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Topic: Random Chat (Read 467237 times)

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1275
Today we threw out forty-odd VHS tapes.
Classics and masterpieces. Quite sad, but we will never watch them again.

Look on the positive side, they were probably just gathering dust.
I managed to convince my wife to get rid of all hers last year. No VHS player after the last one packed in, so no point in keeping them. Besides, she had replaced most of them with DVD's anyway.
I have several VHS tapes lying around in a cabinet although I no longer have a VHS player.

What are you going to do with them if you can't watch them?
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1276
Space is the primary reason for throwing things out or donating them away, isn't it? :)

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1277
Space is the primary reason for throwing things out or donating them away, isn't it?  :)

Yes, or it should be anyway. I find the space is usually taken up by something else though.  ;)
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1278
What are you going to do with them if you can't watch them?

Erh...keep 'em as an antic collection? :D I also have a couple of cassette tapes and a cassette Walkman that still works :)

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1279
Lol, I have some old 5.25 floppy disks for an Apple II. I'll never have a use for those again. Quite a few VHS too. Last time I fired up the old VHS player it even worked!

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1280
Erh...keep 'em as an antic collection?  ;D

All the great antique collectors have to start somewhere I suppose.  :P
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1281
Last time I fired up the old VHS player it even worked!

I think the last time I fired up the old VHS player it ate my VHS tape and the tape got all wrinkled and stuck inside the VHS player :lol: :whistle:

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1282
My upgrades of things like VHS players are almost entirely based on when they broke down. Although now that my DVD player seems to be starting to have issues playing DVDs I doubt I'll get a replacement. Heck, I don't even understand how it can be starting to have issues. Sure, it's 8 years old, but it was only used somewhat infrequently.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1283
Heck, I don't even understand how it can be starting to have issues. Sure, it's 8 years old, but it was only used somewhat infrequently.

Yeah. They haven't lasted me neither. That VHS player has out lived two DVD players that I can remember. Probably more, there were combo players in there too but they never lasted long. Seems combo players are probably why the one I still have got shelved. I currently don't own a working DVD player. My PC does that work... Can't remember the last time I even watched a DVD tho. I used to burn movies for my parents to watch. That's the last use of the media I can remember. (Even mom can use on-demand these days, lol.)

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1284
Yeah, if the 11/12 year old DVD player in my PC ever dies (which btw was used much more frequently than the stand-alone, at least in its first half decade — now it's probably more like once every few months) I'll replace it. Actually I'll have to replace it when I upgrade my computer because new motherboards don't have IDE. I guess some still might, but it surely isn't going to affect my decision unless all else is equal.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1286
I have several pieces of china made in China but not a single piece of cutlery made in Cutlery.
I thought you should know.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1287
There's always controller cards for such.

Yeah, but when it's between €20 for a controller card and €20-30 for a new SATA drive I don't really see the point in hoping my ancient DVD player will last another decade. Heck, plus I might even consider getting something that could read Blu-rays.

I'm potentially more worried about the lack of a floppy drive connector, but I guess I can probably pick up a USB one on Ebay for the cheap if I'm ever curious about what's hiding out on all of my old floppies. Then again, I should probably suck 'em dry and subsequently toss 'em out while I still have the chance. I know I did at least a little bit of that about a decade ago.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1288
but when it's between €20 for a controller card

Sounds high even if that were dollars. Mines rather old but seems it was less than $10. 4x IDE - PCI (older port too though).

Some people are extra thrifty and I don't judge but for data use it really is worth just moving to SATA. Noticeably faster and I don't seem to have all the trouble when I connect an odd drive.
Then again, I should probably suck 'em dry and subsequently toss 'em out while I still have the chance.

Indeed. I had lost the contents on several when I did that. Nothing meaningful really. Old programs from college and stuff... Anyway this is the first I've built without floppy and IDE ports. I made sure to get one with PCI ports because I have a plethora of cards that can still be used if the need arises.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1289
Sounds high even if that were dollars. Mines rather old but seems it was less than $10. 4x IDE - PCI (older port too though).

I don't see anything cheaper than about this ($19, American style without taxes so in reality it's more) with a quick look. It's no different on the usual Chinese sites either. PCI is a different matter, but that's from the same era as IDE itself. I may not have any such ports on my next motherboard either.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1290
Appears you're right. $18 (before tax) is the best I can find on a 1x IDE / 2x [int] SATA - PCIe card.

Meh, anyway. It was easy to find a board with everything I wanted (PCI included). I should get several upgrades out of it... Until AM3+ falls too far behind at least. I'll probably build an Intel next time.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1291
@ Syav What is the new hobby you have started? Just curious.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1292

@ Syav What is the new hobby you have started? Just curious.

Nothing special really, not like I'm painting or learning a new musical instrument :D . I'm buying nutritional supplements for my co-workers. In return my co-workers give me tips. I guess they like that idea because it save them time and gas car money. So my co-workers would give me $20 for a $17 vitamin supplement, for instance. It's kinda nice getting tips every now and then. And I consider getting supplements for them as a hobby :up:

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1293
I'm buying nutritional supplements for my co-workers.

I would have called that shopping, then I remembered it's my my wife's favourite hobby.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1295
I better not consider shopping as my hobby, as I have a tendency to overspend   ;D

Don't take any money with you when you leave the house, problem solved.

I'm off to get my flu shot today. I wonder if the nurse can do it without nagging me about smoking again.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.


Re: Random Chat

Reply #1296
I'm off to get my flu shot today. I wonder if the nurse can do it without nagging me about smoking again.

You could tell the nurse,"What's my flu has anything to do with smoking?" :D

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1297
You could tell the nurse,"What's my flu has anything to do with smoking?"  ;D

I've made that sort of comment before, more times than I should have to.
Surprisingly the nurse didn't say anything yesterday, maybe they've taken the hint that they are wasting their time mentioning it.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1298
Surprisingly the nurse didn't say anything yesterday, maybe they've taken the hint that they are wasting their time mentioning it.

Good to hear. :D

Daylight savings tomorrow. I get to sleep an extra hour tonight :yes:

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1299
Daylight savings tomorrow. I get to sleep an extra hour tonight  :yes:

Or you will wake up at your usual time and the day will just feel longer. That's what always seems to happen to me when the clocks go back.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.