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Topic: Feature Requests (Read 95050 times)

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #75
And Maxthon is nothing like IE. I find it a rather silly statement. I'd say Firefox is more of a Chromium clone by default these days than Opera/Blink, no matter the engine.

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #76
Quzilla and Midori use Qt WebKit and not Qt WebEngine.

I want a werbkit that was not based on Gooogle Chrome webkit Blink

I want nothing to do with blink.
I wanft a port of the webkit not a port of Google Chromes Blink.

Using Blink reduces the number of alternative browsers by just copying from Google Chrome WebKit just like Firefox copied Chrome UI with Firefox 29 and up..


Re: Feature Requests

Reply #77
Quzilla and Midori use Qt WebKit and not Qt WebEngine.

I want a werbkit that was not based on Gooogle Chrome webkit Blink

I want nothing to do with blink.

If the option to use Blink bothers you so much, you could always manually strip out the Blink backend once it arrives. Heck, maybe there'll be build flags, too. But I wonder where you got the idea that Blink is used at present? The Otter site says:

Why yet another QtWebKit browser?

First of all, Otter is not intended to be such a thing, from beginning it is designed to support multiple backends.

Since Qt5 currently ships only one web engine (QtWebEngine is still in the works, planned for inclusion not earlier that in Qt 5.3) Otter has no other option for now (creating bindings is not a trivial task...), but as soon it will become possible it will gain support for Blink (through QtWebEngine) and maybe others (someone tried once to build Qt version of Firefox, so there should be Gecko binding somewhere...). ;-)

As long time Opera user (since 2004, spending only few initial months using Maxthon etc.) I have some specific needs that cannot be fulfilled by any of existing web browsers.

There will be no entry "Why Qt?", why? Because Qt (while not perfect) is simply the best choice. ;-)


just like Firefox copied Chrome UI with Firefox 29 and up..

Firefox 4.

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #78

Quzilla and Midori use Qt WebKit and not Qt WebEngine.

I want a werbkit that was not based on Gooogle Chrome webkit Blink

I want nothing to do with blink.

1. Someday in the future, Qt WebEngine will be the default and Qt WebKit will be deprecated and then removed when WebEngine is mature enough. It's only a matter of time.
2. Changing the layout engine should not have any impact on the interface. Just because the management at Opera ASA decided to flush the "old Opera" interface down the toilet and ignore the needs of thousands of its power users, doesn't mean all browsers should have a Chrome-like interface, even if they are based on Blink.

Heck, maybe there'll be build flags, too.

Most probably:
Quote from: Emdek
I guess that QtWebEngine backend could be first thing using build options

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #79
I'd say Firefox is more of a Chromium clone by default these days than Opera/Blink, no matter the engine.

At least Firefox lets me have a menu bar. That alone makes me prefer it over Chrome...

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #80
At least Firefox lets me have a menu bar. That alone makes me prefer it over Chrome...

Oh, I see. Press Alt and the menu shows up, View > Toolbars > Menu Bar and it's permanent. Or is that just an Iceweasel thing? In any case, I couldn't figure out how to do it from that unfathomable drop-down menu. But yeah, I agree. Install Tab Mix Plus and you've got something lightyears ahead of Chromium. By default, however, I'm hard-pressed to tell the difference.

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #81
Yes, from what I know you do need to press Alt, which is dumb... but you press Alt once, enable the option to show menu bar, and you have the menu bar there forever. In Chrome there is just no option to have it. For me, that's a difference like light and day. Program that doesn't have a standard menu bar -> program that gets uninstalled from my PC.

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #82
Hello. I have installed latest weekly package and I'm really impressed with progress. I see the left menu bar and now I can move tabs bar to any side of the window. It's really cool. Can you add one more opera's feature? Opera can resize these bars and tabs don't rotate on right side. I'll be very grateful for such improvements.

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #83
"Ctrl + D" keyboard shortcut for bookmarking a page.

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #84
I've always preferred Ctrl + B. :P But yes, it seems you can add a shortcut manually, but a default would certainly make sense.

Re: copy/move/delete more than 1 bookmark

Reply #85
Cannot copy/move/delete more than 1 bookmark

It can create a new bookmarks folder, but it can hadle only 1 bookmark at time. Organizing a lot of bookmarks is essentialy needed. Bookmark manager in Otter is without this feauture unusable.

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #86
Make bookmark sidebar significantly more shrinkable.

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #87

Make bookmark sidebar significantly more shrinkable.

And expandable too. Sometimes I like to have it halfway across the browser window. Moreover, Opera's sidebar can levitate :)

Btw, nice to see that this forum identifies Otter's user agent :)

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #88
Field for file name remains empty if user wants download a file. No file name and no file type. Instead of naming file as e.g. "otter-browser_0.9.04-dev45_i386.deb", the browser attempts to download unnamed files. (what is impossible task anyway). Moreover, Otter crashes almost each time when attemting to downlad any file on different websites.

This bug is likely there from the start of Otter project. Many months I am using other browsers for downlading new Otter builds.

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #89
Also, please add custom white-listing for ads from some urls. I would like to allow some websites and domains to opt-out from content blocking feature. It would be more convenient use with it.

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #90

Make bookmark sidebar significantly more shrinkable.

Yes. I wish there was an about:config line which would state the number of px how shrinkable the panel is, and the user can overwrite it.

Field for file name remains empty if user wants download a file. No file name and no file type. Instead of naming file as e.g. "otter-browser_0.9.04-dev45_i386.deb", the browser attempts to download unnamed files. (what is impossible task anyway). Moreover, Otter crashes almost each time when attemting to downlad any file on different websites.

This bug is likely there from the start of Otter project. Many months I am using other browsers for downlading new Otter builds.

I also encountered this. It's supposed to be fixed, but I still encountered it even after the fix. I haven't tried to download anything lately though

Have you tried downloading with different profiles?

Also, please add custom white-listing for ads from some urls. I would like to allow some websites and domains to opt-out from content blocking feature. It would be more convenient use with it.

When you take a look in the profile directory, there's an adblock folder with text files in it. With ! you can comment out the URL that you don't want there.

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #91
One thing I quite like about Opera 12.x is the "ctrl+tab" order - it cycles through tabs in the order they were last used, in the same way as the "alt+tab" order. This is a lot more useful than cycling through in the displayed order when you have more than 5 tabs open.

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #92

Make bookmark sidebar significantly more shrinkable.

Yes. I wish there was an about:config line which would state the number of px how shrinkable the panel is, and the user can overwrite it.

There was such an option. It was initially called Hotlist/Width and was later renamed to Sidebar/Width.
Emdek removed it on October 30 when he added a splitbar to resize the sidebar.

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #93
Quote from: ersi
Have you tried downloading with different profiles?

The link you provided is exactly the same what is happening to me. I encountered this issue with all previous builds I installed, though I did not reported it cause I registered this forum just recently.

Which 'different profile' do you mean? I suppose you don't mean and logins. You probably mean merely browser's user-data profile. If so, I use only default profile.

Quote from: ersi
When you take a look in the profile directory, there's an adblock folder with text files in it. With ! you can comment out the URL that you don't want there.

I don't know where the profile is stored.

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #94

Quote from: ersi
Have you tried downloading with different profiles?

You probably mean merely browser's user-data profile. If so, I use only default profile.

ersi is most likely referring to the --profile command line option, e.g.:
Code: [Select]
otter-browser --profile /tmp/otter/config

I don't know where the profile is stored.

There's a .config (hidden) directory in your home directory.

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #95
Quote from: beastie

ersi is most likely referring to the --profile command line option, e.g.:
otter-browser --profile /tmp/otter/config

Thanks. I found that desktop icon Otter in Ubuntu is running from here: /usr/local/bin/otter-browser %u
Otter always creates temporary file here: /tmp/Otter-03ee89c4ab4c49d564ad48a39a945963 . The file dissapears after closing Otter.
Quote from: beastie

There's a .config (hidden) directory in your home directory.

Yep. I found it there: /home/marwyn/.config/otter/
I tried edit subscribed language in folder named adblock (with "!" + "domain name"), but not much success in it. What code should I write to show ads (adblock inactive) on specific websites? (white-listed domains) Is there any manual HOWTOs for Otter's built-in adblock?

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #97
Quote from: Frenzie

The content blocking is Adblock Plus compatible, so this should do the trick:

Ouch. Thus defining exception rules is done by @@| and not by ! as I deemed after your suggestion in earlier post. In fact, @@ to indicate an exception rule. See more

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #98
I believe you mean ersi. I don't believe in ad-blocking.* A so-called comment (in this case ! like ersi said) disables existing rules in a file. Exception rules are something else.

* If a website annoys me too much I'd rather just not visit it. I have yet to see an annoying website with brilliant content. YouTube probably comes closest: it's a fairly annoying website, but a small fraction of its content is quite good. However, ad-blocking wouldn't solve its annoyances.

Re: Feature Requests

Reply #99

* If a website annoys me too much I'd rather just not visit it. I have yet to see an annoying website with brilliant content. YouTube probably comes closest: it's a fairly annoying website, but a small fraction of its content is quite good. However, ad-blocking wouldn't solve its annoyances.

This sounds like saying you don't believe in turning off plugins or you don't believe in cookie-less browsing. To me ads are of the same class of web-phenomena as plugins and cookies, but even more annoying. As soon as I discovered Opera, I saw the advantages of using the browser to optimise webpages, to turn off certain elements (e.g. plugins or images), to emphasise other elements (e.g. make text bigger or change the colours), kill popups. Nowadays popups have evolved into pop-ins which is vastly more annyoing. They should not have been invented in the first place and I welcome every easy method to suppress them.

Youtube actually wins a lot from adblocking. The site becomes much cleaner, you'll get rid of time-consuming ads in the beginning of videos, etc.

Moreover, it's part of my job to visit annoying sites, full of ads and blinking distractions, so adblock and other optimisation methods are pretty much required for survival.