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Topic: Not responding while page buildup (Read 4186 times)

Not responding while page buildup

Since a few weeks I experience a kind of "not responding time" while a certain page is being built. During this time (10 secs?) Otter is completely unresponsive (no amount of clicking anywhere does anything). After this the page shows up (being an empty tab before) and Otter behaves normally again. This whole thing did not happen before and in my particular case this could for me be a show stopper.

Actually I do not think that it has something to do with Otter, but on the other hand, maybe it is connected with the change of Qt. (Or it is some change in the page itself, although no other browser shows this behavior. I am really not sure.)

I am under Win7 (happens on both 32 and 64 bit Windows) and I currently use the latest 32 bit RC in a portable mode. Could you people please be so kind to test if you experience this under the same and also different OSes? The link is:

Thanks a lot!

Re: Not responding while page buildup

Reply #1
Hi, I can confirm the "not-responsiveness" of Otter on the mentioned map page - if the link is opened, the browser doesn't respond (e.g. for tab switching, opening menus etc.) for a few seconds until that page is loaded. I believe, I've noticed this on other heavier pages before; I'd think, this could be expected for a single process approach, but, obviously, it would be nice, if this could be fixed or worked around.
(using Otter RC 5, 64bit (7z archive, Webkit, portable mode, on Win7).

Re: Not responding while page buildup

Reply #2
Hi all, confirmed here too on win10 otter-browser-win32-0.9.95-rc5.
Same issue running on test-qtwebkit.exe.

Re: Not responding while page buildup

Reply #3
Any idea which was the last version without such issue?
Any difference with latest version (it contains both new Qt and QtWebKit versions)?
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: Not responding while page buildup

Reply #4
I can confirm that the issue is still here on otter-browser-win32-0.9.96-rc6.
I've tested the old otter-browser-win32-weekly173 version, and the problem is also present in this version.

Re: Not responding while page buildup

Reply #5
@fullessness, odd, that one is almost one year old, while description suggests more recent change...
Perhaps there was some system update that could cause issues? Earlier this year there were updates to mitigate issues with buggy Intel CPUs (which might impact performance in noticeable way), but I'm not sure if MS issued these for older systems too.
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: Not responding while page buildup

Reply #6
@Emdek Yes, Windows 7 was patched too.

Re: Not responding while page buildup

Reply #7
@Frenzie, then it would make sense, if that issue would suddenly start affecting older builds too...

@fullessness, any difference after disabling JS?
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: Not responding while page buildup

Reply #8
@Emdek disablingJS solve, but the issue return when I reenable it.
I've notice that the problem exits only at the first loading of the website. Once the page has been loaded, the browser works whether refreshing or clearing cache.

Re: Not responding while page buildup

Reply #9
@fullessness, thanks for testing.
We will have to wait for upstream fix then, until it arrives you can try QtWebEngine backend.
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: Not responding while page buildup

Reply #10
@Emdek thanks to you for this web browser! :)

I confrim that QtWebEngine version not suffer this issue, and this issue is not really a problem for me, so I wait the fix.
Thanks again to you and all other guys behind this software!

Re: Not responding while page buildup

Reply #11
Very long pages have a lot of freezing time, too, like this:
On my computer I have an offline version of that page and that one even takes about a minute to build up.
I tested the page with Safari (which uses WebKit, but not QtWebKit) and there it builds up within a few seconds.
Disabling JS in Otter seems to have no effect.

Re: Not responding while page buildup

Reply #12
Otter just closes down if I try loading that page!


Re: Not responding while page buildup

Reply #13
@DaveH, what is your amount of RAM on that machine? Perhaps it's too much, that page is kind of heavy.
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: Not responding while page buildup

Reply #14
I have 8GB of RAM, so unlikely to be that!
The page is still partially loading and then Otter just closes.
Weekly #224.
Probably yet another thing that only happens on Windows XP!

Re: Not responding while page buildup

Reply #15
@DaveH, maybe...
It would be nice if we could find a programmer that still deals with XP everyday, someone who has better understanding of that legacy platform.
I believe that at least some of these issues might have pretty easy solutions.
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: Not responding while page buildup

Reply #16
Well yes that could well be true, but as you say it's finding someone with the necessary knowledge (and will) to look at fixing the issues.
Thank you very much for still providing builds that work at all on XP for us diehards!
Almost all other browsers have abandoned XP completely now (Firefox is just about to when 52ESR is retired).

Re: Not responding while page buildup

Reply #17
@DaveH, as noted earlier, as long as producing such builds is cheap and upstream components still support it it's not a problem. ;-)
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: Not responding while page buildup

Reply #18