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Topic: What's Going on in Russia? (Read 23306 times)

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #50
What silly propaganda stuff you swallow ersi.

The greatest and by far population who voted did vote for Putin but you like many here and the media go hell bent on nonsense. Putin would never have lost the election but it doesn't suit minds like yours that just swallows the propaganda. Even allowing for the examples of illegality they were still tiny and the general and vast majority of polling stations were A1. Here in the West we are easily brained and because such outstanding voting would not happen in Europe, Gt Britain or America the propaganda merchants go bananas.  Even allowing for incidents the election was fair and the stations concerned were still a very tiny thing in a big country that your brain doesn't figure on. When one considers that the leader of the "Free World" has a political system run by corporates and that is simple overlooked the situation is laughable.

Britain had poison stuff stored back in the 1950's and the USA dropped Agent Orange from planes in the South Viet am war. It killed, left people maimed for life and even effected some US military.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #51
Here in the West we are easily brained
Yes you are. I happen to reside exactly at the border so I know the worst of both worlds.

Britain had poison stuff stored back in the 1950's and the USA dropped Agent Orange from planes in the South Viet am war. It killed, left people maimed for life and even effected some US military.
This is connected to Russian elections how?

Yup, you are brained.

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #53
You are being a tad near silly ersi.

That there were election misuse is one thing but it was NOT a general and routine majority issue whatsoever. You are just as easily fooled no matter where you physically sit.  And that stuff suggesting Russians suffer more or less control freakery. They voted in an election in which the massive majority of places the thing was carried out properly and filmed too. They don't need to bother to vote just like in any country but they did in sufficient numbers to put Putin back into office and is as obvious as a nose on the face. Because of the incidents that did happen and a tiny reflection of the mass situation you are not being very balanced at all.  Russians have indicated their support for the President's re-election and you use a minority of wrong points into somehow yakking that Russians are being brained into things and that the falseness is bigger than it actually was.

Russia is a big country and the people are very loyal to their place and want a strong leader so that is their choice and there is not possible way that Putin would not win fair and square. Using the  creeps who tried interfering in the election as if standard and the majority is plain stupid to make it simple.  The West if it cannot control somewhere they will go hell bent on damaging or misusing things and you are good cannon fodder for that silly stance.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #54
They voted in an election in which the massive majority of places the thing was carried out properly and filmed too.
Why don't you take a look at what ended up on the film?

And "massive majority of places" is irrelevant. Election deception does not have to be carried out in any sort of majority, but simply in sufficient scale. Not much is needed: Lower the total number of voters and the participation percent goes up by itself. Granted that most voters vote for Putin anyway, but when every rigged vote is also for Putin, the result is guaranteed.

Russia is a big country and the people are very loyal to their place and want a strong leader so that is their choice...
Do you think exact same about Belarus? And Central Asian and African countries?

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #55
Let me remind that you like man in the West are brained automatically into an anti-Russian direction. You totally ignore the hard factual truth that Putin would have won the election and the percentage which was misused was tiny. Whether we in the "West" are not so keen is not a legitimate point at all.  Putin started getting Russia away from the mess up that his predecessor Boris Yelstin was in and going nowhere after the collapse of the USSR.  We might be so used to mass leaders like Vladimir Putin but that does not make what he tries to do somehow automatically wrong. Russians are very strong on their country and he has even allowing for economy pressure on his country moved it forward and it is broader than the old days. We are not used to political leaders getting such strong votes and headway but when you look at the other candidates from the parties they were hopeless compared to him. There is no way even allowing for fraud attempts which are not in millions were going to diminish his popularity and progress. Face hard truths poor man.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #56
Let me remind that you like man in the West are brained automatically into an anti-Russian direction.
And you are not brained? How come? Because no brains at all ???

Please get the basic facts straight. Between you and I, you are the one in the West, whereas I am next to Russia. I know Russian since childhood and I have been constantly following the developments for many decades now. I know the system almost from the inside.

...the percentage which was misused was tiny.
How tiny? Please tell.

Anyway, given Putin's massive and genuine popularity, why would there be any at all? And why on the systemic scale, instead of on the level of a few occasional mishaps?

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #57
RjHowie should be paid by Russia Today for posting here.
Or for killing some Russian double ex spies in his beloved Britain if he prefers.
A matter of attitude.

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #58
Look Belfrager I make allowances for you being from a poor place dependent on EU handouts or you wouldn't exist but how silly can one get. Britain and America have had spies in Russia and I well remember a British one caught many moons ago using a false stone to hide messages in a park and so it goes on whatever side one is on. Everyone is into the spying game.

As for you ersi.

Where you live does not make you a damn an automatic expert not matter how you are chuffed with your grey cells. It is a hard fact of life sonny that Putin is widely popular because as I straightforward explained the place improved after Yeltsin. Why any idiot thinks he or she is doing something crookedly to help is daft because of Putin's popularity. Those that are anti-Putin are a MINORITY. The vast and wide majority of votes were legal  but you want to exaggerate things as if the election was going to be close. The hard fact is the opposition were going nowhere. You are waffling on wanting me to indicate how many polling stations had faults and that is just immature and juvenile nonsense and I still say that eeven allowing for those idiots that fiddled they ARE in the vast numb er of votes carried out a tiny minority. Your waffle is heading out towards a daftness that hints on the falsehoods being a close run election. Piffle
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #59
In other words, that great political philosopher said it a long time ago: It doesn't matter who votes for whom. It only matters who counts the votes. — V.I.Lenin
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
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Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #60
In other words, that great political philosopher said it a long time ago: It doesn't matter who votes for whom. It only matters who counts the votes. — V.I.Lenin
Or you could just have googled who really said that.

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #61
Wikiquote or death.

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #62
Or you could just have googled who really said that.
I associate that with Stalin but I have no idea how to Google about any correctness in that matter.

There's but… oh wait, they actually have an article on it.

In 2006, Wikiquote dug up such a source: The Memoirs of Stalin’s Former Secretary by Boris Bazhanov, published in 2002. Translated from the Russian, the version which, according to Bazhanov, was uttered in 1923 by Stalin in reference to a vote in the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, was this:

“I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this — who will count the votes, and how.”

The quote is a rough match for the words commonly attributed to Stalin, with the notable difference that the context is quite specific. Stalin wasn’t speaking of elections and voting in general. He was speaking of a particular vote by a particular body.

While it would be a bit of a stretch to assert (given the vagaries of translation, the unreliability of memory, and the existence of earlier examples) that the sentiment “The people who cast the votes decide nothing; the people who count the votes decide everything” originated with Stalin, there is at least some evidence that he once said something like it.

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #63
Or you could just have googled who really said that.
I associate that with Stalin but I have no idea how to Google about any correctness in that matter.
The quote may not be historically correct, but it's particularly gross when it's not even in character. It's in Stalin's character, but not in Lenin's.

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #64
Lenin was a dangerous and ignorant dictator git. The seedling democracy in 1917 was kicked out by the Reds when they took over in 1918 and produced a massive dictatorship that killed more than the Nazis did. Just a pity the Whites lost the Civil War and had to wait until the 1990's to sort things........
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #65
Putin signs Russia's constitutional reform law
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Saturday signed the package of constitutional reforms he had proposed, including a clause giving him an option to run for two more terms.
Well, of course the constitutional reform was just an excuse to start over the term count in order to stay put for life. Didn't anybody see this coming?

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #66
He is still an outstanding Russian whatever he does.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #68
What a daft thing to say even for a young man inexperienced in general modern life.  Shaving Putin into the same corner as that evil man is head shaking. Indeed the mass evil of the Reds has no comparison with the progress of modern Russia. America boasts a lot about things such as democracy and other aspects when the hard daily practice shows something else.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #69
Indeed the mass evil of the Reds has no comparison with the progress of modern Russia.
Putin's evil is not universal indiscriminate mass evil like Stalin's, but it is evil. And it is fairly massive, even though it is also calculated, not indiscriminately universal.

The second Chechen war was evil - particularly the fake FSB-made house explosions which were blamed on Chechens in order to start the war. The wrong reactions to the theatre hostage crisis (2002) and Beslan school siege (2004) where most of the hostages died were evil. I blame them on Putin because he is in tight connection to FSB career-wise. Annexation of Crimea was evil too, unless you think the bridge is wonderful progress.

Putin projects a strong ruler figure in Russia. In reality he is weak and indecisive in true crises, such as the Kursk submarine disaster, when he went into hiding for at least three days, but he has managed to build up a personality cult for himself. In the parliamentary discussions about the latest constitutional changes, the speaker of the parliament said, when handling the point about starting to count Putin's terms from zero, "Our riches is not oil or gas. The price of those can go down. Our best asset is Putin."

A few notable points here:
- This was said by the SPEAKER of the parliament, i.e. instead of moderating the discussion, he led the discussion
- This was said when the constitutional amendments were under discussion, i.e. at this important moment, he took the discussion away from the parliament to himself
- He said this exactly when the most controversial point of the amendments, the обнуление (zeroing), was taken up.

So he did this to suppress any contrary views. This is the personality cult of Putin, if nobody knew this until now.

Moreover, for the record, also the constitutional amendments are evil. Also halving the value of the rouble in 2015 was evil. And so will be the upcoming halving of rouble this year. 

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #71
Dear oh dear ersi you really do succumb to western propaganda relating to President Putin.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #73
Here in the West we have been controlled by anti-Russian attitudes by politicians and media corners. Led by America (a farce itself politically and generally) the West corner has been the base for bashing Russia.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in Russia?

Reply #74
Here in the West we have been controlled by anti-Russian attitudes by politicians and media corners. Led by America (a farce itself politically and generally) the West corner has been the base for bashing Russia.
I expect you and Herr Trumpenfuehrer would get along nicely.