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Topic: My Opera Backup (Read 21527 times)

Re: My Opera Backup

Reply #25
If you want to do some quoting from My Opera in these next two days, here's a little script that'll help:

You could save this as a .user.js in the appropriate folder:
Code: [Select]
var links = document.querySelectorAll('a[href^=""]');
for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
  var comment_id = links[i].href.match(/\d+/);
  var topic_id = location.href.match(/id=([0-9]+)/)[1];
  links[i].outerHTML +=' <a href="'+comment_id+'&id='+topic_id+'">quote</a>';

Or use it as a bookmarklet:
Code: [Select]

Re: My Opera Backup

Reply #27
No problem. If you come up with something cool to do with the data, please share it here (or on Github.) I wrote down a few quick suggestions here.

Re: My Opera Backup

Reply #28
Did anyone back up the widgets? I forgot :(
There are three I used to like and use:
- Frenzie's weather widget
- Some other weather widget, a more recent development
- a calendar widget with holidays, reminders, and translations

Re: My Opera Backup

Reply #29
- Frenzie's weather widget

That'll be tough to find 'cause I never made any of those! :)

Are you perhaps thinking of the weather Unite app made by lucideer as a proof of concept? BS-Harou also made a weather speed dial extension.

Re: My Opera Backup

Reply #30
No, not unite app. Widget. Was there none uploaded by you? There was a blue weather widget that I for some reason associated with you.

Re: My Opera Backup

Reply #31
I never made any widgets, or at least not publicly. Privately I'm sure I made one or two "hello world" types of widgets. :P 'cause yeah, they're basically just a type of web pages anyway.

Re: My Opera Backup

Reply #32
Whoever made it, it was a cute widget. Any sanctuary or haven of Opera widgets anywhere?

Re: My Opera Backup

Reply #34
Yup, that's the one. Thanks :)

And sorry for confusing the names. I confuse names in real life too. To me names seem totally random and undescriptive, always did. I tend to not use people's names in communication, because it's embarrassing to mix them up...

Re: My Opera Backup

Reply #35
And I tried it immediately. I remembered I uninstalled Johnny's widget because it broke at some point. It can be installed, but doesn't work (should be fixable by redirecting to some other source for meteorological data). The other weather widget I liked, it still works

Re: My Opera Backup

Reply #36
Opera IRC is still up, btw. By mistake, I suppose.

And so is Is it a legitimate idea to copy Opera's help pages to


Re: My Opera Backup

Reply #38
The user agent is unnecessary, I think. The help pages were always accessible with any browser.

Re: My Opera Backup

Reply #39
In an oddly familiar turn of events, Wuala will stop offering free space from December 31, 2014. Are there any other suggestions for sharing a few GB of data? I suppose I could always turn it into a torrent, but then availability as well as upload speed would be more limited.

Re: My Opera Backup

Reply #40
If you don't know, then I doubt anyone else knows about such sharing place. What's the max limit of Dropbox? Does it do such sharing anymore?

But torrent always seemed a reasonable alternative sharing option. Publish it in Pirate Bay or such and some fans (such as myself) might remain seeding.

Re: My Opera Backup

Reply #41
While I could easily put it on a shared folder in Dropbox (I seem to have 20 GB available these days), I don't want that propagating across all of my computers. Also I believe it's hard to download all files from a Dropbox folder the way you easily can in Wuala.

Anyway, I'm looking into setting up some kind of webseed at the moment to get the best of both worlds. You can give it a try using this torrent.

Re: My Opera Backup

Reply #43
Weird, what torrent client are you using? The webseed is supposed to kick in when there's a lack of peers.

Re: My Opera Backup

Reply #44

Re: My Opera Backup

Reply #45
Hm, me too. Let's see, it downloaded 8 MB really quick from the webseed,* but then it picked up on some mysterious peer from Estonia and switched focus. That's as intended, but it slowed my download speed from a few hundred kB/s to significantly less. :P That being said, my qBittorrent is still pulling in 500 kB parts from the webseed every… I don't know, half minute or so. It downloaded about 8 MB in the first few seconds while over the past 10 minutes it only downloaded an additional 5 MB. My guess is either qBittorrent is trying not to overload the webseed or the webseed isn't fond of the fact that torrent clients pull in parts here and there at random instead of properly downloading a file from beginning to end. Either way, that doesn't explain why it's not working for you.

Right, so I've got qBittorrent 3.1.10 built against Qt 4.8.6, Libtorrent and Boost 1.55.0.

* Free hosting, yet it might even be able to host this site.  :insane:

Re: My Opera Backup

Reply #46
I'm at 1.7 % now. Enough for this weekend. Will try more next weekend.

Re: My Opera Backup

Reply #47
Yes, you picked some up from me after I got it from the webseed. :P

But I think there might be a bug in Libtorrent. Although I've downloaded 60 MB this session, 50 MB of it was apparently wasted(!), i.e., failed the consistency check. This obviously makes no sense because I'm sure that if I'd download the complete file using wget it'd be picked up just fine.

Here's a bugreport for what sounds like the same issue, and perhaps it offers the answer:
There is a known issue that if the web server doesn't support keep-alive, 16 kiB blocks that would require more than a single request won't work. libtorrent currently must request an entire block within the same connection. If the server closes the connection, the partial block that may have been downloaded is discarded (just like normal bittorrent peers).

The symptom you describe sound like what you would see with multi-file torrents and web server that don't support keep-alive.

I'm not sure how to check if the server supports keep-alive (probably something with wget or curl), but in any case I did put it on the server as many small files of a few MB.

Re: My Opera Backup

Reply #48
After an abrupt restart my qBittorrent totally fails to launch. Even reinstalling and wiping out the profile didn't help. Other Qt programs such as Qpdfview and Otter are unaffected. I am bad at debugging, so I simply uninstalled the thing. I'm pulling the torrent now with Aria2 which never failed me.

Re: My Opera Backup

Reply #49
So the webseed is working well with this Aria2? Interesting.