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Topic: what's going on in france (Read 29692 times)

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #75
Germans are the ruin of Europe, Does it needs any more evidence?
A matter of attitude.

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #77
The day that Portugal was ever in proper light and not a begging bowl place of the EU i will support the Pope!  :o
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #78
That would be fun to watch: Howie humbled! But I know he hasn't the self-awareness to succumb to any "reality" he wasn't raised with… Ignorance and prejudice are his mien, and he kenna leave 'em els' he'd be lost! :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #79
Imagine a routine Yank accusing someone else of ignorance or prejudice!  :P
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #80
Imagine France being so inconsequential that even Howie no longer comments? :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #81
But there is a light at the end of the tunnel and it's spelled: P-o-r-t-u-g-a-l.    :lol:
It seems so, ordered by your wheelchair nazi. Obey, as it is your costume.
A matter of attitude.

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #82
The airplanes messed up the colours of the flag on Bastille day.

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #83
We all know who is to blame for the glitches during Bastille day.
Most probably Vladimir Putin had once again his fingers in the pie. :)

BTW, here is another one:

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #84
No wonder they messed up in WW2, haha.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #86
Hey, Tour de France is on. Why didn't anybody tell me?

I'll try and remember next year.

I wonder if it will reach the end this year as the commentators here said that if France go back into lockdown again that will bring it to an end. Hope not.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #87
Hey, Tour de France is on. Why didn't anybody tell me?

Sorry, I thought you knew, otherwise I would have told you.

A Norwegian, Alexander Kristoff (cycling for UAE Team Emirates), won the first stage, Nice to Nice. That's not how I knew. BBC has dropped out of my "neverending TV news" media bucket and France24 and Deutsche Welle has taken over the spot. Now it is something like 50/40/10 European/Asian/other. "Other" in turn is a mix of African and American, with a very occasional Australian thrown in. I have found no permanent favourite for African, they are not quite there yet. American is a mix of usual suspects from US and Canada (sorry @Barulheira , still nothing south of Rio Grande (Mexico, not Brazil)).

I dropped out of US "easy listening TV" very long ago, the US is simply not very good at it. The only time I watched CNN was when in some mid-range Chinese hotel with the choice between it and RT. Dropping BBC was more of a surprise. It wasn't Brexit, more a death by 1000 cuts. Less interesting, less relevant, less insightful, and more inconvenient. Maybe it was Brexit after all. No tiff, just a lack of interest. "See you around some day!"

Sure, forever news is a dying media form (b. 1980 †2020?), and I may not be the most typical news consumer, but for an anglophile to have dropped out of the Anglophonie completely, Britain has been the master of media, may mean something. Mind you, the US is still the superpower of virtual reality. If some American is killed by some other American under weird circumstances, in some suburb of some city of one of those American states, the whole world knows. Some youth in a banlieue in France? Who cares. I know more about the latest US cause célèbre and their family relationship than I know of Timo Haataja, a 35 year old man who died a month ago under suspicious circumstances after an encounter with the police literally a kilometre from here.  And I only know his name because I looked him up.

Anyway I am watching France24 now, a still-recovering francophobe, even learnt a few more French words than merde (somewhere a Corsican general must be laughing). So I knew about Tour de France, not out of a newfound interest in performance-enhanced sports, but because of their angle. Not "Who will win?" but "Will they finish?". As it turns out Tour de France happens in France. Another thing that is happening in France is Covid-19. It's not just a question of which sponsored team gets ahead, but also whether the virus will get ahead of them. Imminent death makes sports more engaging. Tour de California perhaps, during the wildfire season?

Side-effect of watching France24 is that I get more real-time information on areas like the Sahel, the coup in Mali. And Lebanon, but there I have a pre-existing interest. 

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #88
Sorry, I thought you knew, otherwise I would have told you.
At one point I heard it was cancelled and did not follow the topic anymore. I accidentally noticed it was on when looking at tennis news instead.

A Norwegian, Alexander Kristoff (cycling for UAE Team Emirates)...
With all that covid around, I think the main reason for having the event is that Emirate money is aching to be spent. Another funny team I notice there now is Israel Start-Up Nation.

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #89
Side-effect of watching France24 is that I get more real-time information on areas like the Sahel, the coup in Mali.
Oh yes, the Sahel.  :devil:
The video below is not new  but interconnected with what we witness today. A reminder in case it was already posted by me in the past.
Guerre de l’ombre au Sahara:

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #90
I like the French way of offloading their post-colonial problems on others. The US enthusiastically took on Vietnam. They still do, as now it is as an ally to counter China.

Likewise the EU is taking over the G5 Sahel as a European issue will have long term consequences.  

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #91
French critics have not taken kindly to Emily in Paris, a new Netflix production in which an ambitious twentysomething from Chicago moves to the City of Light mainly, it often seems, in order to meet the gamut of Gallic stereotypes.


“It reduces the capital’s inhabitants to vile snobs sporting Birkin handbags who light up a cigarette the minute they’re out of the gym,” complained the women’s webzine MadmoiZelle. “Three episodes might have been amusing. Unfortunately, there are 10!”

“...the French are all mean and all lazy and never arrive at the office before late morning; and that they are incorrigible flirts with no concept of being faithful”.


Sens Critique’s reviewer said viewers “will really have to be science fiction fans to enjoy this series, because it seems Parisians can be polite, always speak perfect English, make love for hours on end and only have to go to work if they feel like it”.

Don't watch Netflix. It's not French.

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #92
Then again the French-Senegalese Mignonnes triggered days of bespoke outrage in the US. That's what happens when you get so big as to draw attention to yourself.

Netflix now worth more than ExxonMobil

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #93
I think President Macron is doing a wonderful job standing firm against the Islamic fundamentalists.

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #94
Top, he is doing a brilliant job against that corner.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #95
We don't have any active French left on this forum, but I think this is a reasonable assessment of French policy ambitions.

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #96
Complex theme.
Half of France's policy is correct, the other half is wrong. I suppose that these days the only ones with enough weight to make the balance to go one way or another will be Germany but it's a mistake to always follow what the money says.
A matter of attitude.

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #97
Which half of France's policy is wrong? The half that is eagerly promoting tighter fossil fuel dependency on Russia? That Macron laid a wreath at Napoleon's grave? That French soldiers warn of civil war if there are more concessions to Islamism?

Not sure how many European countries do it, but it's news to me that France would begin collecting €30 from tourists as a fee for checking their documents. Checking the documents is not some service that officials render. I'd really prefer to have no such service. It's like paying to the police for the service of arresting me - it would only make them arrest me more! I hope this piece of news is based on some serious misunderstanding, because the Brits and the French never want to understand each other.

Anyway, according to my calculations, more than half is wrong.

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #99
Not sure how many European countries do it, but it's news to me that France would begin collecting €30 from tourists as a fee for checking their documents.
I'm not sure if this is news. I don't know the exact specifics, but for reasons I don't quite understand (spite?) the EU decided to mimic the US. That means non-citizens are required to pay $14 for a "visa waiver" that looks and smells an awful lot like a visa.


They don't seem to wish to say how much it'll cost exactly, but €30 seems like a plausible if annoyingly high amount.

With that out of the way, treating the UK as if they were the US or Brazil is pretty much the entire point of Brexit, n'est-ce pas?  :lol:

Edit: alright, I see I commented a bit too quickly. France is certainly going above and beyond there, aren't they. A registered invitation at the town hall? :insane: