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Messages - tinkicker

Otter Browser Forum / Re: Otter 0.3.01 Released
Not really sure if it's okay to post here since from what I've seen it's a developer conversation thread, but I just wanted to say...
I've been really trying to like the new Opera, but I already use Chrome, so it seems very, very redundant. I was hoping Opera would quickly move back into the pioneering profile it once had, but no joy.
I just want to say that I really appreciate what you guys are doing! This is a great project, and I'm really encouraged that I'll enjoy using Otter. This release is the first I've tried (just heard of your project tonight on the Google+ Opera community!), and I'm very excited for what the future holds.
As a user of Firefox, Chrome, Opera old and new, Pale Moon, Maxthon, IE and every other browser I've been able to download and try, I'll tell you that what's important for me is organizational ability. Speed Dial, an efficient bookmarking system, total customization and every Swiss Army knife feature you can throw in that will aid my productivity. Simple, huh? :D It's what turned me on to the original Opera, and from what I read, it's where you're headed.
Looking forward to it! Cheers!