Re: Everything Trump…
Reply #329 –
Republican Party says they will not do presidential debates anymore. The party now only exists because Democrats allow it. There needs to be at least some seeming opposition. In themselves, Republicans have lost all purpose.
Americans — bossy, querulous, ubiquitous — have for the last two years been almost entirely absent. Foreign countries suddenly feel more foreign. Long before the invasion of Ukraine, the era in which we exuberantly measured our civilization’s advance by tallying new McDonald’s had come to an end.
While I usually make little of your anti-Americanism, ersi, and accept the plain fact that TDS is de rigueur among the chic the world round, you've missed something (...perhaps in translation?):
The Republicans have not opted out of presidential debates! They've simply decided not to play the part of Christians in the Colosseum! They're quite willing to debate.
Proper moderation and sensible rules for such events must, if they're going to participate, be agreed upon, first...
Of course, you probably find that unconscionable, and likely cowardly behavior.
I'm as interested in Truth Social as I've ever been of Twitter... (And I presume GETTRl is similar.) I'm "enrolled", but I never go there -on my own impulse.
But -yes, indeed- the name "Truth Social" is a poor choice.
Donald J. Trump is a bombastic mogul-turned-entertainer-turned-politician! (It probably isn't entirely his fault, that he somehow imbibed middle-of-the-road conservative sensibilities...) I've heard your effulgent rhetoric poo-pooing his accomplishments (such effluvia!) — especially as President! ...I'm nowhere near as impressed by it as you yourself are...
But you said Anyway, his influence is fading. He cannot sustain the momentum anymore.
Hey, Nostra-damn-US! Don't you remember what happened in November 2016? 
It would be foolhardy for his opponents to underestimate his prowess and his commitment to the process and its prospects.
Members of his -ostensibly own- Party cannot ignore him, be they seasoned pols or newcomers or hopeful neophytes:
At his age, Trump is -it must be admitted- still a force of Nature! Where and how he imbibed his brand of middle-of-the-road Republicanism, I don't know. (I was surprised at what I viewed as his accomplishments, dejected over some of his failures, and dismayed to see the outrageous opposition to anything Trump! TDS (in case you've forgot) stands for Trump Derangement Syndrome... It'll likely be in the next edition of the DSM. 
And others in the political sphere will be -like it or not- adjudged Republican insofar as they accept his role. They will be defined by their relation to him and appreciated for their expressions of fealty (or of enmity) to him.
What's that old expression? Trump is living rent-free in their heads!
I, myself, demure... But you're too much (of whatever it is you are) a creature of prejudice, yours and others'.
How do the foreigners like the absence of Americans? Other things being equal, they probably like it quite a bit. Hordes of visitors tend to disrupt settled arrangements. But if you come from a country like Antigua or Aruba, in which upwards of 80 percent of the workforce are employed in tourism, the past couple of years have been calamitous. There are even some “real” countries in which around a fifth of the people make their living off some kind of tourism — like Greece, Portugal, New Zealand and Thailand. When you speak more generally about “travel” — just moving people around — that accounts for about a tenth of the world economy. The United States and Britain are more or less normal in this regard, at around 9 percent.
How does it feel to be an American tourist in such a tourist-free world? That is a more paradoxical subject.
(same article as above)
Yes, the Republican Party stands at a crossroad: Will it remain true to its founding principles? Or will it go along — to get along?
I too wonder...