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Topic: Everything Trump… (Read 75306 times)

Re: Everything Trump…

Reply #125
A gross worm creature has been formally named after Trump to sound an alarm about his climate policies

EnviroBuild, a company that makes sustainable building materials, paid $25,000 to name the limbless amphibian Dermophis donaldtrumpi as part of a fundraiser for the Rainforest Trust, a nonprofit conservation group.


"EnviroBuild is not an overtly political organisation, but we do feel very strongly that everyone should do everything they can to leave the world in a better way than they found it," [an EnviroBuild's cofounder said.]


It is not the first creature named after Trump. In early 2017, a small moth with yellowish-white scales that look like hair was named Neopalpa donaldtrumpi.

Re: Everything Trump…

Reply #126
 I wanna see a pic of the amphibian. Someone messed up.  :mad:

In all seriousness they need to stop naming stuff after the spin d[ouche]r.

Re: Everything Trump…

Reply #127
I was kind of thinking the same. The number of insect species or craters on the moon is higher than anyone would care about, but there aren't that many amphibian species around, around 7000 supposedly. Spending one of those names on a politician seems wasteful somehow. Then again, the name was up for auction as if it was some sports stadium, so why not.

For a picture of the little critter, I refer to BBC

Re: Everything Trump…

Reply #128
I agree. They should stop being mean to amphibians. Trump will be soon gone, but the poor amphibian will be stuck with the insulting name for quite a while longer.

Re: Everything Trump…

Reply #129

US official confirms that Trump tweeted out a picture from a classified intelligence briefing

A US official told CNBC on Friday that a photo of an Iranian launchpad that President Donald Trump tweeted out in the afternoon came from an intelligence briefing Trump received earlier in the day.


"I think I just got flexed on by the president," David Schmerler, a leading expert on open-source imagery analysis, told Business Insider of the image. Schmerler had spent hours the night before analyzing the widely available pictures of the failed launch but was blown away by the quality of Trump's image."

So, Trump is still getting briefed with classified intelligence materials. Dear officials, where is your sense of responsibility?

Re: Everything Trump…

Reply #130
We need a Bureau of Presidential Tweets, or somesuch.


Re: Everything Trump…

Reply #131
How about a Presidential Bureau of Tweeting the Truth?

Re: Everything Trump…

Reply #132
Speaking of tweeting the truth, I still can't believe Trump tweeted a Sharpie altered map to defend incorrectly saying Alabama was going to be hit worse than expected by Hurricane Dorian. Of course, the hurricane missed that state completely. What really happened was that his info about the possible paths the hurricane could take that was about four days out of date. This guy is ridiculous.
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: Everything Trump…

Reply #134
Confused By The Impeachment Process? This Flowchart Should Help

Basically, after the announcement the House figures out the evidence, and if they think there is enough of it, it will move to the Senate who will figure out how to do a trial. It obviously will never get that far. The evidence is overwhelming, but even more overwhelming is the fear that the impeachment process, messy as it is, smears the party who pushes for it.

Re: Everything Trump…

Reply #135
In 2017 Trump both-sided white supremacists and Nazis in Charlottesville.

In 2019 he both-sided the child rapists and torturers of IS.

It is hard to imagine him sinking any lower, but given time he will surely find a way.

Re: Everything Trump…

Reply #137
I don't expect much from Pelosi. She fought to prevent impeachment until her hand was forced by more progressive, restless house members. She does despise Trump and will follow up now that the impeachment band wagon is rolling.

But the reality is she's a corporate Democrat who fights to enrich the rich and will fight any healthcare plan that may hurt the hospital and insurance industries. She's for Obamacare but that's not decent paid for healthcare considering the average Obamacare deductible is 4,000 per year (the amount you put in before they pay) and the Bronze plan copays are 40% (after you pay the 4,000 then they will pay 60% of medical expense, you pay 40%). If anyone tried to apply Obamacare to Europeans there would be riots. Medical bankruptcies are 2/3 of U.S. bankruptcies where most filing have medical insurance.  We're told we are the richest country in the world but then we are also told we cannot afford a healthcare system that is in place in most of the rest of first world countries.

Oh, she'll bleat about progressiveness, helping the middle and working class, etc. But even when Democrats like her are in power we see tax laws that primarily benefit corporations and the very rich. Which is why we have seen tax rates for the very rich of 90% in 1950's go to the much lower rates we see now.

Remember before the French presidential elections there were investigations of some candidates, one causing Fillon to drop out? No one in France stopped the investigations because it could be seen a political. Here the U.S. government had evidence of illegal Russian manipulation but the investigation was prevented. The Attorney General prevented it with Obama's concurrence on advice of Pelosi because McConnell threatened that Republicans will make it seen to be political. So, so much for Pelosi's political smarts.

Yes, instead of impeachment, she'd rather spend time on the social circuit. The many embassy parties, corporate parties, social events, fund raisers. Events where she can wear her 5 or 10 thousand dollar designer outfit and hobnob with the social elite, the business elite and politicians of both parties. Where they pat each other on their backs on how wonderful and deserving they are. That is the reality.

Re: Everything Trump…

Reply #138
The most obvious contender for "what Trump gets out of this" is that he has been impeached and is going into an election year with stubbornly underwater approval ratings, and sees war with Iran as a Hail Mary pass to whip Americans into a wartime fever — much as happened behind Bush in 2003 — which might be enough to drag him across the line in what will likely be a close election.

(Trump on Nov. 16, 2011:
"Our president [Obama] will start a war with Iran because he has absolutely no ability to negotiate. He's weak and he's ineffective. So the only way he figures that he's going to get reelected — and as sure as you're sitting there — is to start a war with Iran.")

One of the most predictable aspects of Trump's narcissism is that he always projects his own flaws and evil impulses onto others. If he accused Obama of feeling an urge to start a war for political advantage, we can pretty much bet that same impulse lurks in Trump's own heart.
What a nasty little writer. But who can prove her wrong?

Re: Everything Trump…

Reply #139
Seems rather hyperbolic, but then again Trump is a walking talking hyperbole.

Re: Everything Trump…

Reply #140
Because the war with Iran failed to catch fire, impeachment goes on.


Re: Everything Trump…

Reply #141
Trump will be re-elected President in due course in nutjobland.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Everything Trump…

Reply #142

"President Trump is blatantly using the news organizations' extensive, live coverage to freely campaign for a second term," the petition claims. "It is wrong and dangerous to provide so much unfettered airtime to someone who is happily, shamelessly spreading terrible, damaging misinformation that is already costing fellow Americans their lives."

Rather than broadcasting live coverage of the White House's COVID-19 briefings, the MoveOn petition asks broadcasters to monitor the briefings instead "and have your anchors and correspondents quickly share appropriately edited valuable accurate parts."

The "valuable accurate parts," the petition states would be the statements coming "from medical experts."

Re: Everything Trump…

Reply #143
The medical experts do separate interviews as well. Just quit watching the president make a fool out of himself. (duh)

Until now I didn't see a way he could really lose the election.  Too bad the Dems have two unlikely to get real votes now.

Re: Everything Trump…

Reply #144
Both those two big parties over the pond are corporate leaning ones - although one has the edge in that matter. Neither is capable of doing anything about the big issues and indeed major problems that just carry on in the country. Just a pity that neither deals with the big unfortunate records.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Everything Trump…

Reply #145

"President Trump is blatantly using the news organizations' extensive, live coverage to freely campaign for a second term," the petition claims. "It is wrong and dangerous to provide so much unfettered airtime to someone who is happily, shamelessly spreading terrible, damaging misinformation that is already costing fellow Americans their lives."

Rather than broadcasting live coverage of the White House's COVID-19 briefings, the MoveOn petition asks broadcasters to monitor the briefings instead "and have your anchors and correspondents quickly share appropriately edited valuable accurate parts."

The "valuable accurate parts," the petition states would be the statements coming "from medical experts."

I’d have no problem with that. He routinely dismisses the views of his medical experts. All he wants is media expose, the degenerate.

Re: Everything Trump…

Reply #146
Poor young man and an equal pity that democracy is a bit of a chat more than practice!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Everything Trump…

Reply #147
Trump call COVID-19 "genius" and "brilliant" in his press conference today. I think he meant "resilient" or "adapted".

I have to admit; I totally get why Trump supporters like him. He's about as articulate as the average redneck. Seems like "tough" or "defensive" would be more accurate and still fit in the vernacular.

"Look folks, it surprised us, okay. SARS came thru a few years ago and was like, "See you can't cause a true pandemic." and COVID-19 was like, "Hold my beer."... You just can't predict what happens next, guys." :cheers:

Re: Everything Trump…

Reply #148
I have to admit; I totally get why Trump supporters like him. He's about as articulate as the average redneck. Seems like "tough" or "defensive" would be more accurate and still fit in the vernacular.
I don't understand how "this guy's as incompetent at that job as I would be" makes him someone to vote for though.  :worried:

Re: Everything Trump…

Reply #149
I don't understand how "this guy's as incompetent at that job as I would be" makes him someone to vote for though.  :worried:
Well, this is the reason why I listen to mediocre and relatively poor singers - so I feel no shame singing along.

Vennaskond, Maailm lõpeb maikuus (The world will end in May)