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Messages - OakdaleFTL

DnD Central / Re: What's Your Favorite U.S. Supreme Court decision?
oh, wait.  ;)
As I said (and you ignored?), the so-called Committee abrogates the rules of the House of Representatives — and was meant to: It's not a fact-finding (in furtherance of needful legislation) body: It's an infomercial generating consulti for the Democrat Party, a campaign expenditure that our "finance laws" will overlook, 'cause -ya know- it's Dems, eh? :)

Didya see what Pelosi was doing, instead of attending? :)

(I couldn't make heads nor tails of the links you posted... Give me the gist, please?:)
DnD Central / Re: Climate Change and You
Dasgupta's purpose is to translate ecological reality into economic concepts and to make ecology amenable to accounting. I'll see this weekend if he succeeds.
I'm intrigued, ersi! Who again it this Dasgupta fellow? :)
The distinction here is between a civilisation (or high culture) and a way of life (low culture). A lower human culture does not affect the environment much more than the animals in the region would, whereas a civilisation reshapes landscapes and horizons so that it is the environment that either adapts or doesn't. But yeah, a matter of degree
Glad to see you acquiescing to the real world! (I'm not bothered by the "low" and "high" misnomers...:)

Perhaps you can let loose of your ridiculous partisan pejoratives long enough to discuss...? Nah, you're a Never-Trumper, silly as it seems! You'd not know how to discuss anything with an American -who wasn't a Demon-crat- or some other species of America hater. You've got your pride, after all...
[Did you really say SDI wa evil? "You can't protect yourself from our attack! That's — provocative..." said the Kremlin, and -as a good little school boy- you believed it then (if you didn't understand it) and you believe it now, because — jeez, you hate to admit when you're wrong! :)]

Shall we keep talking? I'd like to... But, of course, it's up to you: As you know, I don't care about "forum niceties"[1] -going off-topic is, in this place, de rigor, no?!

But you have a persona to maintain... I'll understand if you demure.
I've seen threads I've started go sideways, into interesting -but non sequiter digression, that was worth my while...!:)
DnD Central / Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
Indeed! You've -of course- read about Gato? :) I get the concept of big data, and neuro-nets aren't exactly new ... But I'm afraid I have to maintain my (crucial) insight into Artificial Intelligence: It ain't ... :)
Responsible Innovation? (Pournelle wrote about this "world" long ago ...) It, of course, stems from (the predictably stupid) application of the Precautionary Principle. [Remember when I tried to point out the silliness of such at NASA, in their white paper about Manned Exploration? :)] What -besides Ludditism- is going on?
Can we agree, Google is evil? :) Let me range far afield with an analogy: Sex is evil. That is, an unrestrained libido and no respect for either society's or individuals' strictures would continence harassment, rape, and -perhaps- murder (torture, at the very least!:). Conflating the "definition" given with the term, one would have to agree, no? :) Well, the same thing happens when people talk about Google:  Does it use (overkill level) monitoring to garner info it then sells to others? Check. Does it abuse its customers' privacy throughout it offering of "services" (apps)? Check. Has it -just recently?- decided to intrude on user supplied content, to determine if The Rules™ have been broken? Hm. (I've heard that it has...but there are so many alternatives, who cares? :)
Do I use Google services? Yup. But I'm old, and I could live of the land — if I had to. :) (When I have anything that the Google could put at risk, I'll take a different tack.[1] )
I know, I know: Google (and others) deliberately interfered with the 2020 American presidential election — no biggie; the Russians (meaning Putin's puppets) likely did, too. And others... It's part of the game, and long established. I remain unconvinced that such shenanigans have a noticeable effect; except to provide eerie scenarios to which the looser can point to...
Some people just won't accept reality!:)
DnD Central / Re: What's Your Favorite U.S. Supreme Court decision?
So: You didn't hear about the "abortion activist from California" who was arrested for trying to kill or maim Justice Kavanaugh? (And you're unaware that the House January 6th Committee's hearings are being aired live (except for the professionally produced segments) in an effort to distract the electorate from the current administration's many failures?[1]:)
As I mentioned, when the culture cedes its legitimacy and rejects its traditions, forms of government won't save it...

About my anti-Dem stance: Kindly point to a Democrat deserving of my vote!? :) (Don't forget to add "Trump/America bad!":)
The main point is preventing Trump from running again...because, well, you know!
DnD Central / Re: What's Your Favorite U.S. Supreme Court decision?
As a general rule, I suggest more restrictions on politicians rather than less, and calling them out whenever they break the rules. They themselves are the ones creating and imposing the rules, so breaking such rules is extreme hypocrisy and cynicism. In turn, extreme hypocrisy and cynicism is a good reason to be kicked out of office without much deliberation, particularly when it comes to the kind of office politicians have.

And my text editor kicks your text editor's butt!!!
Well, I've been back for a while; weird and convoluted family stuff occupying much of my time. Oh, and my Mac mini has been out of service for a while... (Had to resurrect its previous incarnation! And its keyboard, another logitech model which -as luck would have it- is much like the Lenovo model I used at a hotel in Bakersfield!:) I'm afraid I don't take these (...or other) posts seriously enough to use an editor, beyond what the forum software provides. We're just talkin', see? :)

Now to the meat of your comment: :raspberry: You're willing to allow the foxes to guard the henhouse, and expecting them to behave because — well, just because it's an honor to serve, and only honorable men would seek to do such service...

Your world must be comprised of more than my meager 4-dimensional manifold! :)

If one's society has lost its last whit of vitality and rejected its least bulwark of tradition, perhaps your apathetic attitude would be justified.

Did you perchance watch the Dem's January 6 Commemorative production of "We Hate Trump!" tonight on TV (also billed as the Committee to re-impeach the former president, and the American people...?:)?!
A trial, without opposing counsel, the prosecutors doing onerous duty as judge and jury, too! Of course such diligent public servants should be kept in power, no? :)
But the American electorate is -shall we say?- fickle? :)

Well, lookie what wa a'waitin' in my mailbox after posting the above...
DnD Central / Re: What's Going on in the Americas?
(Will watch linked video later... Got back from down south 5ish: Tuckered out.) But reflecting on W's terms, there were two gross errors:
Politically, the Cheney VP predicament. He cut the party out of the succession, left office with no heir, so to speak.
In Iraq[1], the choice of Brennan as proconsul was disastrous! It's almost as if the least qualified and capable candidate was selected — on those particular criteria...
I still maintain that Saddam's attempt on W's dad's life in Saudi Arabia was the primary reason for our war...
DnD Central / Re: Is stupidity taught?
I'm assuming "physics" is used with reference to the apothecary "sciences" -- (methinks the lad has imbibed to deeply and perhaps indiscriminately of the various elements of the ancient and modern pharmacological gardens...:)
DnD Central / Re: What's Your Favorite U.S. Supreme Court decision?
And my text editor kicks your text editor's butt!!!
I'm sure you're quite right -- about that! :) (I'm still on the road; it's been a wonder-full few days.) You must know, keyboards I use suit me more or less, but since my stroke and ongoing recovery of function -- my left hand is the laggard (and the more pain wracked) while the right tends to over compensate: I keep finding it using the "k" as its home key instead of "j"...:) Add to such complications, most keyboards I use feel too small for my hands; I still miss my old AT-style IBM keyboard: sturdy metal case, to every facet of touch it performed just like a Selectric electric typewriter! (The closest to that was the integral keyboard on the Televideo 910 terminal, which I also no longer have....:)
I realize I often leave typos strewn about. But I figure everybody knows how to type and, hence, even my typos are readily readably still English! :) But I'll try to be more careful... (Vision permitting.)

The point you pose in your post deserve a serious and perhaps a somewhat more loquacious response.... (After I get home to my computer.:)
DnD Central / Re: What's Your Favorite U.S. Supreme Court decision?
So-called free speech is - in the first place, i.e. from day one - limited for everyone, such as by libel laws.
Your view is perverse: Libel laws don't limit speech, per se, they merely reflect one of the ways society notes that speech is consequential!
As expected, you actually do not care zilch about the first amendment. You only care about Republicans winning.
Your ability to maintain a mistaken view is phenomenal! :) (Take that as a compliment...:)

Therefore abolish funding limits because Obama did it?
I've always been against campaign funding limits, for many reasons. First, any proposed mechanism is soon "captured" by the powers-that-be"... Second, when monies are limited those that control already the means of "being heard" become gate-keepers of a sort: Such a position is not baked into our democracy, and any installation of such is bound to become detrimental (i.e. devolve...); hence leaving funding free to find its way to campaigns is one way to preclude their installation.

To show responsibility the politician should often resign in the face of a scandal
Rule by piety and propriety works no better in individuals than it does in states. Innuendo and rumor are the news, for large swarths of any public. But they are sensibly rejected in a Re-public. (Methinks you're just being contentious...:)

Your every proposed adjustment to rationalize or reform our system, one which you clearly do not understand, run up against the "who will watch the watchers" dilemma. Our politicians are citizens first, never quite rulers, and finally mere citizens again! I'm sorry the concept is beyond your understanding... :)
DnD Central / Re: What's Your Favorite U.S. Supreme Court decision?
First amendment is the wrong thing to emphasize when it comes to political statements and actions
@ersi: You couldn't be more wrong: The main reason for the 1st Amendment in the first place was the protection/i] of political speech, in all its forms! No wonder you're bothered by typos -- focusing upon the inconsequential and berating the consequential (and crucial) feeds you voracious sense of superiority...
They have to be regulated so that e.g. smear campaigns and attack ads would be restricted.
Because the electorate is too stupid to note "lies, damn lies and statistics...

observing how campaign spending correlates with election victory seems to indicate that the victories are purchased
(see above) And remember who was the first presidential candidate to forgo matching funds -and thus avoid funding limits- and which candidates of what party have followed suit....
Still, I'd quibble with both the "guilty until proven innocent" view of regulation and the absurd assumption that the regulators are competent, uncorrupted and disinterested...
Is there a judge who cares about this?
Yeah, actually there are many. But most are conservative constitutionalists. You have the same views of "Free Speech" that Bernard Shaw had... :)
Stick to your wheelhouse: As Mark Twain said, "We're all igorant -- only on different subjects!"
DnD Central / Re: What's Your Favorite U.S. Supreme Court decision?
(I'm on the road for the next few days...) Senator Ted Cruz secures yet another victory in the SCOTUS: According to the article in the Epoch Times today, a 6-3 opinion (Breyer  participating still...:) slaps down a rule promulgated by the Federal Elections Commission that would have precluded a campaign -even a successful (prevailing...:) one- from repaying personal loans from the candidate after the election.
Kagen's dissent resorts to the usual leftist fallback position: The Precautionary Principle, in it's Murphy's Law variant: Whatever can go wrong will go wrong. I.e. it looks like there's a possibility for bribery -some quid pro quo shenanigan- hence We Must Preclude! But, please note, no instance of such was noted to support the blatant 1st Amendment violation the rule would make...
(Coming down almost to Baja, I noted: Quite a few places had Old Glory flying at half staff... I wondered who had died, but was mostly driving through mountainous country where radio reception was sporadic and sparse: No news was available... Part way through the evening -after dinner- my little brother explained: "It's in protest to the likely undoing of Roe v Wade!" What cheek!)
DnD Central / Re: Tripe about Ukraine
(Mumbles something about books and covers...pots and kettles...trees and forests...)
@Luxor Next you'll tell me CapX is worthless... But -of course- I mean the U.S. edition (dubbed World, which I suppose rankles...:) 'Tany rate, it's good to hear from you again! (Any word on your erstwhile nemesis, the Howie?)
I have sufficient access to all of them, if I want. I probably just don't want.
I understand, you're attention is limited... That's what media analysts do: They anal-ize everything — that "official" sources offer. (I think I liked you better when you were navel-gazing!:)
DnD Central / Re: Infrastructure
Between cyclists (motored and not) and oblivious Jaywalkers and rude discourteous drivers — I wonder that actual war hasn't broken out... :) (Who wrote that short story...? @jax, you're my go-to guy for SciFi arcanalia! Remember? :)
DnD Central / Re: Tripe about Ukraine
The current issue of The Spectator has quite a few clear-headed columns concerning Ukraine, Putin, Europe and U.S, policy, and more... Let me know if you want snippets and links. (I'm reading the print edition now.) :)
DnD Central / Re: What's Your Favorite U.S. Supreme Court decision?
And when judges overstep their role they act lawlessly...

But -as recent events have shown- the Left in my country are determined to show who they really are: Violent, vicious partisan fascists... :) That should give the Right breathing room, to effect a substantial swing of the political pendulum — back towards what the Constitution prescribes, informed by our Declaration of Independence.
The Democrats now in power are soon to be toast; and the Republican Party has a good chance to return to its roots.

And SCOTUS can resume its function. The upcoming decision in Dodds will be a good start!
DnD Central / Re: What's Your Favorite U.S. Supreme Court decision?
An appropriate change of pace (and case):
The Supreme Court has voted to strike down the landmark Roe v. Wade decision, according to an initial draft majority opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito circulated inside the court and obtained by POLITICO.

The draft opinion is a full-throated, unflinching repudiation of the 1973 decision which guaranteed federal constitutional protections of abortion rights and a subsequent 1992 decision – Planned Parenthood v. Casey – that largely maintained the right. “Roe was egregiously wrong from the start,” Alito writes.

“We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled,” he writes in the document, labeled as the “Opinion of the Court.” “It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives.”
@ersi: You wanted to know how Dred and Plessey could have stood (as law) for so long? And that's a fair question, to which most answers would be disingenuous. Roe and Casey are similarly suspect.
@Frenzie: For similar reasons, Gorsuch's reasoned addition to Title VII's definition of "sex" should be reconsidered...  (Consider the perception of the Supreme Court as a constitutional arbiter, if not blush at the neologistic ruse! :) )

Who brought the popcorn? (Hey, Joe: Popcorn, not Cornpop! :) )
DnD Central / Re: What's Going on in Russia?
Quote from: OakdaleFTL on 2022-05-02, 16:19:08You choose to pay attention only to the most extreme factional examples, and then exaggerate them to the point of caricature.
This is a weird complaint because on this forum my main example is yourself. Are you calling yourself an extreme factional example now? In any other country you would be, yes, but interactions with Americans elsewhere show me that your type is not that special over there.
:troll: (But he won't starve to death! I'll keep him, as a pet... :) )

Telling a Trumpite apart from other people is not too hard. The test questions
Much the same as the American Left (and, of course,Putin!) would use to tell who's a Nazi! And as silly... An unappealing mix of projection, prejudice and perverse palinody. (When they're feeling accommodating, the term fascist serves the same purpose. :) )[1]
As if there aren't extant examples for comparison...
DnD Central / Re: What's Going on in Russia?
..says a sworn Trumpite who
Your pejorative is both silly and wrong! Why do you persist in using it? (To use a phrase not in my everyday vocabulary): Stop "beclowning yourself"...

Your "explanation" (or do you call it "analysis"?) relies on -as usual, when you'd talk about U.S. anything- your necessary categories informed only by your prejudices. You choose to pay attention only to the most extreme factional examples, and then exaggerate them to the point of caricature.
You end up with -for you- a very comfortable Reverse No-True-Scotsman fallacy.[1]
If you're going to use medieval logic, at least read enough of Scholastic scholarship to refrain from such immature (...I might say ignorant) applications
DnD Central / Re: What's Going on in Russia?
[Typical blather from Mini-Howie, about what i believe...]
Anyway, back on topic, yesterday I discovered a YT channel called Redacted that declares
...And jumped right on it! Aha! says ersie: I found someone stupid on YouTube who says lots of stupid and uninformed things... Who once worked at Fox! Therefore, Fox promotes stupid and uninformed  opinions! OakdaleFTL won't denounce Fox; hence OakdleFTL believes and supports stupid and uninformed opinions and those who hold them, and hence OakdaleRTL is an ignoramus.. QED!

I'd never heard of the Morrises... Now that I have (...I listened for a minute or so) I know enough not to waste my time on their "work". But you should know, ersi, I'm not going to pay much attention to your suggestions for podcasts if you persist in merely mendaciously trolling!
This is your source? A real-estate con artist?
He graduated with a bachelor's degree from the University of Pittsburgh in 1999.[self-published source?] He was a frequent guest-panelist on the Fox News late-night satire show, Red Eye w/ Greg Gutfeld.
Get a hobby! :) Maybe learn some logic, beyond simple Venn Diagrams and a few syllogisms... (Or at least use WVO Quine's axiomatization! Let the symbolism do the heavy lifting you're incapable of doing.)

For posting: Keep to discussing things you know something about! (I ask as a favor: It's become painful, seeing you embarrass yourself. (If I find a cure or palliative for your TDS, I'll inform you post haste!)
DnD Central / Re: What's Going on in Russia?
you have the same unquestioning attitude to the alternate reality that your favourite party has built.
Is your presumptuousness innate or learned? If the latter, did you absorb it in schools swamped by Communist bilge? :) At any rate, it is truly a marvel to behold! Your perceptions regarding my "orthodoxy" as a member of the Republican Party[1]  are woefully inadequate, mainly due -I'm sure- to an understandable ignorance and an obvious superiority complex that borders on the pathological...
...Which is far less even an influence than a rule book: My allegiances are to the Constitution that secures bedrock freedoms — here, and to the land (and its peoples) where it holds sway
Will you ever outgrow your predilection to try to put everything you don't understand "in a nutshell"?