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Messages - Toltek

DnD Central / Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?
What SF is also not considering is that the insane mass shooters often want to die. They create the situation knowing full well they won't survive. I guess he never heard of "suicide by cop" , either.

Which makes it imperative that someone grant their wish before they are able to take 20 or so victims with them. FYI, suicide by cop is different, as this is suicide by one too cowardly to kill himself, so he must find one to do it for him...more like forcing someone to euthanize him. The serial killers and fanatics are different. Killing others is the end goal; getting killed is just the price they are willing to pay to accomplish that goal. If they can kill lots of people, and get away, that would be their true objective (so they can live to kill more later).
Otter Browser Forum / Re: Otter and Windows XP
@Alex31, works fine here, Flash 26 (NPAPI variant) under Windows XP SP3.

@DaveH, locally I have build that can handle all popular codecs, including WebM and MP4, but I'll have to disable h264 support before publishing due to legal reasons...

Does any version of Otter for XP Pro have the h264 support working, or are all disabled? I ask because I am looking for a browser that can deal with h264 (already have three browsers that use Flash).