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Topic: What I need. (Read 20200 times)

Re: What I need.

Reply #1
I think it would be better to name the requirement (and add a link for detailed information if necessary).

For me those requirements are:
- mail-client
- password manager
- better download dialog (enabling me to alternatively open the file)
- dropdown functionality of the backwards icon
- less program crashes
- solving the connection problem (I suppose that's to do with qt5): when I get disconnected because of provider problems otter after reestablishing the connection often cannot be used anymore until after the next boot (Error 8: The specified configuration cannot be used.).

Re: What I need.

Reply #2
Otter has become already decently stable and recommendable for people who don't do too much with the browser, i.e. it's good for general browsing, okay for watching YT&FB, works for logging in and out of banking sites.

I'd like to see some things mentioned here, such as a password manager, history list in Back and Forward buttons, and other things Opera used to have. And occasional cookie/connection problems solved in some sites that require login.

I'd very much like to see content blocking by element. EU has made a stupid and evil decision: They demand websites to launch a script about accepting cookies. Accepting cookies is rationally a client decision, not website decision. The accept-cookies script, e.g. in Google Maps, makes website content jump and interferes heavily with browsing experience. To get rid of this major annoyance, it's absolutely vital to have content blocking by element, to block specific scripts and other elements.

It's very sad that every time when users gain a method to browse conveniently, web designers invent new methods to annoy users. For example, when browsers began including popup killers, web designers invented pop-in scripts, things that jump into your face in the web content, not outside the frame as the original popups did.

So, things are getting worse and content blocking by element is needed. And Opera had it: Right-click, Block content, and select the blockable elements. Very convenient and perfectly user-friendly. And perhaps one of the reasons why Opera was seen as a threat to global web-marketing and killed off.

Re: What I need.

Reply #3

- password manager
- better download dialog (enabling me to alternatively open the file)
- dropdown functionality of the backwards icon

I think, some of the mentioned features are already usable
- browsing history in the backward/forward icons is available on clicking and holding left mouse button over them
- there are some actions in the context menu (right mouse button) in the download dialog

There is work in progress in some of the mentioned areas (password manager).

I would join the request for an element-wise blocker or a wildcard-based blocker like in classic Opera.


Re: What I need.

Reply #4
What do i need? I need adblockplus support (or other advertisement blocking tool ). Also it would be very good to add turbo mode support like in Opera (I know that it will be technically hard).

Re: What I need.

Reply #6

I found that there's a special adblock list that specialises on EU cookie popups/popins

Do you know how to subscribe to adblock lists? I have described the procedure on these forums earlier, but it's a bit outdated now.

Does it mean that Otter has adblock by default and i can use it with special adblock lists like in adblockplus? If so it is great!
Do you mean this:
P.S Finally i use a nickname after so little time. :-)

Re: What I need.

Reply #7


The differences now:

- the folder in otter profile is blocking instead of "adblock"
- the file name in profile is contentBlocking.ini instead of "adblock.ini"
- the formatting inside the ini file is different

Hopefully you can figure it out :)

Re: What I need.

Reply #8



The differences now:

- the folder in otter profile is blocking instead of "adblock"
- the file name in profile is contentBlocking.ini instead of "adblock.ini"
- the formatting inside the ini file is different

Hopefully you can figure it out :)

Thanks for the information! Otter browser is better with every new release! While others shows ads even in browsers (like in the lastest Firefox release), Otter helps to block it. Now we have the very good free software web browser. So i'm waiting for the first stable version.
P.S I can uderstand it but it would be better to create the graphical tool for adblocking.

Re: What I need.

Reply #9

- browsing history in the backward/forward icons is available on clicking and holding left mouse button over them

Thanks, I didn't know that. So it's already one less on my list.

- there are some actions in the context menu (right mouse button) in the download dialog

The context menu does not offer anything useful in my opinion. The possibility to open a pdf-file (to name the most important example) is simply lacking. You have to save and then open the pdf.

Re: What I need.

Reply #10

The context menu does not offer anything useful in my opinion. The possibility to open a pdf-file (to name the most important example) is simply lacking. You have to save and then open the pdf.

Sorry for the misunderstanding, I was thinking about the transfers page, which obviously only work for already downloaded/saved files. From there the files can be run via doubleclick or context menu action.
I agree, that the ability to save the file internally to a temporary location and open it directly would be an useful addition.

Re: What I need.

Reply #11
My own request in this thread about element blocking was probably not quite reasonable. Adblock rules are fairly flexible and Otter already has this. But somehow adblock rules don't get everywhere. I was wrestling with a nasty script that refused to get blocked. Finally a CSS rule did something.

Re: What I need.

Reply #12
A stable and secure browser without any interests in my personal data as well as a support of Chrome or preferred Mozilla Firefox Add-Ons - in order to use for instance EFF's https-everywhere.

I am impressed by the continuous progress of your browser!

Re: What I need.

Reply #13
@bluedragon77, the latter issue will require mature QtWebEngine backend, they are working on that issue right now, so it should be ready for Qt 5.6 (around January).

password manager

In progress, but I'm not 100% sure if it will make it into next beta.
better download dialog (enabling me to alternatively open the file)

Already done.

@py-thon, which Qt version are you using?
The last issue is this:

@ersi, some rules aren't supported yet, was that something "standard"?
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: What I need.

Reply #14

Otter has become already decently stable and recommendable for people who don't do too much with the browser, i.e. it's good for general browsing, okay for watching YT&FB, works for logging in and out of banking sites.

It doesn't work for my bank, First Direct. Click on the "Internet Banking" link at the top of the page and it just opens a tab with text in. Works fine in Chrome, Firefox and qupzilla (my current browser of choice)

Also clicking on magnet links returns a protocol error "Error 301 Protocol "magnet" is unknown"

These are the two show stoppers for me.


Re: What I need.

Reply #15
I am still using 5.4.2, the latest in Debian Testing (I know I could get a newer version somehow, but with my recently unstable connection I am glad to get the basics done).
The mentioned bug seems similar, even though I am not really roaming between different access points. But I am assigned a different IP each time I connect.
But this is only one of the two problems. Sometimes, mostly when after establishing a connection I don't use it instantly with Otter (but with other programs like Opera or Synaptic) I can't use it with Otter (say 15 minutes later). Otter just doesn't send or receive anything but gives no error message.

Re: What I need.

Reply #16
I need tab groups like Opera's.

Re: What I need.

Reply #17

@ersi, some rules aren't supported yet, was that something "standard"?

To be clear, I was struggling with Adblock in another browser. I wanted to block a specific script file, but Adblock simply refused to block it no matter how I wrote the rules.

As far as I can determine, there seems to be a deliberate backdoor in Adblock. The only way to block the popup (hide it) was a CSS rule. I'd say it's a nonstandard case. Adblock principles look great, but some specific scripts remain unblocked even when you write the direct URL that should be blocked. This is what I call a backdoor.

I tried blocking the script on the website with Otter too right now. Exactly the same thing as with the other browser: Only userCSS hides the popup.

This thread is about the issue

Re: What I need.

Reply #18
I'm already using Otter for like 20-30% of my browsing. The progress in the last months has been amazing!

It will become my primary browser as soon as it gets password manager, "click tab to minimize" and address bar completion. In fact, I think with only the first two (which I know are coming quite soon) I'll already make it primary, although the address bar completion would help for recommending it to other people as it's something people expect.

Re: What I need.

Reply #19
What I need is better keyboard control:

Honestly, until there is some form of keyboard-based browsing, I won't even use Otter at all.

Re: What I need.

Reply #20

What I need is better keyboard control:

  • sequential link navigation (Opera's Q/A shortcuts)

Do you mean the way Opera could jump for example from a heading to heading and between other HTML elements? I also miss this, but surprisingly even console browsers do not offer this. Not that I know of anyway.

Re: What I need.

Reply #21

What I need is better keyboard control:

  • sequential link navigation (Opera's Q/A shortcuts)

Do you mean the way Opera could jump for example from a heading to heading and between other HTML elements? I also miss this, but surprisingly even console browsers do not offer this. Not that I know of anyway.

I meant the navigation from one link to the next.  I used that all the time in Opera, especially when spatial navigation broke down.

I only used the other element-navigation shortcuts (e.g. heading to heading) very occasionally.

Re: What I need.

Reply #22
@mgraham, QtWebKit has built-in spatial navigation although it requires some JS to set initial focus to correct element etc.
This is the part that we are currently missing.
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: What I need.

Reply #23

@mgraham, QtWebKit has built-in spatial navigation although it requires some JS to set initial focus to correct element etc.
This is the part that we are currently missing.

I've used QtWebKit's built-in spatial navigation with qutebrowser.  As it stands, it has quite a few usability problems:

  • It is almost impossible to see the currently selected link (maybe this can be fixed with CSS?)

  • Can't open links in the background, or in a new tab

  • Doesn't open pull-down menus

  • doesn't handle form elements nearly as well as Opera does

QtWebKit's built-in spatial navigation isn't good enough to be a primary mode of navigation.  I don't think I would be able to use qutebrowser for mouse-less browsing if it didn't also have the "follow hints" feature.

Re: What I need.

Reply #24

  • It is almost impossible to see the currently selected link (maybe this can be fixed with CSS?)

Yeah, or drawing some border on top of web view (we can fetch link geometry).

  • Can't open links in the background, or in a new tab

That is weird, should be easy to do.

  • Doesn't open pull-down menus

It's WebKit limitation, probably for security reasons.
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.