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Topic: Television debate nonsense (Read 13398 times)

Television debate nonsense

At the last General Election we had for the first time a tv debate from the leaders of the Labour, Conservative and liberal democrats. Personally i wasn't into such stuff and still not and the who thing has become a farce now and we shouldn't have imported this thing at all.

The Prime Minister certainly set the cat amongst the pigeons by refusing to take part unless the Green Party was involved ass they had one MP. At that point the UKIP had been included having 2 ex-Conservative MP's but then that daft SNP leader woman Nicola Sturgeon demanded the SNP be on it as they had 6 MP's. Now how ludicrous is that when you consider the SNP is NOT a national party like the others? If you live in Wales, England or Ulster you cannot vote for an SNP person or for the Welsh Nationalists either.

Robinson the Leader of the Democratic Unionist Party in N. Ireland quite rightly complained as his party is not in the thing. He has more MP's than the SNP or Plaid Cymru (Welsh Nats)! In fact the DUP actually has the 4th largest number of MP's so beats the UKIP, Greens, SNP Plaid.

You couldn't make this farce up.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Television debate nonsense

Reply #1
It's none of my business, but I sincerely hope that Cameron gets crushed in you all's GE.
The man acts like he was given a mandate in 2010; a coalition states completely the opposite of that.

Re: Television debate nonsense

Reply #2
Kind of distant form of ignorance I would say.

UKIP is not going to win the General Election and might get a few seats and the Liberal Democrats will get kicked so following your rather weird thinking we would get the Labour lot and that crowd of idiots who created the financial mess  last time. Small wonder they got their lwoest votes for ages.Milliband as Prime Minister? ugh. Every time a Labour Government hasd left office they leave behind a financial mess. What we have seen of modern times is a drift from the major parties and that only betters democracy but at the last General Election it would have been better for Cameron to have just run a minority government with his own party rather than with the LibDems.

Progress in financial matters and according to the IMF GB will have the fastest growing economy in Europe. Unemployment down, people misusing the Welfare system bow seeing over 100,000 back in work! I have worked out with that answer you are an American but thought you had worked out the proper use of grey cells! For any negatives he has the alternative is a potential disaster.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Television debate nonsense

Reply #3

Kind of distant form of ignorance I would say.

UKIP is not going to win the General Election and might get a few seats and the Liberal Democrats will get kicked so following your rather weird thinking we would get the Labour lot and that crowd of idiots who created the financial mess  last time. Small wonder they got their lwoest votes for ages.Milliband as Prime Minister? ugh. Every time a Labour Government hasd left office they leave behind a financial mess. What we have seen of modern times is a drift from the major parties and that only betters democracy but at the last General Election it would have been better for Cameron to have just run a minority government with his own party rather than with the LibDems.

Progress in financial matters and according to the IMF GB will have the fastest growing economy in Europe. Unemployment down, people misusing the Welfare system bow seeing over 100,000 back in work! I have worked out with that answer you are an American but thought you had worked out the proper use of grey cells! For any negatives he has the alternative is a potential disaster.

Hmm, well, I'd say you've finally come out as a Tory, as we all knew.  8)

When did I say that UKIP was going to win any seats? Same for the Lib Dems and Greens?

It's exceedingly interesting that you put the yoke of blame squarely on Blair/Brown. One might note that much like in the US, the housing and banking crisis's were caused by Thatcher and Reagan respectively (so-called "Trickle-Down" economics that turned out to be a load of old bollocks for the average Brit and American, with all of the trickling going up).

I note that you are still ignoring what Sanguinemoon posted to you the other day about you lot's unemployment, "fastest-growing" economy, etc. Not a bit surprised, Mr. Curmudgeon.

Carry on with the griping. I will agree that Ed is an idiot (saw plenty about him when I was in your neck of the woods), but Cameron is a damn fool and traitor to boot! (Guessing you saw his crocodile tears over King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia? The jackarse that funded the 9/11 and attacks in Britain?)


Re: Television debate nonsense

Reply #4
Well you get into a cuddle with your pal Sanguinemoon. It was the IMF that stated Great Britain would have the fastest growing economy in Europe and there are not just signs but actual happenings. David Cameron is not everyone's cup of tea but is ahead of that utter clown Milliband who's father was an out and out Communist.To say that Cameron should be booted is so stupid as the alternative the Labour party every single time has left office with a financial mess. They even left a note in the Treasury Office saying there was no money. Very funny but a disastrous situation. It either has to be the Labour Party or the Conservative Party even leaving personalities out and that you therefore are thinking that because you don't like Cameron we should let the money wasters back in is head shaking and utter silly nonsense.  :P
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Television debate nonsense

Reply #5
It was the IMF that stated Great Britain would have the fastest growing economy in Europe and there are not just signs but actual happenings.

Ireland 3 percent for 2015. UK 2.7 . This is according you the IMF, Howie. Beware the Celtic Tiger. He growls and shows his teeth and claws again. You made the same mistake the Republicans did with California in assuming a temporary situation is permanent.  In another thread, you had the idiocy to call Ireland a failed state just because the recession hit them hard. But now Eire is back and once again outpacing Britain, as God intended. :yes:

Re: Television debate nonsense

Reply #6

It was the IMF that stated Great Britain would have the fastest growing economy in Europe and there are not just signs but actual happenings.

Ireland 3 percent for 2015. UK 2.7 . This is according you the IMF, Howie. Beware the Celtic Tiger. He growls and shows his teeth and claws again. You made the same mistake the Republicans did with California in assuming a temporary situation is permanent.  In another thread, you had the idiocy to call Ireland a failed state just because the recession hit them hard. But now Eire is back and once again outpacing Britain, as God intended. :yes: :)
I doubt that because God is English.  :)

But seriously - where did you get the 3% figure? Early forecasts in the spring were about 2%, then they went up to over 4% in the autumn but a growth of just 0.1% in the last quarter had pegged them back. I've not seen a definitive figure (note the 3rd link below suggests a value of 5% but the statement is a bit ambiguous in that it's not clear if that was an estimate of the actual figure) nor know whether Ireland good fortune is sustainable or indeed a true reflection of its real economy. ---- whatever - good luck to Ireland except that I have to note that there have been rumblings about dirty tax tricks in Ireland, a subject of growling scrutiny worldwide.

The following show where I got the above information:

IMF doubles its growth forecast for Irish economy
Ireland growth slows sharply to 0.1% in third quarter
MF queries strength of Irish economic growth

If Ireland Is Not A Tax Haven, What Is It?

Re: Television debate nonsense

Reply #7
On the subject of the thread, I too think these television debates are pretty useless in the context of the UK. They have their place, I'm sure, in the context of a Presidential, particularly if there are only two contenders, but when it expands to more than that the posturing and sound-bite-talk distorts the true worthiness of the candidates.

Re: Television debate nonsense

Reply #8
I doubt that because God is English.

No, the Devil is English because the Devil is real and born in London. We have photos to prove our claim.

Re: Television debate nonsense

Reply #10
But seriously - where did you get the 3% figure? Early forecasts in the spring were about 2%,

Note the GDP growth information on side of IMF link.

Even 3 percent might be sandbagging it.


Looking ahead, the Central Bank says that it is expected that, this year and next, exports will return to growing broadly in line with projected growth in external demand. Helped by Ireland's trade links with the more strongly growing US and UK markets, this will continue to generate a strong growth rate for exports, although representing a slowdown as compared to 2014. On the domestic side, an improving labour market and rising real disposable incomes should lend greater support to consumer spending in 2015 and 2016, though high levels of indebtedness remain a headwind to any strong recovery in consumption. While moderating slightly from its current rate, investment is projected to grow solidly in coming years, continuing to rebound from the earlier extended period during which investment had fallen to relatively low levels.

"Taking account of these developments suggests a stronger outturn for GDP growth last year, and also a slightly stronger outlook for this year, than previously forecast. As a result of the exceptional strength of export growth in 2014, GDP is now estimated to have grown by 5.1% last year. Reflecting a favourable outlook for consumer and investment spending this year, GDP growth of 3.7% is forecast for 2015, an upward revision of 0.3% relative to the previous projection, while the forecast for GNP growth of 3.3% is 0.2% higher."

I do remember a downward revision, but it seems Ireland is looking at 3% + growth rate for 2015. Within the same article, Moody's projects significant deficit reduction to 2.7 percent of GDP :yes:

Re: Television debate nonsense

Reply #11
Do feel free to thank us in GB for loaning your pals in Dublin 7 billion.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Television debate nonsense

Reply #12
I doubt that because God is English.

So is the devil! :devil:

Currently, that devil is ....

...and The Devil is ramping up for the upcoming election. Let's hope that the English God can save us!

Re: Television debate nonsense

Reply #14
I'm half afeerd the election might come to a choice between Hilary or "The Donald".

If that happens----- I might run to Canada---oh, heck---- Glasgow would have to be better if either of those two win.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Television debate nonsense

Reply #15
Hillary or Jeb? Take your pick

I have yet to register to vote since I moved to Tennessee.
Hillary for certain, but the Republican bloodletting has just started. I know with certainty that it won't be The Donald.

Re: Television debate nonsense

Reply #16
I have only known of a British God jimbro. As usual from outside, foreigners always say "England" when it should be Britain.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Television debate nonsense

Reply #17
As usual from outside, foreigners always say "England" when it should be Britain.

Not when I mean ENGLAND! I know the difference.
The Devil? He was born in London, hence fundamentally English.

Re: Television debate nonsense

Reply #18
I'd remind people here at DnD that the most famous debate in U.S. history (…by reference) is the Lincoln-Douglas debates — which gave Douglas the contested seat! If actual issues are debated their denouement may be quite far off.
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Television debate nonsense

Reply #19
Television debates between politicians are Democracy circus to the people.

The Roman one was much better. If the social democrat candidate entered with a trident and a net to oppose the socialist armed with a sword and an helmet, that would be great. 

Time to thumbs down gentlemen. For both.
Enter the next ones... we just love political discussions. :)
A matter of attitude.

Re: Television debate nonsense

Reply #20

I'd remind people here at DnD that the most famous debate in U.S. history (…by reference) is the Lincoln-Douglas debates — which gave Douglas the contested seat! If actual issues are debated their denouement may be quite far off.

OK. Now I have to get out my "Mean widdle kid" get-up, and ask a few questions.

Oak, which TV news anchor hosted that debate? How many channels carried it? (Back when I was a kid, political debates between the two major candidates got carried by all the channels, today that doesn't happen.) Who was the host of the show?

Lincoln-Douglas may have been a terrific debate, and they probably touched on issues and maybe discussed the issues deeper than happens today. Just one problem: Television hadn't been invented yet, so it wasn't a TV debate.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Television debate nonsense

Reply #21
Oak, which TV news anchor hosted that debate? How many channels carried it? (Back when I was a kid, political debates between the two major candidates got carried by all the channels, today that doesn't happen.) Who was the host of the show?

Details, details! Give Oak his due, errors and all.

Re: Television debate nonsense

Reply #22
Nah, jimbro an excuse. Anyway the Prime Minister's name automatically tells you a history due to what it is and it isn't English. We have had A Scots connection in PM's but they are still a British institution. Anyway I still think television dates are a waste of time and the emotional can get carried away by a temporary matter or passing comment. In America it was reckoned for example that Richard Nixon heard on the radio against Kennedy came over as the best of the two but the black and white television scene gave a negative image shows my point about such events.

No matter what country does a television date I am off them and base my decision on a broader and less emotional charged thing.
"Quit you like men:be strong"