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Messages - mlhd

Otter Browser Forum / Re: bug: #496 update-alternatives --config x-www-browser
gparted is based on gtkmm (as I learned the last days while searching for gparted font setting outside a gnome session but with fluxbox). gtkmm is a toolkit somewhere in betwenn C++ and gtk+ . Maybe this sensible-browser-thing is part of gtkmm. If so, gparted were to blame for the misfunction.
Otter Browser Forum / Re: bug: # update-alternatives --config x-www-browser

Except that Otter is missing an entry in the alternatives system, I can't confirm. (Reported as #496.)


All links open in Opera for me. Is it possible that you did something to make Otter the default in spite of this missing feature and that you forgot about it?
I don't think so as I only recently (re-) discovered the alternatives system when I had a problem with libre-office using FF for URLs. I set opera as preferred browser. The only thing which comes in my mind is that I installed otter-browser *after* I made this setting for x-www-browser. Maybe not being listed gives otter-browser some privelege?

Did you try the URL in this gparded info window? That's btw the only time I noticed this behaviour! As far as I can tell so far it is limited to this particular program.

Thanks again.
Otter Browser Forum / bug: #496 update-alternatives --config x-www-browser
I have no clue where to post bugs, I am tired searching it, I think I do it here:

otter browser doesn't seem to care about x-www-browser and the list oft alternate browsers. When clicking on an URL within an info window within gparted otterbrowser opened it (although *opera* is my default browser).

There seems to be no way to tell otter to queue up and respect the settings made for other browsers (such as FF/IW, opera or others). It is not even listed in update-alternatives --config x-www-browser .

Please make otter behave a bit more cooperative with what a user likes for his system. I am waiting and hoping to make otter my default one day, but until then it should respect my x-www-browser configuration.

Otter Browser Forum / Re: otter-browser for Debian/sid, need help for building it

I don't know how Emdek does it,

Still interessted in how he does it.

but I just tried it like this which worked.

Will give it a try although this doesn't seem the proper way of packaging *.deb_s.

Then create a binary-only package (it'll throw an error about a missing otter-browser source tar otherwise; perhaps you could easily create one but I don't really see the point for now):

I am confused now: I thought this file
is the tar of the sources which I use for compile otter-browser myself without checking out from sourceforge. Am I wrong?

I will try to build myself cause the official build (kubuntu) seems to have different fontpaths/fontconfig or whatever here is in between otter and my QT settings.
Code: [Select]
$ ./otter-browser -style=gtk
is usuable, but I'd expect a QT5 application to work using it's own toolkit ;-) .
How is this for you with official and your own build?

PS How can you check on what kind of system it was compiled?

I read  :D ... second last line on d/l page @ sourceforge
DEB packages were created using Kubuntu 14.04 (system packages).

Otter Browser Forum / otter-browser for Debian/sid, need help for building it
I am inexperienced in building software packages.

I'd like to build otter-browser from sources for Debian/unstable=sid. As you build it using Kubuntu, I assume you use the following files to configure the build:



If so, could you provide those files as it would help me to understand what I have to do in detail.

BTW: In the long run, kubuntu.deb files won't be usefull to Debian users. So setting up a Debian build machinery would be necessary anyway (unless Debian picks up otter-browser, which may or may not happen). In the meantime maybe I could gatter some usefull info.
Otter Browser Forum / BETA 3 ?
Are there plans for a BETA 3 release? If so, do you aim for a given date?

Otter Browser Forum / Re: application fonts

...It occurs to me that with Qt 5.3 in the Debian repositories I could now actually install the Otter .deb package,...

My first installed version of otter-browser was beta2 on Debian / Sid. No problems installing it. But in the longer run I'd prefere you would use the *source* distribution (Debian) instead of a derivative like Kubuntu for building *.deb_s . But that's a different matter outside the scope of this thread.
Otter Browser Forum / Re: application fonts
There are workarounds, yes. But, you know, I am working around font size problems since ever, with limited success. So I am hoping Linux gets a (common) desktop (settings-environment)  one day.

Hopefully otter-browser learns honoring my QT/KDE settings a bit earlier ;-) (because my KDE applications really do have the settings I want them to have, which I can't say for my gtk-x applications.)

Otter Browser Forum / Re: application fonts

Code: [Select]
$ ./otter-browser -style=gtk


I've a problem parsing your code. Is this supposed to be a hidden file "./otter-browser" with content "-style=gtk"? I guess that's not want you meant. And I already have "/home/<user>/.config/otter/otter.conf" Whereto do I copy what exactly?


aaahhh, that's a commandline option, ok. Yes, that makes it follow my gtk settings which I now have to figure out how to adapt them accordingly.
Otter Browser Forum / application fonts (menu bar aso)

This is my first posting here, so I'd like to take the opportunity to thank you for all your work and efforts:  :wine: :wine: :wine:

I am still using Opera 12.16 (on Debian/sid(uction)) as it still is the best browser available. But since I've heard of otter-browser I'm following its development. I installed beta2 (and while waiting for beta3 I installed weekly36) and I give otter-browser a try from time to time.

One (but not the only) reason for using still Opera is the integrated mail, which included in the side bar gives me an overniew AND quick access to all communication I need *without hiding* the browser with a complete tab. That's one of the most important features I want and a feature that hopefully otter-browser will provide one day.

Today I tried to find out how to change the font size of otter-browser ( I am NOT talking about the html-part, but about the application itself, titels of the tabs, menü bar etc.

I was looking in about:config, and in settings. I understand the application itself relies on QT like my KDE applications  do (I am NOT using KDE desktop but fluxbox). As my installed KDE applications (like dolphin or K3b) show a reasonable font size, I am wondering what engine otter-browser relies on or simply: how can I make the application's fonts bigger and thicker?
