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Topic: The Russians are coming (Read 40893 times)

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #100
Rag report, rag report!

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #101

And still depending on tha tlefty, liberal, Guardian. Dear, oh dear.

Says the clown who still thinks the Daily Fail is a news paper :right:

The Guardian isn't that leftist anyway. It's a pink-colored liberal. The Times would be its more right-leaning equivalent. The left-wing equivalent of the Daily Mail is probably something like the Daily Mirror.

All that aside, the Daily Mail also ran at least one story on this subject…

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #102
Well that depends Frenzie. It was originally in the Midlands and for a long, long time it was also names the "Manchester Guardian." However as it was declining it decided to try and be national as the original Liberal party base was no longer what it was.  It has liberal leanings and also labour party at times. You only have to listen to some of their reporters speaking on tv discussions. But is is still declining. There is litle point going into detail on Macallan's usual up himself arrogance. Doesn't matter what you detail to that one he just comes out with a name.

As for Russia I am glad in a sense that is is back on the world stage as the leading lot are the most hypocritical, lying and usurping country on earth! And of course they will get sniffy about anyone daring to challenge. However they will not be able to destabilise, invade like it does anywhere else and that in itself is a sign of wider hope for the world at large. Roll on the debt collapse!  :devil:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #103
he Guardian isn't that leftist anyway. It's a pink-colored liberal.

Pink-colored liberal?? a son of bitch atheist/protestant fifth column of Americans against the Holy Mother Church, against the Pope, against latin lovers that drives their wifes mad asking for real sex, against Civilization.
Basically a bunch of sissies with homosexual tendencies.
A matter of attitude.

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #104
Well I am np pink liberal with pansy tendencies nor Us leanings and I have read the Scottish Catholic Observer........ :o
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #105
The fact is that today it's trivial to factcheck claims made on site, so the source's political leanings are becoming less relevant. Often, the source's political leanings show up in the editorials, no the actual reports.

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #106
Well that depends Frenzie. It was originally in the Midlands and for a long, long time it was also names the "Manchester Guardian." However as it was declining it decided to try and be national as the original Liberal party base was no longer what it was.  It has liberal leanings and also labour party at times.

To me, liberal leanings is by definition not leftist. Labour party at times is leftist-ish at times, and that's what makes it pink-colored.

Pink-colored liberal?? a son of bitch atheist/protestant fifth column of Americans against the Holy Mother Church, against the Pope, against latin lovers that drives their wifes mad asking for real sex, against Civilization.
Basically a bunch of sissies with homosexual tendencies.

Socialists (leftists) are red. Liberals (rightists) are blue. Mix them and you get purple. If you have only a little red, you get pink.

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #107
Often, the source's political leanings show up in the editorials, no the actual reports.

That's interesting, I see it very much the other way. Editorials are just the justification for being non neutral, the real propaganda it's located at all those news and articles so readers don't even realize how insidiously they are being misinformed.
Socialists (leftists) are red. Liberals (rightists) are blue. Mix them and you get purple. If you have only a little red, you get pink.

I see...
Actually, I prefer these days listen to leftists speech than the "neo something" imbecility. "Liberal" and Right aren't the same thing.
A matter of attitude.

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #108
Regardless, you can still fact check the news report quickly and easily. Often the news reports aren't much more than a copy/paste job from Reuters which is why Fox News and Huffington Post can carry the same story written 99% (if not 100%) exactly the same way despite being political opposites.

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #109
Usually Reuter's copy paste relates to earthquakes somewhere, that kind of thing. I don't read "popular" media so I never analyzed how political leaning works at such media, I suppose it will be through simple stupidification.
Anyway my references for an important newspaper would be Le Monde, not The Times.
A matter of attitude.

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #112
Straight from TASS: Russian Navy, border guards halt state border violation by UK warship off Crimea

Brits just can't believe it.
A Russian patrol ship and fighter jet fired warning shots towards a British destroyer in the Black Sea, reports in Russia say.

Moscow's defence ministry said that HMS Defender entered Russian territorial waters near Crimea.

The UK's Ministry of Defence has not yet commented.

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #113
The MOD is denying that it happened. Not sure if I should believe them or not.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #114
The BBC story has been extensively updated by now.

If this map is true, then Brits seem to have been testing Putin's nerves.

Our correspondent, who had been invited on board the ship before the incident happened, saw more than 20 aircraft overhead and two Russian coastguard boats which at times were just 100m (328ft) away.

This is at odds with statements from both the British prime minister's office and defence ministry, which denied any confrontation.


This case is reminiscent of a similar incident in November 2020, when Russia accused a US warship of travelling 2km into its waters in the Sea of Japan.

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #115
Classified Ministry of Defence documents found at bus stop
Classified Ministry of Defence documents containing details about HMS Defender and the British military have been found at a bus stop in Kent.

One set of documents discusses the likely Russian reaction to the ship's passage through Ukrainian waters off the Crimea coast on Wednesday.


The documents, almost 50 pages in all, were found in a soggy heap behind a bus stop in Kent early on Tuesday morning.

A member of the public, who wishes to remain anonymous, contacted the BBC when he realised the sensitive nature of the contents.


A series of slides prepared at PJHQ shows two routeing options, one described as "a safe and professional direct transit from Odessa to Batumi", including a short stretch through a "Traffic Separation Scheme" (TSS) close to the south-west tip of Crimea.

This route, one slide concluded, would "provide an opportunity to engage with the Ukrainian government… in what the UK recognises as Ukrainian territorial waters."

Three potential Russian responses were outlined, from "safe and professional" to "neither safe nor professional".

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #116
The UK is now being run by idiots.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #117
"Liberal" and Right aren't the same thing.
Right is not liberal, but liberal is right. A dog is not a Rottweiler, but a Rottweiler is a dog.

That's fair enough. Though while liberalism is a more or less consistent collection of ideologies and ideals, the right/left axis is highly contextual. If we take the traditional economic axis, left = more state and right = less state, the "less is more" liberal attitude should put them on the right, but that is not, and has not, always been the case.

However, I am racking my brain to think of any current democracy where the liberals are to the left. They would be to the left of the Trumpites and the current US national parliament, but that system is not very representative of the population as a whole.

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #118
However, I am racking my brain to think of any current democracy where the liberals are to the left. They would be to the left of the Trumpites and the current US national parliament, but that system is not very representative of the population as a whole.
In the US both parties used to be liberal. And over here, Green parties are typically a form of liberals. Or in any case, they're more like liberals than like the socialists they purportedly grew out of.

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #119
Kremlin papers appear to show Putin’s plot to put Trump in White House

Vladimir Putin personally authorised a secret spy agency operation to support a “mentally unstable” Donald Trump in the 2016 US presidential election during a closed session of Russia’s national security council, according to what are assessed to be leaked Kremlin documents.

The key meeting took place on 22 January 2016, the papers suggest, with the Russian president, his spy chiefs and senior ministers all present.

They agreed a Trump White House would help secure Moscow’s strategic objectives, among them “social turmoil” in the US and a weakening of the American president’s negotiating position.

Russia’s three spy agencies were ordered to find practical ways to support Trump, in a decree appearing to bear Putin’s signature.

By this point Trump was the frontrunner in the Republican party’s nomination race. A report prepared by Putin’s expert department recommended Moscow use “all possible force” to ensure a Trump victory.

Western intelligence agencies are understood to have been aware of the documents for some months and to have carefully examined them. The papers, seen by the Guardian, seem to represent a serious and highly unusual leak from within the Kremlin.

The Guardian has shown the documents to independent experts who say they appear to be genuine. Incidental details come across as accurate. The overall tone and thrust is said to be consistent with Kremlin security thinking.

Assuming this is genuine, even assuming it is not, someone with access to it must have passed it on to the Guardian for some reason, and at this time.

Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #120
While there are some indications that this report isn't genuine, to this day, it still blows my mind that more people didn't understand that Trump isn't mentally stable. Seriously, all you have to do is listen to him talk for a few minutes to realize his speech patterns are incoherent and rambling; he slurs his speech but is a non-drinker, gets easily confused, etc.

The "stolen" 2020 election conspiracy theory is often called "the big lie." I'm not convinced that he is lying. Rather, in his dementia, he fully subscribes to his delusion. Seriously, the man needs a neurologist's help.
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal


Re: The Russians are coming

Reply #122
Decent April Fool's.