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Topic: Feature Requests (Read 97545 times)

Feature Requests

Present requests that are not in the list of planned features

High priority / ASAP:
- start page
- page specific preferences
- passwords manager
- delayed loading of Flash objects

Medium priority / soon:
- content blocking
- spell checking
- feeds reader (as module)
- panels (page informations, notes, transfers, bookmarks etc.)
- greater UI customization abilities (configurable toolbars, overwriting list of context menu actions etc.)
- system tray icon

Low priority / later:
- mail client (as module)
- shared contacts database
- fine-tune UI (sizes, margins and other details)
- form auto completion
- exposing MDI features
- mouse gestures
- tabs grouping (stacking and panorama mode)
- import of existing settings, bookmarks etc.
- extensions (Firefox and Chrome APIs support)
- Opera Link like solution
- improved integration with different platforms (Windows taskbar integration etc.)
- Blink backend (with upcoming QtWebEngine, when API will be useful)

Low priority / maybe:
- support for Opera skins (through custom QStyle)
- IM client module (libpurple based, including support for IRC)
- BitTorrent module
- support for tab thumbnails embedded in tab bar

And lots of smaller or obvious things. ;-)

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #1
I would like to add a request : regroup all the english strings in a file.

I'm impatient to start translating them in french  :)

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #2
@Cqoicebordel, yeah, that should be started soon, probably around 16.03.2014.
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #3
Will there be lang files like Opera had?

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #4
@ersi, nope, we will use formats used by Qt Linguist.
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #5
Trying the current build here, I note that keyboard shortcuts are underdeveloped and they do not figure on the todo list either. No file concerning them is in the profile folder (.config/otter). What's the status?

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #6
@ersi, only custom profiles will appear there, you have to clone existing one in Preferences first.
Note that lots of actions are not exposed there yet.
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #7
I understand that the Speed Dial or its equivalent will be included at some time. I did not uses Speed Dial in Opera 12, never saw the point really, but I use it in Opera for Tablets since it preforms the Bookmark function.

I'm not a great Browser collector so the following may exist already in some other Browser, but it occurs to me that if one could collect the Book Marks in Speed Dial, together with one level down grouped within them, one could use an individual expanded Speed-dial Bookmarks as a contextual menu, displayed as a strip, say,  and be able to fix any of them temporarily like a bookmark bar at the top or the side of the Browser, even as a panel.As a user one could then have (as examples) a shopping environment browser bar, a sports bar, a media bar and so on according to the way one was using the computer at the time. Use of favicons or assigned text or both would reduce the real estate used.

Apologies if that's obvious and already done but since I don't know that I thought I'd mention it.

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #8
@string, I would go for multiple bookmarks toolbars, each one displaying single folder (or tag).
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #9

@string, I would go for multiple bookmarks toolbars, each one displaying single folder (or tag).
Well so would I for my taste; my current Opera 12 bookmark bar is a mixture of direct links to sites and folders containing many links around a theme; in that way I keep key urls readily to hand for different modes of browsing.

But my suggestion was not really meant for those who enjoy customising to the nth degree, it was targeted at those who  have limited ambitions in that respect and are weaned on the simplistic apology for a quasi bookmark system that the quick dial concept represents. With a little bit of exposure to even modest customisation maybe they can be weaned onto the more sophisticated delights that used to be Opera and now will be Otter.

Besides, it would be good to get one up on the opposition.  ;)

It's not a brilliant suggestion I admit but sometimes a daft idea will spawn a better one.

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #10
I used to customise Opera heavily, but speed dial was not a quasi bookmarks system for me in the sense of a parallel or competing system. Speed dial didn't compete with Bookmarks or substitute them in any way. Speed dial was a subset of the whole Bookmarking system. I saw it this way:

The core of bookmarks feature is the bookmarks panel (also bookmarks window, which replicates the panel more fully). The essentials there:
- Folders
- Titles
- Urls
- Keywords
- Descriptions

Nice extras:
- Drag&Drop rearrange
- Open All per folder
- Sort per each parameter (sort ascending and descending per title, url, keyword, ...)

Then there's stuff beyond the core features:
- Bookmarks toolbar
- Speed dial

Bookmarks toolbar was implemented in Opera this way: Select a bookmark item and mark "Display on Personal bar (Bookmarks toolbar)". The exact same can be said of Speed dial items. Speed dial items were a selection from the core set of bookmarks, marked "Display in Speed dial". Bookmarks toolbar and Speed dial consisted of bookmark items tagged that way.

The same idea applied to Opera Mini bookmarks when considered from the point of view of the desktop browser: Opera Mini bookmarks were (originally) one folder of bookmarks in the whole set of Bookmarks. (Here consider Opera Mini bookmarks folder as a tag.)

Speed Dial also had this feature: Ctrl+number was the shortcut to open up the Speed dial item. With overly elaborated Speed dial, this feature loses meaning. This is one of the reasons why, when O ASA "innovated" the system so that all bookmarks went to Speed dial (I can see how the background idea here was "Speed dial is a quasi bookmarks system anyway..."), people began complaining "Where are bookmarks?" Speed dial does not compete with or substitute bookmarks in any way. It's a subset, a special case of Bookmarks. It's like a Bookmarks Toolbar but "view as tiles".  The core of the bookmarks feature is and remains in Bookmarks Panel and Bookmarks Window.

What I'd rather see in Otter is virtual folders. Virtual folder basically means that tag and folder are the same thing. You can tag a bookmark item as "Display on Bookmarks toolbar" and/or "Display in Speed dial". In addition to these so-called hardcoded tags - that do what they say -, there should be freely writable tags, as many as one wants per bookmark item, that function like folders, i.e. when viewing the bookmark items in Bookmarks Window, you can sort per tags too, just like you can sort per title, per url, etc. Something like that.

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #11
Nice summary ersi. :)

There's no doubt about it, Emdek - you will have to clone yourself to satisfy us feature-hungry people.

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #12
@string, yeah... So far we have only tab cloning, but that won't help much. ;-)
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: Feature Requests @v.0.9.01

Reply #13
0.9.01 doesn't crash for me any more with Right-click > Image properties. It also fixes some inconvenient geometry issues with Openbox and Windows, adds an icon and the opportunity to load translations. Good job!

Now some more straightforward requests:

- How about a proper full screen as in Opera Presto?
- I'm still unable to find the keyboard shortcut to focus the address field. (The address field is underdeveloped in many other ways too for now. No completion suggestions, no dropdown arrow, no way to combine the search field and address field, etc.)
- Time to borrow a side panel from somewhere. Qupzilla or Midori (or both?) had one with some features.
- Tab management. There's a way to detach a tab to a separate window. Is there a way to re-attach it again? A side panel to drag and group tabs in windows as one pleases would be totally awesome - and unique too now that Presto is legacy.

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #14
How about a proper full screen as in Opera Presto?

Hiding tab bar?

I'm still unable to find the keyboard shortcut to focus the address field. (The address field is underdeveloped in many other ways too for now. No completion suggestions, no dropdown arrow, no way to combine the search field and address field, etc.)

Should be added soon, drop down could be expected before next beta (it's one of my favorite features in classic Opera ;-)).

Time to borrow a side panel from somewhere. Qupzilla or Midori (or both?) had one with some features.

Chocimier will probably start working on them soon.

Tab management. There's a way to detach a tab to a separate window. Is there a way to re-attach it again? A side panel to drag and group tabs in windows as one pleases would be totally awesome - and unique too now that Presto is legacy.

That could take a bit more time but still has slight chances to be at least partially done before next beta.
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.


Re: Feature Requests

Reply #15

How about a proper full screen as in Opera Presto?

Hiding tab bar?

Hiding everything, leaving only the webspace. That's the Opera way.

There may be some dispute over what should become visible when a new tab is opened by keyboard shortcut from such full-screen state (should the new tab display the address field? the tab bar? both?), but IMHO it's indisputable that the full-screen state itself should be just that, entire screen full of webspace, nothing else. When a new tab is opened in that state, I suggest, to settle disputes over what elements should become visible, to make those elements configurable just like everything else should be configurable.

I'm still unable to find the keyboard shortcut to focus the address field. (The address field is underdeveloped in many other ways too for now. No completion suggestions, no dropdown arrow, no way to combine the search field and address field, etc.)

Should be added soon, drop down could be expected before next beta (it's one of my favorite features in classic Opera ;-)).

Thanks :)

My favourite feature with Opera's address field is its dialog-duplicate, the default keyboard shortcut F2. Very handy when looking for another page to go to when in full-screen state.

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #16
@ersi, I would go for invisible tab bar but show it when cursor is near top edge of screen, in similar way to that of some video players in full screen mode.
Probably it would be shown in separate "layer", over page, so it won't "jump" when its visibility changes.
It could be also shown for a moment after entering this mode or opening / closing / changing active tab (it could be optional, if needed).

My favourite feature with Opera's address field is its dialog-duplicate, the default keyboard shortcut F2.

This might come soon, along dialog to open bookmarks by keyword (in fact it would be the same dialog with different mode of operation).
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #17
@ersi, I would go for invisible tab bar but show it when cursor is near top edge of screen, in similar way to that of some video players in full screen mode.

Or like Firefox. :P

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #18
@Frenzie, not exactly the same, I would like to avoid that effect of page being moved down and up when tab bar shows up or gets hidden, it's annoying. ;-)
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #19
Any way to hide menu & status bar?
Fortuna fortes juvat.

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #20
@jasonliul, not yet, but should arrive before next beta, as part of #31.
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #21

@ersi, I would go for invisible tab bar but show it when cursor is near top edge of screen, in similar way to that of some video players in full screen mode.
Probably it would be shown in separate "layer", over page, so it won't "jump" when its visibility changes.
It could be also shown for a moment after entering this mode or opening / closing / changing active tab (it could be optional, if needed).

The disadvantage of this approach is exactly how to create the ghostly elements. There are questions like:
- At what exact moves should the elements jump up and vanish?
- How fast? Should the speed of jumping up and vanishing be configurable?
- What elements should they be in the first place? What if different users want different elements, so perhaps users should be able to choose what elements they are?

I personally would prefer, like in Opera, that the elements are fixed, either there or not, not popping up and disappearing. In Opera it's possible for users to configure their own full-screen mode, to make certain toolbar always be there. The disadvantage of Opera's way is that, if the elements are fixed instead of disappearing, it doesn't look that nifty and modern as per current fashion.

A good compromise would be to implement full-screen mode like in VLC. The toolbar elements there pop up at mouse move. I don't personally like it, but it's okay since the elements are completely configurable. Everybody gets to choose what pops up. The implementation of a few interface setups in VLC is overall very good.

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #22
@ersi, it's more about distance, not speed.
I would go for distance not smaller than 10% of screen height, not smaller tan 50 pixels, not bigger than 200 pixels. Something like that.
Show tab bar only when mouse cursor enters that area and keep it visible as long as it moves there or tab bar is under cursor.
It could be configurable to use behavior like in VLC or to disable it completely.
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #23
I checked Midori and Qupzilla right now. Midori behaves exactly like Opera:

- No visible elements in full screen
- When a new tab is opened in full screen (by Ctrl+t), the address bar becomes visible in the new tab

Qupzilla is more radical:

- No visible elements in full screen
- Open a new tab, and there's still no toolbars, no hint at all that multiple tabs are open

Another thing I like in Opera is right-click+mouse-scroll to show the list of open tabs. Useful precisely in (proper) full screen. This for me completely compensates the lack of visible toolbars in full screen.

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #24
@ersi, that menu will be added,  sooner than later. ;-)
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.