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Topic: Are you becoming softies over the pond?? (Read 22832 times)

Are you becoming softies over the pond??

The other night I noticed a news item about football ( okay I will call it soccer as you don't play proper football). It seems mothers have been seeing FIFA and US soccer people as they are worried their children may get concussion or something heading a ball. For the name of the wee man is this real? Countries right across the world have played the game for so long and now this? I do admit that I laughed at first then I thought how soft.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #1
That explains a lot, rj! You got kicked in the head as a wee laddie; then went into government service (doing what "government servicers" do…). Now, you watch your telly and -as best you can- pontificate, about everything you never had the ability nor proclivity to understand.

We do seem to be becoming more like you… But looks (and opinion polls) can be deceiving: We may -some few of us- want to re-name the Redskins football team; some players may want to "play" nice, and avoid physical injuries, such as concussions. In the meantime (and likely in the end), we'll keep our games — violent as they are!
Except for some "inner city" fans, we constrain our sports violence to the field. In your neck of the woods, the term "hooliganism" refers to those who attended a game…
Perhaps we should air-drop handguns to your underprivileged populations, to see how well your moral fiber actually holds up under stress… :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #2
Fanatic brawling and exaggeratory faking of injuries. Y'all keep it...

L.A. has basketball teams.

Takes a Wally to come up with this anyway. When who plays what sport matters Jesus shall return!

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #4
What were you expecting from people that religiously wears a helmet for riding a bicycle...

I had thought this was a European innovation. But I was wrong. (see here)
Still, I think you're confusing San Francisco (with its religion of Liberalism…) with the U.S. :)
Here in California, the helmet requirement is put upon "commuters" not recreational cyclists; analogous to motorcyclists, I presume — the law is part of the vehicle code…
In my area, enforcement is quite lax. (But many Yuppies ride helmeted, trailing the duckling-children -helmeted, of course!- behind them.)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #5
Now how blatantly bodyswerving is that from the 2 Yanks above?!

I recounted repeated suing over children that doesn't happen anywhere else in the world. Instead the two above cannot answer the point at all. Why are American children any more different than the world? Having stated a news item from the BBC, I did not make it up and these brain deads cannot give an answer to this softy stuff so go silly instead. It also affected authorities over there and international football ones as well. No proper answer so try to do a dance.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #6
@Howie: Watching television makes you stupid! If you start with a deficit, even moderate viewing can — well, create a correspondent such as yourself… :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #7
RJ, it has nothing to do with us being "softies" and everything to do with being litigious in general.

We've become a nation set on the idea that you become rich by suing your neighbor. Court is viewed as a casino, the judge is a slot-machine. You put your legal brief in, pull the judge's arm down and money pours out. For very little more than your ability to say "Waaaahhhh!!!" in front of the court, you hope to cash in big.

I could wish we were becoming softies. That might be fixable. I'm not so sure there is a fix for greed though.

Yeah, I'm kinda disgusted by the whole sodden mess, but there doesn't seem to be any end in sight.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #8
Meanwhile in Tennessee:

A man realizes he can have a more meaningful conversation with his twelve year old son than a man from Glasgow.

More on this as it develops...

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #9
Well I will say this mjsmsprt40. You at least have shown some common sense which is something ensb and Oakdale have not managed to generate yet. I do understand that it has been a sad development over odern times to find automatic excuses to file for big sums so no problem with your answer. That is a sensible one but the other two simply body swerved the terrible impression being given to the world. One wouldn't need a basically harmless ball that the whole world is fine with to damage those two as they couldn't even give a simple straightforward answer like yourself.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #10
the terrible impression being given to the world

Have you considered, Howie, the impression you make? (Ask around…) You're an "original" alright — and maybe the only Neanderthal left! (But I suspect they were both more intelligent and more comely…) Turn off the tube and write a book! You still have time…
(Had you more time, I suggest you read one…)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #11
(But many Yuppies ride helmeted, trailing the duckling-children -helmeted, of course!- behind them.)

Those are who makes the laws. And governs you. After them, their children - already helmeted since childhood - will follow governing.

Only an handful of Free people still resist to them the rest being totally under the securitist new world. Everything can kill you so we are going to need more laws isn't it? more regulations, more control until we reach paradise on earth when everything has been prohibited so nothing can harm you.

Conform, consume, obey... it's for your safety.
Nazi pigs.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #12
I do admit that I laughed at first then I thought how soft.

Surely you are running out of things to ridicule America and its citizens about.  That the human brain is considered to be more precious here than where you live bothers you?   :knight:  ???
James J

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #13
Oh I do not care a proverbial damn what you Yanks call me and anyone earlier on the old Opera Forums that was sniffy about the good ole US of A got polarized. Too many of you are emotional turnips and you all jump on the same bandwagon of slagging. Like a bunch of kids trying to be secure!

In any case the only ex-colonists who said anything practical and contributory was mjsmsprt40. He answered to a daft situation that doesn't happen anywhere else with football. You others couldn't even attempt an asnwer as such ludicrous bonsense.

Oh, and for running out of the negatives that would not be easy as there are so many of them. The greatest country in the world - an example of democracy - greatest army - yawn, yawn. When you look at what you have done in the world starting conflicts and being so hypocritical about things inside the country and the poor and disadvantaged there is no end in sight!Goodness, even the UN Human Rights people are worried about people in the State of Michigan and the nearly defunct city of Detroit where over 700,000 people have no water or sewage facilities. Yep in the land of the free and home of the brave (!).

Anyway the others outside of the Chicago man show an intellectual  deficit on such a simple question as to why it is the singular country for such utterly daft litigation. If you nigglers at me had a football hit you head you wouldn't notice apart from the echo, haha. Ah, wait a minute. Maybe as lot of your leaders had been hit with a soccer ball when young and that is why theye are as they are. Sorry, i should have considered that.  :happy:
"Quit you like men:be strong"


Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #14
Ah, wait a minute. Maybe as lot of your leaders had been hit with a soccer ball when young and that is why theye are as they are. Sorry, i should have considered that.   :happy:

You are the ones who have always played so much soccer.  Your outward hatred of anything American is so obviously hidden envy and jealously it's not even funny.  "A jealous person won’t come and tell you that he is jealous of you nor he will say it directly to anyone else, but instead his jealousy will appear in the form of hatred, resentment and gossiping.  Not to hurt their Egos jealous people will never say it directly but the envy they have towards you will spill out of their mouths in the form of non-constructive criticism, rude treatment or disrespect for you"--sound familiar?   :knight:  :cheers:

(You can titter away the tension now)
James J

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #15
even the UN Human Rights people

You mean, people like Pakistan, Venezuela, United Arab Emirates; China, Saudi Arabia, and Cuba? :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #16
We are way too litigious, and that may make us appear as "soft"

Right now, if I buy a cup of coffee-- either at McDonald's, 7-11 or at my favorite truck-stops, there is a warning that the coffee is hot printed right on the cup. Reason: an old woman burned herself at the drive-through at a McD's and sued the place because the coffee was too hot. Now, as we all know coffee is SUPPOSED to be hot, if they sell it to you lukewarm you'll probably reject it and complain that the coffee is not hot enough.

I have some power tools here, partly because of hobby interests and partly because of professional interests. Every last one of these tools come packed with warnings that they are dangerous, and the warnings are usually worded in such a way that you would think they were warning the mentally incompetent-- who shouldn't be allowed around such tools in the first place. These warnings are pure legal BS, designed to protect the toolmaker in case a mentally incompetent person-- meaning you, the person using the tool-- do something remarkably stupid and get hurt, then try to sue the tool maker.

Everything these days seems to come with some sort of warning-- when we're allowed to have some things at all. Seriously, if you look at the legal landscape right now, you'd wonder that we're allowed to feed ourselves. It's all because people will sue at the drop of a hat, hoping to get rich in court because, of course, they couldn't have gotten hurt due to their own incompetence-- it had to be the fault of the tool maker, the person serving them coffee, the playground equipment makers and so on.

RJH brings this up about soccer-- and at the moment it's hard to argue with him. Everybody around the world plays the game and they don't get hurt--- here, we have to bundle our children in body-armor before even thinking of sending them outside because they might get hurt-- and if they do, we'll probably sue the pants off of anybody we think we can stick it with.

(Geeezzzz. Did I actually ride a bicycle on a 60-mile round trip, no helmet or any other protective gear, and somehow I survived? My parents didn't even know where I was much of the time. How did we ever survive in my generation?)
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #17
A great many more Scotsmen wear skirts than Americans sue for silly reasons, proportionately. By that criterion, rj is an anomaly… (Wait: Is there any criterion by which rj isn't an anomaly? :) )
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #18
I have had a brilliant flash of insight.
For years I have wondered how rj can regard hundreds of millions of Americans as a homogeneous mass, not of individuals, but of equally culpable and equally inferior, less than human things.
He is a Scot! That is the only kind of society he has ever known.

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #19
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #20
For years I have wondered how rj can regard hundreds of millions of Americans as a homogeneous mass, not of individuals, but of equally culpable and equally inferior, less than human things.

So by example, all Scots foam at the mouth over America and suffer through unrequited love of Putin.

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #21

For years I have wondered how rj can regard hundreds of millions of Americans as a homogeneous mass, not of individuals, but of equally culpable and equally inferior, less than human things.

So by example, all Scots foam at the mouth over America and suffer through unrequited love of Putin.

Simplifies things wonderfully!

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #23
The only reason I have much in agreement with RJ here has nothing to do with soccer, and everything to do with the reason why we bundle our kids in armor before sending them out to play. Frankly, I'm rather disgusted with our tendency to sue each other at the drop of a hat, and given the legal landscape it's a wonder our children are allowed to play soccer at all.

Otherwise--- RJH's tendency to bash America and Americans every chance he gets is getting a little old. I understand he's visited here a few times already, but I make this suggestion. Since he hates America and Americans so much, it might be a good idea for him never to come to America again. Why visit a place you so openly despise?
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #24
That was a gem mjm!