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Topic: The Problem with Atheism (Read 220477 times)

Re: The Problem with Atheism

Reply #1
See? when atheists don't speak, there's absolutely no problem with atheism... :)

(of course, some, more purists than I am, could always object that they don't speak but they think...)
A matter of attitude.

Re: The Problem with Atheism

Reply #2

Too little basic human decency.

Pick any group of living humans that is non-trivial in size, you're guaranteed to find your share of idiots, psychos, assholes and so on. Why would atheists be any different in that regard? It's not like lack of belief in some spook in the sky automatically makes you a better, or even a decent ( let alone rational ) human being.

Re: The Problem with Atheism

Reply #3
Yup. I think a more accurate description of "the" problem is that being an atheist doesn't really mean anything. You're an atheist, and then what? That's the part that matters.

Re: The Problem with Atheism

Reply #4

Yup. I think a more accurate description of "the" problem is that being an atheist doesn't really mean anything. You're an atheist, and then what? That's the part that matters.

One reason why I never joined any real life atheist groups. There's always someone ( or more than one ) who wants to attach more to it, which inevitably turns it into something I won't want to be associated with.

Re: The Problem with Atheism

Reply #7
The Problem with Atheism .... Nice subject, with a very simple answer.

The Problem with Atheism is that they can never disprove the existence of God, so they attack everyone of faith with hate.

The Problem with Atheism is that hate is the only answer they have to the existence of God.

Re: The Problem with Atheism

Reply #8

The Problem with Atheism is that they can never disprove the existence of God, so they attack everyone of faith with hate.

You mean everyone who regurgitates the same old crap, again, that wasn't convincing, valid or even coherent the last five million times ::)

The Problem with Atheism is that hate is the only answer they have to the existence of God.

Weapon grade projection. You should see a doctor about that.

Re: The Problem with Atheism

Reply #9

The Problem with Atheism is that they can never disprove the existence of God, so they attack everyone of faith with hate.

You mean everyone who regurgitates the same old crap, again, that wasn't convincing, valid or even coherent the last five million times ::)

So are  you, Macallan, going to break the mold, & be the very first Atheist that can actually disprove God?

It's never been done, but feel free ...... go ahead, I'd like to hear you, Macallan, disprove the existence of God,

Or, are you just going to continue the endless fountains of hate Atheists worldwide are known for spewing when faced with having to disprove God's existence, & they can't?   

We're waiting .....  Atheists & the Faithful alike ........

Re: The Problem with Atheism

Reply #10

The Problem with Atheism is that they can never disprove the existence of God, so they attack everyone of faith with hate.

You mean everyone who regurgitates the same old crap, again, that wasn't convincing, valid or even coherent the last five million times ::)

So are  you, Macallan, going to break the mold, & be the very first Atheist that can actually disprove God?

Why exactly would I want to disprove something that isn't supported by any kind of evidence to begin with?
That said, I'll gladly disprove your god ( whichever christian variety it happens to be ) right after you show me undeniable proof that Vishnu does in fact not exist, and never did. Or Cthulhu. Or unicorns. Or any other deity you don't believe in.


Re: The Problem with Atheism

Reply #11
Quote from: Macallan
Why exactly would I want to disprove something that isn't supported by any kind of evidence to begin with?

Nice dodge, but still waiting......waiting for you to simply disprove God's existence.

Quote from: Macallan
That said, I'll gladly disprove your god ( whichever christian variety it happens to be ) right after you show me undeniable proof that Vishnu does in fact not exist, and never did. Or Cthulhu. Or unicorns. Or any other deity you don't believe in.

I don't care about any organized religion, or belief other than my own.

My faith is all I need to realize the existence of God, a God you seemingly refuse to disprove, even though you say you gladly can.

So far all I hear is  a lot of hot wind, stressful frustration no doubt, & name calling ............ so when are you going to disprove the existence of God?

Or, could it just be your faith in your own Atheism is buckling from the pressure of your own boastfulness?

So when are you going to disprove the existence of God?

I say you flat out can't.

My moneys on that you'll probably resort to some bogus reasoning, to avoid having to eat crow, & you'll dart off, tail between legs,  rather than disproving anything.

Then again, we may just see the beginning of an end ........ that is if you're willing to concede to the fact that you simply can't disprove the existence of God, & be done with it.

Re: The Problem with Atheism

Reply #12

Quote from: Macallan
Why exactly would I want to disprove something that isn't supported by any kind of evidence to begin with?

Nice dodge, but still waiting......waiting for you to simply disprove God's existence.

Nope, just pointing out your double standards and general lack of logical consistency.

Quote from: Macallan
That said, I'll gladly disprove your god ( whichever christian variety it happens to be ) right after you show me undeniable proof that Vishnu does in fact not exist, and never did. Or Cthulhu. Or unicorns. Or any other deity you don't believe in.

I don't care about any organized religion, or belief other than my own.

Mother of all dodges. So you demand that I accept your god's existence without any evidence whatsoever, yet you are unwilling to apply the same to yourself? Can't say I'm surprised.

My faith is all I need to realize the existence of God, a God you seemingly refuse to disprove, even though you say you gladly can.

Irrelevant to your god's actual existence.

So far all I hear is  a lot of hot wind, stressful frustration no doubt, & name calling ............ so when are you going to disprove the existence of God?

You can read, can you? I said right after you disprove Vishnu, Cthulhu, unicorns or any other deity of your choice.

Or, could it just be your faith in your own Atheism is buckling from the pressure of your own boastfulness?

Missing the point by a mile, as usual. Why on earth would I even consider the possibility that your god may exist anywhere else than your head only?

Re: The Problem with Atheism

Reply #13
Quote from: Macallan
Mother of all dodges. So you demand that I accept your god's existence without any evidence whatsoever, yet you are unwilling to apply the same to yourself? Can't say I'm surprised.

You're the Athiest.....this thread is labeled "The Problem With Athiesm"

I need not prove my Faith, but the burden of proof is all yours regarding the "Problem with Atheism" as I initially assert way back.

So far you are already proving I'm right, by your avoiding my initial direct question ....... can you simply disprove the existence of God? ..... last chance ...  Macallan, the ref is about to count you out!!

Re: The Problem with Atheism

Reply #14

Quote from: Macallan
Mother of all dodges. So you demand that I accept your god's existence without any evidence whatsoever, yet you are unwilling to apply the same to yourself? Can't say I'm surprised.

You're the Athiest.....this thread is labeled "The Problem With Athiesm", the burden of proof is all yours.

Holy mother of non-sequitur, Batman!
So you accept that Cthulhu exists?

I need not prove my Faith, but you are already proving I'm right, by your avoiding my initial direct question ....... can you simply disprove the existence of God? ..... last chance ...  Macallan, the ref is about to count you out!!

For the 3rd time, since you're apparently a little slow - why would I want to prove the non-existence of something without the tiniest shred of evidence that it actually might exist? You claim that your god exists yet you are entirely unable to support your claim. You attempt to handwave the non-existence of any other deity that's supported by the same amount of evidence yet you demand that I disprove your particular delusion? Sorry, as things stand your god is indistinguishable from a delusion.
I'll happily accept the existence of the voice in your head ( nothing unusual about that ). I'll refuse to accept that it's some sort of god without decent evidence.

Re: The Problem with Atheism

Reply #15
Quote from: Macallan
........ why would I want to prove the non-existence of something without the tiniest shred of evidence that it actually might exist? You claim that your god exists yet you are entirely unable to support your claim. You attempt to handwave the non-existence of any other deity that's supported by the same amount of evidence yet you demand that I disprove your particular delusion? Sorry, as things stand your god is indistinguishable from a delusion. I'll happily accept the existence of the voice in your head ( nothing unusual about that ). I'll refuse to accept that it's some sort of god without decent evidence.

So you can't disprove the existence of admit it.
All bark, & no bite.....just dodge, & avoid doing the manly thing....admit you cant do it & end your charade & tap dance.

I thought not, being no Atheist ever has been able to before you, I'm not at all surprised you couldn't.

I don't have a burden of proof here....your the Atheist who says He doesn't exist, but cant begin to back up the assertion...step one.

All you've proven is that you are seething with hate ..... & if somehow you're right (which you're not).... seething with hate of what you say is a non existent god.

Case closed.......that's the [glow=red,2,300]"Problem with Atheism"[/glow]. 

When push comes to shove, they all fall to jelly.

Re: The Problem with Atheism

Reply #16

Quote from: Macallan
........ why would I want to prove the non-existence of something without the tiniest shred of evidence that it actually might exist? You claim that your god exists yet you are entirely unable to support your claim. You attempt to handwave the non-existence of any other deity that's supported by the same amount of evidence yet you demand that I disprove your particular delusion? Sorry, as things stand your god is indistinguishable from a delusion. I'll happily accept the existence of the voice in your head ( nothing unusual about that ). I'll refuse to accept that it's some sort of god without decent evidence.

So you can't disprove the existence of admit it.

Since by 'God' you mean 'the voice in your head'...

All bark, & no bite.....just dodge, & avoid doing the manly thing....admit you cant do it & end your charade & tap dance.

For the last time, I'll type reallllly slow this time so maybe you can follow it this time.
I will disprove your god as soon as you disprove Vishnu, Cthulhu, unicorns or any other deity. Obviously you're unable to do so.

I don't have a burden of proof here....your the Atheist who says He doesn't exist, but cant begin to back up the assertion...step one.

You really need to learn some logic. You make the claim that your god exists, you support it. Or admit that you also believe in Vishnu, unicorns, or Cthulhu. You're not one of these damn hypocrites, are you? ::)

All you've proven is that you are seething with hate ..... & if somehow you're right (which you're not).... seething with hate of what you say is a non existent god.

If you had any reading comprehension you'd know that I didn't even try to prove anything. Why don't you just stop bullshitting for a minute?
Still waiting for your disproof of Vishnu. Or supporting evidence for your god.

When push comes to shove, they all fall to jelly.

Weapon grade projection. Again.

Re: The Problem with Atheism

Reply #17

The Problem with Atheism is that they can never disprove the existence of God, so they attack everyone of faith with hate.

The problem with people like you is that they think this is an actual argument ::)

Re: The Problem with Atheism

Reply #18
Noun: atheism
The doctrine or belief that there is no God.

Your whole Atheist existence is predicated on a belief in a doctrine (which oddly enough denotes some form of faith) that says something doesn't exist, but it's impossible for you to support your position either way on it's existence.  What a dichotomy.

Whereas my belief in my God is predicated by my personal Faith in my God, & that Faith doesn't require proving His existence to anyone/anything, least of all you.

Whatever..........God still loves you, want him to or not.

I've come to the conclusion that not believing in His existence poses neither Him or me any threat.

We wish you peace, though somehow I doubt you'll experience any,  during this Holy Season.

Re: The Problem with Atheism

Reply #19
Well I'm agnostic, which accepts that neither religion nor atheism can prove they are right.

But of the two it should be easier to prove something exists if, in fact, it really does exist, than prove something does not exist where there is no evidence one way or the other.

Of the two, the atheist viewpoint has logic on its side.

Re: The Problem with Atheism

Reply #20
Quote from: String
Of the two, the atheist viewpoint has logic on its side.

OK, being empirical evidence back then was impossible to glean, explain the logic in how:

  Time, space, and matter came into existence by themselves.
  Planets and stars formed from space dust.
  Matter created life by itself.
  Early life-forms learned to reproduce themselves.
  Major changes occurred between these diverse life forms (i.e., fish changed to amphibians, amphibians changed to reptiles, and reptiles changed to birds or mammals).

None of the above proves that God exists, but as an Agnostic the proposition of His existence should pose stronger than the doubt of His existence.

Re: The Problem with Atheism

Reply #21

Well I'm agnostic, which accepts that neither religion nor atheism can prove they are right.

That's not exactly Agnosticism...

Agnosticism it's different and consists in realizing that the ultimate truths, as the existence or not of God, are inaccessible to the human spirit. It realizes perfectly the paradox of God's definition (in the sense of a total and global human mental comprehension) and basically adopts a posture of "denial of knowledge" - A-Gnosis, therefore the word. An agnostic knows that he can't ever know.

It's the maximum expression of Man's finitude and insignificance and a refusal and disbelief about the possibility of Man's divine origin and soul.

A very different thing from what I see people normally using it, which is just a form of dismissal attitude - I don't know and I find it futile to know.
A matter of attitude.

Re: The Problem with Atheism

Reply #22

Your whole Atheist existence is predicated on a belief in a doctrine (which oddly enough denotes some form of faith) that says something doesn't exist, but it's impossible for you to support your position either way on it's existence.  What a dichotomy.

Believe it or not, but most atheists don't 'unbelieve' in your god like you do believe in yours.
And that thing about "it's impossible for you to support your position" is a plain old lie. For the millionth time - why would I want to believe in your god? Where is it other than in your head only?

Whereas my belief in my God is predicated by my personal Faith in my God, & that Faith doesn't require proving His existence to anyone/anything, least of all you.

So the previous statement is weapon grade projection. Again.

Whatever..........God still loves you, want him to or not.

So does Vishnu. Why should I believe in your god instead of Vishnu?

I've come to the conclusion that not believing in His existence poses neither Him or me any threat.

More weapon grade projection. So you do feel threatened by the mere existence of non-believers and because of that you keep making up nonsense about them, as shown in this thread.

We wish you peace, though somehow I doubt you'll experience any,  during this Holy Season.

Not if you and your ilk can help it, huh? ::)

Re: The Problem with Atheism

Reply #23

Quote from: String
Of the two, the atheist viewpoint has logic on its side.

OK, being empirical evidence back then was impossible to glean, explain the logic in how:

  Time, space, and matter came into existence by themselves.
  Planets and stars formed from space dust.
  Matter created life by itself.
  Early life-forms learned to reproduce themselves.
  Major changes occurred between these diverse life forms (i.e., fish changed to amphibians, amphibians changed to reptiles, and reptiles changed to birds or mammals).

The only way this could support any kind of god ( let alone yours in particular ) would be if the existence of any being capable of creating all that could be shown. Which it can't, what you're doing is merely an argument from ignorance. "we don't know therefore god" stopped being convincing at least 200 years ago.
Not to mention that half of the list above is a strawman anyway.

None of the above proves that God exists, but as an Agnostic the proposition of His existence should pose stronger than the doubt of His existence.

Only if you're ignorant enough to assume that existence requires a god ( circular logic, don't you love it? )

Re: The Problem with Atheism

Reply #24

Well I'm agnostic, which accepts that neither religion nor atheism can prove they are right.

That's not exactly Agnosticism...

Agnosticism it's different and consists in realizing that the ultimate truths, as the existence or not of God, are inaccessible to the human spirit. It realizes perfectly the paradox of God's definition (in the sense of a total and global human mental comprehension) and basically adopts a posture of "denial of knowledge" - A-Gnosis, therefore the word. An agnostic knows that he can't ever know.

It's the maximum expression of Man's finitude and insignificance and a refusal and disbelief about the possibility of Man's divine origin and soul.

Well, any sufficiently powerful being could certainly hide from all of us as long as it wants, thereby rendering its existence unknowable. To us. The existence of any such beings which don't interact with the world in any measurable way ( otherwise we'd be able to detect them ) is indistinguishable from them not existing. Or rather, it makes no difference either way, which renders the term pretty much meaningless.