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Topic: What happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370? (Read 5995 times)

What happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370?

What happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370?

Quote from:  Portions of a CNN News article     
<March 8, 2014> 12:41 a.m : Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 departs Kuala Lumpur International Airport en route to Beijing. The weather is good.

The plane is carrying 239 people: 227 passengers and 12 crew members.

The expected trip length was roughly 2,700 miles (4,350 kilometers).

The crew members are Malaysian.

Around 1:30 a.m.: About 45 minutes after takeoff, air traffic controllers in Subang (outside Kuala Lumpur) said they lost contact with the plane over the sea between Malaysia and Vietnam at coordinates 06 55 15N 103 34 43E.

The aircraft's transponder was either turned off, or stopped working.

At the time the aircraft was carrying about 7½ hours of fuel.

[glow=black,2,300]17 days later:[/glow]


Respectfully, what do you think happened to Flight 370, keeping in mind that this is a highly delicate issue to the families, loved ones, friends, & nations of the 239 souls who were aboard Flight 370?

Re: What happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370?

Reply #1
Respectfully, what do you think happened to Flight 370, keeping in mind that this is a highly delicate issue to the families, loved ones, friends, & nations of the 239 souls who were aboard Flight 370?

Since nobody is paying any attention to the DnD faithful, I'm sure that the aircraft and its crew and passengers are in the briny depths west of Australia. It's a personal tragedy for all of those involved.

BUT in the larger scale of world news, it's one more example of media obsession with any event that's likely to captivate the the public imagination and keep consumers coming back for more.

The following have had their day but are beginning to evaporate until flight 370 fades to black when something else bubbles to the surface.

"Egyptian court sentences 529 people to death"

"This weekend marks the third anniversary of the Syrian war. Amal Hanano, a writer from Aleppo, has organized a reading of the names of 100,000 people killed. In front of the White House, mostly Syrian readers recite these names. It will take 72 hours."

Re: What happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370?

Reply #2
I have kind of gone off this story simply because the hyped media is in over-drive. Time after time umpteen experts and they cannot tell us anything we are not capable of guessing ourselves. One news channel (Sky) has ran 2 separate programmes outside of the news on virtually nothing. Like all tragedy items the media especially television goes over the score and repeats, drags out and goes nowhere effectively. Sad for the families concerned but the news reporting is guilty of being over the top.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370?

Reply #3

I have kind of gone off this story simply because the hyped media is in over-drive. Time after time umpteen experts and they cannot tell us anything we are not capable of guessing ourselves. One news channel (Sky) has ran 2 separate programmes outside of the news on virtually nothing. Like all tragedy items the media especially television goes over the score and repeats, drags out and goes nowhere effectively. Sad for the families concerned but the news reporting is guilty of being over the top.
It's 10:26 am here and I can guarantee that if I turn on CNN, the flight will be under discussions.

I've a comment on "experts." Given that experts are as likely to disagree as much as you and I frequently do, what's the value of expertise? It's a grossly overused and abused word.

Re: What happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370?

Reply #4
What happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370?

1. an incredible series of pilotage errors as in Air France flight . Again.
I wonder how many people have to die until all those pseudo pilots being grounded forever. Oh, I forgot that it would stop all the aviation business...
2. Suicide. That's a good option.
3. Americans playing with new weapons. A credible explanation.

It seems that all three possibilities have a decent probability. No mechanical failure can explain the entire series of data already known.
Wonderful world.
A matter of attitude.

Re: What happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370?

Reply #5
One person has the answer.
822. Malaysia airliner missing was created by the Feds (3/20/2014)

It was done to justify the coming airplane’s incident.

In my story, to frame me in fake money case, the Feds have to eliminate my relatives – they are all witnesses. In recent three years, each time the Feds planned a case, they arranged a cruise tour trip for my relatives. See “811. Cruise – a murder trap (1/18/2014)”. In that article, I revealed that each time for a trip, the Feds used to create an incident in advance – either an “engine room fire” in a cruise or a “boat sinking” or “food poisoning” to cover up the coming case as a common one – not particularly ralated to any individual person. So was this Malaysia Airliner’s accident.

Malaysia Airline MH370 disappeared on March 8. I think it was used to justify the coming airplane accident in later March. My wife said she was going to Philippine via Shanghai at the end of this month. This means the Feds has plotted a case in late March and arrange her a South East Asia air trip. My other relatives could be arranged in trip too at that time. Since they are all recruited by the Feds, they’ll have to follow the order of the Feds when it suddenly gives one.

That was why Malaysia airline was chosen. 1. Most victims are Chinese ethnic like my wife’s (or my rlatives’) 2. It was South East airline where my wife will fly.

I predict the missing plane crashed somewhere far away in deep south India ocean. The purpose is to eliminate any possible trace of a plot. That’s why MH370 changed its way dramatically to the west and tried to avoid any detection from the ground. Watch the map.
In turning point, north is Vietnam; east is Philippine; South is Malaysia and Indonesia. To west is the shortest way to Indian Ocean.

Re: What happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370?

Reply #6
I figured Katsung would have to come into it sooner or later. This sort of thing is made for him.

Right now, to no ones great surprise, they're finding out that the ocean is just loaded with floating debris from all sorts of things. Container ships lose entire containers overboard in bad storms-- and that part of the world sees some of the worst seas anywhere in the world--all the time, and of course much of that flotsam will stay afloat for-- how long does it take Styrofoam to sink, anyway???

Trying to find the debris that may have been ejected from this aircraft will not be easy. Now we have the added problem that the clock is running out on the "black box" batteries, and when those batteries finally give out so does any hope of finding the box by the signal it's generating. So, assuming the wreck is indeed on the bottom of the Indian Ocean, it's going to be very hard indeed to find.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: What happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370?

Reply #8 long does it take Styrofoam to sink, anyway???

In dog years?
Early on the esteemed Wolfe Blitzer of CNN, AKA the Wolfe of Wall Street, spoke about the great competence of Malaysian authorities in such matters. He knows that because...because...he's Wolf Blitzer!

Happily, Blitzer is retiring later this year.


Re: What happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370?

Reply #9
Apologies to all those to whom my following post may sound unappropriate (wether they are related to someone on the flight or just because of general ethics)...
but as I speculated last St. Paddys Day (could have been a typical D&D post on its own) most of the passengers where members of <choose_your_nameforit>, a well known sect that believed in armageddon and their alien saviours actually came to the rescue...
well, it earned me (next to James Bond and Thunderball comparisons (without military and nuclear)) on that evening the most plausible explanation award...
but well, what astonishes me more is that according to some "Bildschirmtext/Videotext" (Teletext?) news today some US lawfirm is going to sue boing/malaysia airlines ?!? Ok, also on Reuters: U.S. law firm plans to bring suit against Boeing, Malaysia Airlines...
but that Reuters Article is less "funny" (considering the circumstances) as the Teletext news - in that they wrote (rough translation) "according to experts the accident could have been caused by a fault of the cockpits structural integrity.... BlaBla" and I only thought, well as an "Expert" without the Blackbox I must also agree to "micro meteor/space junk perforating the plane"/"unlucky duck incident"/"invisible pink unicorn", etc. as a (even how impossible) possible cause (if asked by the opposing lawyer)... And wtf. an American Lawfirm?

Re: What happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370?

Reply #10
Not sure why St Patrick's Day should be any more special than St Andrew's, St George's or whoever. Somehow it gets elevated to the mountain top. The whole tragedy has become a turn-off for me. The mews media constantly repeating the same stuff with different words to make it look like "news." The expert legion and even those special programmes on television that can tell no more than the elongated news items.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370?

Reply #11
The whole tragedy has become a turn-off for me. The mews media constantly repeating the same stuff with different words to make it look like "news." The expert legion and even those special programmes on television that can tell no more than the elongated news items.
It's the nature of the beast here, particularly with CNN, which is still concentrating on it.

My question is Will the wreckage ever be found?

Oops! Almost forgot. CNN also reports on Kate's new clothes.

Re: What happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370?

Reply #12
The political point-scoring going on is almost literally nauseating, not least from our beloved leader, Tony Abbott.

Re: What happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370?

Reply #13
I wonder, in the end who is footing the millions upon millions of dollars this undertaking is costing?


Or are the Australian taxpayers, already in deep deep debt (+/- $160 billion dollars for a Nation of only 23 million), footing the tab?

Re: What happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370?

Reply #14
By now, the black boxes have quit emitting their signal. Fortunately, before they did ships and planes got the signal close enough that there is some hope a submersible may be able to find the debris field.

This is no small thing, that part of the ocean is notoriously stormy so the ships that support the submersible only have a short time that they can stay on station.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: What happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370?

Reply #16
Necroposting makes me sad sometimes.

Half a year ago is over 5yrs after the late mjm's post.

Re: What happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370?

Reply #17
Oh jeesh, it's been that long? Yeah, that is sad.

Re: What happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370?

Reply #18