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Topic: Why is there such a routine big police (and coloured) problem in the US (Read 2934 times)

Why is there such a routine big police (and coloured) problem in the US

The latest incident is as say an annual routine over there. Time after time weird police activity. A few months ago there was a police raid on a house and the owner got shot dead but the raid was on the wrong house. In another further back a police car chased a driver who was acting wrong and the man (black) got out and indeed on two visits to over there spoke with 2 of them in NYC who were fine and another occasion a sergeant who hadn't used his gun for a number of years.but there is a long and regular terrible police style that is head shaking.  The shooting activity is standard practice and a routine tradition. To the side of that there seems to be more black people in jail as it happens so there is an equally built in tradition in that corner as well so I would say a racial weakness in that community.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Why is there such a routine big police (and coloured) problem in the US

Reply #1

Re: Why is there such a routine big police (and coloured) problem in the US

Reply #2
That incident is well known as it is ersi but the overall picture is something very controversial. Both the terrible wide police records over there and there does see, to be a degree of involving black people getting some dodgy treatment. That is seemingly almost built inhowever there is also unfortunately a zilch in the tradition of black folk and that is another fact I am afraid as well as police nonsense.
"Quit you like men:be strong"


Re: Why is there such a routine big police (and coloured) problem in the US

Reply #3
Where do I start with this shit?

You don't respond to a protest about police brutality by committing police brutality so you can go jerk yourself off in front of a church with a Bible in hand.

I swear, give me like 10mins in a room alone with a leather belt. He'll shut the fuck up, quit pissing the carpet and sit on command.

Re: Why is there such a routine big police (and coloured) problem in the US

Reply #4
That is very disgusting wording you have came up with there and something I subscribe to rather than drift down the way.

One news report stated that what that officer did is a routine practice in that police force so if true is rather head shaking. Time after time there have been constant examples of police abuse as routine in the States  indeed some time ago i mentioned a retired police Inspector in a US city who said on television there were far too many getting into police forces who are far short of what should be there. The racial thing is of course a deep concern and has been around for an awful long time and it also seems to be the case that an awful lot of people in jail are black people so there is some kind of fundamental problem ,maybe due to being poor not too much in education skills and so on so there are things that are just swept aside for too easy going bananas. Even allowing for the less wel off in the coloured side of the country it is a deep problem and no matter who is in the White House makes no literally damn difference. A rather large number of prisoners are black and acting illegal whether some here like to ignore that.

In the days since that sad policeman's actions too many people no doubt lesser well off in society have caused damage destroyed shops and cars stealing and all very disgusting. This latest incident is no excuse for this mayhem going on all over the country and disgusting. As much as I can feel for the way so many black people have been treated there is a kind of almost long standing built in tradition of crime. South Africa's serious crime are rising every year and in passing sex crimes beat murders (,have%20risen%204.6%25%20this%20year.)

So although there is a racial problem there are issues that dnt help much. And all these riots and damage does the place no positive benefit whatsoever. Do hope something can be done to help divisions in society and we muct also realise that different groups in society can have different outlooks which do not help.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Why is there such a routine big police (and coloured) problem in the US

Reply #6
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Why is there such a routine big police (and coloured) problem in the US

Reply #7
This matter has become bordered on a head-shaking situation.

Initially I will say that there has been a long record in America of inexplicable police situations including innocent shootings and far from reasonable behaviours but what all the fanaticism is tending to ignore even allowing for that weakness is that far too many black people do get involved in criminal behaviour. The other routine is to say that the vast numbers of black prisoners in jail is because they are especially singled out but that is too easy a modern and would-be liberal thinking. Although not to the level of the USA places with a large non-white population have routinely seen a sad level too.  Even in Africa a country like Nigeria has a high level of sex crime in six figures and not a white influence to do things. Sex crimes are enormous and South Africa is the same where equally safety of women and girls is frightening.

As I have said the level of historic police dodgy attitudes has been so much part of the USA and got away with it for lifetimes. I dare say that poverty which is endemic in black areas leads to criminality but all this fanaticism being started across the world is ridiculous.  The wholesale rioting elsewhere is a damn nonsense.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Why is there such a routine big police (and coloured) problem in the US

Reply #8
Now the Confederate presidential statue removed so when do you Yanks remove Washington's or Lincoln's??

It is painfully obvious that there is a wide and very negative side to US police that is a terrible and shocking thing but all the BLM people ignore that there are black police officers including chiefs, etc. Whether some like to be reminded or not there is a very deep negative on the black people side of things. No doubt not helped by unemployment and being poor however there does also seem to be a weakness.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Why is there such a routine big police (and coloured) problem in the US

Reply #9
Hehe. The point about Washington is interesting. When indeed are we to remove everything named for that slave owner?

Lincoln wouldn't go for the fact he is credited with freeing the slaves. Although, there's evidence to support he wouldn't of if that had served his purposes instead.

Re: Why is there such a routine big police (and coloured) problem in the US

Reply #10
That is a correct assessment of Lincoln having two faces. One of what said  publicly and the other what he was alternatively doing privately with senior politicians.  It took an awful long time right into the second half of the 20th century to try and do something on racial issues. Even during back in World War 2 while we were all fighting the Nazis the US Army had to see that white and black troops were separate.

Just a few short years ago a senior small police group visited over here and were in Scotland. They went to our police training centre for Scotland and were gobsmacked at the standards being put out to the trainee officers. I also about a year ago watched a retired police captain saying that there was a considerable lacking in police training in the country.  What I will not slip into is just saying that all police in the States dangerous or not good enough but in places there are unfortunately many who are.  Greater community  participation in the police is paramount and I would view that there can be racial attitudes but equally there is in hard terms a very prominent weakness in black circles as well hence the prisons having so many. So although a very serious weakness in police there is equally a weakness in coloured corners of the country and much through poverty and educational weaknesses. More community involving is a must and those clowns who shout about shutting the police down are off their damn heads.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Why is there such a routine big police (and coloured) problem in the US

Reply #11
More community involving is a must and those clowns who shout about shutting the police down are off their damn heads.

Yea. But it is nice to finally hear a demand of them. In principle "defunding the police" isn't terrible if you listen to the whole plan. Won't help anything. But has parts of what is probably needed in it. As per emotional contrivance, that's the stupidest name for it ever. "Reallocation" much?

Re: Why is there such a routine big police (and coloured) problem in the US

Reply #12
Now Atlanta steps up to show what is wrong with all sides involved.

Black man [intoxicated] fights cops, steals taser, runs, points taser at cop with apparent intent to use.

Do you have to be black to not know you can get shot for that?

Cop shoots black man.

While there's riots all over the city country and when, let's be honest, threat was minimal. (Body armor VS taser? Guy's running too? Come on.)

And the response is - Wait for it - They burn down the Wendy's this happened at.

 :doh: FFS people.

Re: Why is there such a routine big police (and coloured) problem in the US

Reply #13
As per emotional contrivance, that's the stupidest name for it ever. "Reallocation" much?
Yeah, it makes people see it as instant nonsense when really all they're saying is to do it more like, well, here. (I.e., more prevention in advance.)

Re: Why is there such a routine big police (and coloured) problem in the US

Reply #14
Let me firstly give you a copy of this very interesting and factual link....


That link is very much worth watching as it is very much a wider balance.

In furtherance I would say that many of those in BLM are a groan wanting police forces shut! How damnably stupid is that. The film mentions the number of blacks in jail and they are there because of what they HAD done not something made up! Worth remembering a lot of black officers in police departments across the country as well. Where there have been Democrat or Republican Presidents in the US does not matter a damn and US politics is simply run but these big two and corporate money. My point that US police widely has little community practical involvement as inother world places is another issue as well. The country is gun daft and has never properly or effectively handles things.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Why is there such a routine big police (and coloured) problem in the US

Reply #15

Fixed broken link.

The country is gun daft and has never properly or effectively handles things.
Easy there. Already plenty trying to make this about something it's not.

And here's a link from last night.

A perfect example of what to do if you wanna get shot. And that's the problem. I don't see anything "racist" there. Despite any threat he posed I don't think they should of shot him either. Another officer was pulling in and they probably would of caught him soon enough. Let him run out some of that energy. Cops caught the worst of that tussel, sure. But that's part of the risk they take. That guy took a DUI (or whatever) charge and turned it into way more... But still not a death sentence. By police policy, tho, this is textbook justification for getting your ass shot. That needs to change. If he'll fight that hard now he's likely to continue posing a threat to officers and the public. Grabbing more weapons and who knows what? That's the mindset. But might also run across the street and lay down to surrender when he realizes they aren't gonna let him go.

There's other videos of this with a [black] man saying, "They shot him for no reason." and "He was unarmed.". Which simply isn't the case. Most of the cries that these folks are "innocent" are not true. They didn't deserve what they got, but they are hardly without blame. You can't get combative with police. Blacks are notorious for handing police badly. That's not exclusive to them but surely it's disproportionately the case.

Culturally there's some housekeeping to be done. In the black community and in law enforcement. And a lot of it stems from the poor state of social services and the justice system.

Guns are another issue entirely. What started this had nothing to do with guns. It had to do with another black man getting arrested for drug charges and getting combative with police. And a brain dead officer letting his emotions keep him cutting the oxygen supply off to a subdued man. Two wrongs just ain't making it right.

Re: Why is there such a routine big police (and coloured) problem in the US

Reply #16
Unfortunately for you I am not being over the top gun madness is deep in the US of A. The Revolution was an awful long time ago and yet the same gun piling is there and a massive industry. There is a massive military situation so why the dickens would Yanks need to hold onto the right to have weapons?? Not just pistols but head shrinking bigger stuff as well.  In addition the gun industry is a mighty big business and the trouble is that Americans have failed to move from history of a coupe of centuries ago and racially grown up as gun mad. As if that was not bad enough the idea of policing has become head shaking weirdness. Over the country police forces getting extra vehicles that are military and indeed even officers looking like damn soldiers. Instead of moving on from the late seventeen hundreds and early nineteenths century go stuck in the past.  Utterly ludicrous hence the mass problem with gunning citizens and police like they have not matured. 

News reports will emphasise the proportion of black people arrested, shot and so on but I would also state that being arrested for crime is the law! Poverty is no doubt a big issue on non-white areas but tends to be used as the reason for black arrests! On a wider basis when looking at well known African countries with very big crime doesn't that seems to indicate a weakness in backgrounds.  The man also had a criminal record of regularity yet made to be a hero due to that police incident.

America does need to do something about policing as has problems across the place as well as being getting more like a military lot but there is a deep problem in black America  even accepting their is a real crime history although BLM lots tend to ignore the hard facts of life. It has not mattered a jot which party is in power at the White House as the country has been failing for long generations. Numbers in jail at over 2 million food stamp people at over 40 million folk on death row for years (shocking) interfering in countries that don't agree with and so on. Hypocrisy does exist and there are racial failings but the black population has a basic problem in itslef.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Why is there such a routine big police (and coloured) problem in the US

Reply #17
What a horrible thing, the good(1º police), the bad(the black) and the villain(2º police), how American
A matter of attitude.

Re: Why is there such a routine big police (and coloured) problem in the US

Reply #18
When living in a nutjobland very hard to be routine.  8)
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Why is there such a routine big police (and coloured) problem in the US

Reply #19

[glow=blue,2,300]‘You won’t need to abolish us – we won’t be around for it’:
Why many police officers like me are quitting the force
Travis Yates is a serving police commander in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He is a doctoral student in Strategic Leadership, a graduate of the FBI National Academy, and the author of "The Courageous Police Leader: A Survival Guide for Combating Cowards, Chaos & Lies”. This article was first published on

The nasty words we, the police, get called all the time have now turned into rocks, bottles and gunfire. It’s over, America: we are leaving.

This is the hardest thing I have written.

I grew up in a law enforcement family. My father worked his way up to the rank of Captain at the Fort Smith, Arkansas, Police Department. As a kid I remember going with him on Friday to pick up his check and I was in awe of these super heroes he worked around.

My dad sacrificed a lot and so did my late mother. Whether it was the week-long surveillance or wiretap or chasing drug runners across the country, he gave it all for my family and worked plenty of extra details to never let our family be without. Some would call that privilege but where I grew up, it was called hard work.

The kids at school thought it was cool what my dad did and while he sometimes asked me if anyone gave me a hard time, they never did. There was respect among all… even the kids in shop class.

I didn’t grow up wanting to be a cop but one fateful night, as a freshman in college, that all changed.

I went on a ride along and my life’s journey would never be the same.

After four years of college my dad wanted me at an agency that respected that education so I moved to Tulsa (Oklahoma) at 21 years old and never looked back.

I didn’t know anyone and all I knew was what I saw my dad do, work hard and treat people with respect. I saw a lot of other cops working hard as well and doing all they could to keep the community safe.

27 years has passed and if you would have told me the condition of law enforcement today, I would have never believed you.

It’s not that law enforcement has changed for the worse but everything around it has.

The mentally ill used to get treatment and now they just send cops. Kids used to be taught respect and now it’s cool to be disrespectful.

Supervisors used to back you when you were right but now they accuse you of being wrong in order to appease crazy people.

Parents used to get mad at their kids for getting arrested and now they get mad at us.

The media used to highlight the positive contribution our profession gave to society and now they either ignore it or twist the truth for controversy to line their own pockets.

There used to be a common respect among criminals. If they got caught, they understood you had a job to do but now it’s our fault they sit in handcuffs rather than their own personal decisions.

If someone attacked a cop, they were seen as such. Now we martyr them and sue for millions.

We used to be able to testify in court and we were believed. Now, unless there is video from three different angles, no one cares what you have to say.

With all this talk about racism and racist cops, I’ve never seen people treated differently because of their race. And while I know that cowards that have never done this job will call me racist for saying it, all I’ve ever seen was criminal behavior and cops trying to stop it and they didn’t give a rip what their skin color was.

I’ve seen cops help and save any type of race, gender or ethnicity you can think of and while that used to mean something, no one cares anymore.

I’ve been called every name you can think of and many of them with racial overtones and it’s never come from cops. I’ve watched African American cops take the brunt of this and even talked one rookie out of quitting after he was berated by a lot of cowards that had the same skin color as him.

I’ve heard words I never heard before being a cop.

Uncle Tom, Cracker, Pig and the N Word just to name a few. I’ve heard them thousands of times and never once did I see a police officer retaliate.

They just took it.

Despite that, it’s been the greatest opportunity of my life to do this job. I would have recommended it to anyone and I secretly hoped one of my kids would do it one day.

They would have been a 4th Generation Cop.

But today, all of that is over. I wouldn’t wish this job on my worst enemy. I would never send anyone I cared about into the hell that this profession has become.

It’s the only job you can do everything right and lose everything.

It’s the only job where the same citizens you risk your life for hate you for it.

It’s the only segment left in society where it’s cool to discriminate and judge, just because of the uniform you wear.

You never get to explain.

You can never reason with them.

The nasty words have now turned into rocks and bottles and gunfire.

I’ve watched it happen to those around me and I have seen the total destruction of their life.

This job is a walking time bomb and you could get cancelled or prosecuted on the very next call, even if you do everything right.

No profession has to deal with that.

Doctors kill 250,000 people a year. They call them “medical mistakes” because society understands that they do a very difficult job under high stress and they must make the best possible decision in the moment.

Law enforcement is tasked with the same and we are highly successful. Despite the most violent society we have ever seen, less than 1,000 suspects are killed a year. 96% are attacking us with weapons and all but a few others are attacking us with their cars or their fists and more and more with simulated guns so Benjamin Crump (an American civil rights attorney) can help their family win the lottery.

I’ve seen cops risk their own lives when they shouldn’t have… just to keep from taking one.

They never get the credit that other professions get.

Cowards are all around us. From chiefs to sheriffs to politicians, no one has our back.

Now, the little we have, we are told they are going to defund us or even abolish us. Citizens with a political agenda will reign over us and all you have to do is wake up and put on a uniform to be a racist.

This weekend I received death threats for just doing my job. It would have been outrageous a decade ago and made national news.

Now, it’s just a Monday.

There will be more threats, more accusations of racism and more lies told about us.

I used to talk cops out of leaving the job. Now I’m encouraging them.

It’s over America. You finally did it.

You aren’t going to have to abolish the police, we won’t be around for it.

And while I know most Americans still appreciate us, it’s not enough and the risk is too high.

Those of you that say thank you or buy the occasional meal, it means everything.

But those of you that were silent while the slow turning of the knives in our backs happened by thugs and cowards, this is on you.

Your belief in hashtags and memes over the truth has and will create an environment in your community that you will never expect.

If you think Minneapolis will never turn into Mogadishu – it’s coming.

And when it does, remember what your complicity did.

This is the America that you made.


Giving in to the opportunistic Leftists claiming 'BLM,' will unleash anarchy!

America, you has been scammed!

     In times of universal deceit, telling the honest truth is a revolutionary act.

Re: Why is there such a routine big police (and coloured) problem in the US

Reply #20
There is unfortunately a long tradition of weird operating of police forces in the US of A and got away with it for decades until things like mobile phone cameras became routine. In addition would add that even allowing for decent officers in America there is not in general as I am used to a community minded police service and unfortunate traditions can come along.

As for that black man who is being used for things we must also remember he has a criminal record and been in jail so he is n ordinary bloke and no doubt affected by his drug taking. He also stole a weapon from one of the two officers although I do not agree with the quickness of getting shot by a US policeman is right. Now there is a city over there where 6 city blocks are under the control of street people and police"not allowed in." What is also farcical is hat one every so often sees folk carrying a protest card wanting the police done away with! How dashed stupid and ridiculous is that? Revised police training is vital and as I said more community minded as well but it must also be aired that there is a problem in the black community. Much of that group is as known in poor areas and equally a wide lack in fulfilling education or being able to. Another ignored point I have mentioned is that black people ARE police officers and in places holding senior offices.

So yes re-organising of police training is a progress but notice has to be taken of the areas they live in and the hard truth is that the majority of people in prison are coloured and got there properly through courts of law. That is ignored by all the black lives matter nothing shouts. No police? How damnably brainless is that??!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Why is there such a routine big police (and coloured) problem in the US

Reply #21
.........He also stole a weapon from one of the two officers although I do not agree with the quickness of getting shot by a US policeman is right. ............

In the instance that every 'split second' counts, in the mind of a cop, the most important priority he has is to do his job the best he possibly can, & get home safely to the wife & children he left before he started his shift that day.

When a person, ignoring an instruction to drop a weapon, or just stop, either turns & fires, or possibly threatens as if they are going to fire, a cops survival instincts & training kicks in....a decision must be made in a short 'split second'.....his life, & the lives of other innocent citizens may depend on it.......

Remember, the average bullet travels at the speed of 760 Meters per second, so following an armed suspect, more than a 'split second' can be to much time to hesitate making a decision........

Over a thousand of those 'split seconds' took place while you read that.......

     In times of universal deceit, telling the honest truth is a revolutionary act.

Re: Why is there such a routine big police (and coloured) problem in the US

Reply #22
Apart from the country being gun daft and pointless spending as much as it does on massive military defence there is a police issue. I do not go along with this rather  irritating black lives matter emotional thing and have indicated that there is a problem in coloured communities hence so many taken to court and jailed. All those getting carried away with the "matter" scenario ignore that. The basic challenge is that the police unfortunately are as also not basically trained to be properly community minded especially in big cities. We are also getting that daft thing I mentioned of a central part of a city being taken over by "the people." Try doing that over a whole city!Sadly for the country there have sad to say too many actual police instances that have been head-shaking and improper.

Just in passing the fact that kick ups have spread in the world is head shakingly silly. Statues challenged and so on. So apart from white slave owners from way back what about the Romans the Muslim slave owners and so on for goodness sake! And I will also add that I do not like the other obvious fact that protesters are sticking their hand up with clenched fists another extreme sign as happens! Don't think it is right that too many police services in America are being filled with military things which does not look right at all. The protesters should grow up and stop going on about not having police. Utter idiocy.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Why is there such a routine big police (and coloured) problem in the US

Reply #23
America, you has been scammed!

he said, copying an article from Russia Today.

Re: Why is there such a routine big police (and coloured) problem in the US

Reply #24
And leftist leaning stuff is being broadcast here in Gt Britain and this news item I have enclosed shows how utterly ridiculous news and bias stuff is everywhere. I find such things being dished out are ridiculous and frankly a nonsense. Will we show how balanced we really are and show concern for poor white working class communities here too??
"Quit you like men:be strong"