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Topic: Trump is right and Britain very wrong! (Read 1932 times)

Trump is right and Britain very wrong!

There is a big fuss going on here in Gt Britain over what the US President said to Prime Minister May by tweet. This was on Islamic numbers and Islamist problems here. The media and as usual the BBC go bananas. We DO have a problem and even the BBC has intimated the numbers of Muslims being kept an eye on here by security forces and it is numerous. When one watches interviews and especially from non-whites you get the usual one-sided baloney. The BBC and others hammered at trump saying he had used information from the rightist group here Britain First. That corner is right wing and publicly anti-Islam in principle but does not advocate violence. Groups from that corner lie Britain First and others are routinely "far rightist" but for some weird reason the Communists and others in that direction are never "far leftist". When you consider that wherever Communists ruled in the world there was no freedom, torture and killing on scales it makes you wonder. The so-called liberal set are in hard fact very narrow minded themselves. They wax about democracy as long as you sit in their seat. We have over 2 million Muslims on this wee island an they have been causing semi-regular problems here and a strain on the security side.

Oh and before I forget. The BBC has during November been advertising for learning staff in the journalist area at the London living wage  and in that area. May seem routine BUT they only wanted black, Asians and other non-whites!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Trump is right and Britain very wrong!

Reply #1
This is the only D&D Central thread with no replies. Shame if something would happen to it.

Re: Trump is right and Britain very wrong!

Reply #2
It was.

Re: Trump is right and Britain very wrong!

Reply #3
Jax firstly it is because it is too factual a principle to be coped with by so-called wide minds. Will add you to them poor man. As for you Barulheira when you grow about factually I hope things improve for you.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Trump is right and Britain very wrong!

Reply #4
My work here is done.

Re: Trump is right and Britain very wrong!

Reply #5
Yikes we totally agree!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Trump is right and Britain very wrong!

Reply #6
If anybody ever finds  :jester: Trump :jester:  doing something right, please point it out.

The return of Jaybro

Reply #7
Welcome back, Jaybro! No password losses this time!


Re: Trump is right and Britain very wrong!

Reply #8
Hive him time, give him time.   ;)
"Quit you like men:be strong"