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Topic: Bad Reporting, etc. (Read 22610 times)

Re: Bad Reporting, etc.

Reply #25
Mr Bean is the alter ego of all the Saxons. What they aspire to be when grown up but don't have the courage to say...
I think he looks very much as Prince-Next-King(?)-Charles.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Bad Reporting, etc.

Reply #26
Irony, irony. Comment  coming from the economicc mess of a country  that chased out it's Monarch and shepherded in a century of nothing along with no freedom. .
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Bad Reporting, etc.

Reply #27
And now for something (almost…) completely different! (Try to remember the title of the original post.)

Brian Williams, war hero? War whore?
If the latter, he'd not have made a living, except in his chosen profession. If the former, he'd be in line for a Democratic nomination…provided that we currently don't like "the enemy".

Would anyone talk about this sort of "bad reporting"? (Or are we only bashing ideological adversaries?)

There seems to have been lost a simple commitment to veracity…

I don't think it was my fault. Was it yours?
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Bad Reporting, etc.

Reply #28
Yet one more kerfuffle. Of all the things that matter in the world, BW sucks hind tit. Slow day in the media. 
:bye: Brian :bye:

Re: Bad Reporting, etc.

Reply #29
That anchorman claimed that it was because a while ago that he got things mixed up?? Remember dear folks a certain woman called Hilary Clinton now wanting to be President of child land saying the same thing not long after being "shot at on the Balkans??  :D
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Bad Reporting, etc.

Reply #30

That anchorman claimed that it was because a while ago that he got things mixed up?? Remember dear folks a certain woman called Hilary Clinton now wanting to be President of child land saying the same thing not long after being "shot at on the Balkans??  :D

Child land? What outrageous bullshit. If you have something to say, why not just say it?
Find a politician who never said something stupid and I'll show you a politician who never won.

There was an unnamed candidate who said that, "he never finished high school because he was kidnapped and kept in a closet in Mexico."

Another oops moment?
David CameronMr Cameron was defending the Coalition's health reforms when he rounded on Angela Eagle, a shadow Treasury minister. She had told him that he had got his facts wrong about Howard Stoate, a former Labour MP and GP who has backed the NHS plans.
Mr Cameron replied: "Calm down, dear, calm down. Calm down and listen to the doctor."

Re: Bad Reporting, etc.

Reply #31
Yes and the world would like the USA to calm down and butt out of trying to run the planet. Thanks for your comment but it suitably misses the points. It is the sytem of the world's greatest country (!) that is the problem and the clever wil make an odd positive comment then pretend all is well. Clinton did lie!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Bad Reporting, etc.

Reply #32

Yes and the world would like the USA to calm down and butt out of trying to run the planet. Thanks for your comment but it suitably misses the points. It is the sytem of the world's greatest country (!) that is the problem and the clever wil make an odd positive comment then pretend all is well. Clinton did lie!

Utter nonsense. Nobody would like us out of the bad places we've been involved in, but "trying to run the planet" is simple hogwash. The greatest country nonsense is mouthed by a handful of media mouths and doesn't reflect the views of serious people. How do British see themselves? From The Telegraph...
"Why should we be proud to be British? Because no country has made such a contribution to the happiness of mankind. The idea of constitutional liberty, of freedom under the law guaranteed by parliamentary representation, is a British invention. Sure, there were premonitions on both sides of the border, and in other places, from mediaeval times. But constitutional government as we understand it today was forged in the civil conflicts of the seventeenth century. Those conflicts cut laterally across the two nations: English Cavaliers made common cause with Scottish Royalists, English Puritans with Scottish Presbyterians. The latter alliance was, thank God, triumphant and, in due course, parliamentary supremacy was formally established by the near-simultaneous ratification in 1689 of (in Scotland) the Claim of Right and (in England) the Bill of Rights."

Forget the horrid excesses of British occupations around the globe.
Colonial exploitation was carried out through three distinct phases over time. The first phase of mercantilism, which took place between 1757 and 1813, was one of direct plunder in which surplus Indian revenues were used to buy Indian finished goods to be exported back to Britain (Modern India 2010). In the second phase, from 1813 to 1858, India was converted into a source of raw material and a market for British goods. The third and final phase from 1858 onwards, was one of finance imperialism in which British capital began to control Indian banks, foreign trading firms and managing agencies in India. This phased exploitation was carried out through a range of economic policies, primarily in the industrial and agricultural sectors of the colonial economy of India.
Happily those days are over. And happily our bad habits are on the wane.

Re: Bad Reporting, etc.

Reply #33
Although i do regard the sensible ex-colonists do however keep him to yourselves and for heavens sake get him to retire or go to Hollywood and make comedy films.

On this I couldn't agree more. His record in a tragic and meaningless war is not a positive.

Re: Bad Reporting, etc.

Reply #34
That earlier stance of mine is not hogwash at all. Who has been most prominent in military games and political skulduggery all since WW2. And the guff it is just a group of miscreants well tell that to the republicans for example who are so damn gung-ho - well now the Democrats have caught up with that silver tongue Obama with more killings by flight than Bush. The place is run by two parties that have carved up the political system between them and they do a great job of keeping it that way. With the number of lobby fodder in DC running into tens of thousands the political world is even more corporate managed.

Many of those in cumfy and safe areas wil just go along with things and maybe the odd slight moanbut well know the political side is not only fraught but no longer serves the people just the monied. The country has regularily dis balanced any country that will not succumb to it's dodgy idea of "democracy" and you keep separate expect destablising and if that doesn't work and excuse  to invade.

Another example of world control are the hundreds of bases all over the globe and the excuse being "security." What an insult to intelligence. They use the same excuse for (as I hav said) more secret organisations than Nazi Germany or the USSR. The leading one ignores what it doesn't like and ignored that constitution that is always waved about. Even the basic rights are often compromised and the ordinary can do little because of the sewing up by the 2 big parties.  You would think it was a nation full of child minds in all those cases the militarisation of city police forces and the need for the world to be as America wants it. Heavens the way it is run internally they could do a lot more for their own people if they cut the number of "security agencies" and military games. In turn the 40 million poor could be helped as well as the sick who cannot afford care. But no the determination to rule the world IS a fact and so obvious that child mind does come to the front!  :whistle:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Bad Reporting, etc.

Reply #35
Exclusive: Lost City Discovered in the Honduran Rain Forest

This is a reportage on Ciudad Blanca, a legendary Mesoamerican city that archaeologists have been looking for and claimed to have found many times. Now National Geographic says they found it again.

It goes under bad reporting because the article contains hardly any detail either about the legend or the findings of the particular expedition. In the area of nature/science reporting in general, I have found National Geographic to be the worst source.

Some more detail about mapping the site in Science Daily. And even more on Wikipedia.


Re: Bad Reporting, etc.

Reply #36
Years ago I was interviewed by a newspaper on the much appreciate community voluntary work I was doing. However the reporter tried to do a neat job of making it more provoking and i took him to task and they did apologise.

The Daily Mirror which i wouldn't even use to wrap things in was so full of humbug a while back when the News of The World was guilty of misusing mobile phones of famous people, etc. Yet their own editor got sacked for publising false pictures of an "incident" with British soldiers! Now Piers Morgan has had a couple of programmes of his own on tv here in GB and the USA. A liar is now a personality?? However it gets worse as it has now been revealed that the Daily Mirror ran a massive spying and misuse of mobiles of people to rival the News of the World! (Murdoch shut the World down)
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Bad Reporting, etc.

Reply #37
In the area of nature/science reporting in general, I have found National Geographic to be the worst source.

That's not surprising since it isn't a science journal but a  popular magazine like Playboy.

Re: Bad Reporting, etc.

Reply #38
The Daily Mirror which i wouldn't even use to wrap things in

In your view which newspaper is the best newspaper.

Such judgements reveal something about the reader. For example, there's a world of difference between The Washington Times and the The New York Times. I have a subscription to The New York Times. Anybody here want to say what that tells you about me?

Re: Bad Reporting, etc.

Reply #39
Always challenging to get a difficult question and even more so as I only buy a paper occasionally. Instead my supermarket restaurant has a rack of free newspapers for customers to take and read (well I am Scots). I never read the red tops as they get up my nose with a giant thing on the front page and inside look untidy and limited information. Over any period i will have read the Telegraph, Daily Express, Daily Mail (those two have Scots editions). Stopped reading the Glasgow Herald as the Sunday Herald came out for independence and have on odd occasion done the Guardian the (London) Times. That is a good publication.  Did read the poor wee Morning star the mouth for the Communist party and only glanced at the new paper called national will supports independence. It started with 60,000 then went down to 36 and now slumped (hooray) to 20,000. May the movement continue.

I never read the Glasgow Evening Times out daily city paper because when the Glasgow Evening Citizen folded and no competition the Evening Times became a hoi-polloi nonsense but there again the same company that produces that nationalist 'National.'
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Bad Reporting, etc.

Reply #40
We have a newspaper, the "Diário de Notícias" (can be translated as Daily News) that has more of 150 years of uninterrupted daily publication. From times to times they publish a couple "news" from the very same day but exactly one hundred years ago.
It results clear how reporting news has decayed both in style and content.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Bad Reporting, etc.

Reply #42
I never lower myself to the red top newspapers but i got a temporary shock as the girl in that main picture looked a bit like a girl I went out with many moons ago. Then realised even back then she would never have had herself in a paper like the Sun!   :blush:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Bad Reporting, etc.

Reply #43
"Mr. President, when did you first learn that Hillary Clinton used an email system outside the U.S. Government for official business while she was secretary of state?" asked CBS's Bill Plante.

"The same time everybody else learned it, through news reports," Obama said.

For four years she was his Secretary of State, and he'd never sent nor received an email from her? :)
How did they communicate? Telegrams and smoke signals?

Somehow I think Sam Donaldson would have asked more questions…
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Bad Reporting, etc.

Reply #44

"Mr. President, when did you first learn that Hillary Clinton used an email system outside the U.S. Government for official business while she was secretary of state?" asked CBS's Bill Plante.

"The same time everybody else learned it, through news reports," Obama said.

For four years she was his Secretary of State, and he'd never sent nor received an email from her? :)
How did they communicate? Telegrams and smoke signals?

Him big chief President. Him use electric blanket to make smoke signals.

What that latest message say, Iron Horse?

Message say "My blanket is on fire".
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Bad Reporting, etc.

Reply #45
I can't confirm this, but perhaps the UK contingent on here can, but a Mancunian friend of mine has been complaining ad nauseum about Rupert Murdoch's Tory-leaning bent and bias in all of his UK newspapers leading up to the UK's GE yesterday (Granted, said Mancunian friend is a strong supporter of Labour, but I digress...).

Re: Bad Reporting, etc.

Reply #46
For four years she was his Secretary of State, and he'd never sent nor received an email from her?  :)
How did they communicate? Telegrams and smoke signals?

The Hillary email scandal! Shocking! It will cripple her!
More important...Who does her nails?
A very brief review of U.S. history after WWII.
1950-1953 Korean War

1961 Cuba

1961-1973 Vietnam War

1965 Dominican Republic

1982 Lebanon

1983 Grenada

1989 Panama

1991 Gulf War (Kuwait and Iraq)

1993 Somalia

1994 Haiti

1994-1995 Bosnia

1999 Kosovo

2001—2014 Afghanistan

2003—2010 Iraq War


On August 8, 2014, the U.S. initiated military intervention against the Islamic State of Irag and the Levant (ISIL, ISIS, or Daesh) with airstrikes on key targets in Iraq.
Good reporting reveals something significant, though.
Bill Clinton has been paid $104.9 million for 542 speeches around the world between January 2001, when he left the White House, and January 2013, when Hillary stepped down as secretary of state, according to a Washington Post review of the family’s federal financial disclosures.

Re: Bad Reporting, etc.

Reply #47
I don't envy my ex-colonial associates with the possibility of that woman being Head of State. She is trying to operate outside her usual style and bubble in that always having been sneaky and so full of herself now she is trying to be ordinary. I know you lot get conned easily but dear, oh dear a woman who has been a monumental liar?  Just a pity you have such a tight political system otherwise the millions of the dejected and frustrated would have a better and more constructive choice.

And before I am asked to emigrate there, forget it.......!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Bad Reporting, etc.

Reply #49
Well now jimbro your mind is now beginning to slip as in the Opera Forums I WAS. Dear, oh dear.

On a more general note I do feel sorry for you folk across the water having the Fox News Channel which is awful. Such would not happen here. As for the Presidential circus what a poor choice you will have in a rather limited idea of democracy.
"Quit you like men:be strong"