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Topic: android rom with smooth performance  (Read 1545 times)

android rom with smooth performance

any one can suggest  me android rom for pc with stable performance. 

marsmallow and lollipop  are buggies at pc.

it freezed all the times

kitkat is lesser buggies,  but still have freezing issues on offboard gpu.

it is do not have freezing issues with onboard gpu,  however the performance is damn bad.
 in example when used to play games such as clash of clans.

Re: android rom with smooth performance

Reply #1
Sorry, not a topic I know anything about. You might be out of luck if there aren't any proper drivers for your GPU.


Re: android rom with smooth performance

Reply #2
android 4. 4 r3,   5 and 6 have graphic drivers for nvidia.

they are using graphic drivers from linux.

it is just buggy,  causing the whole system to freezed.