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Topic: 184 bugs and nags (Read 3030 times)

184 bugs and nags

since I dunno when will 185 come out, ill put what 184 has ...

first off, I'm very happy how Otter progresses (every few months)

Bugs: - Win7 x64 // x64 Otter build
1. ANY download/transfer, when comes to 99.9% CRASHES - ALWAYS
2. Transfer window/tab, CANT resize 1st column while other ones can
3. while opening magnet link, there is no association (doesn't read system values)
4. unable to save ANY site with its contents (css, js), but just plain/alone xHTML
5. most HTML-5 codecs are missing (check

1. would be nice to have a button that would add page/tab to speed dial (just like you can bookmark a page)
2. some internal crash log generator, as apparently Otter chooses to crash without any crash log or error or even system error for Event Viewer
3. right click on tab for: close tabs to left/right
4. when image is in web site, right click to open image in current tab

Re: 184 bugs and nags

Reply #2
meh, how come 185 wasn't released ?

Re: 184 bugs and nags

Reply #3
meh, how come 185 wasn't released ?
Changes in the past week are mainly sourcecode cleanups and maintenance. The end-user won't notice the difference, so building new packages would be a waste of finite resources. Just a guess... ;)

Re: 184 bugs and nags

Reply #4
1. ANY download/transfer, when comes to 99.9% CRASHES - ALWAYS
Cannot reproduce on Windows 10, perhaps I need some more detailed description how to reproduce it (or try with Windows 7).
2. Transfer window/tab, CANT resize 1st column while other ones can
Yeah, it's annoying side effect of restrictions set to first and last columns.
3. while opening magnet link, there is no association (doesn't read system values)
I'm not sure if it is possible to properly associate these under Windows, I'll ask our Windows expert.
4. unable to save ANY site with its contents (css, js), but just plain/alone xHTML
That's a known missing feature, do to it properly we need changes in QtWebKit.
5. most HTML-5 codecs are missing (check
MS decided to support only proprietary codecs in Media Foundation, I think that you cna get WebM support by using this:
I'm also considering use of GStreamer multimedia backend (already used by newest build for Windows XP), which also allows some extra features but at the cost of bigger size of binaries...
1. would be nice to have a button that would add page/tab to speed dial (just like you can bookmark a page)
I don't think that we need dedicated action, but I can think about allowing to create it by specifying parameters for action to add bookmark (since Start Page entries are basically bookmarks).
2. some internal crash log generator, as apparently Otter chooses to crash without any crash log or error or even system error for Event Viewer
We have something like that, but it seems that it was missing in that package, probably lost during update to Qt 5.9.1.
3. right click on tab for: close tabs to left/right
I can consider these too, but no promises.
4. when image is in web site, right click to open image in current tab
Already doable by creating custom menu/webWidget.json with modified actions (yeah, we need some documentation for users).
Changes in the past week are mainly sourcecode cleanups and maintenance. The end-user won't notice the difference, so building new packages would be a waste of finite resources. Just a guess...
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: 184 bugs and nags

Reply #5
Cannot reproduce on Windows 10, perhaps I need some more detailed description how to reproduce it (or try with Windows 7).
At my place - under Win 7 - the crash happens almost always, for several weeks now (sorry, not sure exactly since when). The download process itself actually finishes successfully - the complete transfered file can always be found at the destination position - Otter apparently crashes immediately after the end of transmission. I was not able to note any difference between the (seldom) cases when it does not crash and the crashing ones. Had a feeling that the downloading tab has to be the active one when the transfer finishes, in order to crash, but am not completely sure of that.

Re: 184 bugs and nags

Reply #6
no it doesnt :)

Re: 184 bugs and nags

Reply #7
@Borut, does it happen only when simply saving file or when choosing to open it after download is complete?
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: 184 bugs and nags

Reply #8
@Borut, does it happen only when simply saving file or when choosing to open it after download is complete?
Oh, sorry for the delay. It happens when simply saving file. (I never choose to open it automatically after a download.)

Re: 184 bugs and nags

Reply #9
@Borut, is that 32 bit or 64 bit build?
I've tried reproducing on Windows 7 32 bit and no luck...
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: 184 bugs and nags

Reply #10
It is a 32 bit build running under both 32 and 64 bit Win 7 (happens on both).

Hm.... Some of my checked options: Open new window in a new tab; Reuse current tab; Remember browsing history; Clear history when application closes; Events - Transfer completed: Show notification; Prefer native notifications; Widgset style: Fusion; Show download dialog for all.

Also, I have a user script active with "@include about:blank", which shows a fixed url from a local server.

Apart from all that I am out of ideas...

Re: 184 bugs and nags

Reply #11
it downloads the file (any) completely
but it crashes on those 99.9 %
path doesn't matter
nor architecture
nor apparently NT version

but if its Windows only, then its easier for you to locate the problem

Re: 184 bugs and nags

Reply #12
but if its Windows only, then its easier for you to locate the problem
On the contrary, cross platform issues are way easier to deal with. ;-)
Windows is probably the least debugging friendly platform...
I'll try once more to reproduce it, it's about time to release some new binaries.
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: 184 bugs and nags

Reply #13
And still nothing under Windows 7, maybe it has to be some specific file or at least some specific size or type?
I've tried with both our source packages from and repository checkout in form of ZIP archive.
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.