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Topic: Modern liberalism is becoming utterly stupid (Read 2282 times)

Modern liberalism is becoming utterly stupid

I see that Twitter has now decided to shut down certain word descriptions to be more inclusive (??). The words are 'master', 'slave' and 'blacklist.' Utterly ridiculous and our intelligence and sense being rubbished. Completely stupid and nonsense. I will not forget them and as always done use them properly.  Indeed I will continue to master problems slave on with challenges and blacklist things that are not sense.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Modern liberalism is becoming utterly stupid

Reply #1

It's a bit silly and as an initial cynical response it sounds like they're trying to generate goodwill with some completely meaningless change, but the master/slave terminology has always struck me as a bit odd.

On the flip side, it's possible that by getting people to think about it through something like this, it will effect some positive change in the medium term.

Re: Modern liberalism is becoming utterly stupid

Reply #2
It's pure censorship.
I was very right never using twitter.

The only way of stopping totalitarianism is by stopping it at the beginning, Now is the time.
A matter of attitude.


Re: Modern liberalism is becoming utterly stupid

Reply #3
Sure it's censorship to ban some words, but why do you call it "modern liberalism"? How is censorship liberal?

When major words, such as those designating ideologies, are deliberately manipulated to mean the opposite of what they actually mean, it is about as bad as censorship. It is newspeak and mind control.

Re: Modern liberalism is becoming utterly stupid

Reply #4
It has nothing to do with liberalism, one way or another.

Neither with censorship. The sorry thing about being an employee is that you are supposed to do whatever the employer pay you to do.

Programmer jargon has been discussed for decades. "Blacklist" is silly, but master/slave, while evocative, isn't really that great term anyway. But due to hard lobbying by the Sadomasochistic Programmers Subjugation Front, the terminology has been kept.

Re: Modern liberalism is becoming utterly stupid

Reply #5
"Blacklist" is silly, but master/slave, while evocative, isn't really that great term anyway. But due to hard lobbying by the Sadomasochistic Programmers Subjugation Front, the terminology has been kept.
But now these words are being banned, so it appears that somebody else has been lobbying... I'd suspect lobbying makes terminology worse, not better, and it is entirely the wrong approach to do terminology by lobbying.

Re: Modern liberalism is becoming utterly stupid

Reply #6
Sure it's censorship to ban some words, but why do you call it "modern liberalism"? How is censorship liberal?
I said censorship, Rjhowie said modern liberalism, no one is being contradictory.
Censorship is never liberal but this leftist liberalism is a false ideology, it covers a totalitarian movement spreading all over the western world.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Modern liberalism is becoming utterly stupid

Reply #7
I said censorship, Rjhowie said modern liberalism, no one is being contradictory.
And I was of course addressing the title, first and foremost. Everybody and everything is contradictory.

...this leftist liberalism is a false ideology, it covers a totalitarian movement spreading all over the western world.
I don't see leftist liberalism spreading. It maybe spread in the 60's and 70's or so. It definitely stopped spreading as Reagan and Thatcher were in power. Right now Trump and Putin are in power. Are they leftist liberals?

What is spreading is contrarianism and confrontationalism. Deep entrenchment of all camps and subcultures against each other has reached a tipping point.

Re: Modern liberalism is becoming utterly stupid

Reply #8
Right now Trump and Putin are in power. Are they leftist liberals?
This movement wasn't created for taking the power, it was created for destroying the western world foundations. I think it doesn't act in Russia. (nor in China, obviously)

Its targets are the USA and the EU.

A matter of attitude.

Re: Modern liberalism is becoming utterly stupid

Reply #9
I think you are wrong jax as the stance I say has been a continued thing for modern years and becoming so gradually regular even though you have failed to note that!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Modern liberalism is becoming utterly stupid

Reply #10

But now these words are being banned, so it appears that somebody else has been lobbying... I'd suspect lobbying makes terminology worse, not better, and it is entirely the wrong approach to do terminology by lobbying.

Personally I think Master/Slave should be renamed Mistress/Slave in the name of equality and progress. But this IETF draft thinks differently.

Symbolic proxy battles in an inanimate field is not constructive, and might distract from real liberation. Should female connectors have the same wages as male? Mind you, anything offensive is likely to be renamed. E.g. anything abbreviated to "KKK" will not be so for long. The purpose of protocols is not to communicate, not to annoy. The latter is incidental, from actual use.

Re: Modern liberalism is becoming utterly stupid

Reply #11
Symbolic proxy battles in an inanimate field is not constructive, and might distract from real liberation. Should female connectors have the same wages as male?
In the inanimate field there are no wages. And who is supposed to be liberated in the inanimate field?

Mind you, anything offensive is likely to be renamed. E.g. anything abbreviated to "KKK" will not be so for long.
In Estonian language we are boldly abbreviating European Central Bank exactly the same way as Estonian Communist Party. This has not changed in 30 years. The aimed effect is to associate the abbreviation with the bank rather than the party. There may be the same aim with the KKK abbreviation also.

Re: Modern liberalism is becoming utterly stupid

Reply #12
I don't see leftist liberalism spreading. It maybe spread in the 60's and 70's or so. It definitely stopped spreading as Reagan and Thatcher were in power. Right now Trump and Putin are in power. Are they leftist liberals?

What is spreading is contrarianism and confrontationalism. Deep entrenchment of all camps and subcultures against each other has reached a tipping point.

It seems almost a constant that 4%-5% vote for Liberal parties, almost no matter where and when, in Europe anyway. It may go up, even double, or down to half, but give it a few years, and there it will be back to 4%-5% again.

Right illiberal parties have probably reached their zenith in most Western countries, while left parties, both liberal and illiberal, are on the rise. So is illiberalism, right, left or otherwise, across the world. There is good news, places that have turned more liberal, especially in Africa, but overshadowed by the more totalitarian bent elsewhere.

Re: Modern liberalism is becoming utterly stupid

Reply #13
In the inanimate field there are no wages. And who is supposed to be liberated in the inanimate field?

The oppressed and immobile of course. That's why we try to put intelligence, autonomy, and agency in all inanimate (and animate) objects, and network protocols for them to organise.

Re: Modern liberalism is becoming utterly stupid

Reply #14
The oppressed and immobile of course. That's why we try to put intelligence, autonomy, and agency in all inanimate (and animate) objects, and network protocols for them to organise.
Freedom for all the objects. Now!
Objectism is worst then racism. No objects should ever be the property of humans.
Objects of the world, unite! :knight:
A matter of attitude.

Re: Modern liberalism is becoming utterly stupid

Reply #15
Personally I think Master/Slave should be renamed Mistress/Slave in the name of equality and progress. But this IETF draft thinks differently.
They write from a very American perspective. As a European, when I hear slave I don't think black. I think slave. Which like I said I consider that at best a rather odd and imprecise way to talk about some piece of technology. As far as I'm concerned the word slave can be discarded yesterday in this context, although I do appreciate your suggestion. :) The word slave encompasses black slaves in the new world, but also regular old European slaves, most famously thralls for some reason, and just as readily Arab slaves who were often from around here.

Americans might call that whitewashing history, but it's not like we don't critically examine slavery in Suriname. It's just not necessarily the first thing to spring to mind.

Re: Modern liberalism is becoming utterly stupid

Reply #16
There has been a degree of liberalism including her n Gt Britain and even the party that uses the name increased voters. As for adopting names that should be changed to suit woman that is modern subtle liberalism.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Modern liberalism is becoming utterly stupid

Reply #17
The Subtle Modern Woman Suit Party? Should beat both the Raving Loony Green Giant Party and the Death, Dungeons and Taxes Party easily.

Forbidden terminology

Reply #18
My, oh my!
Around here, people use to type KKK meaning "I'm laughing out loud!". Hardly anyone remembers KKK "up there".
Slavery in computing systems. So what?! They are meant to be slaves.
I want to keep a list of unwanted things. But the list cannot be black. I will be banned. Black is beautiful forbidden.
When I say "black", I mean "a color", instead of "people with African origins". Why should anybody feel offended because of a color's name?
(Just to keep you informed... it's winter here.)

Re: Modern liberalism is becoming utterly stupid

Reply #19
Oh you are being very subtle jax......... :)
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Modern liberalism is becoming utterly stupid

Reply #20
Oh and a passing thing about modern liberalism being brained into people is that if you do not accept those from that corner they often just automatically label folk far right.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Modern liberalism is becoming utterly stupid

Reply #21
It went official!

Linux Kernel blacklists "blacklist"


Reply #23
They should blacklist "blackslist".