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Topic: The Russians are coming (Read 40889 times)

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #25
Now here is an interesting link to watch after all the cold war guff being dished out here.

Note an army officer and he obviously thought he was on safe ground. A week ago I watched a television interview with some young men from western Ukraine who said they had no intention of fighting and didn't see the point.

The other interesting point is when Kerry was at podiums with that idiot who is Ukraine's Prime Minister (he is so full of bile, hate and stupidity). When asked about the so-called Russian ivasion the Secretary from imperial land said he would pass that to the Prime Minister. I would like something more than the dished out propaganda. Americ has plenty of satellites so let;s have a break from spying on their own people's privacy and show the imports. Originally I said here that a more federal Ukraine would be the answer but if the 2 eastern regions want to go I would let them as Ukraine could not run a jumble sale never mind a country. Kiev created this problem and the video above shows something the Goebells mentality is trying to brain us with.  I can even understand American fanaticism having been brought up to implicitly follow Cold War thinking but shows how east braining is from experts. the late Propaganda Minister would be pleased!

Enjoy the clip.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #26
The only thing I parse from that is there was a television interview.  How to air slanted interviews 101: Step 1: Formulate your questions in such a way that your subjects are more likely to answer how you want them to. Step 2: Interview interview some people. Let's say 100 just for easy numbers. Step 3: Select the interviewees that gave the answers you want. If on 5 out the 100 give answers consistent with your agenda, so be it.  Step 3: Edit the interviews to sound more strongly consistent with your views. Be sure to rip statements out of context. The last step, of course, is to air the carefully selected and edited interviews to make it sound like it's a majority opinion and ignore the fact that 95% of your interviewees disagreed with you.  See how easy it is?

Oh yes, who were the young men? For all we know they could have been part of a pro-Russian faction. Things like that happen surprisingly often in less than objective news reports.

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #27
Thinking I should remind people that this is really meant to be a light hearted look at a rather farcical situation, I was about to post something to that effect when I tried the link rjh kindly posted (or did he - maybe Putin changed it)

On my browser that link arrives at an advert for a Fairy Baby Robin suit.

A rare link there from rjh, or putin, or both.

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #28
That link took me to a Yahoo! log-in page. Can't see nuthin'.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #29
I tried it again and still got a wee fairy. I dismiss it as Russian propaganda, obviously you are protected by the CIA.

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #30
mjmsprt40 is not the only one who is protected by the CIA. I get the Yahoo! log-in page too.

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #31
And the usual propaganda brained stuff mentality from Sanguinemoon. If anything outside of US and Western media is regarded as propaganda it shows  how dumbness is widespread. Doesn't the USA have two radio stations - one dating from the Cold War days for Europe and another global. Suppose their stuff could never be propaganda. Talk about closed minds and it is obvious that when you do give direct links asked for it doesn't mean a damn thing. Considering the lack of political honesty in world affairs from the land of the free and home of the brave what happens inside there is not much of an inclination ofor the world to follow.

The country that has bullied more than any other since WW2 has corrupted so many countries and a political system for the corporates and military controllers has a nerve to condemn Russia. Why di you need so many bases? Why are there tens of millions of poor? Why is it gradually becoming a police State? Why is the place military mad? Why do people find security agencies who ignore the constitution and go over the top? And not once has any dumb ex-colonist ever answered me as to why you have so many spy agencies who spy on your own citizens no matter what you do electronically? Political and money corruption is rif and the place makes so many so-called "principled" statements. Russia would never catch up with all these faults espeically on global military adventures like hypocrite land. Bairns when it comes to politics, spying madness and playing soldiers.

Must be frustrating for you lot that you cannot control Russia or China and the day the dollar ceases to be world currency the better for it.  :devil:
ps You made a great job of training the Iraqui Army, haha!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #32

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #33
Two radio stations? TWO RADIO STATIONS?

RJHowie, do you seriously, even for a minute, think we have only two radio stations? You need to get out more.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #34
Funny no one complained when the "The Americans are coming". They surely did much more than the Russians.
A matter of attitude.

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #35
You really do need to get out more mjsmsprt40! I indicated two speically long running propaganda stations hence Europe and global not the run-of-the-mill stuff. Does Voice of America ring a bell for simple example. You have had 2 special stations to do a Goebells thing for ages. Must say Belfrager that Russia will never catch up with imperialistic America. The country is so full of itself and a right to control the world and even Obama has stated as much recently too.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #36
And the usual propaganda brained stuff mentality from Sanguinemoon.

WTF? I didn't give any propaganda. I'm the "brained" one, when all I did was show how to give the public a false impression of what the majority opinion is? A few men in a country of 44 million means very little without at least some kind of polling data at least (and not done by any by or for any of the governments in question :p )

What else the show say? Did they say "many" people share the opinion, as if words like that are meaningful. Hint: I can call 10% of the population "many" because the word is so vague. 4.4 million people is "many people" and "a lot." :p

I find your lack of media savvy most disturbing.

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #37
Here, take your pick of drunk, stupid Scotsmen . This means all or most Scotsmen are like this, right? :p  Saying otherwise must be propaganda. Get it now? Didn't think so. Oh, I almost forgot. If realize that all countries of their share of drunken idiots, you're "brained" , right?

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #38
You do confess more than you realise sometimes well maybe mostly here. You llot think your corner is so something else which makes you all the more funny. Meanwhile on he present coming cease fore.

I watched an interview with the leader of the Right Sector you know the Nazi lot in Ukraine and he has made it clear that they the neo-swastika mob are NOT going to recognise any cease fore! Why that isn't so widely known in the western media is interesting. Instead we get this continued guff about Russia.  Russia has said repeatedly but Yanks are too dotty to absorb it that it does NOT want the two provinces. It was also Kiev during the minor breaks in the last cease fire that raised the stakes by mounting a large all-out attack on the airport.  Kiev couldn't care a damn about the civilians who just want peace. Hospitals are now running out of medicines and supplies. One has already started using fish wire for stitching. Water and electricity breaks and because their government in Kiev are doing this over a million have fled over the border.

Why in whoever's name would Russia want to have to accommodate, feed and look after a million people witht the existing restrictions?? You lot are as thick as they come. So come on now what about the fanatical Right Sector (many already in the national Guard) but fighting on their own. Fanatical and dangerous people and part of the offiical set-up in Kiev which you all subtly ignore.  It is not the Russians who are the problem it is America as it sees Ukraine as another place for it's corporate. As for NATO it is nothing to do with them and the US kept that out of date club for commercial and money control expansion. money men in time.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #39

You do confess more than you realise sometimes well maybe mostly here. You llot think your corner is so something else which makes you all the more funny. Meanwhile on he present coming cease fore.

??? :jester:

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #40
watched an interview with the leader of the Right Sector you know the Nazi lot in Ukraine and he has made it clear that they the neo-swastika mob are NOT going to recognise any cease fore!

Is that right?

(Reuters) - Ukraine's rebels disavowed a new truce on Sunday hours after it took effect, saying it did not apply to the town where most fighting has taken place in recent weeks.

Guns fell abruptly silent at midnight across much of eastern Ukraine in line with the ceasefire agreement, reached after a week of diplomacy led by France and Germany. But pro-Russian rebels announced they would not observe the truce at Debaltseve, where Ukrainian army forces were encircled..


A Ukrainian military spokesman said the ceasefire was being "generally observed". Its forces had been shelled 10 times since the truce took effect in "localized" incidents, and no soldiers had been killed.

A Ukrainian staff officer stationed near Debaltseve said: "The general level (of attacks) has decreased, although there are violations."

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, wearing the uniform of the armed forces' supreme commander, announced the order to stop firing in a midnight televised address, but said there was still alarm over Debaltseve.

So the ceasefire is mostly in effect, except for the pro-Russian rebels breaking it, especially around that town.

Next time, Howie, get real news instead of some bullshit highlighting an unnamed loudmouth that most likely has no authority in the matter.

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #41
Unfortunately for you I do get real news and are you telling me that the USA has never used propaganda? If so your childish stuff brained into you from childhood is even more obvious. So answer that charge especially with the modern history your country has dealing with any country that doesn't want to follow your failed and corrupt system or be forced into business transactions by your corporate leaders or military nuts. You lot are brought up thinking your country is a paragon of virtue and does nothing wrong including propaganda which should almost have a capital h.

Anything Kiev tells you misfits is just accepted and some of it is so ridiculous it is like talking to delayed child minds like your thinking.  May I yet again remind you that at the last truce inbetween odd skirmishes on both sides it was the Ukrainian Army that launched a big offensive to thate that airport! And yet another repeat which your shut mind ignores and that is the public statement of the Leader of the Right Sector (which has fighters in the war) saying in public and on television that he and his fantical organisation does NOT recognise the cease-fire . It also has members in the Kiev government so why don't you say something about that lot of ne-Nazis?? Nope that doesn't suit the closed US mind. Plus the fact that the rebels were not at the talks.

It is okay for you neocon kindergarten minds to think your country is so great in the world but heaven help anyone whoe don't toe your line. Maybe you should spend more time dealing with the constantly rising trillions of debt leave off starting wars and do something inside to alleviate the millions who are poverty struck and losing homes. Ukraine is still corrupt with the government tnal came in after that illegal coup and all the money being dished out will be wasted.

The western side of Ukraine has been west leaning for some time and was the home of their own Nazi and SS lot during WW2 so small wonder those in the East are suspicious of them and now ne-Nazis in the government, But hey that is okay as long as a they wave an ant-Russian flag. You and the other half wots who think Kiev is wonderful and the Russians automatically the bad guys will enevr get away from the daft perception you have of the two-faced American policy is. Instead of being prepared to answer what I have said about your Nazi pals and much else you choose to ignore what you don;t want to hear. Small wonder your government has been concerned about education because those here like you are emphasising that weakness. Everyone else wrong and misguided. America the inspiration for the world. Yeah right in a carnival mind.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #42
Why not just respond without all the trash talk?

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #43
And what would he do with the rest of his occupational-therapy time?

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #44
Well, he could use the time to learn to read and write.

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #46
Wherever else? :right:

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #47
The reason there is no response is the culprits actually cannot do that so instead being of limited grey cell use resort to trying to be smart arses, scoff and ridicule. I would say they in fact do themselves no credit at alland should try answering direct questions and situations. At least I have had a long background in the public world wheras they have not and instead try to be big boys in a small Forum. It makes them feel content but that they can only stretch to scoff and not to answering does at least indicate much and isn't to their credit.  :P
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #48
And there's your answer. RJ is absolutely incapable of responding here in any way without trash-talking everybody else. Trash-talk is the only thing he has.

Kinda sad, really. :(
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #49
It makes them feel content but that they can only stretch to scoff and not to answering does at least indicate much and isn't to their credit.   :P

You did get an answer, Howie. The answer is that pro-Russian rebels are the ones breaking the ceasefire. Unlike you, I provided a source. That's Reuters, a wireservice used by different news agencies around the world. You provide an unnamed, random schmuck and refuse requests to reveal your sources.

I provided the link for a reason, oh worldly and accomplished one. Within you'll find the rebels themselves saying they broke the ceasefire. It's not just Kiev saying it. What part of this fails to penetrate your skull?