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Topic: Freee Speech… (Read 24839 times)

Re: Freee Speech…

Reply #50
Bel, you may be less thrilled with me when you find that I just moved a post by Krake for the exact same reason.

Tu quoque fili mie...

Krake knows it all... he he :)

Here in the States we've practically enshrined the First Amendment. However, if you broadcast on the radio or on TV, expect to get the station license yanked if you can't control your mouth.

I really don't know what I have to do to make you understand that it's exactly that what you can't do - impose your culture to non American citizens in an international forum.

How many posts do I have? 1500, multiply it for let's say 50 words, 75 thousand words I wrote versus simply three words your cultural habits don't like to see written ( however it seems that, as krake demonstrated, English speakers loves to say it) and we're discussing banning menaces and so on?
(Not to count with all the posts from the previous opera forum...)

Now on I strike for my Cultural and European rights. I will say nothing more. Poster's strikes are allowed, I suppose...
A matter of attitude.

Re: Freee Speech…

Reply #51
1. Now you put it again to where I posted it. My posts are my intellectual property, not yours. You don't use them as it pleases you.

2. I don't renounce to my right to answer to insults and the way I answer them is my prerogative, not something limited by you.

3. You solve divergences of opinion and interpretation between moderators privately, not using my posts for that.

And yet, it has been moved.

Re: Freee Speech…

Reply #52
Pity RJ and Belfrager aren't both Catholics or Protestants.

Helluva team that'd be.  :devil:

Re: Freee Speech…

Reply #53
"My posts are my intellectual property, not yours. You don't use them as it pleases you."
Hosea 13:3
Therefore they will be like the morning cloud And like dew which soon disappears, Like chaff which is blown away from the threshing floor And like smoke from a chimney.

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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Freee Speech…

Reply #54
Well now southern boy, I have to say that Belfrager is my interesting papist. As for Oakdale owning his intellect that isn't much to boast about.He is indirectly being honest poor man.

Yours sincerely,
modern Martin Luther
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Freee Speech…

Reply #55

Well now southern boy, I have to say that Belfrager is my interesting papist. As for Oakdale owning his intellect that isn't much to boast about.He is indirectly being honest poor man.

Yours sincerely,
modern Martin Luther

*Searches for 'modern Martin Luther's" 95 Theses*

Re: Freee Speech…

Reply #56
That's right, Southern Boy!

Re: Freee Speech…

Reply #57
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Freee Speech…

Reply #58
Howie, if you don't say anything how do you expect anyone to reply? :) But, even when you do clutter my screen with "words", you don't say anything — except to reiterate your prejudice and animus against the United States. (Israel has taken a back-seat, eh?! :) )

How's the "heckler's veto" going in your country? (I ask, in an attempt to bring us back on-topic… I don't expect a Howie to answer; but surely there are others in Great Britain, even in Scotland?)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Freee Speech…

Reply #60
Dear would-be intellectual redneck Oakdale man, please try and read and not skimp. Any time you are faced with the in-the-face US hypocrisy history you cannot or won't answer such. Instead you like to lean satirically as you cannot face such. However don't you worry the mental industry is a big player in the ex-colonies so I in turn can worry less about you. That is a relief.  :coffee:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Freee Speech…

Reply #61
There can't be free speech when there's no free thinking.
There can't be free thinking when there's no free speech.

The one is the two and the two are the one. More or less like the Trinity but lacking the third one.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Freee Speech…

Reply #62
Definition of free thingking = The freedom to thinks something Stupid

definition of Free Speech = The Freedom to Exposing Ignorance 

Re: Freee Speech…

Reply #63

1. There can't be free speech when there's no free thinking.
2. There can't be free thinking when there's no free speech.

The one is the two and the two are the one. More or less like the Trinity but lacking the third one.

3. the free thinker who has no need to think!

Re: Freee Speech…

Reply #64
However don't you worry the mental industry is a big player in the ex-colonies so I in turn can worry less about you. That is a relief.   :coffee:
As they are in the home islands… But you're okay with that. So: What's your problem? :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Freee Speech…

Reply #65
On no you don't Oakdale! You live in the land of nut jobs and legions of head shrinkers making a fortune off the army of weak minds.Now as your country always likes to boast about everything please don't feel obliged to desist especially on that corner! Heavens you wil be clamouring to claim the land of free speech, freedoms and so on (yawn).  8)
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Freee Speech…

Reply #66
From The Times Literary Supplement. A paragraph taken at random (almost) from a book review.
"The curious fact is that apocalypticism is not really natural to Evangelicalism which has such a deep desire to remake society, to reform a nation. This is surely Evangelicalism's priority, to which apocalypticism is subordinate.....So from one perspective, American Evangelicalism seems to have been using premillennialism, which is not its natural eschatology, to establish a fresh gulf between itself and secular humanism, and so regain its angular voice."
Does it not leave you speechless, if not breathless? There is a whole page of this.
Free speech indeed, and worth every penny.

Re: Freee Speech…

Reply #67
Remove blender lid, insert words. It's a bit like an Rj post.
intellectual redneck,  ex-colonies, Irn Bru, US hypocrisy history, arrogant corporate string-pullers, ex-colonies

Re: Freee Speech…

Reply #68
Nice try dear new Southern Boy. Anything too direct is a no-no and time you escaped from your intellectual monk's cell!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Freee Speech…

Reply #69

Remove blender lid, insert words. It's a bit like an Rj post.
intellectual redneck,  ex-colonies, Irn Bru, US hypocrisy history, arrogant corporate string-pullers, ex-colonies

You forgot "grey cell(s)".   :left:

Re: Freee Speech…

Reply #70
Remove blender lid, insert words. It's a bit like an Rj post.
intellectual redneck,  ex-colonies, Irn Bru, US hypocrisy history, arrogant corporate string-pullers, ex-colonies. grey cells

Re: Freee Speech…

Reply #72
a fresh gulf between itself and secular humanism, and so regain its angular voice."
Does it not leave you speechless, if not breathless?

No, I have retained my angular voice.


Re: Freee Speech…

Reply #73
As i have pointed out in a separate thread jimbro has a constant infantile attitude about Russia/Putin so no right to yak at me nor has  the laddie from below the Mason-Dixon as they are from the same giant world hypocrisy country that thinks it should rule the damn world and spent trillions for the benefit of the military-corporate world whilst millions of Americans starve are homeless and I have just discovered that those with learning difficulties run into tens of millions.  It may make those who think they are something snipe but it is not a very educated nor principled stance at all as the facts are there in the face but they choose to snootily ignore. Their own government does everything to spy on everyone in their own borders and find ways of confining them with that age old excuse of "security."

Indeed their land would get more respect if they spent less time interfering in the world and causing military mess-ups. When you think on what goes in inside a country that makes so much two-faced stuff on principles, freedoms and all that mince it would be funny if not so serious. Then it could concentrate on things like their own people not just the cumfy who come on here blabbering. Probably less homeless, less on food stamps and homelessness living the written principles, Heavens their own government even stands on principles and their own constitution when it suits and gets away with it! 

"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Freee Speech…

Reply #74
As i have pointed out in a separate thread jimbro has a constant infantile attitude about Russia/Putin so no right to yak at me nor has  the laddie from below the Mason-Dixon as they are from the same giant world hypocrisy country […]
This, from the boy-o who gets bent out of shape when "foreigners" ask him about his peculiar habit of wearing a kilt! :)
Go soak your head, sir! (It needs it…)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)