in DnD, disguised as different nationals, in order to manipulate the world.
A matter of attitude.

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #43
The ex-colonist stuff about the Russian government interfering in America's election is so pathetic. There may well be individual Russian business minds or general individuals voicing opinions but how  can Americans just simply be so simple a election can be influenced. Russia did not help put Trump in the Yanks did that themselves and the nonsense (and is that) he and the bears got into a cuddle to win the election is plain silly. On a secondary level America is making itself look like idiots with the rubbish. Secondly the thing is they accuse the Kremlin of is the very thing they have been doing for decades on other countries but of course that side is okay?! There is no way Russia affected the American Election and it is all so childish and stupid.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #44
It was safe to say ahead of time that Putin was already elected. The interesting question was who the electors would be.
Kremlin officials privately acknowledge some voters are reluctant to show up and vote, even if they support Putin, because they believe his victory is already a foregone conclusion. The officials say though the vote will be fair.

Ella Pamfilova, head of the commission organising the vote nationwide, has said any fraud will be stamped out. She said those alleging the election was rigged were biased against Russia.

Reuters reporters at polling stations across Russia spoke to multiple voters who said they had been instructed by bosses or academic supervisors to vote. Many took photographs of themselves voting, saying they were needed as proof.

In one case, a senior election official inspecting a polling station said the photographs of voting should not be allowed, and ordered election staff there to stamp it out.

UPDATE: Putin Easily Wins Another Six-Year Term in the Kremlin
How long Putin wants to stay in power is uncertain.

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #45
Putin does do well however he I think, is musing on that's it for this term. Now if they made him Tsar instead of one of the Romanovs he would be longer!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #47
Things going wrong were a tiny matter and the eventual result shows that as factual. Putin is extremely popular in Russia and he had no problem wining the election. We in the West cannot get such a vast result so we get the daft attitude towards Russia.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #48
Putin is a menace to Europe.
Everything is a menace to Europe.
A matter of attitude.

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #49
Things going wrong were a tiny matter and the eventual result shows that as factual.
In Russian elections, things don't go a tiny wee bit wrong. Instead, people do exactly as told. They did what they did because they were told to do that. It was not just ordinary people getting it in their head for fun to vote a dozen-fold at a time, but they were also election officials and election supervisors.

The fun part is that they do it by manipulating the voting box and people, instead of simply manipulating the numbers, which is much easier to do. And it would be easier still if they had digital voting.