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Topic: Slowness in Scotland openings (Read 4044 times)

Re: Slowness in Scotland openings

Reply #25
To the small lot still attached to this forum you will note that my assertions are fairly direct to the point. Apart from no concrete financial capability with independence all you will get here is a load of cobblers. Now even when I include two things that did happen I am also a liar. It just shows you all that Luxor cannot properly state Nationalist stuff because it is the situation that with no Barnett Formula or as recently the extra sum intimated by the Prime Minister having to maintain an independent country without that along with added costs including armed forces. Vagueness in the hard facts away from immature guff saying I am dishonest all just proves my stance even more so. Ignoring my political stance or slagging is not very mature and hardly surprising this site has become very reduced. O)h and may I remind everyone that although the SNP are the Scottish Government they are kept there due to that wee Green party lot and they are head shaking bampots. Oh and let me tell everyone that more Scots voting did so for the votes actually being the non-Nationalist corner.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Slowness in Scotland openings

Reply #26
Oh and let me tell everyone that more Scots voting did so for the votes actually being the non-Nationalist corner.

But still they keep winning. It's as if they are doing it deliberately.

The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Slowness in Scotland openings

Reply #27
You are not doing well trying to show off how broad you are. You ignore my political challenges and you directly call me a liar and that is low life and being crassly ignorant. Can understand due to political failure skip the truth but extending your arrogance into miscalling my honesty is gutless.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Slowness in Scotland openings

Reply #28
You are not doing well trying to show off how broad you are.

Yet you keep commenting.  Jog on son.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Slowness in Scotland openings

Reply #29
Well suppose you can live by being called ignorant as gives you a bodyswerve from factuals. Whether it is the money spent on Gaelic, station names, would be unable to fund an independent country you can sink. You have factually done well in helping my stance by your inability or ignorance as a stance.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Slowness in Scotland openings

Reply #30
I'm actually embarrassed to call you a fellow Scot.
No matter, today's poll has cheered me up.

The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Slowness in Scotland openings

Reply #31
Your lot came up with this attitude prior to the referendum yet Salmond got kicked out along with others.

Proud you are a Scot? - that is embarrassing because your mind just ignores the hard facts of independence. Readers here on this forum will see that I HAVE challenged the Scottish Nose Pickers whilst all you have done is ignore the direct situations I have listed but you ignore and just come out with stupid body-swerving and would-be satirical rubbish. It is all emotional rubbish from you and your lot and time after time I once said your polling station wafflers cannot answer political and financial challenges. Indeed dear normal readers I once made it clear that Scotland does NOT have the financial situ to join the EU nor could it make up what it would lose out on the Barnett Formula and an ageing voting population or the occasional extras given by the UK Government. You are overall not being factual but ignorant.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Slowness in Scotland openings

Reply #32
Your still spouting the same nonsense you have been doing for the past six years. That's why you get ignored son.

Proud you are a Scot?

Yes I am. I'm not one of those who have to start a sentence with the term "I'm a proud Scot but" Only Unionists do that, no real Scot ever would.  :yes:

You are overall not being factual but ignorant.

Nah, that's you.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Slowness in Scotland openings

Reply #33
My family tradition IS Scots for centuries and really way, way back dear Nationalist waffler. Because you ignore the crucial things like financial matters etc but just hold on to the tartan waffle is not poor man anything really positive. Maybe keeps you fromm waffling as the hard facts are different!  :lol:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Slowness in Scotland openings

Reply #34
My family tradition IS Scots for centuries and really way, way back

Most likely it is, as is mine.  I really couldn't care less, to be honest.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Slowness in Scotland openings

Reply #35
Couldn't care less hardly very intelligent and when one regards your skipping of factuals and clawing on so-called reviews of people polls says much! Meanwhile you other brain users may I say as a reminder that the Gt British Government decided that the 3.8 billion extra money on top of the annual Barnett Formula has been changed and is to be raised to 4.3 billion! Couldn't do that locally
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Slowness in Scotland openings

Reply #36
Couldn't do that locally

Yet every other independent nation in the world seem to manage fine, Funny that.   :doh:
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Slowness in Scotland openings

Reply #37
Folks that is a weird assessment. Considering that the Scottish Government gets that annual financial dish out and this time increased as I pointed out a kind of weird and target empty sweeping statement! There are on this Earth countries doing well but a lot who are NOT. I have also intimated that the SNP governing corner says nothing about the hard truth that Scotland does NOT have the basic financial situ to apply joining the EU. Remember as well folks that 75% of our economy here depends on England!

At least there is a passing situation situation  that does not put the SNP in a sophisticated corner. I mean this.

One of their MSP's at Edinburgh representing them in the east end of Glasgow had to start changing an attitude he had when at one stage said would not deal with voters who did not for for their independence corner! Man who was Treasurer of the Scottish Government resigned due to getting far too pally with a 16-year old schoolboy via electronically. Not too long ago another MSP got jailed for fraud and today it was made public that two of their Councillors in Glasgow City Council have resigned over what seems to be a weird sex matter and fraud.

Finance wise here we would have a big difficulty money wise hence their squealing about the EU. I can almost understand for some people having dreams and being very Scottish they want to see us being great but we just do not have what it takes to be top of the pile out in the world and the EU makes a mockery of independent stances. May I say in conclusion that I have had a log association with a very friendly man who is Nat inclined but these days does not push it so much so good for him!
"Quit you like men:be strong"


Re: Slowness in Scotland openings

Reply #38
Good grief man, get yourself a life FFS.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Slowness in Scotland openings

Reply #39
Well dear readers still with this Opera forum from wherever here we have a man in his situation unable to do much with what I directly state about the real lack of nationalism when it comes to money, financial situations and the rather two-faced nature of Scottish nationalism. Instead I get rubbished name called and now round about sworn at with that latest ending comment. Okay to rubbish me as he is unable to answer the direct political money matters here in Scotland and the things going on by the modern Jacobites.

When an opponent like me indicates a proper and financial situation I get no proper answer and instead get called at, rubbished and he fails to answer my accusations. If you all just accept his body-swerving and nonsense where is the point of this forum?!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Slowness in Scotland openings

Reply #41
where is the point of this forum?

You're not forced to be here against your wishes, if you're not happy, I'm sure you'll find somewhere else that will accommodate you.

Frankly I've had enough of this constant bitching from you, as I have better things to do. You were told not to do this again as people are bored with it, but you seem to have ignored that suggestion.

On the half chance that you missed it the first time.

Really? You want to start this tiresome nonsense again? Not happening rj, move on find a hobby or something. Take your nonsense elsewhere.

For the last time, Move on.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Slowness in Scotland openings

Reply #42
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Slowness in Scotland openings

Reply #43
Accusing me of bitching? This is the very attitude you have constantly exercised. Slagging me off with immature and daft answers. May I remind those still here that I have aired anti-SNP views based on facts. They included covered by the Formula giving the Scottish Government money annually and this year a big extra. That Scotland does not have the economic basis for applying to the EU as well as 75% of our economic status depending on being in Gt Britain. What did I get in return but slagging off and curt nastiness instead of capability or balance. That I am rubbished instead of being capably discussed with is not very complimentary and is immature and having spoken at a youth conference in another part of the UK and been introduced to a 15 minute interview on BBCRadio as well as a chapter on me in a book I am hardly likely dear readers be the person this clown attitude being shown by Luxor as balanced,

A man who was a member over in the US left here some time ago as felt this site had become a waste of his time although had been on the original Opera site before that. Indeed he still keeps in touch! Having given actual stances on issues all that has come back from this Luxor is degrading, being unable to answer my charges on the Nationalist corner and goes bananas instead. Dare say I could just have let things go but he is very obstinate and bloody-minded so shove off and I will give up. Oh and in passing readers myl last examples of impropriety in the Brigadoon corner are all public news (!)
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Slowness in Scotland openings

Reply #44
having spoken at a youth conference in another part of the UK and been introduced to a 15 minute interview on BBCRadio as well as a chapter on me in a book
You deserve a statue. Or your name at an avenue. Or even better, a literary prize with your name. :whistle:
A matter of attitude.